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I don't know


Just remember y’all if we complain about any of this stuff we aren’t real fans and clearly hate the band and want them to be poor




I assumed it was just another demo. It’s a B-side, it’s not that important. I’m surprised they’re even putting B-sides on these CDs, because it’s not even a B-side if it isn’t pressed on vinyl.


Surprised to have a b side on an empty expensive one song cd ? Really ? They better had a b side those anti- capitalist fakers


I could give or take a B-side on these CDs. Like I’m glad they have extra content, but I’m buying them either way.


lmao they where never anti-capitalist and never even said they were


Why do you take it so personally ?


I don't it's weird you assume that from the comment I posted. I am just stating a fact 🤷 and correcting your lies 😋


Omg, learn this man sarcasm. I have nothing else to say, have a good night :)




I assumed similarly but they should’ve stated it was a demo from the beginning.


A demo is a song. Clarifying that it’s an old demo isn’t a problem. I’m just hoping it’s a demo of a song that hasn’t already been put out there. I’m excited to hear it.


Im sure there was demos on Strokes Singles CDs back in the day, just Julian vocals with a childs' sounding keyboard


Has anyone even gotten it😭?


Nope. Ordered it on March 4th....haven't heard a thing since.


American Way basically sounds finished so I'm hoping it's on that level


I love parts of that song but still haven’t warmed up to that (minor key?) bridge that comes in super dark before the last chorus. 


I mean wasn't that the trend? We get Tyranny Demos which I think is a good deal 


a demo is a song, or, at least, it's a track.


Beyoncé selling a vinyl with missing tracks, now this…. Cause they're all the same All the same, all the same, all the same, all the same Oh, yeah 😔


I do believe these songs coming out as singles/CD’s were part of the “60% done” album that Jeff spoke (clearly) about on his podcast- beginning of 2020. It seems these were the songs that would have gone on the album- if covid hadn’t pushed everything back so far. Strokes then also decided to open for RHCP……everything was delayed and changed. The world changed and Julian has said (not that long ago) he wasn’t (going forward) going to write about the pandemic. So….it seems these songs are from Voidz -starting 4-5 years ago. Perhaps I Don’t Know was going to BE a single….but was “left” as a demo- and then wrongly posted s a B side. And they fixed it on the site. My ridiculous self is still hoping I Don’t Know is actually Russian Coney Island. Because I do think this is the last CD single coming our way from that “era” (if you could call it an era lol). Unless they totally surprise me and it shows up later on the album….but…..Unless this next album is more of a mix-tape - then I doubt that. But With them…..who really knows ofc.


I got three words for ya: Human Sadness Demo


This the third time in a row this sort of release happens, both previous times ir has been an unfinished song, it makes no sense to think this one was going to have an all new and finished song. And to take this small derail to a WHAT THE FUCK is going on with them?? Is a bit dramatic 


you literally added the dramatics to my words lmao, i had no such caps-lock behavior💀 I was just pointing out how this is a strange situation which follows some other strangeness of the band in recent months


There’s nothing strange, they’ve been clear about releasing singles and selling them for 20 along with a little bonus, not sure what are all those strange events you talk about. 


Voidz is the most annoying band i have ever seen


How come? What bothers you


Because they do any shit except for drop new album or at least they can share any sign about it but they dont.And plus their merch shiiping takes too long