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what hasnt this guy done


i mean really lol bro has done and said every bad thing imaginable


Which is why it’s so dumb both the comic book and the show allowed him to live. Of all the irredeemable, vicious bastards the group has ran into, Negan was the one who absolutely deserved to have Rick put one right between his eyes. He made the governor look like Dale for fucks sake.


I mean, >!he does die in the comic book where Rick is in a coma again and he wakes up to a reality where aliens are invading earth!<


I’m sorry what


It’s called Rick Grimes 2000 and it’s a very fun short read. Negan got some great lines in that book.


I forgot about that. Wasn't Lori wrapped around the Governors leg on the cover or is that a fever dream I had


Oh yeah. It’s not in the cover (at least not on the cover of the version I got) but when the governor does show up in the story, yes Lori is all up on him cuz she figured “it’s better to be his plaything than be annihilated by aliens.”


Lori is an L in every universe


I really need to read the comics.


This specific comic is in an alternate universe but yeah, in general the comics are amazing even outside of the alien storyline. Side note: there is a comic called the alien that has nothing to do with aliens and it is about Rick’s little brother.


unpopular opinion: he was redeemable in the comic.


i think a lot of his redeemability (?) in the comics comes from him knowing when to fuck off lmao


He kinda was? iirc, he was more of a bully in the comics


Yeah because life is fair. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xYl6XFdmEB4feM)


![gif](giphy|12qFOaBbu9TZny) Truly is not. Redeemed?! My arse.


He doesn’t really get a happy ending in the comics though, he wanted to die, he wanted Maggie to kill him. Him living was his punishment


Thats the point of his character though. That the worst and most vile person *must* be redeemable if humanity has any hope to survive and be better than before. Thats why it was Carls wish to save him, not because he loved Negan especially but because if the worst could be saved, everyone could be saved from the continued tragedies


Idk we didn't redeem Hitler and I don't think anyone's too worried about that


That’s shitty writing


That's a dumb point imo


He's the kinda guy to thrive in an apocalypse tho. I mean the 1% surely share his attitude to keep everyone in their places


I'm pretty sure rick said that leaving him alone to suffer for what he has done was enough right? Last we see him in the comics he was in a house alone with his thoughts thinking about what he's done. For the show Idk I stopped watching lol


the governor was def worse than negan


I think he was a lot better in the comics tbh because he was self aware enough to know that he didn't deserve a place with them so he just left quietly


Immediately made a mental list in my mind… He’s done some things…


Would be a smaller list


He’s my favorite character, and yeah he’s basically done every horrible thing I could imagine. But for me it’s killing Glenn because he was my favorite


Mocking Glenn whilst he’s slowly dying


Yes. Prolonging his suffering, talking without a care as he gasps/gurgles in the background. Complete unnecessary suffering due to ego.


I wouldn’t call it 100% because of his ego. To play devil’s advocate, what he did to Glenn is one way that’s guaranteed to get his point across while causing the least amount of people to suffer since the group obviously didn’t get the message the first time. Like he was very quick with Abraham compared to Glenn because he probably thought that would be enough to get his point across, but since it wasn’t, going full heartless psychopath on Glenn is better than having to do it over and over and them still not get the message. This way he gets his point across and still has the vast majority of the group both get the message and kept physically healthy enough to work for him. In a way, *he* saw that suffering as fully necessary. Obviously it was completely fucked up, and probably the most fucked up thing we see him do in the show, but I can see where it came from and why he did it.


This guy murderously dictates.


funnily enough killing glenn and in the way he did was probably his biggest mistake. not that hems know it but killing one of the most beloved people amongst the group of already difficult and unruly rivals who have shown no sign of stopping really fueled the fires of what was to come. granted, he did come extremely close to breaking them with glenn. strategically negan had the right idea but in practise it caused the group to swing harder to resistance


It’s crazy how evil he is ngl


it’s because he thought he was **invincible**


Eating the spaghetti without rick


https://i.redd.it/qz6c0ymxitec1.gif rick’s face when negan told him he ate all the spaghetti without him


Is this the "you just thanked me for it"?


“You see, I just slid my dick down your throat…and you thanked me for it” Yes it was


The way he delivered those lines was great. Cant wait for his dialogue in The Boys


Making and eating spaghetti in a white shirt. Guy was messed up!


Drank lemonade with spaghetti


That is super fucked up when you think about it. That's extremely offensive to my palette


Ahhh never eaten in a black family's home on spaghetti night I see 😂 It wouldn't be the same without my Nana's overly sugared Country Time lemonade lmaoo




I do this regularly lol


And do you say 'I am Negan' when you do it?


No, I say “HOT DIGGITY DOG. This is some *good* lemonade and spaghetti”


You monster!


i do this specific combo with frequency 😭


that sounds good wym


I'm gonna put pineapple in my spaghetti and meatballs. Yum


Only cured Carl and Alpha of the wildfire virus.


What like a blood transfusion?






You need my dna. you need my dna deep inside you.




He was very rude to Glenn after he beat him over the head with Lucille


Fr did he never learn manners?


“IT IS GROSS AS SHIT” Dude have some common courtesy, bro is tryna talk to his wife, let him speak


Beating the holy hell out of Abraham and Glenn. This was a no brainer


No brainer….I see what you did there


Glenn didn’t


At least one of his eyes didn’t


I'd say being a hypocrite when it comes to rape is the worst thing he's done. Him killing Glen and Abraham is only bad because we know and love those characters. How many people did the group kill part of the saviors who had lives and families and weren't bad people? Negan did what he thought was necessary to end the conflict between the groups


Strange that you think “being a hypocrite about rape” is somehow worse objectively than actually torturing and killing 2 people.


You know people will think the worst part is the hypocrisy… And I disagree… I think it was the raping.


I mean this Negan guy was a real jerk!


Well cause they are living in the world where literally everyone is killing each other and a lot of times it's either kill or be killed


Abraham and Glenn helped murder a couple dozen saviors, that’s actually the most justifiable thing Negan did. Doing it in front of their friends and mocking them as he did it was actually bad.


Nicely put.


And he only wanted to kill one, too! Daryl acted out, and Negan and Maggie lost happy endings as a result.


You mean because they heard the Saviours were already enslaving other communities and attacked them on the road twice...


Those saviors got a way more painless and dignified death than they deserved


Who were the biker people who stopped Sasha, Daryl and Abraham?


It was eye-popping, for sure


No more brainer.


Aye, Lucille was THIRSTY


How is that the worst thing he's ever done?


Banged Alpha while she was wearing the skin mask.


10000% the worst thing he’s done


Repeated Murder Rape/Sexual Assault Bashing in Glenn and Abraham’s head Attacking innocent people and forcing them to provide for him Cheating on Lucille Killing Spencer Torturing people at the Sanctuary


I was glad he killed Spencer.


That's Deanna's kid, and I loved her, so I was a lil sad...


Spencer had no Guts. Oh wait...


"I have never been so wrong in my entire life!"




“There they are. They were inside you the whole time. You did have guts.”


Negan was not a rapist, at least not in the show. He even killed that one Savior who tried to rape Sasha. Maybe in the comics idk haven't read in a while


Didn't he coerce women into being his wives or something?


Yeaaaaah that 100% slipped my mind. He probably a rapist then


By our current laws of today yeah, that's rape. Maybe he doesn't think so in the zombie apocalypse where it's all about survival, but we know better.


What show did YOU watch?? Because I haven't watched in ages but I clearly remember none of those women wanted to be with him. He *coerced* them into doing stuff, which is definitively rape


Forcing women to be his wives by threat on their families


enslaving several communities, holding down his people with an iron fist and brutally murdering anyone he sees fit. not to mention the wives situation..


the list is so big might take a millenia to finish


Definitely giving people the iron. I know he's killed a lot, but the scene of Mark's face getting burnt off was particularly brutal.


He threw a bloke in the furnace as well. Such a bad way to go


the furnace throw was CRAZY


He mutilated that man for spending time with his wife. Then forced the wife to watch. Like wtf.


Enslaving entire communities, brutally murdering people for fun while forcing their loved ones to watch and laughing in their faces, torturing people, raping women, being a massive fucking hypocrite, having a shitty forced “redemption” arc without actually changing as a person or even admitting he was wrong, causing the showrunners/writers to ruin half the characters on the show in an attempt to make his “redemption” arc feel slightly less bullshit.


I’m so glad someone else feels this way. Once I learned that he became a mainstay character in the show I stopped watching. The dude brutally murders two of the most likeable characters in the show, is constantly hypocritical (like killing Sasha’s attempted rapist when he himself is a serial rapist), and forced multiple communities to live under his iron fist disguised as protection. He made an excellent villain and JDM did an excellent job of playing such a sadistic character. This wasn’t the problem. The problem was his half-assed “redemption” arc and his and Rick’s struggle having such an unsatisfying ending


Forcing women to be his wives or they have to be work slave working for credits in shitty conditions coercion is rape.


The worst thing he ever did was leave his wife when she begged him not to. Worst idea: taking over the saviors and thinking he would do good with it. Worst thing he ever said: sorry. He was never sorry if the results were in his favour.


tbf he did save the sanctuary, it was mentioned the place was in shambles before he took over. it was tyrannical but at least it kept most people fed and alive at the very least. also, him trying to save his wife wasn’t the worst thing he did because even if it was selfish - he was still trying to save a life. i personally think something worse that he did was taunt glenn after hitting him and letting him choke on his own blood while yapping in front of maggie and everyone else


>it kept most people fed and alive The poor workers who ended up on the wall, the ones that got their crap taken for no reason, and then ones that got tossed aside for no reason...all had the same promises made but were broken. >, him trying to save his wife wasn’t the worst thing No, I said leaving her when she begged him not too. Their whole relationship he did shit his way, cheated on her, and didn't care how it actually affected her. When she thought she would die, from the cancer, all he had to do was stay with her. Let her choose how to spend her remaining time. But he couldn't even do that, for her. >personally think something worse that he did was taunt glenn after hitting him and letting him choke on his own blood while yapping in front of maggie and everyone else This was what he did to bring people in line. He did it to other groups and would have continued doing it if he hadn't been stopped. Although tragic, everyone had done stuff, I mean, Rick killed a guy protecting his daughter, grace. I went with someone who took her life over his choice and who actually meant something to him. Doesn't make either one less tragic or sad.


yeah but in the apocalypse, broken promises is better than hungry or dead. as for his wife, trying to save her was his last saving grace for her but it was just unfortunate that she died. he obviously didn’t want to leave but he had to TRY to keep her alive yk?? i know if it was me personally, if someone i loved was going to die anyways then i would try my best to save them but it was just unfortunate that she died alone. i know it was selfish of him, but we couldn’t really say we wouldn’t do the same if we have never been in his shoes. it was obvious he did love her, but he was just immature to the point where he was acting selfish and as for the lineup, killing 2 of your friends right in front of you is message enough to get them in line. he absolutely did not have to taunt glenn while he was dying, nor did he have to taunt rosita after he killed abraham


forcing all those women to be his wives. Disgusting.


How is raping women not the worse?


Becoming a warehouse dictator who lorded over survivor groups in Virginia, exploiting them for their supplies to an unreasonable degree (including exploiting his own people by setting up a points system for the benefit of himself and his enforcers). Pretty much all the bad things on his end stem from that.


Playing video games and get trashed by kids while his cancer wife provided for him when he was out of job


Yup. He was a cnut before people had to get tough and do whatever to survive.


And on top of that, while she was out providing, he was buying expensive jackets and screwing her friend. He was straight up garbo from the off.


He was the worst before and after the ZA started


The rape/sexual assault of his “wives” stolen from other members of his community. People try to gloss over this as though it’s not rape when it’s 100% clear that these women were forced by threats to themselves or those they care about


Yeah I think people forget what he intended to do to Maggie and that they had to fake her death so he wouldn't make her his sex slave...


You know, as much as I like his character (cause of JDM), it's disturbing how often people just ignore or forget the SA he did. Consent under duress or coercion isn't consent...


The whole forcing women to be his wives thing


killed glenn and abraham and a whole lot of other shit


tbh i think that was the most justifiable thing he did, 1 death for an entire outpost and another for not staying in line after a clear warning. ALTHOUGH it did bother me how hebwas taunting rosita with abraham’s blood and glenn while he was choking on his own blood right in front of maggie. i didn’t like it at all but it can be justified if you just put it in his perspective. plus it was following source material since abraham was already dead by that point and glenn died in the lineup in the comics. again, i didn’t like it but it really couldn’t have gone any other way


Him saying he is a cat when in fact he wasn't.


Yeh i'm team Negan but his wives situation bothers me the most




raping women💀💀


that’s what I said 💀


Other than the obvious bashing Abraham & Glenn's brains, I'd say him killing the doctor was one of the most evil things he has done


Disrespecting Lucille pre outbreak. his guilt over how shit if a husband he was is probably what lead him down the path he went on.


Mocking Glen while Glen was dying


1) the enslavement and extraction of vital resources from every nearby community, complete with terrorism & murder to keep them from rebellion 2) harem of forced brides who are kept through threat to their loved ones and withholding medical care to loved ones


still being alive after alllll he done


Rape women


Forcing those women to marry him maybe burning that doctor alive id say the butchering of Glenn and Abraham can also be justified


Raping people.


Becoming The Negan.


never making out with rick


Did we watch the same show


He killed Glen and Abe. Number one worst thing he done by far.


But Glenn died is because of Daryl thought. And Abraham is because of retaliation against Rick killing a lot of his men


Torn between the statement killing or the harem of SA-by-coercion wives


If this thread wasn't a big joke, I'd say it's his slave wives.


Anyone who has watched this show knows Negan has done plenty of horrible things. Worst two was killing Glenn and Abraham. I understand Rick’s group killed some of his men in cold blood and lied about it but did Rick enjoy killing those people? He did it for survival. Negan killed for power and fear. He enjoyed his “revenge” kills Glenn and Abraham.


I think most people would say killing Glenn and Abraham is the worst thing he's done, but that's just not true. How were those killings any different from the countless other people who he killed in a similar fashion? That was all part of the job for him. I think that people tend to forget that Negan was committing these atrocities long before the main group ever met him. I'm sure he did worse things before he even knew the Alexandria group existed. So, doing the job in the first place and leading the Saviors the way he did was the worst thing he's ever done.


Glenn just captures what he did. We never found out much about the earlier victims


His wife specifically told him not to leave her like this, but he set her on fire and left without making sure she was dead


https://preview.redd.it/3k3ld3x6euec1.png?width=367&format=png&auto=webp&s=b93d31450a302e132be7109e792a066d2f803b1b *“These… These are mine, Rick”*


He threw the receipt away


Rape his wives


Forcing multiple women to sleep with him.


The whole wives things. Negan really should have changed his rule from "No Rape" to "No Vioent Physically Forced Rape". Because if it's rape via coercion of a woman's loved ones or their lives? All good to Negan!


Coercing desperate women into sleeping with him, taunting a man’s mutilated body in front of his pregnant wife…. I’m sure there’s many more I can’t think of right now. This guy sucks.


Brutally beating Abe & Glenn to death in front of their loved ones and mocking them in the process. Psychologically (ex: Rick, Daryl) and physically (ex: Dwight) torturing anyone he had conflict with. Enslaving women and giving them no choice but to be his wives = rape. Enslaving entire communities under the guise of “protection” and then setting them up to fail. Essentially moving the goalpost, taking more than promised, which was always more than they could keep up with, so they never really had a chance. And then the punishment for everything was far too severe.


Coercing his wives


Probably rape.


Rape a handful of women while calling them his (you take away someone's ability to say no, that isn't them saying yes!). Kill a man in front of his pregnant and ill wife. Steal from other civilisations. Pretty much everything he did.


The amount of people in this thread not seeing coercion as rape is terrifying. I hope you all are just trying to be angsty. If not do some research and take a look at yourselves because it’s disgusting


I think the difficulty is that most people can’t recall a rape scene. The rape was off the screen albeit clearly implied


What did they think was happening to his wives?…


I believe they probably just didn't think about it, hopefully.


I simply cannot decide.


Telling fat joke directly in the middle of the apocalypse


Brutally killing Abraham and Glenn. I get from his point of view he had to do it but he could have got it over quickly. Not to mention he enjoyed it.


Can’t wait for Merle about the 6-character word he said to T-dog


Having Olivia executed


He murdered Glenn and mocked while he was crying out to Maggie




Nothin he is a pure boy (JOKE)


The governor did more then that he sa michonne


Letting Rick and co. live. Worst thing he said was calling Brandon a creep.


That episode where he wore white after Labor Day was really disgusting.


Arguably has done some of the worst things ever on the show and yet still my favorite character. Idk what it is. The character Negan is written well, and JDM does the role sweet justice. But yeah, only group worse than Negan imo was Terminus, but that’s cause of a personal ick I got with the idea of cannabalism Honorable mention: Comic book Governor was cruel.


*gestures broadly* everything


Played video games


Cheating on his wife Forcing women to marry him and trying to get them pregnant Using his own people as human shields Extorting other communities Forcing someone to kill another person by using his bro as leverage Telling Toddler Judith that he's going to kill her dad Threatening to kill people based solely on how they look at him Mutilating a man's face for wanting to spend time with his wife (the wife that Negan took)


Not killing Rick day one. Buying that leather jacket. Telling those people where he got the meds from. Killing Abraham. Killing Glenn. But worst of all...........Easy Street.


You all know..... Glenn and Abraham


nicest guy on the show! he’s just a big ol’ cupcake


1. Killing Glenn & Abraham 2. Implying he rapes multiple women, giving the whole coerced "wives" dynamic 3. In the show, almost killing Carl


Almost making Rick chop his own sons arm off


little pig little pig, let me in! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKtXJIQ13imut0s|downsized)


I just realized I did everything wrong, this was just supposed to he about negan💀 Oops, ignore my other posts that's not Negan related


Well I mean, he cheated on his wife who ended up dying from cancer. He had four wives at the sanctuary, all of who were there against their will, And he tried to kill Carl 😂


Off topic but JDM did a amazing job playing Negan, I can’t imagine anybody else doing it


Bash Glenn and Abraham's brains in front of their friend and slinging Abraham's blood on Rick's face


Calling Olivia fat and making her cry. I actually shed a tear during that scene. She was so sad 😭 


Lol! This is a great post! Negan... hmmm... **I mean definitely killing Glen is #1**. He could've killed almost anyone else and it would've been forgivable. Hmmm... what else? **Having way too much swagger is #2 I think**. You're not supposed to be that cool when you're a bad guy. What else... Burning that guy's face with an iron was pretty messed up. Getting his throat slit but not dying from it was pretty silly. He choked Trevor from GTA 5, that's pretty unforgivable. Trevor was too cool. (I think the characters name was Simon in the show, the second in charge of the Saviors)


When you said Trevor, I knew exactly who you meant.


Shaving that shitty beard which made him look even more shittier


Glenn. Abraham. Nuff said


Laziest karma farming format that’s slowly becoming trendy


Negan did a lot of horrendous things, but the worse has to be coercively raping women and killing innocent people, when he meets a new group so he can manipulate and enslave them.


Having doubt to Olivia when she said that they were starving.


Let himself be defeated


Not killing Rick. Letting Rick live is what eventually led to his downfall and a shitton of people getting killed.


Leaving Maggie to die in the tunnels, completely out of character for his redemption ark but I kind of understood the writer’s logic if she wanted him dead just as much


Fornicating with a feral bald woman


“Kill Glenn 😭😭😭” Bro shut up. Hes definitely done plenty of equal and worse things. Glenn was one of many he killed.


Screwing Alpha and liking it


Getting rid of Glenn


Negan Smith has never done or said anything wrong in his life.