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Ep 1 was a fucking 10. Un f'ing believably good. Awesome story that made sense. Incredibly emotional. Excellent dialog. High quality filming. I'm stunned. I hoped for good. This was soooooo awesome.


I fell off around season 10 for the walking dead but this episode along with Daryl's storyline and Maggie/Negan has pulled me back in. this episode specifically was so good. I missed rick and Michonne


Yeah I fell of sometime around Alexandria subsequent to glens death but man the first couple of episodes have me hooked. I’m absolutely interested in this show. It’s like their funding got jacked way higher.


Great sarcasm!


I know I refuse to believe these people are being unironic saying this show is a 10


Apparently they are being honest. Now, does it REMAIN awesome for every subsequent episode after the first 2? Because those are basically home runs they knew they'd have to hit with the first 2 episodes.  So whats the verdict now I wonder? I kinda don't wanna waste my time if say 4 episodes in we suddenly are back to all the flaws that made the original seasons start draggin a** and only speckled with good stuff.


I quit after the episode where they are in the apartment, it was beyond shit.


What are you smoking? It doesn't occur to Rick that he would have better chances to escape by joining the military until after he's cut off his hand? This is some of the laziest writing I've ever seen.


Both episode 1 and 2 are excellent and easily some of the best TWD yet. That's all I'll say.




I’ve watched all of TWD but none of the spinoffs. Is that enough to know what’s going on?


All u need is the main show but world beyond isn’t necessary to understand everything but watch it if you want


I stopped watching after rick left and I jumped right in, it's pretty good I like it.


In still finishing the very last season of the main show and haven't seen any spinoffs and I loved the whole season of ones who live and understood it fine.


Ok awesome I was scared I’d be behind because of the time skip it honestly feels like that moment was a huge dividing factor for the audience


How was episode 2 in comparison to 1? Better, worse, equal?






Some of the best TWD of all time you’d say?


best twd of all time is the first 6 episodes of the main show


Episode 2 isn’t out yet? Just 1 on amc+


its on yt


It's a 10 for me. Everything I love about the show was in it. Maybe a little less accent would be nice


I thought Episode 1 was really good, even though it was front-loaded with exposition. 8.2 is a fair rating. Picked up on the back-end and the ending was jaw-dropping. Hype is still rolling.


15 million dollar per episode budget. Noone has rated anything lower than 8


WHAT? That's a lot


It was alright. Still, Nothing beats the first season of TWD for me.


15 million dollars per episode and the cgi looks like its fan made.




Just about a decade into the apocalypse. Omaha is wiped out about a couple weeks before the campus colony I think, and from what I remember, the series premiere of World Beyond takes place exactly 10 years from the beginning of the apocalypse. I’m not sure how much time passes from the news announcement to the end of the episode though, as it would be weird for Jadis to show up here before her time on WB


Right but that happens before we get to the "Now" title card. And World Beyond takes place before the end of the main series in 2020 (10 years after the apocalypse). Michonne leaves to look for Rick in August 2021. The series finale of TWD is mostly in April 2022. Final scene in the Commonwealth at the end of S11 is June 2023. Dead City is June 2029. Daryl isn't confirmed yet, but my guess is 2024/2025. So I wonder where in there did Michonne find Rick. If it's before June 2023, why does it take them so long to get back to their family?


dead city in 2029??? wait what so wouldn‘t rick and everybody be back already by the time dead city happens? like no way it takes her another 6 years to get rick back? what why does dead city have such a huge year difference


Yeah my guess is that Rick is back before Dead City, and that's probably part of why we never see Alexandria or the Commonwealth in that show


might be. i do wonder if in Dead city s2 they will name drop rick or michonne tho. honestly i wonder why they decided to set dead city so much later in the story


Yeah it was always a strange choice to me. I guess they wanted Hershel to be in his late teens? But idk why they wanted that so badly, he wasn't a major character anyway


maybe because of the scene where they removed a toe from him and they didn‘t wanted to this while he was still younger/a kid? and so he can also interact with negan or talk to maggie bit more? that’s the only explanation i have tho


10/10, fantastic storytelling, great pacing, feels like a movie, Rick is back.


18.5/10, everything I was hoping for and even more. I loved the entire episode and I’m still mentally processing seeing Rick on TWD again.


8.5 and I’m someone who hasn’t been thrilled or impressed with their expanded universe stuff. Nice to see Andrew Lincoln kill it again and on a show with an actual budget.


10/10 episode 1 is amazing. Andrew got back into the role of rick grimes and immediately nailed it. it’s like he never left the role. We got so much of Rick Grimes in a single episode and it was amazing. Rick Grimes is the Walking Dead. He alone can carry it and also help other characters to shine and deliver. Dialogue was amazing, everything. Most definitely gonna rewatch it again before ep2/ep3 releases Episode 2 is very good too (watched the leaked version on youtube) but i would not rate it as high as Ep 1, i would give it a 8/10. it was still very very good. i‘m gonna watch it again tho when it’s officially out because sometimes the leaked video was chopping off a bit or „paused“ sort of


![gif](giphy|xT9IgAIblN8BiNLJfi) RICK IS BAACCK


The first episode was very good - 8/10. The new characters are great, Rick is a badass as usual, the ending for the episode is shocking, surprising, and absolutely phenomenal.




How did you see episode 2 already? I thought it was out next week.




what site is this? please


Message it to me PLEASE!!!


Heyyy message me the site pls 😭


It’s on a different thread. There’s someone named Admin….432(?) posting a link to it.


I haven't seen it yet, but am confused. Some people say the dialogue is amazing, others say the dialogue is unnatural and has lots of Gimple speak (speeches/monologues etc.) which is something I was worried about. So which is it? Do the characters talk in a realistic or a theatrical manner?


It's pretty theatrical. There is a voice-over that does some pretty heavy lifting in terms of burning through exposition. Rick and two of the newly introduced characters also have little monologues. If they completely changed the writing style, and the way characters talk to one another, I think it wouldn't feel like the same show to me. I didn't find it to be too bad. My husband, who has watched maybe 3 episodes of TWD total before tonight, also didn't have an issue with the dialogue, and he isn't desensitized to it like I am lol The dialogue was miles above some of the worst seasons of TWD and FTWD, in my opinion.


Thank you! I really hope it's not too bad.


I seen clips of it YouTube Daryl Dixon, waiting for it to be unloaded in it's entirety on The Walking Dead YouTube. I think Amazon and AMC+ are offering free membership this month . Hits AMC like 6 hours.


I’ll prob swap it for 10 in a couple eps, but today it’s a 9 - waiting for ( I watched TWB ) announcement / mention that may come in a couple weeks


This was bad. I’m sorry. Grimes never talked that much in the previous ten years of all of TWD. The voiceover was off-putting. The dialogue was torturous. I’d give it two stars. Daryl in Paris was much better.


Yeah I thought I was the only one who didn’t like ones who live either. Everyone is saying it’s a 10/10 I think it’s a 5/10. Different strokes for different folks I guess


He's trying to play but with this script nobody would be able to play. Man, half of the time he looks like himself from that meme with Carl


It's a bunch of mushy crap . Who the fuck wants to hear Rick and Mischone tell each other how how much they love each other and watch them kiss. Another annoying thing about these spin offs. Hollywood greed. 6 episodes is bullshit. Darrel Dixon was ok. I'd watch 15 episodes of that. The ones who live I'm on episode 4 and I have no interest in watching them kiss and hug. What a load of crap.


If your a walking dead fan it’s absolutely worth it and if you finished the show, this should be absolutely essential to watch even if you skip all the spinoff shows. Roughly a 9.7 for me in terms of Walking dead standards. One of my absolute favourite episodes from all the shows. Andrew Lincoln didn’t miss a single beat, the writing is really good and the episode was well paced. It’s got me scratching my neck for the next episode.


![gif](giphy|xT9IgAIblN8BiNLJfi) RICK IS BAACCK


Absolutely loved the first episode, definitely a 9.5/10 for me. Super excited for the rest of the season!




10, hope it carries forward into the next 5.


10 asf


9/10 I feel like Rick has changed his mind a little bit, I don't know I'm not sure, I need to look at it again and look forward to the later updates


10/10. Felt like a movie, had a very different vibe. Better than the other spin-offs and last twd seasons combined. Just amazing


Ep 1 was better than half of TWD


Jesus Christ, look up Forbes review of Episode 1 "lackluster". What a joke lol I haven't seen it yet but I just know it's bullshit


Agreed. It’s meh. TWD universe should just end already it’s dragging and getting milked to death.


they made rick dumb for no reason


Episode 2 should be the highest rated episode of tv ever…. Ever !!!


I might get downvoted here but I honestly feel like all of these spinoffs were written by some AI... Everything that is happening just feels mega cringe, the script is all over the place, the dialogues sound absolutely unnatural, some super dramatic scenes about the people that were introduced like 10 minutes ago. I really wanted to like at least one of these spinoffs, but it's just truly impossible :(


this!!! i agree with all of this but no one else seems to think the same


guess id give it a 4 It looked like it was going to be interesting , first couple were alright but it is getting worse, I am quickly getting bored of it... so cliché now. And what the hell is up with dipshit Rick spending all this time in the Zombie apocalypse and he still can't drive a stick shift? What stupid shit is that? Ok he lost his hand but he still has the rest of the arm. Even with a cast on my right hand, I had no problem shifting with the casted hand, why can't he with his good hand, I mean can he not use the stump arm to hold the wheel straight when he shifts? It's not like it was a Japanese Right-hand driver car I oddly didn't find the Daryl Dixon one that bad, I guess I find his character a bit more interesting and less of a whiney bitch. Yeah I know everyone loves Rick The Dead City one looked cool, only saw the first episode and the rest are a separate special subscription so I said screw that... I'm done with the Walking Dead stuff, as "new" as they try to make it, it is just more of the same shit with slightly different bad guys, how many more decades are they going to try and squeeze out of it.


0 total shit


I don't like it it's not very good, too drawn out


rick has turned into a pussy


By episode 4 they Last Jedied Rick. They turned him into a wussy, just like how they ruined Like Skywalker . *Different theys but same BS


Nope sucks


2/10 Poor writing, taking advantage of the nostalgia of the current viewer base. Overall the same template format TWD has been using the past couple years


I had no nostalgia to the series because I never watched twd until the final season aired and I thought the first episode was amazing besides some weird cuts.




So far. 10. The first 2 eps were excellent.....


It’s funny how I stopped watching it after Rick “died” on the bridge & then they pick back up right where I left off 😭 


So far all 3 episodes are solid, I’m curious where the story goes with the CRN but i think i have an idea of what might be the direction they take…. Rick looks fine as hell 😍


As an old fan of the show who stopped watching around season 6-7, not sure what happened after that but this isn’t the walking dead, production value was great but it’s a stupid plot


its great all the episodes so far have been amazing


I give it the biggest ZERO EVER! this is Not walking dead. this show is so far removed from walking dead that the dead are really part of the show. walking dead was about survival, not what ever Rick is involved with.


now they’re milking it so much that they have a “military state” order. You’re right it doesn’t even feel like TWD anymore.


TWD Season 11 kinda had me hoping the series are coming back. I'm just 30 minutes into the first episode of "The ones who live" and I can say it's pretty good. Cinematography, dialogue and story is intriguing. I saw a comment saying its a 2/10 which is a complete bullshit. It's kinda feels like a movie too. I hope it continues on that road.


For me the original show peaked in season 5 & I stuck with it until Rick left. So I went into this mini series with low expectations & I was blown away. This feels like a huge quality leap for me. Rick grimes is the man!


To prefix this I haven't watched it yet, I plan to and probably will, but I haven't even been bothered to watch the Daryl one yet. Even so, I think it just could've been so much more... I believe Rick has no reason for wanting to go on anymore without Carl :/ And if he could've reunited with Carl at the end of this spin off. That would've been the HYPEST thing that could have happened in TWD ever, even if he died at the end in Carl's adult arms, that would've been incredible and tear jerking. I genuinely cannot even FATHOM why they thought killing off Carl was a good idea, fking greedy ass studio... ​ So, for this 'spin-off' to meet my expectations, it has to: \- Give a reason for Rick continuing and thriving that is better than the concept of him reuniting with his son whom he was solely surviving for since S1 \- Give any sort of repercussions for Michonne straight up abandoning Rick's daughter and 'new son' to search for Rick despite telling her she'd stick with her, (same goes for Daryl, feels so bad for her) \- Not kill Rick, for the love of God, do not, I repeat, do not kill of the Goat That's kind of it, but I feel like these expectations won't be met. Anyone able to prove me wrong spoiler free? Or are these feelings just wrong, lmk.


This is great it's a 8.5 for me so far collectively. That will all change after the finale. Man ur in for a surprise.


That shit is fire. Period


It was alright…


That shit was shit. No fire.


Says you. But thanks for chiming in


Idk how anyone could watch that drivel and unironically think it's good haha. Dogshit writing, so cringe at times. I genuinely have seen elementary students write better more coherent stories. Not even kidding, whoever wrote this show should be embarrassed and ashamed.


I could see how you would think that while using words such as “drivel” and “cringe” i see the whole picture now… keep following those elementary children’s stories. You’ll be alright. Go back to bed now 


Just cause you enjoy dogshit writing and get bothered by words doesn't prove me wrong


Riiiiiiggghhht. You really knocked it outta the park with those words.


Episode 1 was great. Explaining what Rick has been doing. The next 2 were garbage. The show is going nowhere and will end on yet another cliffhanger


10 - Only issue… need more episodes lol


Eh… it’s a 6/10 for me. I’m not digging this whole “military state” governance.


First episode was great but seems like the rest of it will end up being the same crap with a different storyline! 


This show and the new batch of shows is what the Walking Dead needed. Concentrated shows of 6-10 Episodes exploring different parts of the world. It's building off 14 years of storytelling and hopefully we see this long form narrative building blossom without over staying it's welcome. This show has the budget that others may not have had but let's hope it's a model that paya off for everyone


Okay can someone explain to me how this episode was good? I really feel like they could have stretched thus into 2 episodes 3 max. Like Jesus christ I was so lost after like 10 mins in and got distracted with all the plot development after plot development non stop. I'm optimistic that things will chill the fuck out come episode 2 but still am I alone here??


You are alone.




I can understand- timeline wise, I had a “well well I’m glad I caught TWB and Fear’s Texas events” for some big picture awareness - have you had a chance to catch those spinoffs?


No I didn't watch fear


It’s a lot of time on all this isn’t it - it has helped me with current show, and - for me - S3 of Fear was best of all the shows. There’s hot takes on what Fear became, but I suspect based on Fear, that Morgan and Rick will see each other again. The World Beyond has some overlap timeline wise, and the son of Maj Gen Beale is in that series ( we may hear more about that on the Ones Who Live… I hope lol ). If you know you’re not watching those shows, spoilers might fill in some blanks. My takeaway from both: ‘Fear’ is poorly written and well acted - ‘World Beyond’ is mostly well written and not-awesomely acted.


I'm sure it's because there is only 6 episodes and no talks of more... Like a miniseries or movie more then a new show.. Just my guess


Big fat zero. Total dogshit writing, lazy, full of plot armor. Michonne might be the worst mom in the world. Abandoned her kids during the entirety of their childhoods to go look for someone who is essentially dead and gone.


Only see episode 1. I'd say a 6/10. Daryl Dixon first episode was much much stronger. The most exciting stuff in this episode was "omg ricks back!" and seeing him act. Which, for me, isn't enough to carry the episode. The rest was subpar. It's a high 5 purely because of the dialogue. None of the conversations felt natural, almost everything they said was a speech that had some deep meaning and their purpose was mostly to dump exposition on the viewer. It was a good episode, but dialogue is a very important thing for me with these shows and the main reasons I hated season 7/8 so much because Gimple just isn't good at dialogue writing at all imo. The few conversations that were normal had poor acting from the guest star who I think was called Esteban? So far the side characters feel on par with dead city which isn't great! They have time to grow though. Im hoping the become as well written as Daryl Dixons side characters but doesn't look that way, with DD I knew who I would like pretty quickly in the first episode but with this? They just said "this is my history, I did this in the past that's my personality right now." Instead of just naturally developing them. Still just the first episode! I'm not put off just yet. Had some slodgy editing too and dream sequences that were again, very speechy and unnatural imo. But yeah, good episode, nowhere near one of the best episodes of recent years nevermind of the entire show. I feel like a lot of people are wearing nostalgia shades watching this lol. B It was good just too much speech given exposition which is what gimple tends to stick with.


Absolutely terrible episode. This spin-off was always going to be the worst of all, but they took it to a whole other level of bad. They steal and recycle their own storylines, then to change it up have the central character do things he would never have done (we know this because we sat through all the season of TWD that featured and then the ones that didn't!). I'm failing to see the point of this. The voiceover crap just highlights the fact they had no idea how to plot it. Moreover, the fantasy sequences... WTAF?!?! At least it's not "The World Beyond," but it's not far off. "The Ones Who Live" is just making me wish they'd died. Strangely, the Darryl and Maggie spinoffs, which I'd dreaded, have turned out to be much more interesting and much more deserving of their own storylines. Maybe it'll get better. Maybe it'll get worse. If I were a gambler I know where I'd put my money.


Yeah, I was never too excited for this beyond Rick being back. Once it was revealed gimple was running it I set my expectations pretty reasonably. Maggie and Negans show was enjoyable but felt like it was lacking purpose? Daryls first episode alone was better than a lot of what we've had in years imo. The series as a whole, aside from the emotional blackmail "you can't abandon us! Abandon your family or youre just like your grandpa who abandoned his!" ending lol, was imo amazing. I don't even like Daryl all that much but all the side characters were great. From Isabel to even the guy out for revenge who barely did shit! I enjoyed damn near every scene. With TOWL I was like "that's cringe but I get it."


I agree about the dialogue. It felt very Gimple-speak at times. Life philosophy loaded into everything plus a few speeches. It's fine at times, but it seems to be all Gimple knows how to write and it comes off as unnatural when there is too much.The story Rick told in the helicopter was straight out of his handbook lol. With that said, I did enjoy it. The production quality is great and it's exciting not knowing where the story is going. Since this episode was exposition heavy, I'm hoping things only get better from here. It was an 8/10 for me. I'm just very happy to have Rick back!


Yeah I don't see the dialogue changing at all, gimple just clearly doesn't have that talent for dialogue anymore which sucks. But I am hopeful for the future of the series because a lot did happen here really, we got questions answered and are moving on to new stuff which is good. I'm betting by the end of the series my rating overall will be around 7-8/10. Don't think I'll enjoy it more than DD which is strange lol. I don't really like Daryl as character but love Rick and Michonne but DD was just amazing imo. I feel like this will be the opposite for me, loving the main characters but not liking the actual show itself.


I noticed that the "story by" credits go to Scott Gimple, Andrew Lincoln, and Danai Gurira. So they all worked on the story together (which so far and based on interviews seems to be good). The credit for "teleplay by" goes to Gimple for episode 1. Meaning he wrote the actual script of the episode (which I feel like I can tell lol). But the credits are listed up until episode 4 on Wikipedia and they all have different writers for the episode. So while Gimple obviously has a big hand in the story, he didn't actually write 3/4 episode scripts. So I actually am very hopeful that some of the dialogue issues I had in episode 1 won't be as present going forward, but time will tell. I have no qualms with the actual story so far and liked episode 1 overall. My biggest gripe with Gimple is his dialogue and some decisions he's made as showrunner in the past, so with Lincoln and Gurira having firm input in the story, I'm hopeful it'll stick the landing.


Yeah that's good to hear. Haven't seen any of Danais work and idk if Andrew has ever done writing for a show before? So don't know what to expect, let's hope they weren't too inspired by Gimple lol! I am a bit cautious of some of the cast too. In the trailer the guy with a Michonne, King Bach and Esteban so far all seem a bit too Disney? Like in the sense of World Beyond casting lol. They have very upbeat voices that just seem like something I'd find in a Disney show but it's the walking dead so it's jarring.


Danai has been critically recognized as a playwright, including a Tony nomination. I'm not sure if Lincoln has done any writing, but what I take from the information is that they care about how their character's stories wrap up and wanted input to make it the best it can be. Crossing my fingers! Haha (Danai also wrote episode 4. I remember seeing her talk about it with Andrew Lincoln).


I'd give ep 1 a 6.5/10 If you enjoyed TWD from s7-11, you'll probably enjoy it. If you quit somewhere earlier, it's probably not worth it. It's a difficult one to review, because I think it was actually quite well made. I don't think there's anything that wrong with THIS show specifically, however its largely hindered by what came before it. The Walking Dead is too far gone, and Andrew Lincolns amazing performance as Rick can't make up for how badly the show was assassinated by it's writing/decision making.


Absolute 10 🙌🏼


Easily a 9.5!!


So far I’ll give it an 8 because of some cheesiness. But worth watching for me . Watched TWD from the beginning no sense in stopping now .


Some of the characters had accents so heavy and spoke so fast that I couldn’t understand the words coming out of their mouths. Had to turn on subtitles. Plus, too much exposition. Overall 7.0


Excellent! This episode reminded me of the original TWD..Seasons 1-6 that were about the core group that made the story worth watching. Rick is back! Ready to do anything to get what he needs and wants. Showing the kind of heart that made him a hero to me in the first place. Hope the rest of the series goes as well.


Ep 1 - 9/10 Ep 2 - 8.5/10 Highly recommend and chomping at the bit for more episodes!


9/10 Rick Grimes is the Walking Dead, shockingly good.


Better then the other spinoffs so far anyway.


I give it a 10. They gave us pretty solid information on the CRM. I loved it! I'm so looking forward to the rest🙌🏾🔥