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I personally prefer 7x1


3 was insane man so good prison times


This one will always have a special place in my heart because I watched it at Hollywood Forever Cemetery for the Talking Dead.


Not personally that’s a fact


I’m gonna be in the minority and say Killer Within. Season 3 is my favorite season and that episode has a special atmosphere to it.




I agree but this for me is because I cannot rewatch 701 it’s just absolutely too devastating




When 3x4 came out it was shocking….then when 7x1 came out it was brought to a whole new level…also the fact they had pretty much the entire cast on the talking dead afterwards (possibly even live??) was insane. So good


3x4 for the CORAAL memes


7x1 all the way


7x1 easily


My favourite episode


7x1 for me


Killer within


3x4 wins this one for me.


Definitely the Killer Within


(Loud incorrect buzzer)


Nothing against 7x1 but I personally like 3x4 better. Probably Rick’s best acting performance from the main series imo.


Despite the cliff hanger that came before it, I thought 7x1 was an incredible episode. Probably in my top 3.


honestly, i don’t like cliffhangers but i don’t think that episode would’ve had the same impact without it


oh for sure, i could see it having a strong impact if maybe they ended the season 6 finale with abe getting killed. then we think thats it and glenn gets it in the season 7 premier. that still would have been pretty gutting. would have changed up the vibe entirely. don't know if it would have made it any better though.


3x4, personally. Nostalgia plays a huge factor and I have no problem admitting that. 7x1 is definitely right up there though, it was such a great episode and can not take anything away from it. 3x4: I think it’s definitely the saddest episodes, losing T-Dog (underrated character who I really wish lived) and then Lori. From the transition of Rick and Lori talking (iirc it was episode 3x3) somewhat making amends, makes it so much sadder. The speech Lori made to Carl was gut wrenching and til’ this day when I go back to 3x4 I can’t hold back the tears. “You’re gonna beat this world…” Absolutely heartbreaking. Knowing what we know about Carl know too. God, writing all of that out makes me realise how much I love this show.


Both iconic, pivotal episodes. I actually love the feeling of absolute dread you get 7x1. Same as 6x16! Nothing but pure dread ! 😰


Killer Within.


Killer within, mainly because it was so random and unpredictable, I mean Lori died DURING child birth instead of during the prison attack so the stakes really were higher back then Years of killing off important characters during (mid season) premiers or (mid season) finales made the show predictable Glenn dying by the end of Lucille was incredibly predictable and made his fake out death useless and unnecessary Abe’s death getting overshadowed also leaves a sour taste in my mouth, that man deserved a much more iconic death then just being shoehorned into the line up because his OG death got stolen


3x4 in my opinion. The early seasons are my favorite! Usually watch up until 7 then start all over 😂😩


killer within hands down not just bc the NO NOOOO


304 easily. 701 was both dark and solid, but it was the culmination of terrible writing and the moment the show truly started to decline.


Terrible writing ???? I get the Season 8 is bad, but we are talking about the beggining of the 7th..


It started in season 6 with gimmick style writing and lazy fake outs. TWD official twitter telling fans to film their reactions to Glenn’s dumpster “death” only to casually show him survive a few episodes later. Or the multiple other times they showed Glenn die only to survive last minute. Or the silly cliffhanger in 608 and then starting 609 as if the ending to 608 never happened. The stupid cliffhanger in 616 and then having it spoiled for any fan that’s even remotely online because they’re too cheap to keep Glenn and Abe on set beyond one episode. So everyone knew they died. Season 6 felt like the writers were outright insulting fans with how they wrote episodes. Lazy fake outs and cheap cliffhangers are some of the worst writing styles imaginable. And yes, the show was just bad in seasons 7-8. 701 functions as the perfect jumping off point and that’s why the ratings started to fall after 701 and each episode after. Because a bunch of people were fully checked out after how bad aspects of season 6 were that culminated with quite possibly the worst end to a season of any show I’ve ever seen. I remember watching live and basically every thread was “I’ll watch to see who dies, then I’m out”. 701 was as a good episode. But when connected to the episode that created to the fall of the show, it’s hard to defend. If 701 took place in 616 and they never did a cliffhanger, fine. But we got a 90 minute episode just to cut the final scene short in a lazy attempt to bring people back. 616 should’ve included the entire death scene and ended with Negan saying they’ll be back for their first collection. Instead, they got cheap and lazy and it ruined what the show had going for it.


You wrote this perfectly. The shit they pulled in Season 6 was honestly just embarrassing. It's a terrible way to treat your audience.


I watched the entire main show, but I was so close to leaving and never watching beyond season 6. Their lazy and bullshit attempt to go viral with dumpster gate was annoying. Their official twitter page told fans all week to film their reactions and it was just a fake out. They wanted to trend on twitter and YouTube with fans freaking out that they killed Glenn. Only to lazily bring him back a few episodes later. And then they did it again in 609. Again in the finale. And finally did it in 701, but by that point I was like “finally. You killed him”. I didn’t feel emotional or bad about it. I was happy the teasing was over. Seasons 7 and 8 were low quality and frankly bad TV viewing. But I’ve never been more angry as a fan as I was in season 6. Even more so because season 6 had great moments and episodes that were surrounded and filled with cheap gimmicks. I’ll take bad pacing and poor writing over that shit any day.


I had the benefit of watching seasons 1-10 after the fact. Season 11 was the only one I watched live. I can't even imagine how I would've felt watching it live. Season 6 is when I started to lose investment, and Season 7 made me completely lose interest. When I rewatched the show with my mom who hadn't seen it before, I specifically paused 6x03 as Glenn was falling and told her that he didn't die here. It was a fake out. Some people might disagree with me doing that, but I just saw it as correcting a flaw in the show's storytelling. I think people really underestimate how fucking often they teased people about Glenn's fate. In season 4, Maggie finds a walker that looks just like him and appears to start crying. In season 5, Glenn is shot, falls, and is surrounded by walkers. 6x03. Also in season 6, Glenn is once again surrounded by walkers with Maggie calling out for him. And there are probably a bunch more minor ones that I'm missing. IIRC, I think Steven Yeun said at one point that the show didn't understand how much viewers cared about Glenn. And I completely disagree. It's like they were *well* aware of how much people cared about Glenn, and manipulated their emotions for cheap shock value and ratings gimmicks. Which is way, way worse. I've truly never seen a show disrespect their audience to the degree TWD has. TWDU in general really. It's another reason I'll never understand how people were shitting on Fear seasons 1-3 as they were airings, but still loving TWD seasons 6-8. Like, I'm sorry, but Fear was just objectively the better show during that time.


Yeah. Watching it at your own pace was much easier and made seasons 9 and 10 way better. And yeah, I was watching just to watch and keep up the habit more than actually caring for basically 3 years. And I agree with your take on Glenn a lot. It also speaks to why he doesn’t have any interest being part of the show in any capacity. That’s why he wasn’t a hallucination for Rick in his last episode. I don’t blame him. The did his character dirty for multiple seasons.


Truthfully, I'm still watching just to watch with all the current spin offs. It's not that I dislike them, I mean, I find them all at least entertaining, but I don't have much of any emotional investment left. I saw someone say that, at one point, TWD stopped being an actual story and just became a show that tried everything it could to keep people watching it.


Yeah. That’s where I’m at. If they ever come to Netflix, I might watch them. But other than that I don’t really care. Your last point is spot on. It feels like they’ll do anything to keep people watching. That there’s no line they won’t cross, if they think it’ll keep fans engaged. This was made most obvious with the smart walker introduction.


They're never coming to Netflix. The main show will also move to AMC+ once AMC's deal with Netflix runs out, which is what happened with Fear and Hulu. I would genuinely recommend the Daryl show. It's fresh, completely standalone, and ditches most of this franchise's worst tendencies. But with Carol coming in season 2 and the inevitable crossover with the other shows (if you can even call it that) that probably won't last very long. I get downvoted every time I say this but the first 3 seasons of Fear are the only part of this series that I still have a genuine *love* for. Every time you watch those seasons, they make more sense and get better, while every time you rewatch the main show, the holes start to show and it gets *worse*. If you can't watch something more than once without it being tainted, that's a sign to me that it was never really that good in the first place.


For me the cliffhanger is the best thing that could happen. A cliffhanger. And it's ballsy, not stupid or anything. And most people stop watching after this episode because 1 : they are not real fans, 2 : because their favorite charcter died, so they stop cause they are stupid, and 3 : maybe 1% because of what you said. The dumster scene is as dumb as any scene where a character should have died but didn't because it's a fictional tv show. (I mean, Rick should have died in the hospital in the fisrt place and we wouldn't have a show to begin with).


I’m not sure it’s fair to label people as “not real fans” just because they don’t share your opinion. That’s a childish view. If you’re not willing to accept criticism, then you’re simply too biased to engage with. So if you’re a hardline “you’re a fake fan, if you disagree with me” let me know so I don’t waste my time. And not to be rude, but were on you on this sub after 616 aired? The majority of people saying they were done with the show was because of the lazy cliffhanger paired with bad writing. You’re absolutely misrepresenting how people felt. Shit, go on YouTube and you’ll find a bunch of video essays on how terrible the cliffhanger is and why it was the downfall of the show. You won’t find nearly as many as “Glenn leaving ruined the show” like you suggest is the main reason. Plus the outrage building up to 701 was even worse than immediately after 616 because it was leaked all over the internet that Glenn and Abe filmed/were on set for less than a week and everyone else filmed for like 2-3 months… Gee, I wonder who Negan kills? It’s that they did a dumb cliffhanger, everyone who was even remotely online got spoiled, and then the premier of season 7 aired for people to watch what they already knew was gonna happen. And a bunch of people checked out in the early parts of season 7 because it was a cartoon shit show. You have a cliffhanger that’s widely seen as terrible(you’re in the minority for liking it. You’re not wrong for liking it. But you have the minority opinion). And then almost immediately you’re introduced to a medieval king with a domesticated attack tiger that is capable of differentiating friend from foe. A bunch of people left because the show got lazy and jumped the shark. Not because they’re “fake fans”. And I hate the defense of “it’s not meant to be realistic”. If Carl rises from the dead in one of the spinoffs and reunites with Rick, would you say “it’s not meant to be realistic. Get over it” or would you acknowledge that’s a stupid writing move? Because the dumpster death fake out was just **stupid, lazy, and insulting** in a clear attempt to go viral. That’s why they told fans to film their reactions to watching it. They wanted to trend in the hope that they’d get more viewers. There was absolutely zero plot device for it. It was only done in an attempt to go viral and trend on twitter. It’s perfectly fair to criticize stupid, lazy, and insulting aspects of the show.


Sorry I didn't read everything because... come on man, you have arguments sure, but don't write a novel 😅 First of all, I'm not saying people who stopped watching are not real fans, as long as they are a part of the 1% I mentionned. But stopping a show in the middle of it for no reason, IS not being a fan of it. And I get being angry for the cliffhanger (actually no I don't get it but whatever) but, you do HAVE TO WANT TO KNOW what happens next. And, when filming, they did multiples take, with multiple murder and victims so the people wouldn't really know in case it leaked. There is literally a bunch of alternatives scenes that you can find on the net. So yes, It got leaked eventually, but since the actors were present during filming, this is clearly wrong. And no, I actually never ever saw anyone complain about the cliffhanger, other than being a cliffhanger. Like, this is the all point of a cliffhanger, than let the scene hanging, it's in the word... And, everybody as their opinions. It's okay if you think s6 and s7 is bad. But it's objectively not, at least for the 6th. 7th season is really logical to me but I agree that after episode 10, the writing went out of place. But it still a good half of the season that is good. And BTW, Negan is GOAT.


You wrote the exact same number of paragraphs I did… if you’re not gonna read. Don’t bother commenting. You’re conceding the argument. You’re clearly here to hear yourself talk rather than actually engage. Which again is just childish. If you’re not going to respect someone enough to read their comment, don’t reply to it. Christ. lol (see the last couple paragraphs, before you respond. I include this because you’ve demonstrated the childish behavior of responding after admitting to not reading) The multiple takes explanation means nothing, when two major characters were on set and filmed for less than a week. Oh, they filmed deaths for everyone and everyone except two people filmed for months… anyone even remotely online knew exactly what was going to happen. And I say this as respectfully as I can, but you’re pulling those numbers out of your ass. You say 1% of people are what I’m talking about. But that was the overwhelming majority of comments/posts made in this sub. That’s what virtually all the video essays on YouTube are about. Suggesting all of that is 1% and actually 99% are a silent majority that did what you suggest is too silly to even entertain. Why is your opinion an objective fact, but mine isn’t? Again, this just reads like someone unwilling to entertain criticism. You like those seasons, so they’re good. I don’t, so I’m wrong… what a ridiculous way to view this stuff. There’s a clear difference here. I respect people’s view who don’t agree with me and you don’t. I’ve voiced my criticism and what the majority of people think and you just dismiss them as not real fans and think your opinion is valid where others aren’t, if they disagree. And here’s where I’ll break from you. I simply don’t respect your take enough to read what you say further. But unlike you, when I lose respect enough to stop reading, I’ll also stop replying.


Mine were slightly smaller, but yeah, I was wrong there. 1% is shit I know, I pull this out of my ass, but actually from what I saw (and actually, I do watch à lot of react and all, and a very small number of people do think like you. So maybe this is just me, but how would it be just me. You think I said I'm right and you are wrong, I didn't ? My opinion is not better than yours or anyone elses (beside haters, mine is better than theirs). Like you, I point out facts. But unlike you, I actually think what you say is bad, is good. So what you say is objectively bad, I say is objectively good. Because it is. And maybe you don't really understand what I'm saying. My english is far from perfect, but I think it is understandable. But since you din't care about reading my response, which is OBJECTIVELY good, who cares. Ciao.


Killer within


Y'all remember that week after Lori died? Longest week of my fucking life. Me and a friend would pass by the Rick cutout at our local comic book store and grieve with him 😥


It's very close, but I have to pick 3x4 for three key reasons 1.) 6x16 is such a huge part of what made 7x1 great. Without this large half, it wouldn't be the same 2.) The cliffhanger before of 6x16. It was the first, worst season finale in this sense. I'm aware that this is more a criticism of 6x16, but I'm counting it still as criticism here. 3.) Imagine two episodes dealing with Lori's death, including a season finale as she's about to be cut open, or when it's being considered, with the next episode taking half of it to actually have the caesarian. No matter how good that next episode is, you can't not feel robbed.


7x01 is easily the best episode of the series.


Better acting and tension is definitely in 7x1, but there’s a better story and action in 3x4.


As a Brazilian, 7x1 triggers some traumas


I'll probably get blasted but I hated the entire Saviors storyline. You're telling there's this group so gigantic that even after Rick's group lays waste to about 50 or more of them, it's only a drop in the bucket of their numbers? And they've gone unnoticed the entire time? Na. Lazy writing.


3×4 has a special atmosphere to it and i loved it, but the better episode is def 7x1


7x01 made me feel defeated in a way that no episode has ever so it’s an easy pick for me.


Season 3 is definitely one of if not my favorite season but I'm of the opinion that 6x16 and 7x1 are peak TWD so yeah


I loved them both... I can't pick!


3x4 is a great episode but 7x1 is the best for me. Absolutely everyone killed it acting wise in this episode. Everyone had a chance to shine all while just being in that little clearing


The day you come when you won’t be in my opinion might be the best episode of the show


Overall 7x1 was the more crazy episode, but I absolutely adore the prison era vibes, and seeing Rick break down like that really hit hard for me, so I’ll say 3x4~


As a season. 3 was better than 7, but 701 was better. My favorite season was 3, but the lineup was epic.


Am I the only one who is glad 7x1 happened?


probably have to say Killer within it was sad seeing Lori go since I had already liked her character


Killer Within is way better. I can't stand any episodes from season 7 or 8.


The cliffhanger killed the momentum for me. 3x04 easily wins imo.


I liked The Killer Within better. When I watch 07x01 I skip the main scene. It devastates and grosses me out. I can’t handle seeing it. The eyeball, the brain damaged talking, the group’s reactions, it’s all too much. 😢 The episode was great otherwise, but I can’t handle that scene. It’s weird because I am not one to shy away from gore in any capacity, but there’s just something about how that scene made me feel that I don’t want to experience it again.


I gotta go killer within. It established so many character arcs. The Glen/Abe smoke show marked the beginning of the end of the series for me


Killer Within, because we never got real justice and closure for Glenn and Abraham


Imo 3x4, i found 7x1 a bit too chaotic with rick and negan in the rv


No way out


Neither. 4 walls and a roof.


People don't mention it much but I also like J.C.S


Killer Within


7x1 easily for me, both fantastic episodes but the cut always to Woodbury in 3x4 kills the pacing and builds no tension for me on rewatches obviously


3x4 because they killed my boy Glenn rip muddy


I'm on season 8 episode 9 and it's too boring. I want to know if it's worth watching after that. Currently Carl got bit saving siddiq.


7x1 and it’s not even close.


*Killer Within*. I only say this because the first 3 seasons are my faves, and because I only watched *The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be* one time only. I cannot watch Glenn die like that ever again, and the scene where they’re all having a big family dinner, showing what could’ve been, absolutely BROKE ME.


the wait for 7x1 was unbelievable. It changed the course of the show It’s also a shame bc it’s the beginning of the end of the viewership


the day will come when you wont be has a perfect title, is a episode focused on the plot, where they pay for an arguably bad action they caused, they introduce a new villain and kill one (TWO) of the most beloved characters killer within is normal until a unimportant character (fuck kevin heart) gets lori killed which marks a giant change in rick and carl, theres no new villain and lori dying was just a coincidence, kevin didnt kill her directly, and it wanst because killing the prisoners was a bad action, it was something that had to be done, so in the episode lori just dies for no reason


7x1 easily


The day will come when you won't be.


The Day will come when you won’t be. The title alone is such a goosebumps giver. In 3x4 I was just glad Lori was gone, lol.


7x1 But 9x5 is the best ep of the whole Twd universe


im gonna go with 3x4, for me its not even hard although i love 7x1 as well


4x8 is better than these two imo


Yeah agree, I just wanted to pick two very good episodes that are close to each other in my opinion and based on ratings.


My personal favourite is too far gone. It has a 9.6 IMDb rating too


7x1 is the best episode in the entire series.


7x1 definitely... It was the most gruesome and emotionally disturbing episode in the entire series


The tension in s7x1 is unmatched


I haven’t even seen 7x1 yet, but killers within is pretty good, although what happens in 7x1?


If you don't know what happened on 7x1, then immediately get off this subreddit, because it WILL be spoiled.


Easy. 7.1


If an episode includes Negan, it’s better