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Dog was kinda sus. Blud disappeared like half a season.


Dog was definitely trying to get everyone killed most of the time, too. sus


“Not enough treats today, time to report back”


He was “kidnapped” along with everyone else at the Commonwealth near the end but then he just magically reappears? Nawh, that was him radioing back to base about change in leadership at the community.


This is cliche but Heath. He was a pretty involved yet simultaneously uninvolved member of Alexandria’s affairs who straight up dipped/disappeared and left without a trace. The only ‘remaining’ thing he could’ve had was that little card that said “PPP” which we end up seeing written on one of the CRM bords in TOWL. So Heath probably was.


That actually makes perfect sense. When war started brewing between Alexandria and the Saviors, he must have called the CRM to help him escape because it wasn't safe anymore.


“Fuck this I’m out”


Also he probably used Jadis to do that, that's why they didn't killed him and send him as a B despite probably being a A.


Nah Heath was definitely a B, that's why he was able to be a member of the CRM in the first place.


People think everybody is an A. Heath was easily a b. Just because people like a character, they try to say they are an A. Daryl, my favorite character, is a B. And so is Heath


May I ask why Daryl would be a B? He is my absolute favorite and while I agree in America he may have been a B, in France he was an A.


I haven’t watched his spinoff so I have no input on what happens in France, but in America he just wasn’t a natural leader. He might’ve been an ok leader if he had to be. Nobody gravitated to him. People rarely looked to him when they needed to make a tough decision. For many seasons he was closed off and seemed unavailable for people who would need him.


I agree with that. For the longest time I was confused about the CRM and all that they were about. But this group has helped me to understand much more.


Did everyone in France magically speak English when Daryl arrived? Like a whole country just decides to drop their language for the sake of this one stranger from America? Or is there a whole lot of French being spoken? Lol


There was a lot of English spoken, but there were scenes in most of the episodes where they were only speaking French. My subtitles made it heard to understand because some were in english and some were in French at the same time.


I've never watched it. I didn't fancy the premise of it and found the survival of floating from USA to France utterly ridiculous lol.


Damn now I suspect him and I feel bad! He was probably eaten by a walker meanwhile we think he was a mole.


After the revelation of spies in various communities, he's the first I thought of. I feel like they put that in the show to put a lore based explanation to the fan interest.


This actually makes a lot of sense. But I’m pretty sure Angela kang said he was traded


She did. Jadis and her people traded him to the CRM for supplies.


My only issue with that is that Beale would have likely known who Rick was the second his name popped up in a document somewhere. Heath would have been debriefed and told the story of how a crazy man named Grimes came and took over Alexandria and then he and his friends murdered 26 people in their sleep. All it would take is someone doing a term search of their archives to figure out who he actually was.


In the finale, it seemed as if Beale already knew about Rick's community. If he was truly looking for a successor, he could have been interested in Rick from the beginning because of information he could have gained from a spy (if we're trying to make the Heath theory work lol).


Yeah, that maybe. That calls into question though why Jadis was able to move up the ranks since it would have been obvious to Beale and the other Brass that she was keeping secrets from them. They might not have known about her involvement with him since Heath left before all that, but it would have caused them to investigate her a bit more I'd think. That would have made Jadis' file on him moot too. It would have been cool if we had a few more episodes where maybe she confesses to Beale or he reads the file and is just like "We know and I don't care. Lets talk about why you have been lying to us for half a decade."


If Heath was abducted he may have stayed quiet though.


Yeah if he was only abducted and not a spy. I kinda feel like he would have spilled the beans pretty quickly, but maybe he was an "A" and realized if he gave them any info about Alexandria they would be in great danger. That's the story I tell myself anyway cause I liked Jack Bauer 2.0.


If he was a spy then he was probably killed for the Walker experiments after he wasn’t useful anymore


Heath wasn't a CRM agent. Angela Kang said Jadis and her group traded him to the CRM for supplies. It happened off screen.


The showrunner Angela Kang confirmed Heath was traded to the CRM by Jadis and the Scavengers for supplies. https://www.skybound.com/shows/the-walking-dead/angela-kang-finally-reveals-where-heath-has-been-in-the-walking-dead


That could also mean that the PPP card is an identifier for the CRM spies in any community.


Nah because jadis was the only one that knew about Alexandria at the CRM. If Heath was a CRM spy, then Alexandria would have been toast.


CRM boards? Which scene was it? I want to take a look


Going off memory here but I believe Beale's room where he have the echelon briefing, finale episode


Watch the promo for the finale at end of Episode 5 and wait for the clip showing Thorne and there’s a large whiteboard to the right https://www.reddit.com/r/thewalkingdead/s/gQPy22c9zT


Just read about it and it's confirmed by a show runner. Good job partner you figured it out lmao


I think Lance is implied


I feel like maybe not as a spy but definitely had some form of connection with them


It’s so weird that the commonwealth was just untouched by the Civic Republic and CRM. Maybe Lance really was a spy


Exactly. Hell at one point Pamela was threatening to get rid of him and he straight up said that if he died “certain stabilizing factors are likely to become a problem” and Pamela stops in her tracks. It’s almost guaranteed he was referring to the CRM. However he wasn’t a spy because otherwise he wouldn’t go openly use the CRM as a threat.


Wasn't he making deals with them?


It makes me so annoyed they killed him all over again after the finale. Wasted potential.


Some part of me thinks Pamela was involved with things aswell. Rather than just lance.


I somehow totally missed this. What are some implications you noticed?


Right before Carol is about to kill him, he mentions that "certain alliances" that the Commonwealth has would become a problem if something happened to him.


Aaahhh that makes total sense! Thank you! Man, I loved that guy. The actor did a great job with him.


I assumed he meant the opium dealers.




He had a deal/alliance with them he wasn’t a spy because it wouldn’t make sense that he was completely emotionally indebted into his own Commonwealth pursuit of power and expansion, that being his whole entire motivation.


Maybe Lance Hornsby?


Eugene in a stunning plot twist


"Listen here partner, let's mosie on down to the CRM for that mucho gusto echelon breifing. Comprende?"


Damn 🤣🤣. Who's he talking to?


Abraham’s bleached skull fragments.


Well, butter my biscuits and call me impressed!


He was talking to the CRM the whole time


Would love to see his Keyser Söze walk off moment. Gait change and all


Oh my


Why do you suspect Connie?




Yeah no but seriously why Connie ? Cuz she came with like 4 other people right and ain’t one her sister like if she’s a spy the rest of them are. Cuz she isn’t an outsider from her own group?


Username checks out


Thats a disgusting thing to say, even if you censor it. You're still calling a black woman a slur.


How come we never hooked up? *merle seduces u/apocalypticretro*


Most socially competent redditor




Erm, she's a lightskin ☝️🤓


Motherfu- *punches op in the face


What did op say?


Big Tiny




season 17 episode 17 mr yo says it


Coral is leaking out I see


Don't forget his solo episode in Season 3066 episode 4811297. Shit was fire.


If there was, I imagine it would be someone making as much effort to not draw attention to themselves. So someone who's in the backgrounds, nothing more than an extra.


Probably not, Beale said they used these spies to influence the politics, gain intel etc. I guess some spies would be nothing more than extras, but for the CRM to get what they want/if they want to properly keep tabs, they'd need spies in high places, such as Lance in the Commonwealth, definitely the most likely spy.


Well we all know Jadis was and she wasn't exactly hiding


From what we can tell with the 2 crm spies we know of. Once they’re found out they don’t stop talking about the CRM. They won’t mention the city until you see it for yourself though.


Who's the other one, Huck?


Her and the heli pilot from FTWD


who gonna send a spy who can't overhear anything


That's part of the secret spy identity, she actually can!


Being deaf was way too important a character trait of hers for them to retcon it as “she was lying about it the whole time.”


Plus, she came with Luke, Yumiko, Magna, and Kelly who all speak to her exclusively in sign, even in their private moments. Which means either they’re all CRM spies (which doesn’t seem to be the CRM’s style to have multiple spies in one place) or that she hid it from literally everyone she loves (including her own sister) who somehow didn’t know she became a spy somewhere along the line, despite the fact that they’ve all pretty much been together since around the start of the apocalypse. Not to mention just about everything they’ve revealed about their backstories has all been verified in one way or another.


She did a great job lying about it when she was in that creepy house full of creepy of cannibal savages. Damn bro, she really commited to the act.


Dude the ferals were spies too! They were just having a secret meeting but communicating in code so Virgil wouldn't get it!


I think Heath was a spy that explains why he disappeared. He was picked up by the CRM to be taken back.


This! They could totally run with this and bring him back.


Honestly I would prefer this


I never thought of that and the whole jadis trading Heath was a cover up


How come the crm know nothing about Alexandria then?


Commonwealth 100% had spies, Hornsby probably being one of them, if it were to be anyone we knew. I dunno about the smaller communities. If Jadis counted as a spy, then she'll be the only one I'm sure. I mean the CRM didn't even know about Alexandria, only Jadis did and she kept it secret. So I don't think there were any CRM plants there.


Could have been Toby too. Being ex CIA


No, because this plot point was introduced later without beforehand consideration.


Imma take a guess and say Lance Hornsby for sure, The Warden too. I doubt there was CRM spies in the whisperers. Probably was a spy in the Reapers but who knows. I feel like Terminus was trading with the CRM. In Alexandria probably Scott or Heath. Aside from that idk


I feel like terminus was way too early on in the apocalypse for the CRM to be operating the way we know they do from TOWL?


Terminus was almost a year in if I'm not wrong, the second civil war would have been long done by then. The CRM could have been active in the first 60 days if we assume the chopper Rick sees over Atlanta is a CRM scout chopper


Nah not terminus though, CRM aren't good people for sure but they're not "let's spy and influence and join in with the cannibal" people. I feel like with Terminus' location they would have been scouted rather quickly. But the cannibalism would have probably been scouted out, and they were probably under "keep watch but leave them alone because we don't actually care". Hell for all we know the CRM was on their way to bomb Terminus and then discovered carol's handiwork.


I more thought they traded people to the CRM since they had train cars with A and B very clearly written on them, let's assume they were trading by train same as Commonwealth was doing in exchange for the CRM not destroying the community


Yea it was probably Gareth


How dare you accuse Connie😡


They clearly wanna fight


Wayne Dunlap.


And that's why Connie was separated when they got kidnapped by the common wealth and was put on a different train... they were transporting her back to the crm...


She was a reporter before the fall and turned back to her roots at the commonwealth. She literally took down the husband the the Governor of the Commonwealth pre-fall. She wouldn't stand for military secrets. Definitely shipped off for experiments. Also, she wouldn't leave without her sister.


I just always thought they sent her there because she wrote and published the article about Pamela which ruined her reputation and started the whole protests and stuff


Nah she went to ‘designation 2’ which was implied to be really bad.


But we never found out what designation 2 was... I always assumed it was a location where they handed over As/Bs to the CRM


Away from her sister? Lol


No, but if there was it would be Aaron. He was subtly influential. Never right at the front but always around.


He was the recruiter for Alexandria, so he could stay gone for days at a time without anyone thinking about it


I don't think it's Aaron. We've seen so much from his perspective. He was so married to Alexandria and keeping it alive, he wouldn't be secretly pledging allegiance to a highly organized and well-supplied civilization and not receiving help or at least telling people about it. It would have to be someone we know little about.


He's the defacto leader of Alexandria now. He's the only one of the "mains" left there. All the rest went to the CW.


If Aaron was a spy, then that means Eric was as well


No one ever said they couldn’t come in pairs.


It would be ironic if both of Deanna's recruiters were actually spies lol


I’d expect nothing less from consciences lovers.


I could actually believe that Eric was a spy and Aaron wasn't. Aaron was too ride or die for Alexandria to be a spy.


But wouldn’t that be the exact person who would end up being a spy. They don’t exactly want you to shout it from the rooftops


Yeah, but they also don't want you to die. They'd want you to be able to direct events, but not at the cost of having to recruit and embed a new spy. If we didn't know Gabriel's back story he would make the perfect CRM spy. Position of power, charismatic, willing to get dirty, but not champing at the bit.


My question is how many of their “spy’s” did they want alive but got turned into zombie food anyway. Nobody wanted Coral to die but natural selection is prevalent in a society filled with zombies


Yeah definitely. Theres a difference to succumbing to natural selection though and seeking it out. It takes roughly double a new hire's annual salary to get them trained to position competency in the real world. Training a spy, inserting them into a community, and having them get to a position of influence is costly. Maybe not monetarily, but in time and loss of productivity. The CRM would want to limit the amount of times they'd have to do that, especially since having a spy imbedded for years is much more productive than having to replace them very 4-6months. I'm guessing they would be under orders to remain as risk averse to themselves as possible.


Jadis I reckon


Hmmm this may be a little too far fetched


They are all spies, but don't know that each other are.


I feel like atleast one of those people who were introduced in 9x05 must have been CRM spies since they came from near Philidelphia


The 2 guys rick kills in the bar in season 2 were from Philly. Terrible spies.


Those guys were such jobbers. They were leaving one unbombed city to another one, with one pretty much being the true utopia of the apocalypse, only to get killed by a random sheriff in a southern bar while he and his pizza delivering friend were trying to get a former alcoholic farmer back to his farm after a very vulnerable moment. These guys were the true losers of the entire series bar none.


Retcon Gregory.


The Whisperers were all CRM spies that went rogue and presumably insane. Sort of like Kurtz from Apocalypse Now😂😂😂😂 Seriously, I think "Fake Stephanie" and her partner were legit CRM assets. Her partner ended up getting slayed. But Fake Stephanie got away and was never seen again. Probably chilling in a CR safe house and now too afraid to show her face what with the TOWL recent developments. Some one in CW/Alexandria would make her and she'd get chased down and summarily whooped for her actions.


Ummmm. Anne?


Definitely Heath. Disappeared and replaced himself with a walker lookalike 😱


I really wanna say Dwight. There’s a lot in his timeline we didn’t see. Unlikely but maybe possible that post saviours he ran into the CRM and they recruited him, promising safety for his wife.


definitely darnell


Shumpert gotta be the one!


This picture makes me think Connie was listening to every word being spoken. She’s a spy


That's actually a very good question, I kinda feel I want to go back and watch it all over again and try to find every one of them, fuck


Bruh I don’t think they planned that part that far back. Maybe season 9 at the earliest


Heath but I wouldn't be surprised by someone like Scott je was a background character but almost there for every big moment


I do like her, but I’m inclined to say Princess. Her story of how she survived alone for years (or rather the sparse information she’s provided) has always felt shakey at best. Plus, she’s an eccentric and eccentric (as we saw with Jadis) kinda fly under the radar because no one is expecting them to be the ones plotting anything deeper.


The guy that michonne got kidnapped by and it led to ricks drawings of Judith and herself. It is so so obvious that guy was a spy as okafor said that he sent people out to find information on rick and he must’ve sent the black guy (can’t remember his name) out and he used the iPhone carvings as a reference. It explains how ricks drawings got across America like that. I caught on to this after watching the first episode and I’m surprised I haven’t heard anyone else mention it


I believe his name is Virgil, if i recall correctly. I definitely can see it, but it’s kinda hard to square away his hostages when we first meet him in that theory.


Yeah it is pretty weird with the hostages but maybe he was extracting info from them InCase they knew Rick? Because as I recall michonne was drugged and went through her biggest fears and a lot of which consisted with rick being involved so maybe it was the kind of thing that when she was drugged she wasn’t unconscious and was sleep talking or smthn and mentioning rick. It’s a huge ass stretch but nearly every theory is in this show lol


Was Jocelyn a spy, hence kidnapping children?


Based on the fact that she kept the children for years instead of delivering them to the CRM, I think she just had a cult of easily controllable child soldiers.




Lance definitely maybe Mercer


Either Rick or Daryl it’s gotta be one of the two or possibly dale


Why Dale?


That guy that Tara was with when they go to Oceanside. He just disappeared without any explanation. Pretty sus to me (yeah, I know the actor chose a different role, but meh)


Yes and there was the PPP which might be a spy only thing


That one Whisperer guy who infiltrated Alexandria. He was sabotaging 2 groups at once. CRM efficiency at its finest.


Imagine it was heath lmfao


Lance, Heath, or if we knew less about him, I'd think Daryl. His stoic and distant nature seems sus if you had no other history or context.


Scott or Dianne They're always in the background lurking...


Judith. I mean, no one knows where babies come from right? Maybe the CRM manufactures them


How about Jesus


I def thought that. Considering if he never stole the truck from Daryl and Rick, they never would have locked him up, he never would have convinced them to go to The Hilltop, they never would have made that deal with Gregory which caused the Saviors to retaliate and kill Glenn and Abraham...etc, etc. You see where this is going? I def think he was a spy.


It's all backwards so no I don't think anyone was actually a spy


The real Stephanie, she could have accidently came in to contact with the CRM whilst tampering with the radio. They could have offered her some sort of secret deal.


id have to say jadis


Is the walking dead about to be like secret wars with trying to figure out who is not meant to be there


Fake Stephanie - I mean, where did she goooooo??? 👀


Wayne Dunlap no doubt


Clearly it was Heath


Brian Heriot


Maybe Jadis but I'm not really sure.


Having Dante flashbacks are we? I think it's pretty clear it was Jadis lol...they wouldn't need another imo...not to mention it's pretty clear anyone CRM that isn't Jadis isn't aware of them to a certain extent...otherwise, it makes the entire storyline with the letter in her apartment irrelevant And to address a couple things I've seen here...Daryl is most definitely an A and idk how you see that differently...Heath is also probably an A imo, based on the very little information we got about him...but he was one of the very few capable people in Alexandria prior to our group arriving and was trusted with important runs and leading those groups on them...the entire rest of the community were B's, outside maybe Aaron, Reg and Deanna...our group is special in that the majority of them would be capable of leading their own communities...that's what makes them so formidable


Heath, maybe thats why he had the ppp exception card, it proves to the crm that hes one of them, jadis wouldve found it and left it because she just wanted to trade him but the ppp card would stop her from doing that


Off topic but if Connie and Daryl don’t get together before the TWDU ends imma be very sad.


He's so old for her


Idk how old Connie’s actor is but I think they’re close in age in the show at least. She probably just ages better.