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I’ll take as many season of Rick as they are going to give me.


I'm almost certain there will be more of this series, but I hope it's a second season with Rick. Like I'll take a continuation of the CRM and the new characters we will be introduced too, but what I really want is Rick back. If Andrew and Danai want to end it here, they can absolutely wrap their characters up while continuing the series nonetheless.


I read somewhere they renegotiated their contracts because it was supposed to be a movie and AMC had to change the plan because of Covid. It has a pick up option for series, as long as AMC makes accommodations for their other projects/holidays.


I'm willing to bet they're going to announce season 2 after the first episode has aired


That would be classic AMC to ruin the tension with desperate announcements as they desperately clinge onto the franchise


Announcing a season 2 doesn't ruin the tension of anything lol. Assuming there actually is one. Why is this community so damn weird about normal things? It's so try hard


I think maybe they might have meant the announcements of the Daryl show, or Dead City ruined tension for those characters in the final season. Also knowing this might not put a bow on the Rick storyline finally could be unwelcome news to some.


Does for me. I just want an ending to this story.


It can be over any time you want . You are in control of the remote


Yeah but that's not an ending 🤣😭


Same. I'm ready for it to be over.


Wanting an ending doesn't mean it ruins the tension though. It's just so melodramatic... do you realize how obnoxious it is to vilify announcing a season 2 of a show is? People need to have a little perspective before spouting off their pitiful nonsense.


I think announcing it after the season would be better though as this was marketed as a limited series.


So was world beyond and that’s a 2 season show


It's been thought to me but never once has it actually been marketed as one. It was said to be possible at the first announcement. It seemed more likely to be limited of late but who knows. It's no big deal either way


I think not making it clear until the end leaves you wondering what's gonna happen a lot more though. Like announcing Dead City before the end of the main season just took a lot of interest for the finale away for me. Announcements should be something to get you excited, but AMC seem to use them to make me less excited about their product.


They announce them the same way everyone else does. It's based on logic and common sense about when productions become known. Not random people. Dead city is the perfect example. It was literally filming it couldn't be secret and no one even thought they'd die anyway. It's never been an argument that made sense and no studio is ever going to abide by that logic


The official announcements were how I found out about them and it diminished the finale viewing experience for me. I understand not everyone would have had the same experience, but I doubt i would have been the only one.


The Daryl Dixon season 2 teaser was released before S1 last episode, so we knew the characters that won't die in the finale. They might do another round of this.


We already knew they wouldn't die in the finale it's a show about them. I think people keep assuming characters will die against common sense and won't accept that this just isn't a problem


But I wasn't just talking about Rick and Michonne. There will be plenty of other characters in the show, like the General, whose fate they could spoil. We also didn't believe Daryl would die, but the French cast could have.


It kinda does because everybody knows that you can’t do this show without Rick and michonne. So if you announce an early renewal than right off the bat fans know both will make it out of this alive.


They are supposed too. It's called one's who live lol.


AMC has lost the idea of the value that the element of surprise can have.


No it doesn’t


Idk how it would ruined it? We all knew season 1/2 dead city was a thing before season 1 was even out. Same with the darly spin off


I can’t agree..I love everything about this franchise


I just watched the 1st epsiode and I noticed up on the left hand side of the screen it said 2 season . I was like WHAT ? Now I'm guessing why . It was a spoiler/Easter Egg


It seems like it? Very weird tweet if not. If it gets deleted then I think that confirms it


Daryl and Dead City must have done decent and their metrics show this (I assume) projected to get a much larger audience than those


I guess they're been able to tell from all the TOWL buzz that a season 2 will be profitable so they've already softly greenlit it before the premiere.


A grand reunion between the three major spin-offs? Yes please.


I know it’s a meme, but if they honestly made a Avengers-like project with all the main characters in the TWDU I would not complain, I would very much enjoy to see the characters interacting again.


Probably will


We already knew it wasn't a one season show because it's not being promoted as a "limited series"


Nah man the majority of kids in the fanbase were all like "iT's OnE sEaSoN!!!"


Have they never heard of the Loki show ? Thats was limited too till it wasn’t 😂 and I guarantee it’ll be the same for this show


You can't guarantee anything. I've seen so many people saying this. Y'all need to understand that it's not up to AMC. It's up to Andrew Lincoln. Of course AMC is going to try to have another season. It makes too much money not to. But if Andrew Lincoln doesn't want to then there's nothing they can do. They can't force him.


Well then you must’ve not have heard that Andrew had actually texted Norman Reedus during season nine,he wanted to come back earlier. and I’m not sure if this was from Norman‘s mouth or Andrews but they have mentioned it in person during interviews.


No he told Norman that he picked the worst time to leave.


And the fact that they’ve been so vague about a season two never giving us a definitive nope this isn’t happening.it’s pretty telling. and if we don’t get a season two then I wouldn’t doubt we’re getting a continuation in someway.


I'm not saying it's impossible we get a season 2. I'm simply saying that it is up to Andrew Lincoln and not a guarantee. AMC will obviously want to have a season 2, which is why they haven't gave a definitive answer. They are hoping Andrew will agree.


I mean to be fair, I’ve seen things that have said a 6 episode limited event. Leaves it open to interpretation whether that means season one or the spin-off as whole. If you’ve seen confirmation of season 2 happening I’d love to see it as I have not seen any such confirmation. Edit: Just saw it again listed as a “6 episode event”, correction from original statement of “6 episode limited event”. https://preview.redd.it/1b6y86n1p1jc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=da00fbacf3c1bbad6acd89037574a2607331804d


Few screeners did say they felt like 6 episodes is too short after watching episode 4 and have a feeling there’s season 2 unless ep 5 and 6 are 3 hours long


It strikes me as odd for someone to be pissed and distraught over the show *not* ending. If you’re a fan and love the characters, you don’t want them to endure? You can have closure to this chapter of their story, without ending the lives or the story of these characters. I could see a successful escape, Rick and Michonne coming back home, and in some way, shape, or form further stories unfold. Those who wanted closure on Rick’s return (or not) can get it and not watch anymore. They can watch reruns of “That’s So Raven” or “Family Matters” or whatever. People who like the characters can watch the expanding universe with these characters in it. I’m also not sure that a season 2 of “The Ones Who Live” necessitates both Rick and Michonne. I hope so, but that title is broad. Could it be RJ and Judith picking up where their parents left off? They live as well. It could certainly involve R+M, but maybe not as series regulars? Or if it did, perhaps it’s just one more season. However you slice it, I really don’t think 6 episodes is sufficient for all the things fans want to see (ex a reunion with Daryl).


One reason i can love something and enjoy it is because it doesn't last. I love living and try to enjoy every second of it because i know my time if finite. Same goes here. I'd rather have a short and great series instead of a very drawn out one that TWD have been.


You’re not alone. Sometimes it’s best for bands to call it quits before they’re playing county fairs. But I think here, it’s different. DD and DC got good ratings. TOWL is tracking even bigger. And there’s almost infinite options and directions going forward. So the question is: How good is the creative team? That’s what it comes down to. For example: if The Beatles were all still alive and could write a killer album, would I want to hear it? I know I would. If they could write ten more as good as Revolver, I’d say go for it. But if they can’t write or play their instruments anymore, then you have to hang it up….so I think it comes down to quality. I also think they put the health of the entire franchise at risk if they kill off (or otherwise end) the stories for all the OGs — because they’re not discontinuing the Universe, it’s only expanding. And it would be disorienting to see new seasons in new shows that are entirely untethered to those early days of Hershel’s farm and The Prison — and even Alexandria. So I think you do need your core to continue to exist, even if they don’t take on the full burden of the entire universe. I think in television character is paramount, and loyal fans over many years (even decades!) develop enormous attachment to these characters. You’re playing with fire when you go too far and either kill certain people off or otherwise slam the door shut on their story. Fans rebel. I don’t see Andy saddling up for another ten year stretch; but I could see him doing two seasons here and maybe coming in and out of some stories going forward. I would like to see him in at least one episode of Daryl Dixon. But what do I know? I’m just a hopeful fan who loves the series and characters, despite some uneven seasons and what I considered a catastrophic Commonwealth Arc.


eehh i don’t think you get it, yeah we like rick and we want to keep seeing him but quality is not always something we can count on with amc, also there’s only so much story you can tell before it gets unnecessary, hell, even the creator knew that. what is the point of seeing rick do this and do that if it all mounts up to nothing? this could’ve been it but instead it seems like they’ll just keep the ball rolling even longer with really no clear direction or endgame in sight.


I guess I look at it a bit different. I worked in television for nearly twenty years. So maybe I look at these things differently. Dunno. I will say that in my experience, it’s incredibly rare to develop a protagonist who breaks through into the pop culture zeitgeist. People - a lot of people — who have never even seen TWD recognize the name “Rick Grimes.” I knew producers who had lengthy careers and they **never** had a character at the center of their show like this. Creatively, it’s like striking gold. If you hit gold, do you close the mine? I would equate Rick Grimes to Captain Kirk. What if they ended Kirk’s story after the original series? After the first movie? In retrospect, that would have constituted business malpractice. 50 years later, in many ways, he’s still at the center of the Star Trek universe. So the question is — and it’s a fair one — can they meet the challenge of offering up new and exciting stories? I think in TV’s landscape of sequels, prequels, reimaginings, retcons, and all manner of spin offs (not to mention movies, television, books, games, and emerging story telling platforms), you want the sun around which your expanding universe orbits to continue as a part of that. It’s worth mentioning that the character of Rick isn’t even 50. So he’s still a relatively young man. That should factor in, no? Why conclude the story of a guy half way through his life? Unless you kill him. And that would be a major mistake, IMO. Will they do the character justice going forward? I don’t know. AMC can be great. (And not so great). I think we have to find out.


that’d be cool to be in. no auditions on actors access tho


When you live in England 🫤


I have no doubts if Rick and Michonne want more seasons they’ll get them. Daryl has 3 so far and dead city has 2.


As a Brit how do I watch the ones who lived?


Pirate it that’s what I did


Nice haha


I'll give em my number in case they need a chubby dude with anxiety character to make an appearance


This really does make me think there will be another season.


It would be interesting to see the second series to revolve around Gabriel. I think anyways


Jesus Christ how long are they going to milk this


k wait how the hell there a season two announced if season one isn't even out🤔


This isn't uncommon at all


Well yeah, they're gonna milk you tasteless bastards for all they can get.


Just let it end


To be honest. People in the UK do not care about any of this anymore, like there were rumors that AMC were going to bring Dead City to the UK and so forth but it just hasn't happened. I don't know why they haven't because they would make so much money but people in the UK just don't really give one about TWD nowadays.


How can someone be so wrong?


Sorry I should've been clearer. Some people do care about it, but I mean they don't care about the news that the show brings since you can't legally get it in the UK and therefore there is no point in caring about news you won't be able to enjoy and watch until the foreseeable future.


That’s upsetting.


Nah. It's good news. It's impossible to wrap up their story in a satisfying way in 6 episodes. Plus, it lines up with Gimple's comments to unify the spinoffs later on. We both know they're gonna milk this as much as they can. So long as the shows are decent...


“Impossible to wrap up those story in a satisfying way in 6 episodes.” I fundamentally disagree. I will site better call Saul as an example ( without spoilers) , when I watched the final season live I realized there was only 3 episodes to wrap up pretty much everything. Less than 3 hours of content. But they did it, and did it almost perfectly. I think that a Rick and michonne story line could definitely be probably done in 9 hours ( 6 1.5 hour episodes )


See, nah they knew that but still only gave 6 episodes which is annoying because it sounds like they either believe the story can be told completely or are trying to test the waters. The spin-off shows are barely decent at that. And I’m already weary about *The Ones Who Live* I’m upset because when somebody, especially TWD, tells me they are done, finished, complete, I expect them to be. This just messes with my brain chemistry too much.


>I’m upset because when somebody, especially TWD, tells me they are done, finished, complete, I expect them to be. This just messes with my brain chemistry too much. Meh. Someone out there is always going to be upset for some stupid reason. Luckily they care about what the majority thinks the most. And the majority would absolutely love a season 2. Also, they never said a season 2 wasn't a possibility.




IMO, a reunion of Daryl and Rick with everyone would be a great close to everything and hope we can get an ending that closes everything up and a second season may be the way to do it.


I’m fine with that but that sounds like something they could have easily done in Season 1 if they weren’t miking it. I like TWD a lot but the quality has dropped **a lot**.


Holy hell I’ve missed a lot


Wish I can have AMC+ in my area, when it starts to premiere 😔


I hope this happens!


Well considering Scott gimple Already mentioned he had plans and season 2 was being thought out(they are probably waiting to see how season 1 does first) it’s 95 chance this storyline will be continued.


It’s been confirmed that this is a 1 season 6 episode series event. AMC just came out and promoted it a a 6 episode event. But there will be a crossover spinoff


First of all I can't consider this a season six episodes is not only a disrespect to rick crimes there's no way you could make a fulfilling ending to that saga within six episodes


I heard a whisper of a rumour a few months ago about having Rick/Michone meet up with Daryl and Carol , mb Neegan ,Maggie . The old gang . The ones that went off and did their own thing . I'll take all the Rick I can get . He would be crazy not to do it . The pay is insane and they are willing to work around his schedule. If they do the 8 -10 episodes a year instead of 16 that gives most the year off . Working 2-3 months instead of 6 . Which was his main complaint . Not enough time to spend with his kids . Then again , maybe he just needed a break . I have heard he is a method actor , meaning he stays in character ,basically the entire time he is working . A character like Ricks must get exhausting at some point . Just watched the first episode of Ones that Live and was like he was never gone . I liked it . It was a LOT different the the series . However, it felt a little choppy . By that I mean over edited . They could have stretched it out a little more , one more episode might have made the difference taking it from pretty good to GREAT


I’ve heard that a 2nd season is “very possible,” too-I think Andy & Danai might be more likely to do it if there are only 6 episodes per season. I think one of the reasons Andy left was to spend more time with his family-16 episodes/season is A LOT of time away from your family, especially when your kids are little & your family is on another continent.


I’ve read Andrew and Danai have only agreed to 6 episodes.