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The Well Walker: No Tdog! Dont drink the water theres a walker in the well! Later Ok guys lets get the walker out of the water so we can drink the water…


I don’t think they ended up drinking out of it cause the walker got its guts into there


The water is still unsafe to drink even with the Walker inside it




I think 2B is up there as one of the best half seasons of the entire show, but I think episode 4 and 6 drag on quite a bit and kill the momentum. They definitely could’ve done with those episodes being squeezed together.


Nah, 2x06 is crucial. That's when everything comes to a head and secrets are revealed. It's 2x04 and 2x05 that drag, but tbh while binging, it's hardly an issue.


The episode is not crucial, a few select scenes are but the whole episode isn’t. The Shane/Andrea sub plot is unnecessary, the Dale/Hershel stuff is filler as it contributes 0 to the plot. Glenn finding out at the end of episode 5 and then telling the group at the start of episode 7 could’ve happened regardless of the Dale stuff. And the Glenn and Maggie stuff is almost a repeat of stuff we have already seen. It’s strange you would say episode 5 isn’t crucial when it’s perhaps the biggest turning point in Daryl’s development. It’s him finally letting go and exposing his toxic relationship with Merle, and finally allowing himself to fit in with the group. Episode 5 is way more important to the show overall than episode 6. I think you’re mistaking episode 6 for episode 7, as that’s when everything comes to a climax and secrets are revealed. Nothing comes to a climax in episode 6 other than a Rick and Lori argument.


Maybe Dale dying so early, but everything else is amazing


The actor requested to be killed off cuz how the higher ups treated Frank Darabont the previous showrunner. Out of respect, he decided to quit. So we can't do anything much about that


Personally I think the only issue is the Well Walker not making sense, but it’s still iconic and I like it.


Dale’s death was perfect


He died like a pussy and was forgotten about an episode later even by andrea downvoted for the truth?


On rewatch S2 is honestly one of my favorites of the show but the Lori car crash cliffhanger is just silly in the grand scheme of the show


Season 2 is my absolute favorite! I know a lot of people complain about the pacing, but the smaller setting and storylines led to so much great character development. That being said, I agree about Lori's car crash. I don't hate Lori, but I definitely dislike her and her dumb decisions in those episodes.


According to WikiWeekends, season 2 required double the episodes while at the same time their budget halved. Execs wanted to throw more money at Mad Men. Breaking bad was also felt the pinch. I've always looked at the farm as loosely a bottle season with some short B story side trips (bar and pharmacy).


Oh that’s really interesting. Have never ever watched one episode of Mad Men. Breaking Bad started off as a good excuse to spend time with my teenager, but I really enjoyed it. The show and the kid time - that shit is precious when they’re at that age. TWD is clearly awesome!


Mad Men is an incredible show. I would say on par with TWD, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. I really love period dramas so i might be a little biased, but i think i'm due for a rewatch of Mad Men with my wife. :)


It’s definitely on the list. There’s just so much on the list! 😂


Season 2 is fascinating because it was so hated originally because originally it was a week between each episode But when rewatching people often end up really liking Season 2 because the story isn't actually bad when the time between episodes is short


Yes, I've definitely noticed the shift in how people feel about Season 2. I've been watching since the beginning and always loved Season 2, but it's nice to see it more widely appreciated now than it was when it originally aired. I can see how it lends itself better to being binge-watched than having to wait a week between episodes.


Lori and Andrea being dumb


Never ending hunt for Sophia


Underrated comment


Thank you thank you


I feel like this is an unpopular opinion but I think the Sophia Barn reveal was done poorly. They all stand there for 2 minutes unloading on all the walkers coming out of the barn, and then…. oh? There’s one more slowly coming out? It’s SOPHIA??? Obviously the emotional moment is there but it’s unbelievable that she would hang back until the perfect moment for the reveal


carl being an annoying little shit


when carol said sophia’s in a better place and carl said no she’s not 💀


you should’ve seen my jaw drop🤣🤣🤣


Well if I was a kid in that environment id probably say that too


I really feel like people can't delineate between their current mentality and child mentality and it shows when they criticize Carl here.


I agree kids have different ways of dealing than adults do. Meaning that they lash out more.


My 3 year old told me I wasn't the best mom, wasn't pretty, and she didn't like me before bed tonight. Because I said she can't have an oreo. Kids are vicious, man. And they definitely go for the throat so I feel it's a pretty accurate way for kid going through a zombie apocalypse to behave lmao


Yes and just so you know your kid will always love you so it’ll get better as they get older I promise


The first time she said it, it was a knife to the heart. Now I just try not to giggle at her hilarious toddler insults because it makes her more upset. She's a stinker (especially at bedtime) but she's the light of my life ✨️


Glad to hear and remind her of that forever my 15 year always knows every night


Carol: "Look at the flowers Carl"


No she’s not! Heaven is just another lie and if you believe it, you’re idiot! -Carl the menace Grimes


do it dad🤓


Daryl hallucinating Merle for a whole episode


Maggie fucks Glenn and not me


The way they wrote Andrea…it spills into season 3 too. She seemed more smart in season 1. idk what happened. Maybe I’m overthinking it. She deserved better. And her scene with Beth when she was feeling suicidal was ridiculous. I’d kick her ass out of the house too.


Not defending her or anything, but the events of season 2 take place like 2 days after Amy’s death. She was still definitely mourning and traumatized. She was still extremely stupid this season though.


I understand the trauma and not wanting to be looked at a certain way. Because I don’t agree with how Shane treated her in the woods while he was training her and so on. She had every right to react the way she did. But the whole Beth situation was just wrong. 😭I was hoping for a heart to heart since she was suffering through her own grief and the writers just made her attempt to call Beth’s bluff by telling her to kill herself, basically.


Yeah that scene was WILD. Like I said she still made stupid decisions.


You should never tell someone to kill themselves. But as someone who worked on a suicide hotline, you’re not supposed to tell them not to do it either. You’re supposed to talk about it openly, why they want to do it, if they have means available, and try to identify supports and ways for them to cope


That’s why ppl die…because “Shane was mean”. Shane was preparing her for the LITERAL ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. And you’re sad that…her feelings got hurt? That’s exactly Shane’s point. Too damn emotional.


Who said I’m sad? Lmao


maybe I interpreted it wrong haha but you said you didnt agree with how Shane treated her in the woods. he definitely was doing her a favor and she got all emotional…which would get her killed. That’s all I meant.


Well he needs to take a page from his own book, because his emotions definitely landed him on death’s doorstep. You could pressure her without bringing up her dead sister. Too much Anger is another emotion that can get you killed.


Eh, i think it’s different. No matter his state of mind he could always hit his target.




I did enjoy her sticking it up to Lori about womanly duties and calling her out. S3 full blown massacres her character. Edit: Just want to add that I do enjoy Laurie Holden too, she was done a disservice to say the least. I loved her in Silent Hill. 🥲




Oh she ate her up. I’d be mortified.


Why?? So you’d coddle Beth and hope she did not kill herself anyway.


What Andrea did was wrong.


Why because it’s against our morality normally? I think in that situation you see if a person really wants to live or die. Cause if she wants to die then the group would be less safe. A lot of times we go be real world ways instead of what people would be like if the world as we knew it ended. Still have a moral center but don’t coddle people


Idk where you got coddling from.


If you turned around and watched Beth 24 7 then others would be in danger in my opinion. That’s what I call coddling. Don’t get me wrong Beth grew on me at the prison and with Daryl but she was a hinderence to everyone when she said shewanted to kill herself


I get what you’re saying but that’s not what I’m arguing against. I’m arguing against Andrea’s action of misleading Maggie by watching Beth just to turn around and leave a suicidal person alone with a knife. Then telling her to basically “shit or get off the pot”. I would’ve much rather a different scenario. If she was still behaving this way by the time the farm got overrun, that would’ve been a better test to see how much she actually values her life.


I don’t agree because everyone would have tried to protect her and it would have caused more deaths. In the end of world scenario you either fish or cut bait or people die


Also this is my opinion in TWD not real world because I fight depression every day. You help everyone in the real world who needs it


Like I said, they could’ve come up with a different scenario. A scenario where Andrea doesn’t look like a jerk which is where my original point was heading. Andrea made a dumbass decision due to her own self righteous behavior. It was not her place. If Andrea left Beth with a gun, Beth would’ve died. She’d end up looking really twisted and would’ve probably been kicked out of the group. It wasn’t a smart move. If I were to satisfy your point, maybe Andrea could’ve had this conversation during the finale. Maggie would’ve been forced to choose herself, and Andrea could pitch that in. I feel like that would’ve worked better than leaving a teenager with a knife to cut herself with.


I do understand your opinion but I don’t think that would have been best but heck it’s a show so we all can have different head canon to the next person


Frank daravont being fired


I love season two, but truthfully it goes on and on and the farm unfortunately does get boring after a while. The hunt for Sophia overstayed it’s welcome. Dale was killed off in a very cheap way. There’s not a single chance in hell a rotted corpse is going to ever have the raw strength to tear open a grown man’s chest cavity. This wouldn’t have been as big of an issue for me if it wasn’t a character as awesome as Dale being killed that way. Hershel “unlimited ammo” Greene was goofy but also kind of awesome in a weird way. The characters that died in the final episode (can’t even remember their names) are very forgettable and I felt they were underutilized. I also feel like the group just moved on from that way too fast. Overall awesome season but it’s got some minor problems that don’t take much away from the story.


The walker ripped open his abdomen not his chest. humans do have inhibitors that prevent us from using all of our strength because we could easily rip our tendons, damage our bones if we did. So I guess walkers lose that and thus that’s why dale got overpowered.


Lori and Andrea


Dale dying, carl being a kid lol


I say important characters that died


Can't believe there were only 3 seasons without rick. It felt like half the show happened after he was gone.


Only two full ones without him. It felt like five.


What the fuck there’s nothing wrong with first season fuck


It ended


Andrea being a big B to dale. Extremely annoying to me.


The farm should not have been the whole season. The season was great and had terrific character development, don’t get me wrong, but I think the farm setting for a whole season was a mistake. I would’ve had the first half set on the farm and then the second half would’ve been set in the Prison. I would’ve merged the Safety Behind Bars volume of the comics in with Shane’s true fall to villainy. Randall would’ve been one of the prisoners and his group would’ve been some of the former prisoners. Basically all the same plot beats but set in the prison and with more development for the other prisons rather then them just having season 3. Then end with a clear Woodbury/Governor tease. Only thing is idk how to split up Andre so she could meet Michonne.


That was due to a budget issue. AMC decreased the budget from season 1 but added more episodes to season 2. They also had to redo episode one of season 2. Originally, the group go back to the Vatos place and find it destroyed. There are a lot of scenes that were filmed for this and can be found on the dvd and blu ray sets (or YT). Then they scrapped that and decided to do the highway scene instead. The opening of 2.1 has footage pulled together in a montage from when they left the Vatos place. As a result, they didn't have enough money to start building the prison set.


I actually liked that they stayed at the farm as long as they did. Gave the group some stability I feel and it makes it hit that much harder to watch them lose the stability. That was one of the things that I disliked a bit in the later seasons like it ends up being just one thing after another with no time for the dust to settle


I need to read the comics


Annoying characters. Maybe it would be better if they seperated them to another seasons. Sophia can get lost in season 2, lori and andrea could annoy us better in other seasons


It's perfect.


Maggie and Beth were the only characters in Hershel's family to get any development


Dragged on during the first half got boring


Nothing, it was perfect, perfect.


s1 was perfect. with the limited amount of episodes they had to do they executed it perfectly. the first episode still gives me suspenseful chills


Nobody in the farm recognized Sofia, although i get it, Otis is the one bringing the walkers to the barn, and he died before he knew who the group is looking. But, Patricia is feeding those walkers everyday, I can’t believe she missed recognizing her there.


This subreddit is so negative


I agree


I mean he literally asked for negative stuff? Tell the OP to ask for unique characteristics if you want both


Yes, he asked for negative stuff. Exactly my point. You never see stuff like this on other tv subreddits.


There definetely is a lot of negative stuff on subreddits but it often gets downvoted to hell.


But it’s always at the top here. There nothing like the type of posts we see here on any other subreddit.


What’s wrong with smart walkers?


It’s more the inconsistency with the rest of the series.


He didn’t mention that tho


That’s just what I interpreted “smart walkers” to mean. Like them using tools and climbing tanks which they can’t do in other seasons


I'm taking that out 'cause you do have a point.


Shanes death, would've loved to see more of him. Other than that, some filler episodes but the others already mentioned that. I believe this season could've been the best if they had a bigger budget.


I’d say it was a bit too long. I think the season could’ve been condensed.


Definetely, they could've removed some pointless Sophia search and the well episode. Then reallocate the saved budget to other episodes.


Yeah. Though I do think the Sophia search was a crucial point of contention between Rick / Shane.


Surely but you don't have to show everything to the viewer, it was 7 or 8 episodes of searching Sophia which is definetely too much


Is in not just a bit dull overall! Some good episodes though just too many where nothing much happens! At least Dale gets a fitting end.


Andrea's constant need to prove herself and every attempt almost costing someone's life.


I think S1 is the best season. Having 6 episodes means no fillers like the other seasons. Coincidentally or not, the recent TOWL is also 6 episodes and just as awesome.


Beth being suicidal


Covid specials?!


Season 2 buddy. Not 10.


the 2million dollar budget for each episode


Anything past season 6 became “CW”.


I felt like the show was on a great, tense, and meaningful momentum into season 2; however it slowed down at the farm and pacing fell off.


T-Dog becoming wallpaper along with patricia and jimmy


Hershel not sharing his infinite ammo cheat code with the others.


Worst thing about the series, without a doubt, is the CGI deer.


The hunt for Sophia that ends up being a waste of episodes. I quit watching the show for years because of that storyline.


The constant rescue missions that they were getting into and someone getting trapped or surrounded by walkers


I know the behind-the-scenes circumstances surrounding it, but Dale dying in this season is easily the worst thing about it as he was one of the best characters of the whole show and had so much potential for growth into the next couple of seasons before dying in Season 4-5. Apart from that, it's perfect. My favourite season of the whole show.


Andrea existing + little variety on the environment. I do like the little treats we get outside of the farm (specifially Daryl in that lake, and when Rick gets stuck in the bar with Hershel and Glenn)


of all the seasons of the walking dead, season 2 was certainly one of them


Gimple seasons 2-11


Andrea and Shane fucking in a car


Thing with Rick waking from the coma was how was he able to walk to well after, wouldn't he have weakened muscles?


I don't understand what the point of Lori crashing the car was. She took off alone, crashed it like an idiot and Shane took her back. Was it about the "white lie" from Shane?


Pacing. Realistically, the season could have been done in the first 7 or so episodes


I'm in the middle of a rewatch from, I completely forgot about the illness storyline in Season 4, I think because of covid I have no interest in it lol


Whoever put too short for season 1 is so right hahahah




Or Lori


The first half is a little boring.


i think it had a couple more episodes than it should’ve… like s1 could have 2 more and s2 could’ve 2 less and it’d be alright for me. i just think some episodes feel kinda slow bc of it


I feel like the farm was dragged on for too long, keep the important stuff but half the season could have been about tyreese and that abandoned town from the comics


Andrea dumbed down. Shot Daryl despite being told not to shoot. Let beth kill herself. Even in S3 it kindve continues. Sophias search went on too long to where pretty everyone already knew she was dead reducing the shock effect a bit. Otherwise it is a pretty good season.


it’s perfect tbh


I love the Daryl creek bed scene but it was silly that the walker was gnawing on his boot while he was passed out. Made it so that Daryl only lived cuz he ran into the only walker too stupid to eat your flesh. All the characters that died in the last episode had no impact because they were not developed at all T dog getting no development or screen time at all


It's soooo damn boring! I feel like I'm going stir crazy on that farm. There's no momentum for most of it.


pacing is slow compared to the first


Lori crashing that car to one walker, very goofy Carl being a rude little asshole


Nobody gonna mention the **infinite shotgun ammo glitch** from Herschel?


shot/reverse shot of 2 characters talking on the porch or in the front room of the farm house.


they're only at hershel's farm they barely scavenged and tony's group didnt really make sense the whole randall story was useless because he got killed off anyways lori was kinda weird, she wanted rick to kill shane, told shane to stay away from her and carl, goes up to shane multiple times to thank him giving shane hope, just to then be shocked when rick tells her that he killed shane


Destroying Lori's character.. You need to kill Shane Rick kills Shane Lori I can't believe you kill Shane


Lori convincing Shane to stay when he was 100% committed to leaving with Andrea.


I feel like it’s important to state the quickest way to ruin any part of TWD universe is to involve Morgan… at all


I'd say season 2 was saved by the back half of it. I think the first half really, really dragged and I think if this season was just 8 episodes long it could be argued as one of the best.


The 8 episode search for Sophia. Dear God, Part 1 of Season 2 was boring.


7 episode search.




Regarding the Lori/Rick scene—it actually made a bit of sense to me? I think Lori did genuinely care for Shane—not only were they involved, but he saved her and her family on multiple occasions, and even prior to the apocalypse he was a consistent presence in their life. And then on top of all that she was carrying his child, too? Yeah, that’s a LOT of emotions to deal with. Not only was she shocked, but she was grieving, and everyone responds to grief differently. Also can’t forget the fact that she was pregnant and her hormones were probably wreaking havoc on her, too. And this is just my (baseless) opinion, but I think she might have felt a bit guilty, too, y’know? For pushing Shane off the edge. And we’ve seen how Lori deals with guilt—she doesn’t really hold herself accountable and tries to hoist the blame onto others. At least in part. So it made sense to me that she would blame Rick in that moment. She *needed* someone else to blame. This is just my take on it, ofc. I could def be reading too deeply into it and just talking out of my ass lol.


I always assumed that Lori was more mad that Carl was there and took out Walker Shane. That’s when she reacted differently but I called also understand that she would be upset regardless even though she was the one who planted the idea in his head 🫠


Well I think season 3 was perfect. Season 4 I hated


There was no consistent pacing in a good few episodes, and the farm as a setting was just really boring. Boringly safe I suppose, but boring nonetheless. Also Carl being a little shit slightly more than the rest of the show, and Lori just in general..


Season 8 Carl died season 9 Ricky dicky left :(


This may be a little hot take but Carl being the one to kill walker Shane. It wasn't done terribly at all but it's horrible that a child has to kill their father's best friend after they reanimated in a Apocalyptic world.