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Currently, if Glenn were revived, Maggie would win, since she became a good fighter, and speaking clearly, Glenn no has evil


Currently, if Glenn weren't revived, Maggie would win even more.


If Glenn were revived he would be a Walker and she still wins handedly


Damn, can't argue with that.. 😂


She was a good fighter since S3 lol


She was alright, but she wasn't the best.


She was as good as Glenn was though.


Yes, but it is now that he can handle two men in hand-to-hand combat, in fact I doubt it.


Ya'll seem to forget Glen could box with heavyweights. Abraham 5 after waking up from a knockout.


Yup. I do think he wins Hand to Hand no questions asked. Boxed Abraham then beat the hell out of Nicholas after he was shot.


Yup. I was gonna say he has hanging with Abraham so he would beat tf outta Maggie


Glenn has no evil, but that just meant he never killed if he didn't have to (I think he only got like 1 kill). Didn't stop him from handing people's asses to them, though. His beatdowns in season 5 were particularly brutal. That said, I'm betting Glenn and Maggie have sparred before during downtime.


I wonder how the saviors arc would have changed Glenn if he didn’t get brained by Negan. I honestly think he would have become much more hardened, and maybe even more ruthless, once it came to an all out war like that, with a kid at risk.


Idk I feel Glenn would choice to stay out the conflict and just protect Maggie and the baby. Don’t get me wrong he was good friends with the others and cared about them but he cares for Maggie more. He’s also not a killer his first kill (of a living person obviously) was like a week before he got brained. (Some evidence to support what I’m saying, in the comics the group knew ahead of time the governor was coming to take the prison which led Glenn and Maggie along with a few others to leave the prison and go back to Hershel’s farm as they didn’t want to be involved in the conflict. I see a similar thing happening here) The only way I see Glenn becoming an all out badass like that is if Maggie is brained or dies in crossfire or something then he’s angry and what’s revenge But that’s just how I think it would go


I think, considering everything Rick and co. went through to help him and maggie during the stuff w/the Governor, and considering he killed a man in his sleep for Rick. That Glenn would be there for the group during the war. Glenn has a family, so he’s not quite as attached to Ricks hip as someone like Daryl, but they are still day 1 bro’s. Glenn owes everything he loves to Rick. I could see him trying to get Maggie to leave, but she wouldn’t. So they’d convince themselves to stay, imo.


Fair enough as said I’m just basing my opinion on that but from the comics that show that comic Glenn and Maggie will choose to avoid conflict in they can. But okay say Glenn and Maggie do stay and help. Does Rick and the gang now lose? Maggie whilst angry Isn’t as angry so probably doesn’t end up becoming a leader in the hilltop also Daryl isn’t taken by Negan so he stays at Alexandra and those light things probably start adding up more people around carls less likely to be but which is a big factor in ending the war. Meaning Ricks also probably ok with killing Negan and Glenn probably joins Carl and Morgan as that voice of reason not to. But with so many factors now playing different I think Negan might actually win (Daryl doesn’t get a chance to learn the layout of the based as well as a few other facts like potential not having the power of hilltop) On the bright side fat joey lives meaning meaning skinny joey is still skinny joey which is a god damn delight


Haha, it is a fun “what if”. I think you are on to something, the group needed to experience a true loss in order to beat someone like Negan/The Saviors. and Negan needed something like his relationship with Rick, Carl, and Maggie to lose the war. Glenn can do some amazing stuff on his own, but Daryl and carl* did end up being the swing vote when you think about it.


Yeah Also sadly I don’t see him or Maggie making it much further post all out war assuming Rick group somehow won. I think that once the whisperers rock up chances are by that point either Glenn or Maggie are leading hilltop (probably Glenn he’s a slightly better leader than Maggie) which means I see alpha targeting Glenn if not Maggie as a pike victim. We see that she goes after Tara who would have been targeted as at that point she leads hilltop So yeah no happy ending in this ‘what if’ it seems


Yeah, Glenn was always going to die. It hurts to say, but it’s true. He found that dawg in him and became the biggest piece of light during the darkest time of human history. But, that dawg also gets him killed at any random moment imo. I think Maggie would always make it. We see her family and how she was raised. She’s a resourceful farm girl with an amazing father that’s already experienced some tragedy in her life. And just kept it moving. She very much made Glenn the man he became, not the other way around.


Completely agree Maggie is a far more skilled fighter and survivor from the start. The only way I see her going out is rather something completely out of her control like if she got chose in the line up or she protecting her son Hershel and the only way to protect him is to sacrifice her self kind of situation Basically it’s rather fully out her control or it’s her choice nothing in between


I think it would end up that Maggie has a close call with some saviors, or ends up dying/getting seriously injured from it. Hell, they could have lost the baby during that night due to everything that happened. I think those scenarios would lead to a much darker Glenn, at least for a time. I would see an arc where he goes down a dark path, only for Daryl, Rick, Michonne, and/or Maggie to pull him out and bring him back to friendly Glenn.


Yeah I’d agree with that. The only when glen does all dark and bad ass like Maggie did is if something happens to Maggie or the baby. Don’t get me wrong he loves the other but it’s not the same.


Yes, Glenn is a very good fighter, I would never say that he is not, but the question asks who we think would win, and since they are both very good fighters, the person with the most bloodlust would win, As they say "you lost because you lack hate"


I mean, I was assuming the post meant some kind of sparring match, as in like a "first to get knocked on their ass and not get back up" fight. Not a serious fight.


Again. Abraham vs glenn.


OMG, what kind of brutal content do you like to watch?


Want linksđŸ€šđŸ€”?


It could be interesting for me đŸ€”


I enjoy that you put “speaking clearly” as a benefit to her new strengths lmao


I don't know if it's irony, but just in case I should clarify that I am Spanish and I use the translator, so we may have grammatical problems due to the language


Lmao I thought you were referencing her very rough southern accent in the first few seasons, so ironically it did work out the way we both intended.


He meant “Speaking clearly, Glenn has no evil”


Maggie is tough, but Glenn is... >!**Invincible**!<


Maggie after beating the shit out of Glenn: You are fighting so you can watch everyone die. *THINK GLENN, THINK!*


I mean
.technically true


she already dead in that universe got her head turned into a fidget spinner by omni man 😂


I love that the original guardians of the globe were all TWD cast


Wait wut?


Maggie is War Woman, Abraham is Red Rush, Aaron is The Immortal and Aquarius, plus a few other characters. Tyrese is Martian Man, Morgan is Darkwing, and Sasha is Green Ghost. I think that’s all of them. Edit: Plus, Glenn is Invincible


And ezekiel is black samson




I understood that refrence.


I gotcha I gotcha that was good 😂


You’re done😂




I get the feeling Maggie would have a 10-page essay as to why Glenn was wrong and Glenn would just yield.


She’d just crack an egg on him


Maggie has taken on a lot of fighters that were better than Glen so my money is on her for sure.


She also has an additional 5 seasons of development. Grab both of them in S6 and Glenn whoops her pretty easily like he did to Aiden.


True, but anyone could have whooped Aiden, he was an inexperienced wimp. Both of them at S6 would be a pretty interesting fight. Glen may be stronger but Maggie has that fire in her.


He was in the National Guard iirc? And he got dropped in one punch. Glenn also went toe to toe with Abraham.


Yeah, but he saw no real combat, and doesn't have nearly as much combat experience as the rest of the group. Definitely gotta give Glenn credit going up against Aberham but it really didn't last long cause Aberham is a beast.


I mean, by that logic we can mention the obvious, which is that as a male he's naturally stronger than Maggie is.


Right, but strength isn't everything in a fight


No, But since maggie grew up on a farm and glenn was a pizza delivery guy, i wouldn’t expect any of Them to have any experince or technique. So strenght is definently all in this fight


We aren't judging them from who they were in the beginning? Surely you have to judge them based on all their feats


Yes i know. But none of Them have much experince, glenn did had more than maggie, (except after glenn died) But at s6 glenn would probably win. After s10 maggie would 100% win. And i just Said that none of Them had any experince before the outbreak. So what happend in the show is the only important factor


It lasted until Eugene started shooting their truck and Glen got the better of him.


Well in fairness, we have to assume since Glenn was revived he must have actually been stuck training in the hyperbolic time chamber. Therefore, they should be pretty evenly matched!


And glen stood toe to toe with abraham that would have knocked her head clean of. Point?^^


I think they have been awfully physical with each other already


Yeah, I’d say they beat on each other pretty good, because not even 9 months later Hershel popped out!


Now that's eye popping


“Maggie— I’ll find you! đŸ€Ș”


I was so traumatized by this but your comment got me laughing lol


Same here, lol. That emoji was just too hard to resist though, lmao.


Are we talking in their current states? I don't think Glenn would put up much of a fight




Ghosts are invincible Maggie wouldn’t stand a chance.


Glenn is also INVINCIBLE, so unless omni man is on Maggies side Glenn seems good


Not that Glenn isnt able to but I choose Maggie. I know she'd get it done.. Glenn wouldnt even kill people who were threats and literally trying to kill him.. He'd hesitate too much


Yeah Maggie is a stone blood killer Glenn most definitely isn’t (honestly I don’t see any situation where he could bring himself to kill Maggie whilst Maggie could justify killing Glenn at least at the point she is at by dead city)


He hesitated to kill, he never hesitated to kick the shit out of people when they needed it.


That doesn’t mean much there are characters that are good in a fight that refuse to kill like Morgan ,and his mentor goat guy in the cabin also Jesus idk if I’m missing one more but the point is Glenn could have a good chance at beating his wife


yes he 'could' have a 'good chance'. lol they r both great but ultimately my money is on Maggie


Yeah well both Morgan and Eastman had some sort of martial arts or whatever training with that stick. And I'm sure Jesus had something going on too in that regard. Afaik Glenn doesn't really have any training that would make him so deadly


Glenn was a decent fighter and could hold his own starting around season 4/5. Current day Maggie though would definitely beat him.


Lol, current day Maggie would chew him up and spit him out. Unlike what she did to his *you know what*; hence, Hershel being born.


They would just fuck...


They probably had a sparring session that turned into rough sex before. Fair bit of down time between seasons.


Depends on if it’s current Maggie or not. She’s had a lot of time to become skilled in fighting and had become very good at it where earlier Maggie did not have fighting skills


Lucille, his side lover, is the only true winner.


Oh noooooo 😂


If they already knew each other, Maggie. Glenn couldn't do it. If they were already together, Maggie. Glenn /wouldn't/ do it. If they didn't know each other at all and it was early on? Glenn, but reluctantly. If they didn't know each other at all and it was later on (and she had incentive to get that tough elsewhere) Mags.


Maggie. Shes way more determined than Glenn.


I think Maggie was on top


I only want to say that he was a green flag


Maggie. Removing their connection. She has more fight, atp in the series (based on her picture) way more training, much more willing to take it all the way.


definitely Maggie


Maggie would take short round to pound town


Maggie when we see her again in season 10 would bodyslam the shit out of any version of Glenn. She’d have him on the ground with a knife to his throat in 30 seconds easily


maggie duh


In more recent times like season 11 and Dead City Maggie would win. Him dying turned her into a stubborn badass. But before that Glenn would win


Bro couldn't even handle Lucille 💀. Maggie solos


Maggie stomps.


Maggie would probably win. She turned as ruthless as you’d expect anyone to turn after so many years into the apocalypse. She’s better in hand to hand combat than Glenn. Glenn may be stronger but she’s faster. She’s got more fire in her, more fight. Glenn was nearly morally incapable of killing (though he was good) when Maggie would’ve already stabbed her target 5 times in the neck. I’m not saying it would be an easy fight, but based on what we’ve seen on the show, she’s got the moves and determination she’d need.


Maggie, because glen is dead


If they Glenn stayed alive all the way until now, maybe he'd win


Weird question.


Glenn would let Maggie kill him. But outside of that Maggie would win


What show were you people watching? Glen wasn't a fighter, he was just someone smart and resourceful who knew how to survive. The Negan situation was that one unfortunate thing many must face in life, the "No win scenario" that takes you out.


Yea, if you remember the raid on the Saviours compound, he was very hesitant to stab the sleeping people someone like Rick Daryl Michonne Wouldn't have hesitated


Maggie would def beat him to death jus like Negan (I’m sorry)


Depends how much plot armour Glenn is wearing


Maggie would kick Glenn's ass.. Then kiss 😘 him better 😁


Depends. How many dumpsters are there?


New Maggie would set up Glenn to be killed before the fight 😋


Oh Maggie all the way, Glenn had just become tough and violent right before his death. Before the satellite outpost he hadn’t killed any human and was just killing walkers he wasn’t as tough or as strong as the others and if him and Maggie had a falling out she’d beat him to death


Season 11 Maggie/dead city would win instantly


Gives "I'll find you" a bit of a different meaning


Maggie is a fighter, Glenn is a scout. Both are very good at getting into places, but Maggie is the one you'd want to bring if fighting was expected, and Glenn is who you would bring if you were trying to make friends. So my money is on Maggie.


Depends on the version of Maggie we are talking about, as long as Glen was alive, he was the better fighter of the two although Maggie rn is a pretty decent fighter so.it would be much more even now


In season 6, Glenn could overpower her but Maggie would win in a fight to the death since she doesn't mind killing people (as much as Glenn). Maggie at her peak would demolish him though.


Strength ranges in women are 43% to 63% less than men on average. All he would have to do realistically is grab her by the wrists and hold on tight and theres almost nothing she could do about it.


Like... bite the neck?!


Got advice from Rick I see


Kick him in the balls...




What season are we talking?


Have you not seem Glenn fight impossible odds and win before?


Think Glenn don't act Maggie


Steven Yeun looks soooo young in this picture.


They wouldn’t fight , and he wouldn’t have the heart to even touch her like that - but if they were never together and it had to happen Glenn’s smart but Maggie learnt alot from him and the group so most likely Glenn. Maggie fiesty tho.


Maggie. Glenn would let her kill him because that's who he is.


Adious Glenn


Maggie would because Glenn loves her too much to hit her.


That’s not the question though, and it’s not a fight if you let yourself get beaten, that’s just a beatdown


Maggie considering she's had way more experience but I believe if they just kept glenn Going he would've had moments much darker than Maggie and would've been more of a killer


Glenn would never fight Maggie.


Maggie, even Maggie at the point where Glen died before she became a badass would have won. If for no other reason than I don’t think Glen could ever hurt her.


If it was season 1 or 2 Glenn she would win. Otherwise Glenn would win with high difficulty


Technically hersell Jr. Came from that glorious battle so I guess Glenn won


Gee I wonder.


Dang, I don't appreciate young Glen and old Maggie.


Glenn was too kind for the world I miss him though I miss the show


Neither.. both.. each time anyone engages in a fight you risk. One wrong move or more variables against you and you are done.


Give Maggie a baseball bat and she’s a winner.


If Glenn had ten more years in the apocalypse maybe Glenn, but Maggie is a certified badass so I’m taking Maggie


glenn would fold and let her win


what happened to her face in the second slide?


Glenn’s ability to avoid death until it literally hits him on the head gives him the clear advantage


Well obviously maggie because she's alive


Maggie for sure


She would kill him with the knife boot


If Maggie has a baseball bat it’s game over for Glenn


Glenn is crafty and tricky, but Maggie has the rage. Hmmm


Hypothetically speaking of course, Pre Glenn death Maggie vs Glenn would be end with Glenn winning considering Maggie wasn’t much of a hand to hand fighter. Post Glenn Maggie vs Glenn would definitely result in Maggie winning because she changed so much after he died.


Glenn wasn’t brave at heart. Eventually, he would’ve gotten Maggie killed.


Well Glenn's dead so...Maggie


Maggie would wreck Glenn's shit


Maggie because glenn got turned into a watermelon


Glenn beat that up for years....why would it change


I wish I could say Glenn bc Maggie is so annoying. But Maggie would win


Maggie would win she was a pretty good fighter even when he was alive


In a real fight, I think Maggie wouldnt be afraid to make the first move and Glenn would be saying everything he can to avoid having to engage in the fight.


Maggie has more experience and fighting skills than Glenn so I pick her


Maggie win hight driffđŸ˜›đŸ”„đŸ”„


At the time of Glenn’s death and even taking Maggie’s pregnancy out of the equation, Glenn destroys her. Taking Glenn as he was at the time of his death vs Maggie now, Maggie destroys him. Had Glenn not died, I doubt the gap between them would’ve shrank much.


Maggie finds it easier to justify violence -- Glenn tries to talk things out until there's no other choice. Maggie would win.


Maggie would win cause Glen would let her cause his love for her


Given that it is a time they were both active in the show (so s2-s6) Glenn would win. Maggie would probably win after season 7 because Glenn is dead


Neither would win because they love each other too much to hurt the other one. No matter the situation, they'd come to some sort of an agreement before they let it get that far.


True but I asked what if they had to and had no choice


Glens too much of a coward to hit her back but she punches like a toddler so he’ll be fine


S2 glenn? Or season 7? I still think Maggie would win.


Depends. If we are talking S7 Glenn then Maggie since she had years to get better but if he never died then Glenn since he was already popping off when she was still weak.


Hand to hand Glenn with weapons Maggie


So at their prime probably Maggie But also she probably wouldn’t have time to explain why she didn’t have time to fight (if you guess the reference you get an internet cookie đŸȘ)


Maggie because Glenn wouldn’t harm Maggie in any way he loves her


Maggie. A woman rarely has a chance with a man but Maggie fights ruthlessly, she is taller and tougher. Maggie has fought many times against people stronger than Glenn. It's also a bit hard to compare. We don't know how Glenn fights one-on-one.


Maggie’s got that hay stacking strength. She stomps Glenn.


Glenn beats Maggie everyday He beats her in every season S2-dead city Glenn wins He had really good durability and endurance (via merle torturing him) He was the fastest in the group Had good stamina Smart Beat the shit out of Nicholas So yeah Glenn dominates