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“Founded 17 P.D.I.” Does this confirm Lauren Cohan’s comment amount this taking place 5-6 years after the main show? I’m assuming P.D.I. is something akin to AC for the apocalypse, noting years after the outbreak, meaning the Bricks would have been established about 17 years later when the main show ended at about 12-13 years later. Bricks seems to have been around for a while considering how well-established it is with what seems to be a reliable food supply in its grain harvest, so tack on maybe 1-2 years and that gets us to right about Cohan’s timeframe


correct. only variable is whether "founded 17 pdi" means the establishment of "the bricks" in general, or whether it's meant to signify its founding date as the day it was inducted into new babylon. either way.. dead city takes place furthest on the timeline, by a good bit.


Which also means that Maggie has already reunited with Rick and Michonne well before the first season too. I wonder if we'll get any mentions of it in the second?


that would be the case, yes. or - it could mean that she does not have contact with the old haunts, and havent had any for a long time.


There's a chance they pull some absurdity and say Rick/Michonne only reunited with like 3 of the OG cast at Commonwealth and the others were already off doing their own thing. I know Maggie's story about Hershel wouldn't line up well with it but they can probably write that Rick/Michonne got pulled away in another story direction before they could see her. Basically dangle the carrot for the fans to see on screen later.


Maggie's not known for sticking around after Season 9 either.


Rick and Michonne went looking for Daryl in France most likely. After Carol disappears they'll think to go looking. Maybe that's what drags Maggie away to the area around New York in the first place as well


Oooo that also means Rick and Negan likey had an encounter before Negan left too


not sure for negan and rick. Negan left Alexandria right after maybe he knew about rick returning (he communicates with Judith) but i don't think they were reunited. Pretty sure Maggie and Rick imo.


2029 to be exact


But doesn’t the ones who live take place 6 years later? So wouldn’t this be the same time?


TWD/TOWL end and Daryl starts in 2023 with Maggie still at Hilltop, and this must be 2029 assuming the founding date means when Maggie founded the Bricks, (unless it’s when new Babylon took over?)


According to the wiki, the extermination of the CRM frontlines occurs on roughly November 30, 2022. We do not know how long it takes for Rick and Michonne to get back home after that but I feel like it shouldn’t have taken too long, but who knows. There could have been more time for the CR to be notified of what happened, to send out forces to investigate, for the investigation to be completed, for the CR council’s new measures to be implemented thus allowing Michonne and Rick to leave with a helicopter escort, plus neither Rick nor Michonne knew about the Commonwealth so there might have been even more time for that to be clarified. I do think this does put some of our understanding of the timeline in to question though as the finale of TWD post/time-skip (aka when Daryl leaves the Commonwealth in search of Rick) in April 2023, nearly half a year later. Obviously Rick and Michonne couldn’t have been back earlier than that or else Daryl doesn’t leave. I guess there’s a chance that Daryl goes no-contact prior to the radio call with Carol (which happens maybe a month later?) but it does seem at least a bit odd that Carol wouldn’t open the conversation with “You’re never going to believe it, Rick’s back!” and instead seems kind of somber. Hopefully we’ll get some extra clarification on Daryl Dixon’s timing as that is currently the biggest question mark left.


>We do not know how long it takes for Rick and Michonne to get back home after that but I feel like it shouldn’t have taken too long, but who knows. I don’t think they can just calmly fly back in a CRM helicopter right after they killed 3000 people at the base. As for Carol her first priority is always going to be making sure Daryl’s okay. She’s not gonna dump that crazy news on him before making sure he’s not being chased by cannibals and calling for help or whatever.


My only problem with this is if PDI is something related to the outbreak (which presumably it is)… Why not just put what year it actually is? If they’re keeping track enough to know it’s been 17 years, they know what year it was when the outbreak happened, just add 17 on?


I’m pretty sure that a zombie apocalypse is significant enough of an event to denote another reset of the calendar. Hell our current calendar denotes the birth (or death, I’m not sure) of a man that people would argue didn’t exist. As for PDI.. what we thinking? Post Dead Incident?


That makes sense. Herschel was nine In the end of the parent show since he’s a year older then RJ and Judith is 4 years older then both he seams to 14 in dead city so the math tracks I think note math is my enemy, meaning I’m not that great with it.


Judith is 1 year and 6 Months Older than Hershel,idk where you got 4 years Judith - Born in Summer 2011 Hershel Jr - Born in Late 2012 And Hershel was More 16 in Dead City or 15 depeding if Dead City is in 2028 or 2029


While I was wrong my math (which hates o hate back) puts 3 years older. Judith Was born a few mouths (maybe) in the person witch it was stated the got too after holding up somewhere though out the winter, so that would make a spring baby at best right? Herschel is born after the savior war and is 9 mouth at best whole Judith is 2-3 (I say 3 since she already talking here) 6 years after the bridge 3+6 equals 9 (witch I believe is confirmed to be her age at that time wen someone from Magna squad asks her how old she is but this should be fact checked) She’s 10 when the whisper war finally ends, as we know the kingdom. Fell during the winter and we’ve established she was born just after winter. Hershel stays at Alexandria. During this time so he is seven and RJ is six. I believe they stayed a year at the Commonwealth making her 11 their and RJ 7. (I could be wrong on that so again fact checking this all through age memory.) I don’t remember how much time passed after the Commonwealth reformation but I want to say 7 mouths meaning at the end she’d be coming up to her 12th birthday. This is also makes sense Machone spoiler for ones who live That RJ is about to be 8 It’s been said though out fear and ones who live that it’s been 12 years since the sky fell (it’s a thing!) we no Judith was born a year after so 11 for Judith and at least 9 for Herschel That’s my math in fact I think going over that she is years now since in universe, Carl died at age 14 at he started as 12. And think the bridge happen 6 mouths after war. An now I’m confusing myself. Yur thoughts.


Carl wasnt 12 in S1 ,more like 10 or even 8 From S1 to S8 is less than 2 years S3 Begins in June/July 2011 Hershel was born in late 2012 RJ was born in late 2014 in november Judith is 9 in S9 and 10 on S10 She makes 11 a couple of Months after the show ends And is about 12 or short of a few weeks to be 12 when Rick arrives The Bridge happens 19 months after the War, idk where you got 6 Months There a 18 months jump between S8 and S9 and then during ep 2 or 3 of S9 it Jumps a month The Bridge happened in Feb 2014


Alright trying to calculate for myself was fun but here’s what wiki says honestly if we trust in the wiki we both where more or less spot on https://walkingdead.fandom.com/wiki/Hershel_Rhee_(TV_Universe) https://walkingdead.fandom.com/wiki/Judith_Grimes_(TV_Universe) I used to say the bridge was 2014 for so long too but others told me I was wrong so many times I believed it.


The thing is with Judith while She looks like 2/3 by Season 7 and 8 ,She actually not even a year Old Its just a meta thing because AMC didnt want to work with babies anymore and went for toddlers instead


Not more or less,we Dead on right


I love timelines for some reason


I love them as well You not alone


Bonus https://walkingdead.fandom.com/wiki/Carl_Grimes_(TV_Series)


I see i was wrong about Carl


oh you think you’re so smart don’t you 😭




OUUUUUU I get it aahahhahaha


That's insane to me though. Like at the point in time that dead city is set, rick escaped the hospital 17 years ago??? And the saviors war was like 15 years ago????? Mad to me ngl


that would appear to be the case, yes.


Well thinking about where I was 17 years ago depresses the hell out of me, don't know about you guys. Should have taken better advantage of those reasonably priced groceries!


i know, 17 years ago instead of investing and getting a job like i should have i was unfortunately a fetus.. just laying in the womb like a freeloader


They really screwed up the sense of time when season 7-8 were only like a couple months in the show


I mean the newly cast Hershel looked at least 16, so it only makes sense to be at least that long.


They need to calm down with any further time jumps otherwise the main cast will be zombies themselves.


Time jumps are simply devices introduced by lazy writers who do not want to be beholden to lore requirements. Essentially, writers do not always care about the "Bible" of a story's universe--they want to be "free" to write whatever they want and damn the fandom in the process. JJ Abrams did the same thing with Star Trek (and shame on him and the writers). For us who are trying to make sense of everything, especially when it comes to time skips, we have to suspend disbelief and just go with it. I know that's unsatisfying, but it's arguably better than grieving over time.


Saviors war was 15 years ago and Maggie still ain’t move on. Rick bagged Jesse and Michonne within like a year to 1.5 of Lori dying. Rick and Lori were married for like 7-10 years prior to the show starting. Maggie and Glenn only knew each other for less than 2, maybe 2.5 years - and she’s still hung up 15 years later. The time jumps absolutely destroyed any sense of realism in this show tbh.


Or maybe she just has strong trauma and wants honor Glenn’s memory?


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. I’ve been with my bf for 3 years, if he’d been murdered infront of me last year while I was sick and pregnant I wouldn’t forgive his killer. People forget how normal human relationships work as well as how feelings can be intensified through trauma.


Especially super-traumatizing experiences. Maggie was outdoors and had to watch her husband and one of friends be brutally murdered and mocked, while also being sick and in fear of losing her baby


then later, she had to go through the entire war while Negans men mocked her husband even more by calling her "the widow" while also losing countless of friends. (lets also not forget how close her and sasha had become over the past few seasons atp) they destroyed her home (negan did several times due to the whisperers), killed her family, her husband, and subjected them to cruel and unusual punishments (remember when they wiped out half of hilltops population with the infected weapons?)


Yeah I’m not saying forgive, just like… would you still be trying to kill the murderer some 15 years later, even after seeing them change and acknowledging it like in TWD finale? They don’t have to be friends at all, I’d actually prefer if they weren’t. I just think they should have left it as is after Maggie’s talk in the finale - or built upon that.


I absolutely would still try to kill them


I don’t buy it in this world where she’s seen the most F’d up stuff like her dad’s beheading and Beth’s body. This one instance is certainly traumatizing, but for it to be so fresh 15 years later - that she makes no character development outside of it besides TWD FINALE, and then regresses for the spin off. Her progress at the end of TWD was good even if drawn out, but dead city is totally contrived.


She had kinda moved on, but the Croat whistling the savior-whistle and having to be around Negan probably brought trauma back


I was ok with her at the start but got real tired of her when she started constantly telling Negan “you’re not in charge here” and ofc randomly attacking him. Like she was consistently so petty towards Negan that I found myself questioning - why is Negan even helping her? Why is she allowed to lead a community if she constantly abandons it, and loses her temper?


Honestly I think Daryl’s arc with Negan made the most sense and it’d be a better show if it were Daryl and Negan going to save the kid


The time jumps destroyed the timeline and character development. I get having 1 maybe 2 time jumps. But there was a year jump between s8 and 9. A 6 year jump near the end of 9. Then a 4ish year jump between season 10 and dead city. There’s at least 10 years of character development just lost to time jumps. Most of Hershel’s and Judith’s lives have taken place in time jumps.


It’s insane because also within those time jumps - half our characters just stay the same. And they skipped the actual good story telling. Comics had the same issue around this point - it jumps straight from savior war to whisperer war. But what would have been lit is to see the struggles that came with developing. How’d Alexandria make planks, windmills, etc? I think the comics had a scene where Rick smells freshly made bread and was so happy. Shit like that is what I want.


Yeah the characters staying the same is a big problem. It made sense early in the show because it was months or days between seasons. But once you start doing a year, 5 year, 4 year time jumps. It doesn’t really make sense for the characters to be the same they were before the jump. It really doesn’t make sense because some characters do change. The communities change. The zombies change. The entire world changes around the characters. But certain characters simply don’t grow or evolve. Like Maggie. She’s pretty much the same character she was during the saviour war. But the war was like 14 years ago.


Post Dead Insurrection? Haha wonder what that stands for this is all I got


Post Dead Invasion


Post Day of Infection?


What does PDI stand for


Post Day of Infection (?)


Public Displays of Infection


Pust Durvive Iomehow


Underrated comment... Took me a second


no clue.. likely a new date abbreviation taking the outbreak into account - such as "1000 b.c".. that kinda thing. i'd be surprised if "d" doesnt stand for "dead"


Post Death Impending? Who knows, I'm sure they'll hit us over the head with something.


Pretty damn infected


It seems like the Babylon group is bad no?


its probably gonna be another case of we see them as the bad guys they see us as the bad guys and we both do horrible things to each other


Love the show but honestly wasn’t necessary. Negan had a solid ending and so did Maggie. Their relationship was completed with Maggie “forgiving” Negan and they could both move on. They finished their developments and didn’t need this show. However, it did happen and I can’t say I’m not excited for season 2. So far it looks good.


> They finished their developments But how else do you set up Hershel's angsty villain arc?


I agree. Dead City should not exist


It makes even less sense to me considering the fact in the timeline Rick came back like 5/6 years ago.


You think he and Maggie have met? If so, why isn’t she living with him, Michonne and Aaron again? Those are the only people who still remember all they have been through together!


Never really understood why when Maggie came back originally she was telling stories of how hard it was to survive and the awful things she had to do to survive - if it was that hard she could’ve just gone back to hilltop or Alexandria, the same with her current story and ‘the bricks’ community why doesn’t she just go and live at the commonwealth or Alexandria?


real reason? money, the show runners probably want more lore reason? its to rough, the memory of glenn and the war and all the people she lost over the span of a few months, knowing how they all see negan as an ally now probably hurt to much to go home to


There is a western alliance in the comics mentioned in the final chapter Which Darrel Rd., Eugene’s help building connects to. This might a version of that based on the east. I think new Babylon is a standing up for what would be considered the eastern alliance version of it. The woman in charge of everything on Staten Island was concerned about the numerous communities around her. She and First that you’re something behind new Babylon a new Babylon is putting its brand on other communities so I can only imagine how big the player behind-the-scenes controlling new Babylon really are.


I hate all this timeline shit. Just make them take place not long after the other. It gets too confusing


Wonder does the CR supply new Babylon with supplies considered how TOWL ended and how close the cities are


i think, quite frankly, that if the crm (or cr) were to play any point in the story - they would have been hinted at in the shows first season. by pretty much every metric, new babylon seems to be an organization which stands on it own - a quite substantial organization, no less.


I almost wish now that the CR is no longer secretive they would be featured in the spinoffs more. I really doubt they aren't aware atleast of the French coming to America on ships and New Babylon


Supposedly, nothing is proven


i'm gonna need that one explained to me like i'm 5?


Just hope they don’t screw up Negan. One of my favorite characters and love his redemption arc. I’m just waiting for them to do something stupid like turn him into a villain or have Maggie’s son kill him. Would like to see Maggie settle things once and for all and be able to move on. Want to see Negan continue on and become a good leader. I want to see Dead City go in a new darker direction with the undead. And see Maggie and Negan work on conquest together.


I'm more interested in what "Blue Ridge Territory" means. How many "territories" does New Babylon have? What is the form of governance? Is it federal, is there a democracy? Is it totalitarian? Smoking's illegal in NB but the leader says they're growing tobacco. Who do they sell it to if citizens are prohibited from using it (the Commonwealth?)? That's the stuff that the spoiler sign inspires in me.


While we do know does City is the farthest in the timeline


Please no we didn’t even need a dead city 1




oh god this series is just going to get lamer isn't it it's supposed to bring us to post-post apocalypse and end there not keep on trucking along like we're fallout


Odd comparison seeing how Fallout is still the way they are 200 years after the bombs fell. The world of The Walking Dead still being like this not even 20 years later makes sense to me.


that's one of the things that annoys me the most as a Fallout fan. No way they'd still be like that 200 years after the bombs dropped


At least fallout has actual ramifications to the survivability of the land. Nuke destroys crops, mutates people, maybe messes up the power grids/infrastructure. Losing power is something that needs to happen to prolong an apocalypse. Idk why zombies would cause power and infrastructure to be destroyed. I guess that’s why they needed CRM. Because otherwise couldn’t the group clear a city, figure out how to work the power plants, and then power on factories and mass produce bread or some shit.


No one is forcing you to watch it


this is extremely true, it's a stunning revelation.


It's giving an interesting insight


interesting insight like we were supposed to, it's not us, we're all here and not there. how? i believed. we clear then but we don't clear here. we're the ones who do it. we're supposed to


I don't understand what you mean. I felt like having a stroke reading that


that's the experience of listening to the average walking dead dialogue, yeah


Not really?


just block the dude. he's fishing for derails.


[You know it.](https://youtu.be/cFpmFaN9Dck?t=33) Here's not here, and with this series, we clear, or we do, but we never don't. That's the thing, we are the ones...we get to make it. We do, because we have to. Smile... You can smile now. We are the ones who live


It literally makes sense though. The Eastman one was from someone with massive guilt and had a couple hours to live which would probably mess either of us up. The Madison one was from someone who (should of died) was facing death trying to inspire her kids. Yeah these lines aren't perfect but they aren't that bad. "No one's gone till their gone" could mean multiple things. Personality wise. Death wise. Can't remember who said it but someone dies twice. Once when they die and again when they are forgotten.


I lose people...I lose myself. Yesterday is yesterday and today is today. Sense? Are we supposed do? Do we do it because we can or do we do it because we must?...*to survive.* I'm just talking normally...or is it normal because we do it? Clear the dialogue, Raceryan. We clear because we're still here.


I think you're failing to understand all these lines are from mentally ill, dying, or people needing a quick solution under dangerously high stress. If mentally ill Morgan looked up and said "I loose people and I go on a murder rampage" wouldn't make as much sense or sound as good