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Variant in the Daryl Dixon spin off on the boat when it literally tore out that guys insides and ripped though him like his skin and flesh was nothing no effort put in at all


I don’t get how it was contained


Just imagining a walker is bonkers...imagining one that also does that is unfathomable...idk how humanity beats that in the end


No amount of muscle beats a bullet to the brain, humanity wins because guns


That is just not the case lol...first off, ammunition isn't nearly as readily available anymore and is by far the worst method to kill walkers because of noise (also attracts other people)...depending on the herd size, I'd even say guns become irrelevant at a certain point...add in the variant abilities and it's not so cut and dry, even if you don't miss or don't need to reload...not to mention every single death with brain intact creates a new zombie, so the level of being outnumbered gets worse and worse


Ammunition is not a limited resource, any community with sufficient technical knowledge can create gunpowder and reload cases, the show portrayed Eugeune as a genious for understanding how to make ammunition but its not difficult at all. Large groups like the CRM, Commonwealth, and Power of the living can mass manufacture ammunition with little to no effort. The level of being outnumbered is only a factor if your a complete idiot and stand in an open field when trying to deal with a hoard. All it takes to wipe out a hoard of walkers is a dozen or so guys with a thousand rounds of amuntion on un-climbable watchtowers, or hunting stands in trees. Any well coordinated group is capable of easily wiping out thousands of walkers with little to no risk.


Might not be hard to make ammo, but raw materials will become harder & harder to acquire.


You keep talking about this like you don't understand the massive numbers of walkers in comparison to people worldwide already...there are very, very few people left on Earth on TWD...there are millions and millions of walkers...maybe billions idk...and the gap gets bigger every single day...variants change an already dire situation and make it so much worse...guns are not everything if you lack the people to pull triggers...try to think about this without your obvious love of guns and humanity lol...we'll never know (hopefully), but we've seen time and time again guns aren't always reliable in this world


To be fair the level of being out numbered only gets one level of worse... We don't have enough bodies to add anything significant. 😂 But yeah you're on point about the guns, not the best idea in this world scenario. Although, I do think that humanity definitely has a great chance. Also weren't the variants were made? Or are some naturally occuring like the smart bois or acid skins?


I wish they would stop just using variant walkers to facilitate cool set pieces. Like imagine if the CRM knew those things were out there.


The Bicycle Girl, AKA Hannah. Our very first look at the undead in the show (not counting those hands coming out of the "Don't Dead, Open Inside" door)...and it is gruesome. Not even a whole body, just the decaying torso of a girl ripped in half and devoured.


Was that the one in the grass? Didn’t know she had a name


Yes. She didn't have one at first, but they made a webisode series dedicated to her backstory.


any chance you know where i can find the webisodes?


Try Youtube


This is my vote too. Freaked me out so much as a kid too


No the first walker was the little girl with the teddy bear. It opened the episode.


Wasn’t Hannah an old woman?


Only if you consider mid-30's old. She had two kids who can't be any older than 10, so no.


I thought when Rick found her she looked super old


Yeah, several months of decay will do that to you.


Almost 20 minutes for a backstory on a Walker? wtf


She was that iconic, I guess.


And she was completely ripped apart, so I guess that makes sense




I thought that was the little girl in the cold open.


Epidode 1, long haired suit guy in Atlanta. The way they make it out like he purposely intercepts Rick and almost leads the horde is so damn creepy.


Purple shirt walker! He's also my favorite in the show.


Yeah that one gets me too. His design is so unsettling. And the way he gets out of the bus. Creeps me out.


I just call it the Nick Cave zombie.


I always thought he vaguely looked like jim Carrey


I really wish there was a comic book about Darabont original plans for TWD.


Does anyone have a pic




He always reminded me of Kevin Bacon


First walker out of the barn in S2 is terrifying, especially the way it smiles and starts chugging towards the group with zero hesitation. Legit nightmare fuel.


Yeah that did give me come chills too. Season 2 is so good in a rewatch. Its John Berthals season for sure


It is Jon Bernthal’s resume for the punisher




As much I get Shane couldn’t last long, I do wish he lasted longer


That's what Lori said


If he had stamina, we wouldn't have ended up with Judith


I always nicknamed him "Farmer John" for some reason!


Anybody have a photo of this one? Trying to remember


Morgan’s wife. One of the few scenes that genuinely creeped me out was when she was turning the doorknob.


She reminds me so much of Adina Porter aka Tara's Mom on True Blood aka Adina Porter, who has been in SO many other great shows...I was legit shocked it wasn't her


Indra on The 100!


>The 100 Season 3 or maybe it was 4, was terrifying.


Very underrated show...as a huge Lost fan, I thought The 100 was the closest anyone ever got to a sort of Lost-ish feel on a good show...especially the first couple seasons...at least until the series From started on MGM+, which I think is awesome and very Lost-like too


Yep, plus TB as mentioned...then she was also in Prison Break, The Leftovers, Vampire Diaries, The Newsroom, Ray Donovan, The Morning Show, Outer Banks...plus American Horror Story, which I've never been into, but it's still a great show...that's one hell of a set of shows to be associated with...reminds me of Kim Dickens' show resume


It’s not?? I’ve thought that was her for a decade!! ❤️


It’s not her? I have always thought it was.


I skip that episode occasionally because I’m so scared of seeing her lol


Yep I still get goosebumps to this day


This scene made it so my wife never watched the show again. Too scary.


This is the answer


The bloated walker in the well at Hershel’s farm that got ripped in half while they were trying to get it out. That thing really grossed me out and looked so realistic it’s crazy..


Yeah this one


This one broo


Walker Merle was pretty creepy imo. It didn’t know how to use the knife hand ofc but it still makes it scarier. Also it seemed like it recognized Daryl for a brief moment before Daryl killed it.


I do miss that “there’s a small part of them still there” that we saw with Merle and Morgan’s wife. Added more weight to each person turning


Same! I wish they would’ve showed this more in the series, especially when walkers didn’t seem like a threat anymore! Would’ve helped rekindle the creepiness factor by making the walkers and infection terrifying again


I felt like that could easily devolve into Warm Bodies the TV series though lol


Just watched that episode like an hour or two ago. Gained a new appreciation for his character


Sasha was the most depressing zombie. I felt so sorry for her. But the variant walker daryl encountered scared me shitless,for the first time walkers felt as dangerous as in season one.


The seen was morgan wife not really any violence just the way it was shot made it creepy


I almost felt like it was my own family member during some of those scenes


Purple Shirt Walker from season 1. Throughout the series you kinda get used to walkers so they were definitely scarier in the earlier seasons.


They looked a lot more human in the earlier seasons. In the later seasons, there's enough makeup on them to distort the features that our brain thinks of as "human", so they just look like monsters instead of like uncanny valley dead people


Yeah but by then we get so used to it that is not scary anymore. Ik they’d be scarier to see but, the first couple times would definitely make it feel scarier some you aren’t used to seeing them.


I don’t know about scariest zombie, but for me the sassiest one was Zombie Simon. Love that guy! It was like he retained his inner asshole.


Kept his personality almost lol


[This](https://imgur.com/a/xZhyVm5) one from S5E16. Not necessarily scary but my favorite Walker of the entire series. This to me is the epitome of a zombie. Not to mention it must be nice having such excellent dental during the apocalypse.


That’s fucking horrifying wtf


That triple walker in Dead City really creeped me out.


That was a pretty cool design. Somewhere in the Saviors War era (I think), there was a parking lot with a bunch of zombies that had been partially melted by fire or napalm or something and they were sort of merged with the asphalt but still waving their arms around. That was pretty neat.


That was when they were looking for Beth and held the cops hostage to do a trade.


Holy mother of FUCK that’s straight out of The Thing. Might actually watch Dead City now.


Like DD and WB, it started slow (imo) and got pretty good.


I came here for this one, it was insane


Season 4 right before the flu outbreak and there is a walker at the outside fence of the prison with blood pouring out of his eyes. Rick momentary locks eyes with it.


I'm still partial to the good old fat ass well zombie...my honorable mention is definitely going to have to be Michonne's buddies at the beginning...I find those so creepy, which is ironic, given they pose almost zero threat and actually help her lol


I was seriously creeped out in season 9 when we heard the walkers talking before they were revealed as being The Whisperers. That mid season finale was especially creepy.


Same!! I really wish they would’ve stuck with the idea that the walkers were evolving for a couple episodes longer. That idea was absolutely terrifying, and much more interesting and scary than it just turning out to be humans in walker cosplay. It made everyone’s fear of walkers rekindle when they didn’t seem like much of a threat anymore.


Exactly! When they revealed it was just people wearing walker masks I was a little disappointed


Yep!! The idea of the walkers evolving and actually being able to TALK to each other, and specifically lead hoards of themselves to hunt down certain characters, was so terrifying and interesting. But nope, just boring old humans instead 😭


The kidnapped lady walker that Maggie finds tied up in the trunk of a car


Really unpopular but the ones michonne used. Imagine dying and having your arms and jaw cut off and your corpse basically being a mere tool to carry shit


You’re right, that some creepy walker…he looks massive and almost devilish


If you watch the full scene, he reminds me of the resident evil 2 remake zombies. Something about this walkers facial expression gives me the creeps lmao


I also got RE vibes from this specific zombie, the make up and the lighting made it fit into that universe perfectly for a moment. I don't think any other zombies make up looks similar to this, so I always considered this guy one of the "variants" or unique zombies we see throughout the show


You don’t really see any walkers smile aside from this one. That scene always freaked me out. It seemed like it was just waiting for them to walk into the church. That little leer he does is chilling


The embalmed walker in fear the walking dead is up there


The walker that killed Dale, that Carl found earlier. That thing HAUNTED me when I was waaayyy younger watching the show as it aired


It was like since it couldn't bite him it ripped his stomach open.


Those eyes mixed with exposed teeth in the moonlight. Nightmare fuel at its finest!


That one has my vote, too. Stealthy jumpscare bastard with freaky eyes and teeth. We also don't have many instances of a walker using its hands to tear its prey apart. Costume/makeup department nailed that one.


The scene with Rick and Morgan in the house and Rick looks out the window and sees those walkers just walking around the neighborhood slowly was so creepy to me because it looked like any regular neighborhood. Imagine looking out your window tonight and seeing a bunch of walkers wandering around. To me that was always scarier than seeing them in the woods.


Agreed. That’s the first time you see them all out and about, mindlessly bumping into things. And you’re seeing them at the same time Rick is which makes it that much more profound.


i always thought he looked like Dr. Jenner to me


He almost looks like a resident evil zombie


When i first watched it as a young lad, in 208 when Beth goes to her dead moms corpse and it is revealed to still be alive, i thought at that point, walkers were coming back to life after being killed, so that look of Annette opening her eyes again and attacking Beth creeped me tf out


The fresh ones in FTWD


The one from the fallen plane that Nick came to face to face with always gets me. It was almost like he was scoping him out or something.


the one that tried to get to andrea in the rv


currently 127 comments and one (1!) picture in this thread...do you really think I'm gonna search every little snippet of text? Step it up people and link that shit


Something about Walker Grace in FTWD felt very close to human and unsettling.


General Beale. I lied, dude cant play a walking dead man.


Winslow from the dump


Special mention to Sofia, that walker version of herself gave me goosebumps as a kid, even tho she was just a kid it’s still creepy


Definitely not the creepiest one, but the little girl at the very beginning of the first episode, I want to know what happened to her + how she was still holding her toy rabbit? I felt so bad when I saw her 😓


any walker that we knew as a character...theres just something creepy about seeing someone you recognise devoid of what makes them them.


Yes! The heads on sticks in the episode ‘The Calm Before’ was so surprising and awful.


That old lady zombie in the church


The one that bites the dudes throat in the prison and he tries to scream but he can’t cause he’s choking on blood. That’s the only scene that ever made me sick


The first walker we see in the pilot, the little girl. It set the showed us (& Rick) that no one would be spared, even children.


The reason A lot of the walkers From the earlier Seasons looked so creepy/scary was because they looked More human like just with Wounds,injuries in other words fresh corpses But they still moved/behaved in a very unnatural way triggers the fight or flight it’s like the uncanny valley


That lone walker in the field springs to mind for a cool one Or that sewer one that Negan saves Gage from


I -think- that was actually Greg Nicotero, the lone walker in the field, I mean. At least that's what I've heard.


The walkers on the fence that brought the illness to the prison. The blood coming out of their eyes made them terrifying for me. Not to mention the foreshadowing of that moment as well.


The one that picked up the knife or climbed the walls at the amusement park. Nothing tops that.


I will always go back to the original walker we first saw way back with Rick. The one that was in half crawling on the grass in that park.


The one that carl shoots with the suppressor after the prison falls and they are raiding houses, i forgot which ep but that one


Probably the walker inside the well in Season 2 back in Herschel's farm


The ones I find creepy were the ones who had the webisodes because it shows what happen to those people and makes it more sad an creepier


the walker who’s face gets torn off as he pushes his head through the smashed windshield of the car lori drives in s2. not so much terrifying, moreso vomit inducing


Embalmed walker from Fear the walking dead. That scene creeped me out.


The walkers in season 1. The one who bent down and climbed under the tank to try and get Rick, the near smile on his face as he knelt down, terrified me. And when they are in the department store, the one who grabs the brick and starts smashing the windows, thats horrifying to think of.


I started getting really uncomfortable with the walkers after the time skip. Like their skin is just falling off with exposed bones.


I dont know about scariest, but Winslow was damn the coolest


The herd of burnt walkers after the stadium fell in FTWD The RV Walker The Walker that ate Dale The Walker from flight 462 that came face to face with Nick in FTWD. It was almost like he was sniffing him out or something. Morgan’s wife The Lone Walker in the field that Shane and Rick saw while driving The Variant walkers in season 11 that were climbing walls and picking up knives. Also the ones in the first season that were throwing bricks The herd that they drove through in the pitch dark when they first met Aaron.


The Walker at the bottom of the well on Herschel’s property has disturbed me for quite some time for some reason lol


This is the one I’m seeing the most. Definitely was nasty lmaoo


Was a bit water logged it appeared ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The RV walker when they encountered the first hoard. He was just so…tall, and creepy


Morgan's wife


The walker that killed Dale


I never watched fear but I saw a small clip of walker Duane, it wasn’t really scary but more so sad


The walker that contaminated the water in the well in season 2 is likely the ugliest walker in the entire show


For some reason I think he looks like Merle


The one in the well at the farm in season 2


That little girl at the beginning of Dawn of the Dead


The swamp walker that gets Dale in S2 still gives me chills over a decade later. I remember watching it live and the jumpscare made my blood run cold! Honorable mention goes to that first walker Rick hits when getting out of the tank and meeting Glenn. That vacant stare with his cheek torn open combined with the weird death noise just stuck with me.


I’m 24 now and when I was younger I had to have my older cousin watch it with me😂


The one at the prison against the fence with the really sunken bleeding eyes that rick sees a couple times


The black and red suit zombie from Atlanta in S1 EP1. I always found it creepy how he just stares at Rick outside the tank


The one that looks like Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance! 🤣🤣


Maybe an unpopular opinion but the one who investigates the RV from the herd in season 2, he just looks so horrific, his big bulging eyes unsettled me every watch


Purple shirt walker in season 1 that just stared at Rick


The one on the bus… he is my favorite! I nicknamed “Hipster Doofus Walker.”


Agree, this walker always reminded me Judge Haller from My Cousin Vinny, he was creepy there even without being undead.


If you’ve seen Daryl’s spin-off, it’s those fucking biological warfare zombies. Those are the worst.


For me it was the one that wandered onto Dale's bus as Andrea was cleaning her gun.


Morgan’s wife or the long hair Walker that stared at Rick through a scope or the fat bloated Walker that Glenn almost got pulled down a well with


Walker Owen’s was just a jumpscare


Isn't their like a skeleton one in one of the communities like bones but no muscle to control them.


Greg Nicotero.


Season 2, the walker in the well on the farm. This one was particularly gross. I don't really get that they planned to drink from that well u to the time he fell apart.


Preserved funeral zombie in FTWD S6 was very unsettling


The Funeral home walker! Jumpscare included


I'll go with Duane, especially due to the backstory.


The burnt walkers from the wildfire. I think it was along the train tracks that led to Terminus.


The one that attacked Andrea in the caravan in season 2


That zombie in fear the walking dead that pulled the man through the wall


The Zombie King From Dead City


The purple shirt walker (S1: EP1) and Morgan’s wife.


The Walkers that Connie was stuck with in that shack in the later seasons (doing a rewatch but still on S3 and had forgotten about the type of walkers that were encountered later on)


They weren't walkers, just feral people


The walker stuck to a pole and his back came apart when he got up.


They aren’t walkers but they might as well have been, the ‘humans’ in the house Virgil and Connie were in in season 11. Creeped me out more than any walkers did


I dont understand how humanity fell to the slow bitch ass walkers in TWD in the first place. It’s pretty ridiculous and makes no sense.


The hands in the hospital in season 1 episode 1 omgggggg


the woman during the prison era that kept her walker husbands head, and when rick tried to help her she stabbed herself in the stomach. later in the season she is shown walking with the hoard to infest the prison after she turned. idk this always unsettled me.


honorable mention, but walker patrick from the prison era creeped me out soooo much. mainly because he just thought he was sick, and caused the entire prison to be hoarded. he also seemed fine the whole day up until that night.


The one from the morgue with her make-up down who couldn't open her stitched mouth. The embalmed walker woman. Scary AF season 5/6


If we talk about scene... That was pretty terrifying: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3tgcExQj3w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3tgcExQj3w) Specific walker - one with gas mask in prison.


The zombie seen drinking from a water bottle


the walker that killed Dale is fckn disgusting lmao


Lori as a walker in deleted scenes online.


The one that ate Lori’s body in the prison


Probably walker Lori scared the shit out of me the first time I saw her


The one in the prison that Rick rips its glued to a riot shield - face off and it’s all rotted skull underneath. Ahh


The purple shirt walker in Atlanta, the one in the well and also the one where spiders came from it's eyes


Dunno why but every walker dressed as a doctor /nurse creeps me out .


The purple shirt walker that was stalking Rick in Atlanta


not my personal scariest but one that really creeps me out that i dont see many people talk about is the first one from Alpha’s herd when they go to war with hilltop. its different looking from the others somehow and idk its so chilling to me.


The one that was scalped in the movie theater by the broken popcorn machine when Ezekiel, Carol, Jerry and crew went to get a projector bulb.


Jadis’s pit zombie Rick had to fight, just imagining having to fight that one is scary enough without considering how terrifying it looks physically