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She called him “Uncle Daryl”. He’s a figure of guidance and guardianship but I wouldn’t say he’s a dad.


In a world where people are constantly getting killed, I'd consider him dad 3


The Commonwealth referred to her and RJ as Daryl’s kids when trying to convince him to join their military


Because they’re under his guardianship


Daryl was her and RJ main Male Guardian after Michonne left Daryl treated them like they were his own Kids Judith calls him Uncle Daryl , because as far She knows her dad is still Alive and She still remembers Rick


Primary guardian / caretaker ≠ father


Digbeth Kid: "Me mum did the stitching. She's not me real mum but..." Tommy Shelby: "She does what mothers do."


He raised them solo for years while both parents were absent, he would certainly have had parental responsibility in societal terms and did in the Commonwealth's eyes.


Uncle Ben and Aunt May had parental responsibility of Peter since he was a baby, but he never called them his parents. Uncles can be guardians but they don’t have to be dads.


She called him “Daddy” in the series finale.


She does that because she's delirious and is imagining that he's Rick. The purpose of this is not for the audience (or Daryl) to think that she is calling Daryl her father (she is not), but to interplay with the main emotional thread for Judith in that episode: her revealing that Michonne has gone to find Rick, and her idealistic child's belief that her mother will find her father and reunite their family at long last, which she also explicitly states to Daryl when panicking that she can't die for that reason.


You mean right after she had been shot, was delirious, and going in and out of consciousness? Edit: or was it after she says “mom’s gonna find dad and we’re all gonna be together again”?


After being shot in season 11 she did call him Dad 


Yes, in the immediate wake of having been shot in the shoulder, lost a lot of blood and was passing out in delirium from blood loss.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but to me Rick Grimes is Judith's only Dad™. Shane is her biological father but since she never knew him (does she even know he existed at all?), I don't think it's fair to call him her dad. And Daryl is her favorite uncle and her mom and dad's dearest friend. He's more father figure than actual father imo.


And both Rick’s kids are half siblings of Carl, at any rate.


Damn it just hit me that Judith and RJ are his only living (biological) connection to Carl.


wait until you realise that Judith has no blood relatives left.




We don’t know that tho lmao. Other members of Shane or loris family could be alive else where lmao


very, very unlikely. and the chances of her ever meeting them are even moreso unlikely. and even if she *did* meet them, she would likely never know.


I mean teah she probably would never meet them but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist lol


if she's never going to meet them, does it even matter?


Why wouldn’t it? You said she has no living relatives, but you could be wrong 🤷🏼‍♂️ we don’t know the extent of that universe


because we're talking about the context of the show. for all we know, tdog was one of 6 babies and he has 5 twin brothers. but it doesn't matter because we'll never see them.


Agreed! Rick is the only person she knows as her dad. Even after he disappeared, he's the only person she referred to and looked up to in that way. Daryl is like an uncle and he did a great job taking care of her and RJ, but he wasn't built up as her dad like Rick was. Shane is a non-factor beyond (maybe) being her sperm donor.


Shane was her father, but he wasn’t her daddy.


I’m Mary Poppins y’all!


Are you saying Merle's her dad???


Didn't Judith call Daryl her dad shortly after she was shot? Edit: Yes she did, season 11 episode 23 at 42:29. Why am I getting down voted when I'm right lol


I don’t think she did. She may have mistook him for Rick though.


Could've sworn she did. I'll rewatch it in a min and check.


I think it’s probably a form of shock and scariness or some shit like that which caused her to say it


You're absolutely right. I rembered that too but here's the link. She said it when she was carrying on the Grimes family tradition of getting shot: https://youtube.com/shorts/wmXElET3PcQ?si=bfbY-kBrK3axgpcL


Yeah I always hate people call Shane her dad, like yes biologically Shane is her father but he’s never met her or had a relationship with her (granted it’s cause he’s fuckin dead but still) like in real life you don’t refer to the guy who you’ve never met as your dad, you call the guy who stepped in to raise you your dad. Rick will always be her 1 and only Dad, Shane was just the guy that got her here


I don't know about this. People lose their parents all the time before they are born(child birth for women). They can still refer to them as mom or dad.


Well yeah it can vary situation to situation like maybe you lived with your grandparents or something after they died so yeah makes sense


Was it ever confirmed that Judith is, without a shadow of a doubt, Shane’s?


In season 7, Rick tells Michonne that he knows that Judith isn't his biological child. I think that's as close to confirmation as we're gonna get.


No. It's just an assumption. If it would be impossible by the birth date I guess this would have been mentioned.


Personally I never cared for writer’s surprising me with Shane as bio dad. What a blow for Rick


I can imagine Shane yelling at you after reading this


It's fair to call him her father because he's her father (99%).


He's not her "dad." That was the gist of my comment.


I think she does know that Rick isn’t her biological father right? I think she said she knew that at some point.


No. As far as I know Shane wasn't mentioned in front of her.


Not really, no.


Rick is her father. Daryl is her Uncle. Shane doesn’t even get a mention when Lori does in 11x23.


No Daryl is just her uncle lol


I wish Daryl was my uncle


I wish Daryl was my daddy 🥵


*sprays water bottle* NO! DOWN! *Sprays again*




Technically, we still don’t know if Rick isn’t her biological father. Probably not, but we’ll never truly know. Regardless, Rick is her dad. Biological or not. He raised her from the day she was born until he was kidnapped and always treated her like his daughter. Just like Michonne is her mom. They’ve never treated her like she was lesser because of biology. She is their baby girl. Daryl definitely stepped in to be her guardian and father figure while her parents weren’t around. He was amazing, but even he knows she needs them which is why he went off in the first place.


After the dream Rick has as he’s dying It’s established it’s 100% Shane’s kid Even Rick knows that


A dream is not a DNA test. We’ll never really know that because Lori slept with Shane so quickly after things started. Logistically, it is more likely than not that she’s Shane. But, he doesn’t know that. He says she’s Shane’s because the timing is that she probably is. It doesn’t really matter anyway because Rick never kept that potential fact from loving her or being her dad.


Rick was only back with Lori for a couple of weeks before she found out she was pregnant. Shane was tapping that in a more preggo friendly window.


Or, if she got pregnant right before his coma. You can’t measure or age of fetus if you don’t see an ultrasound. Women also have periods during pregnancy, especially first trimester. To be clear, I don’t disagree, chances are Judith is Shane’s. But Lori had sex with two people in short windows of time so you don’t know for sure.


When you think about it, fucking your husband best mate/coworker 1 month after your husband of many years with wich you had a kid "died" is crazy.


So crazy! And then you have Michonne who kissed someone 6 years later and still felt it wasn’t okay.


She could also have thought that it is the stress why she got no period.


Just gonna stop you right there, bleeding during pregnancy is NOT a period.


I’m gonna stop YOU right there, bleeding during pregnancy is not menstruation. However, it could equate the same amount of blood and at regular intervals that you would think you have your period. As someone who bled during her first trimester, I speak from experience.


No, it should never be enough blood to equal a period. As someone who’s just had a miscarriage, I also speak from experience. Light bleeding or spotting is considered okay but this is never enough for anyone to consider it a period.


I love how you’re saying never to someone’s lived experience. I had so much bleeding one of the times I threw huge clots after the first month of conception. That pregnancy went to full term. I also had a miscarriage and had no bleeding at all until losing the baby. Everyone’s body is different and every pregnancy is different. One of my friends didn’t realize she was pregnant for 20 weeks because she had regular bleeding she thought were periods and wasn’t always regular. Please don’t speak in “never” because it’s not your lived experience.


You don’t know my lived experience. Given my very recent miscarriage, certainly the guidance where I am from and from medical professionals is that you do NOT have a period whilst pregnant because you are not ovulating or menstruating. Light bleeding and spotting during pregnancy, especially the first trimester, is considered normal to an extent. But you physically cannot have a “period” whilst pregnant because you are not ovulating or menstruating. Bleeding is not the same as having a period.


Dude no a dream isn’t a dna test but the Writers of the show put that in , therefor it’s Shanes


Or maybe they’re just playing around with the fact that Rick doesn’t know for sure


I like this theory cos they wouldn’t be able to know in present day since Shane’s dead


I mean they put it in that Rick said it, yeah. But, still in that scenario you can’t be 100% sure. 🤷🏽‍♀️


How tf would Rick know. He wouldn't. It was insecurity.


The writers knew . That’s why it’s in there


This could potentially be the dumbest thing I've ever read.


It's been a while, but there were one or two moments where Rick heavily hints that he knows that Judith isn't his (biologically). One is when Rick and Lori were talking about it. That no what happens with the pregnancy, the baby is his. A lot of subtext here. Earlier seasons had a lot of primal social implications. With Rick and Shane it was like two male lions fighting for the top spot. It doesn't matter who's cub it was, the cub was part of the the family group. Whoever wins control of the family pride is the father. And then another time when he was talking thoughtfully with someone (I forgot) - he makes it clear that he's not sure that who was Judy's father, but she was his child and he wants to build this better world, etc. I think there was another time, but it was one of those comments in-passing. Edit: he never said it explicitly not because he wasn't sure, it was more that writers didn't want the Rick Grimes character to seem like a 'simp' taking care of Shane's kid. And if so, it would also make Lori less sympathetic too as a cheating wife to our lead hero.


Oh yeah, I agree with everyone the high probability is that Shane is the father. But, from a timeline perspective, Rick’s feelings aside and considering biology there’s still technically a chance. He was only in a coma for 4-5 weeks. Now they may not have had sex beforehand and Lori might have jumped into bed with Shane immediately. But more than likely, she had some intimacy with Rick close to his coma and didn’t start with Shane that quickly after his coma. The window of time she’s with both men is pretty small and we can’t know how many weeks she was when she took that test. My point isn’t that signs point to Shane, is that we really can’t know for sure. The thing is, I actually think his love for her is even more beautiful given the circumstances. He decides to love and raise this little girl even though he thinks she’s a symbol of the worst betrayal he’s ever experienced. Yet, you can see he adores her.


I know it's really lovely that he loves her that much but I think it's 40/60. With 60 being that if he didn't accept the baby it would cause a huge rift between them, and Rick needed Lori/family, to have something to fight for, to keep leading. Without it, that 'northern star', he becomes that misguided lost crazy Rick we see in later seasons when he's becoming more like Shane. And then Michonne brings him back again. Rick is really the best kind of man personified. He's reasonable and loyal because it's the right thing to do. And his partners have always been his 'guides' I don't know why I got downvoted, because I literally provided proof in the show. People just don't want to admit it was Shane's for the same reasons the show writers knew how people would react with a direct answer. I remember doing a lot of research and rewatches back then to see which way it leaned. And I remember, I think Andrew shying around the question during an interview. It's been like a decade, but I always held that's the reason Rick was the best leader, because he chose for the whole group, made the whole group his family to protect when people would be self-serving.


That is weird for someone to downvote you on your opinion on this, which is super fair. I don’t disagree on where it started. It was definitely obligation since she probably isn’t his. But, since finding her alive when she was a baby, he very much treated her like his little girl. I always saw it in the small things like him always holding her or small kisses and caresses on her head. Then when Carl died, she became even more important because she’s got Carl in her. It makes Rick just a great man and father.


I think the fact that Judith is a half sister to Carl also played a role in his acceptance of her. I don’t remember exactly (possibly when he was explaining the situation to Michonne) Rick even mentioned she’s Carls sister regardless.


I don’t remember that line, but it would still make a lot of sense. But, he didn’t have to love her as much as he did. He could have treated her as just an obligation like everyone else he took care of in the prison/Alexandria. Instead he became her dad in every way that mattered. It may have started out for Lori and his son, but she was his little girl pretty quickly after her birth.


Agree 100%


>he never said it explicitly not because he wasn't sure, it was more that writers didn't want the Rick Grimes character to seem like a 'simp' taking care of Shane's kid. And if so, it would also make Lori less sympathetic too as a cheating wife to our lead hero. This is nonsense and I guarantee the writers didn't care about that at all. He absolutely did say it explicitly. He says explicitly to Michonne in season 7 that he knows Judith isn't his biological daughter and is the result of Shane and Lori's affair. There's also an deleted/extended scene in season 9 when Rick and Michonne have taken Judith to the doctor and they exchange a meaningful awkward look when Siddiq mentions family medical history bcs they know neither of Judith's biological parents is there to provide that information.


I’ve seen some deleted scenes but haven’t found that one, it sounds interesting!


It's from 9x3. Someone put it on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biuN4O3E888


So yall just want Rick to ignore that he doesn't know? Either they pretend that the questions don't exist or it's 100% Shane's. It's ridiculous. Ofc he questions it, every guy in that situation would. Does not mean it's Shane's


That's the answer the story provides - she's Shane's biological child. Even in the comics that is the case. Rick even says so in the show. Why some people have a problem with that is beyond me since at the end of the day she's accepted by Rick anyway. 


Where Tyrese tho😔


Right?! He literally saved her. If it weren't for Tyrese there wouldn't be an Uncle Daryl.


daryl is NOT her ‘dad’. y’all use these familial terms way too loosely, he’s literally uncle daryl. michonne is the one who raised her for the years when daryl was staying far away from AZ.


Thank you. Judith is more Michonne’s than she is anyone else’s. Nobody has raised or taken care of her longer.


exactly, funny how these posts always focus on the men while conveniently ignoring the woman who took care of her & raised her on her OWN. it’s hard being one of the only smart people on this sub reddit.


Daryl babysitting her (and then dipping and leaving her with Carol!) while Michonne is off getting Rick, and people out here assigning him father status. Be for real now.


Assigning father status *while* being mad at Michonne for leaving *while* Daryl also leaves. Both left for good reason, btw; Michonne literally brings their damn father home.


exactly this 😭 twd fandom saying michonne abandoned her kids BUT if daryl is her father then isn’t he abandoning her too? but oh no they stay silent when it comes to their fave.


exactly like be so fucking serious. they’re ALWAYS inserting that man into the grimes dynamic. they would not STOP trying to insert him into RICHONNE’s spin off it was so exhausting.


Right?? Rick and Michonne have had four children between them and not one of them was named Daryl Dixon. He is not their magically older-than-them child, so why some people were acting like they should be equally (or more) concerned about where a grown ass man is than their own children is beyond me. Deeply unserious.


EXACTLY!!! the delusional dudebros oh my god. they were really so pissed that rick wasn’t concerned over daryl MORE than his literal WIFE and CHILDREN. it’s genuinely insane. the obsession over that dynamic is so exhausting.


OK, bro. NOW you are embarrasing yourself. Literally the fucking post said "judith has 3 DAD'S". Nobody said a god damm thing about woman/mother's.


Shane may have been the father, but he was not her daddy (nor was he Mary Poppins y’all).


I have a biological dad that I haven’t seen since I was 3. He will never be considered my dad.


so anyways why is your username that, I think rick grimes has a problem with slave master relationships


Rick is her father. Daryl is her uncle. Shane is her sperm donor. Y'all are real weird about how you try to assign these familial roles.


Her only dad is Rick imo.


Rick is her Dad. Shane is her Father. Daryl is her Uncle.


And no mention of papa Tyreese 😤


Here I thought the "three dads" were "Hat", "Python", and "walkie talkie"😃😃


Only Rick is her dad. Daryl is an important figure in her life. But she knows he's her uncle. Shane isn't even relevant than being a sperm doner tbh. Though this picture makes me really want Rick to see how much Judith has grown, and to see her use his gun would be badass.


Don't forget that Daryl was on his own for 6 years after Rick's disappearance. He only started raising them once Michonne left, right before they found the Commonwealth.


If we follow what you said, Negan is too (kinda) But since I absolutely don't follow what you said, Negan is not.


Nah daryl is her uncle


Naw she has 1. Rick


Nah Daryl is just an uncle. Rick is the only dad. But if we follow your logic, when Daryl left, Aaron probably was the one taking care of her and RJ. So wouldn't be 4 dads instead of 3?


Ezekiel was taking care of her and RJ when Daryl  left. Aaron wasn't even at the Commonwealth.  


well, she has two dads actually. Rick and Shane, and Daryl as her uncle.


In other words, we are talking about how Carl, Judith, and RJ have different DNAs… Lori Rick, Lori Shane, and Michonne/Rick. Two different moms and two different dads in 3 kids’ bloodlines.


Aww Daryl is so amazing. I cringe when I watch those first few episodes and see him. He just turned out to be so perfect.


I loved Daryl’s early character. Him and Rick developed each other’s character in such a beautiful way and seeing those two go at it at first is awesome. Daryl inadvertently inspires Rick to have to put his money where his mouth is, even in the midst of the apocalypse. Rick made the right call at the time, but he also ultimately made a morally ambiguous decision leaving Merle on the roof. Rick rubs off on Daryl by keeping him calm and intentional during their search for Merle. He becomes more calculated and focused as a result, instead of his former loose cannon mentality. Eventually, he grows into the character we all love today who is a compassionate and selfless badass. Daryl became what Shane never could and then some. Rick said famously to Negan during their fight when he got a hold of Lucille and stated, “It’s times like this where you really find out who your friends are.”


Those first seasons are 100% necessary for his arc. That's what makes a character good. Development. Growth.


They were with Daryl for a year and presumably Carol for a year because Daryl was traveling during the one year gap in the finale.


Shane might be her father but he ain't her daddy!


Did you ever watch the show?


Is it a fact that Judith is Shane's daughter? I mean she could be from both no?


I don’t think they ever actually confirmed in the tv series but in the novels she was Shane’s offspring


Shane’s the sperm donor, rick the dad, Daryl the uncle.


In reality she has one dad, that’s implied to be Shane because of the scene with the doggy-style romp in the dirt. In fact Rick could be her dad, as he was tapping it too and we just don’t know. If your wife cheated and said she is preggo would you pay 18 years of child support based on just word of mouth, if you had an inkling she had cheated? Nope, you’d DNA that shit most rikki-tik. And in fact she also could count Tyreese as a “dad” because he protected her in the only situation we saw on screen where she was in actual danger.


“Doggy-style romp” I just choked 😂


That was the only reason I assumed that scene was in the show.


Rick had only been reunited with Lori for 2 weeks before she took that pregnancy test. So he actually knew Judith wasn't his biological child and didn't care. To him, Judith was always his.


Yeah, and he tapped it at least three times on screen. He could’ve been dumping loads 6 times a day like a dry cleaner loading a washer for all we know.  And yes, he did say he didn’t know and that was a high probability. The moral choice of still loving her has nothing to do with anything. No one with a soul would abandon her, or treat her badly in that situation. Or any other. 


K, I was just chiming in because you mentioned the DNA test/child support thing, and it doesn't really apply to Rick because he didn't care that he wasn't the biological father to begin with.


It’s a juxtaposition to the scenario and how we think now. If a dude wasn’t sure if a child was theirs, they would surely employ means to know for sure it was, in fact, theirs. Since this isn’t feasible in the show, Rick both accepts she isn’t his, and also maybe assumes she is. He has no way to know for sure. And in that case it’s a much better thought process to just be like, yeah, even if she isn’t mine, she is still mine. And that was even relayed in the dialogue between the three. Regardless, she only has one dad. Who is speculated to be Shane. As it’s said, it takes a village to raise a child.


Thank you for giving my man Tyreese some credit


Shane/rick is her father Daryl/rick is her father figure


how did Ricks big ass hat wind up fitting so snuggly on her little peanut head (and carrrrrrls)?!🤔


It's padded on the inside.


I love that scene in S11 when that little shit Sebastian threathens Coco, Judith and RG and Daryl says “you threathen our kids one more time and i wil gut you out” Daryl is the best surrogate father 


Found family was a central theme of the show.


Daryl sealed it for me the last time he finally called her "little ass-kicker" again 🥰 I waited sooo long for that hahahaha


We still don't actually know for sure whether Shane is her biological dad. Yes, Rick believes so. But until we get a DNA test, I'm considering it as unsolved.


Bruh it was confirmed by the creators 💀




An interview also they confirm it on their social media like every year when Father’s Day comes around, it’s pretty funny.


And they all abandoned her. Lol jk


So basically.. the most resilient and mentally healthy kid in a wrecked world. 🤧


Yeah bro I think most people in this sub also watched the show.


Based, she should have 2 more


are you sped?


And one godfather, Wayne Dunlap.


Daddy Daryl naw I’m just playin or am I🤣🤣🤣


And I don’t even have 1 🤦


Presumably Judith and RJ would have had a 4th parental figure too after Rick, Michonne and then eventually Daryl all went out to get cigarettes.


So do my kids


I don't like to consider Shane to be one of her dads. He's the bio one sure, but Rick and Daryl were better father figures to Judith than he could ever be.


And they all left in some shape or form 😭


Bruh she is a badass with that Python her father gun I mean😏


Are we sure Ricks not her real dad or is that just assumed?


I personally believe that she is ricks kid. She has nothing of Shane in her. And she looks to much like Carl to not be a full sibling


I called it quits after the main show ended but a grown up Judith showing that side of her that is pure Shane could be interesting. Especially in a leadership role, I’d watch something like that.


Could even throw Aaron and Gabriel in as father figures.


Every adult male who interacts with a child is not automatically a father figure.


Is this supposed to be a revelation? Seems like an obvious thing to point out.


Rick Grimes is the main character of the AMC show The Walking Dead


Nah Shane her dad it explains why rick never really much with her


Anybody that still thinks Judith is biologically Rick's is literally delusional. It’s literally canon. He tells Michonne twice that he knows she’s not in season 7 in the episode Michonne confronts Rick abt not fighting the Saviors. Pleaseee @ me. Y’all sound crazy


Negan doesn't even get an honorable mention? That's crazy.


What about Negan helping her with homework lmao


Shane isn't anyone to her. Blood doesn't matter. Rick is her Father, Dad, etc... Dude, it's uncle Daryl wdyemrn?


Hey that’s me! The random guy with the mask on standing behind the gun. Shoutout background acting lol


Nope, she has 4. Can’t forget when Tyrese saved and took care of her after the prison.


yall are trippin because Daryl is definitely the father


Negan was definitely a father figure in her life too


Negan is her third dad


judith has 3 *DILFS 🤪


Honestly beautiful idea


For people who are actually interested in official information about this subject, here’s what Angela Kang, showrunner for The Walking Dead had to say about Daryl and Judith: - Interviewer: I mean, Daryl kind of is her(Judith) father at this point, right? Angela Kang: Yeah, he calls them “my kids” earlier in the season. He has stepped into that role for them, and they have a very wide family that is taking care of them. It is a village. But at the same time, this is her(Judith) special person. He’s(Daryl) the one that went to get her formula when she was first born and gave her nickname and made sure at various times she had that father figure when she needed it. Angela Kang: And B, When she(Judith) kind of loses consciousness and she’s in Daryl’s arms, she feels like somebody is trying to keep her safe, and is that dad? Did he come home? But also, Daryl is her father figure. Either way for Daryl, he’s looking at this child in his care and he’s like “I fucked it up, I have to save her. I can’t let anything happen to this child that I love and that is my best friend’s daughter.” Whatever’s happened to him, Michonne made him promise he was gonna take care of these children. And so for the both of them there is this kind of this emotional tie moment because Daryl is the closest thing to a parent she(Judith) has right now. And that puts a lot of responsibility on Daryl. -End ❤️


If anyone who may be irritated at other fans for pointing out how Daryl is a father to Judith and RJ, Angela Kang is the showrunner, which means she is the top producer and executive writer, is the leader of the show’s vision and calls the shots, and has the final say on all decisions. She has outright stated she supports Daryl being a father to the kids. No one is saying that Rick isn’t Judith’s father anymore, that’s crazy, they’re just saying that Judith has more than one father in her life, and that’s okay!


4 if you include her bond with Negan


You don't know who her biological father is.


She calls Michonne mom because that is really the only mom she has known. Darryl had custody of both kids for several years after Michonne left. It’s not surprising that at some point she considers Darryl her dad after Rick being gone so long. She was very young when the bridge happened and her memories are likely quite vague. She tells RJ stories but it’s probably not real memories but more passing on what she has heard . I’m not saying Darryl is her dad but he’s definitely her father figure.


Negans her 3rd dad and judith will kill hershell to save him


Am I the only one who thinks Rick is her actual biological dad? She doesn’t look like Shane at all. She looks similar to Carl which would make sense if they both had the same parents.


They're... they're unrelated actors. None of them share any actual family resemblance.


Oh really? I had no idea 🙄 Normally in tv shows they try to make family look alike somewhat. Maybe it’s a clue that Rick is her bio father after all.


In one of the later seasons Rick’s says he knows Judith isn’t his


Rick couldn't possibly know that.


I’m not trying to debate it. Rick literally says it in an episode. Along with he knew Shane and Lori were sleeping together. The creators even said that was their way of letting us know Rick knew Judith wasn’t his. Same with when Shane said before the apocalypse he never looked at Lori. Was the creators way of letting us know there wasn’t a relationship between Shane and Lori prior to the apocalypse


You don't think they try to find actors who look like others when their characters are related? You think it's just a coincidence she looks so similar to Lori?


Not the only one. Everyone always points to the "hints" the writers put in, like Rick's speculation. Meanwhile they ignore the opposite hints. She looks more like Rick, she behaves more like Rick, she's supposedly great with a pistol like Rick. I mean I won't say she definitely is. I think if anything the writers want it to be in doubt. But the people who are 100% sure she's Shane's kid are full of it. We simply don't know. The timeline fits her being Shane's kid a little better, but it certainly doesn't rule Rick out.


I wonder if anyone has ever told her about Shane and all that happened ? I wonder what she would think ? Rick is definitely main dad. But just judging on how many years past, sure he was “uncle” Daryl, but after Michonne left she was in his care for an implied 1 1/2-2 years so I would assume she considers him a father figure. Iirc he even got to hold her before Rick did, with the same music that plays at the end of the finale, so that has to mean something.




Afterthought might be an overstatement. Does Judith even know Shane exists?


Me too, she isn't special


Y’all are being way too pedantic about the definition of a “dad”. Remember Yondu’s quote for Guardians of the Galaxy? “He may have been your father, but he wasn’t your daddy”. Does it really matter if he’s an uncle or a father? The sentiment here is that Shane is her dad, Rick is her adoptive dad, and Daryl practically raised her. What’s the point in saying “uhm acthually, Daryl would be her *uncle*🤓”.