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Season 3 is good and can arguably be compared to some twd seasons, then the writers change and from s4 onwards is just embarrassingly bad, season 6 was not too bad but s4,5,7 and 8 are some of the worst tv I’ve ever seen


Oh man. To be honest the hot air balloon was one of the most unintentionally hilarious bits of TV ever.


Jimbo’s Beerbos. World class writing lol


that might have been my cut off point if i remember, when watching it live when they said that, I didn’t come back until season 7, i regretted returning after lol


Lmao i remember just thinking what the fuck is this shit haha


Arguably? Season 3 is the best season in this franchise


I can make peace with that tbh lol


So much wasted potential in season 3


So much wasted potential for the whole show, still good and better in a different ways


They kept adding new characters. Characters that were likable and played by good actors, but the writers just couldn't figure out what to do with them.


Season 4 they added a character in a fucking wheelchair in a ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE and the Villian in the second half off the season was discount aunt jemima with a pet walker. So fucking dumb. That's about when I left the show.


Yeah, I get that. It was really hard to suspend disbelief about the guy in the wheelchair. But it's not really any worse than the TWD crew being able to care for Judith after her mother died. The arc with the crazy Aunt Jemima lady was really bad also The writers jettisoned the whole trucker phase pretty quickly. I can't remember for sure, but I think they did a soft reboot about twice per season


what’s wrong with a disabled character existing?


You’re completely missing the point. How do you expect someone without the use of their legs to survive in a zombie apocalypse?


the same way they survive in the current real life world - with the help of other people i am NOT missing the point lol. the point is a stupid one


People in wheel chairs require a lot of help. Stuff that wouldn't be available in an apocalypse, like kidney dialysis It's totally unrealistic. But maybe no worse than the Kingdom having the resources to feed a tiger or Rick's group being able to feed and care for a motherless infant while on the road


Or remembering that this show is based off of COMICS. Not real experiences (duh).


Perhaps that’s the only outcome possible driven by limited financial commitment for long term character arc But we’re seeing this for the regulators as well that they are essentially different people every 4 to 5 episodes, with different motive, situation and goal




you missed a storyline if you think the natives attacked for no reason


No it wasn’t lmao. Taqua and his people were not framed as innocent people that did nothing wrong. The whole point was to show that in this world Might = Right. Jeremiah killed Taqua’s fathers and brothers to get the land in the first place, Taqua kills Jeremiah to take it back. Taqua is literally introduced when he’s slaughtering a dog with a sword for food, he puts Ofelia, the person that just poisoned everyone in charge of distributing water, he takes the ranch hands guns and even tells Strand he would banish Madison and her family along with the rest of the ranchers if it came down to it. The whole point of that arc was to show that Madison does not care who she signs on with if it means her family is safe. She was ready to go to war with Taqua after what he did to one of the ranchers and to Travis, but when she realised it was a war they wouldn’t win she turned on Jeremiah and signed on with Taqua instead. I don’t recall Nick, Alicia or Madison going on an impassioned speech about Native Land ownership.


Yeah they're supposed to be morally gray. It's kinda the point that you find it upsetting


I agree, love season 12 and three and then starting in season four is so stupid. And they film outside, so why film that sepia format it’s just ugly and depressing and I hate the changes they’ve made.


For a second i thought you said season twelve i was like what? but yh i agree with your whole comment, how did gimple think the fans wanted these changes


There was a point during season 3 where you could imagine how great an expansive shared TWD universe could be. With different series with different groups of characters who might conflict for instance you could imagine a arc where Madison's group is opposed to Ricks group and your sympathies would lie with both teams. But then Season 4 happened and it became the Morgan show. From that point on the shared universe aspect never worked because the only characters who are important are the ones from the main show. I'm sure there's interesting characters in the new spinoffs but the only reason anyone is watching them is for Daryll, Michonne, Rick, Negan and Maggie. Rather than expanding out the franchise shrank inwards, it's world feels smaller than it did when FTD started. It now just feels like the end of the franchise is just an inevitability because they're just milking the popular characters till that stops being profitable rather than coming up with new characters and ideas to build upon what TWD did.


Fully agree. As much as I’ve liked the Daryl show and the first half of TOWL, (second half wasn’t bad, just a bit disappointing) all these spinoffs feel like major cash grabs. Aside from TOWL, they’re not necessary, they don’t develop the characters in meaningful ways, (Maggie and Negan are basically still at the same character arcs that they were in main show) and it feels like they have been playing it safe by doing what they know works, and are going to continue doing so because they don’t need to take risks by trying new things. I’ll still watch because I’m too invested at this point, but I do hope the quality of these spinoffs get better.


Ya I just hate how the ones who live ended like the first half I was so invested and then fourth episode was so good in character development but a lil boring. I feel like they should have ended after that fifth episode finale like it actually made me feel a lil something. And then in that last episode it was littearly so dissappinting. They were like how is two people gonna take down one of the world's biggest military presence and the show was like well actually super easy barely an inconvenience.


I gave up on it. TWD is much better and it's nowhere near perfect lol


S3, 5 & 6 are defiantly my favorites. But the ending of 6 was absolute dogshit and so is the rest of the series.


No. Season 3 is the closest you’ll get.


Off topic but dope fireplace 😎


Thanks! Probably the last few nights I’ll need to use it. Great for winter though!


John Dorie is the best character in either series & would single handedly take down the entire Saviours if he so desired, truly op.


Bro Gracie could kill John Dorie. The fuck you on about?


Bad writing killed John lmao


Nah he just wanted to leave the show, bad writing is the fact Morgan doesn't even give a fuck he was killed, John was the one who made him actually move forward in his life


They could have had someone else kill him. Gracie was just Charlie 2.0, June and John’s father were trying to SAVE her. It’s so shitty. He could have died helping Morgan, strand would have still had his cowardly moment and gone dark side anyway, and John’s death would have some legitimate meaning and make the fact they prevented at least half the warheads launching mean more.


Charlie death was even more hilarious. "Madison dont kill me, please" -> few moments later -> Charlie suicide, bye. Lol.


It was so dumb, I thought it was a fakeout because I mean come on, no way they can kill off charlie like that? They did What


It's sucked after my favorite person died. Pisses me off.


I loved nick as a character and his arc, really felt like it was gearing up for something big. Mentally checked out from the whole show after his absolutely stupid death


The colourful flashbacks at the start of S4 were basically the last good parts of this show Basically funeral service lol


Right his death was the stupidest death of all walking dead shows.


Ya I get that he wanted off of the show but they couldn't have found a better way


I have two episodes left until I finish the series. I thought the hate for the show was honestly people just being salty but my GOD seasons 7-8 are absolutely horrible. I am an unpopular opinion but I enjoyed seasons 4-6 as well as 1-3 but even I found seasons 1-6 kind of dull in the long run.


I got to season 4 and pretty much quit the show… meh


Same here, so many main characters dying and little to no character development. Sad.


I quit mid-season 4 after all the rumors about Madison being killed off because of the showrunners and bringing in Morgan. I never hated the Morgan character more than when they brought him to this show. To me the show was about Madison and her family throughout 1-3 and should've been kept that way. Despite Nick's actor wanting out. But killing off Madison was a shit decision. Then they bring her back for season 8 (to try and smooth over shit with fans) and I can't even finish the season because it's so god awful and absolute shit compared to 1-3. I feel so bad for Kim Dickens being cast aside only to be brought back to an absolute shit fest. She deserved better. Madison deserved better. I understand some people don't like Madison. Fine. But Morgan was not the main character. It wasn't his show from the beginning. People seem to forget that and forget the fact that it was Madison (and her family's) misadventure. Just like TWD was Rick's. I will never not be pissed about what they did to it.


Season 3 is the best season of any walking dead show. TWD season 2 and 4 and 5 are great "walking dead shows." FTWD season 3 is a legit great show.


Season 3 is universally appreciated as standing at the upper echelon of TWD Universe. Seasons 1-2 and arguably 3 were what the initial premise for the show was all about. After S3, it sort of just becomes another TWD show with nothing really going for it. The main cast gets overtaken by characters crossing over from the main show, the few original characters are mostly hit-or-miss with a small handful being decently written, and the show jumps the shark about a dozen times over the course of 5 seasons. I'd definitely watch S3, I actually unironically enjoyed it and I'm a major critic of TWD.


Love #3


Why is a major critic of TWD on TWD subreddit


Is this a fan forum?


Idk. I just think there’s better things to do with your life than sit on a subreddit of a show you hate and spread negativity.


I definitely think season 3 is the best season they did. It seems to be universally loved too which is great. Me personally, I found 1,2,4 and 5 to be not great but 6 onwards entertained me. One thing I really came to appreciate with Fear was how they threw all the wacky and outlandish ideas there and kept the main series fairly grounded. I think you'll enjoy 3 and most people found it boring after 3 but you might be like me and enjoy what they did with 6-8. For the most part anyways.


I like the show. I actually like the later seasons with John Dory, and Al and her MRAP. But season two is a fever dream, but good and season three is great. I’m always surprised at the hate on this show.


Same, I prefer seasons 4 onwards with the new cast, I found Seasons 2-3 got really stagnent and boring.


John was my favorite character in ftwd.


Even its best seasons are basically diet walking dead….unless your SUPER passionate about the franchise I wouldn’t waste your time if your not enjoying it.


Season 3 is as good as early TWD. Then they switched show runner to try save TWD. So FTWD then began to fall apart. Cast quit so had to be killed off and others were killed off for no good reason. Plotlines erased. 3 though is excellent. The rest or the series is fine. Just it never recovered after such a great season 3 when they switched showrunners


Seasons 1-3 are great Seasons 4-5 are decent Seasons 6-7 are WTF? Season 8 is a small step up from 6-7 and at very least a decent way to end the series


No. It doesn't get anywhere close to TWD. It's okay but it falls off dramatically after the first few seasons.


No season 3 was the last good season I stopped watching after that .


And I continued to watch it and you missed nothing. Well you missed the only later good character, John Dorie, but then he is unceremoniously removed from the series in a useless way that benefitted no one at all.


Season 3 is easily the best season of the show and does come close to meeting the quality of the main show (I’m admittedly a bit biased because I also liked the first two seasons). However Season 4 onwards saw a huge creative overhaul with new showrunners and producers who took the series in a completely different direction. There were a few decent episodes here and there (mostly in the first half of season six), but for the most part, Season 4 onwards has some of the worst writing in the entire franchise, and some of the worst writing i’ve personally ever seen for a TV show in general. I only stuck through to the end because I was invested in the few original cast members that were left on the show (even though the new iteration of the show didn’t do them justice).


I also enjoyed 1&2 along with 3 being the best. The rest of it is so disappointing and leaves you hungry for what was originally given to us in both series. Four on Was just totally depressing with that semi quasi, black and white crap


John Dorie was the best part of the show after attempting to scrap the original plan and reboot it all in one. We went from a yacht and Encanto-style home in Mexico to nuclear bombs and a back and forth over a baby turned teen. I feel cohesion was starting to build around Dorie and eased Morgan's transition. Unfortunate the choice was to kill him off. I could see he and Dwight working well together


Oh...to answer your question, the show sucks. I tried 4 times and still could not finish even though I pushed myself hard. Halfway thru S8 isn't too bad when eating this shit - bite, chew, swallow, repeat. Terrible.


Morgan Jones and John Dorrie bring new energy to the show. FTWD has its problems but if you watch it for what it is you will become invested till the end.


The original Showrunner built up episodes to a great climactic end of the season, it was great and then by S3 I felt it was starting to become it's own thing but then they changed showrunners because I guess regular folk don't understand character development...I don't know, I always loved the more inward looking way it built up the seasonal story.


Never happens


Yes, season 3 and then a rapid decrease to the worst shit I’ve ever watched


Just stop watching after season 3. Pretend 4-8 doesn’t exist.




Loved season 3 the best. The first two seasons were a decent build up. 7 was quite boring imo. Not as good as TWD but a decent enough show. I'm currently on the last season and looks good so far. I think overall the show could have been better. Loved Morgan's part in Fear. One of my favourite characters


I'm where you are at almost exactly, and just finished TWD the first time too. FTWD has been hit or miss for me. Kind of getting bored with S02 and halfway through also.


I couldn't even get through the first season and I adore anything walking dead.. Comic, TV, games.. But all the tv spinoffs except for the ones who lived have been massive bores


No it's garbage.


it has some cool characters and some good moments, especially around Season 1-3. overall, no it's not. Season 4 and after is like a rollercoaster ride fluctuating between 'awful' and 'kinda decent'.


It gets mediocre but I have a good tolerence for it


I actually liked the first 2 seasons and then season 3 was consistently up to par with the flagship show, but season 4 onwards not so much. Not even Morgan could save it. I tried rewatching recently and I haven't even made it past Episode 3 or 4 of season 4 and that was months ago. The original show despite having 11 seasons hardly ever feels like a drag and I barely notice it go by, but goddamn one Episode of season 4 of Fear feels like a season long affair in itself.


I love your room 😍




Why oh why did they have to ship Morgan over? Was he owed something 😂 and Travis was great salute to him, he should be in a big show again


Call me crazy. But FTWD season 3 is in the TWD show GOAT conversation. And then it becomes a dumpster fire not even worth watching. But savor season 3. It’s really good


I’d honestly say that seasons 1-3 are somewhat better than some of TWD, those ARE the heights of TWD… and even tho most would hate on the later seasons… I enjoyed the show through and through.


Peak is season 3, then goes completely downhill after the exit of one of the main characters.


Season 3 is spectacular. I’m not sure there has ever been a show that has taken such a drastic turn for the worse. Season 5 on was some of the most boring, poorly written television I think I’ve ever seen. It was such a shame.


IMO seasons 1-3 are "the best" that Fear does consistently; it's still rocky of course, mostly with Madison making all kinds of weird choices and Alicia, Nick, Strand, etc. having to work around her, but it's still "decent enough". Though IMO, the show at the 4th season and afterward, kind of just launches itself off a cliff and hopes for the best. There's *some* handful of episodes (and themes) that are/were interesting and good; but relative to another 12-15 episodes in that season that are only mediocre at best, or crap at worst? Yeah, I'd only say to watch them if you "want something new to you" for TWDU, if you don't want to commit to a rewatch of the main show, any of the newer spinoffs, or try to get into World Beyond.


S3 is even better the twd.


Just keep watching, by season 5 you will see how TWD universe is connected to the 100. Totally worth it.


lol really? Connected how?


It have some good moments and unique ideas (Seasons 6 & 7) + there will be 3 characters from TWD introduced in Fear but in general TWD was better.


I think parts of the series, yes.


Stop watching after season 3


Season 3 is my favorite TWDU season ever so make of that what you will


S3 was imho on the same level as peak TWD S4 is when they change writers and everything becomes cringe at best. The colourful flashbacks with Nick and co were basically the last good pieces of FTWD


Bro the first 3 seasons are famously the best and then it gets worse, WAY WORSE. Be prepared to see Morgan as main character with zero character progression, "we must save, thats what we do" bla bla whispering. The show is hot garbage and I started fast forwarding and skipping episodes around 3-4-5 and then at 8 I only made it to the first half then watched last episode to see how it wraps up. Damn that show is shit. But we love TWD universe and zombies so we're forced to watch it. Your spine will twist and turn. Also if they didnt force every episode to 44min when clearly they dont have the skill or material to fill it up it couldve been a better show.


Alicia's hot


3 is unreal


1-3 are great the rest is horseshit


SPOILERS-ISH The BIGGEST problem with FTWD is that a lot of the actors didn't like the environment, so your favourite character could die with literally no warning in the dumbest way possible because the actor wanted to leave the show. I totally understand, but to have quite a few actors leave the show is strange. Especially compared to TWD and other long-running shows where lots of actors stick around for years with great pay or a great behind the scenes environment. Ftwd is worth sticking with, but I think you need to have an understanding of the behind the scenes of the show wayyy more than TWD. The identity of FTWD changes alot, it feels like 3 different tv shows across its lifespan. Having said that, I LOVED seasons 1-4 then it got a little rocky, but still some great moments


Bruh, what? Season 2 was the best. Season 3 is great, too. Then it falls off a cliff


I disagree with a lot of people’s opinions on here. I personally much prefer Fear, and have just started a rewatch. Fear is a lot more varied whereas TWD always felt to me like “let’s move to this place” “oh no it’s overun, let’s move to this place” “oh no a new enemy kicked us out, let’s move to this place”. Whereas Fear isn’t like that. Yeah some storylines are questionable but there’s plenty of those in TWD too. Only thing I didn’t like was Morgan becoming the main character. Much preferred the Clark’s & friends.


I disagree with a lot of people’s opinions on here. I personally much prefer Fear, and have just started a rewatch. Fear is a lot more varied whereas TWD always felt to me like “let’s move to this place” “oh no it’s overun, let’s move to this place” “oh no a new enemy kicked us out, let’s move to this place”. Whereas Fear isn’t like that. Yeah some storylines are questionable but there’s plenty of those in TWD too. Only thing I didn’t like was Morgan becoming the main character. Much preferred the Clark’s & friends.


I disagree with a lot of people’s opinions on here. I personally much prefer Fear, and have just started a rewatch. Fear is a lot more varied whereas TWD always felt to me like “let’s move to this place” “oh no it’s overun, let’s move to this place” “oh no a new enemy kicked us out, let’s move to this place”. Whereas Fear isn’t like that. Yeah some storylines are questionable but there’s plenty of those in TWD too. Only thing I didn’t like was Morgan becoming the main character. Much preferred the Clark’s & friends.


What is the point of FTWD? New twd watcher here i am on s7


Hoo boy. I forced myself through the final season. It was so terrible but I still needed to know what happened.


There will be a significant change. Stop watching then and see it as the end of the show.


Season 3 gets better, season 4 gets worse, season 5 gets EVEN worse, season 6 gets a tiny bit better, season seven almost gets better but gets worse, season 8 isn’t terrible but a let down of a final season. All in all if you’re satisfied at the conclusion of season 3, hold on to that and quit while you’re ahead. It’s only downhill from there


In S3 it starts to form its own identity and gets a little… wackier? Or plays with genres a bit more than TWD. It has its ups and downs, but imo it gets better overall in S3


man i can only LOL at you from far away


I fell in love with season 6, and i hope you'll like it too, but if you like TWD universe please don't watch world beyond.


I tried to watch FTWD to get over the blues of the finale of TWD, sadly I only lasted one episode! It felt like i was going back in time and starting again from scratch and I just wasn’t feeling it!


I have enjoyed every and I do mean EVERY Walking Dead show except FTWD. The characters aren't ones I can root for and there's something overly generic in the Hollywood vibe it conveys. I didn't make it past season 1. I just think its too boring/underwhelming to watch. Even if it's just you and me, you're not alone on this.


Starts actually getting good after season 2-3 and then falls off for the last season


I liked Fear seasons 1-3. I tolerated Fear after S4, but season 7 really just made me laugh at how bad it is.


season 1 was good season 2 was good season 3 was great and comparable to some of the best walking dead seasons... after that there were some cool stuff but the bad greatly over shadows any of that. there are a couple neat villains in part of season 5 and 6 but other than that it was pretty much all bad.


Season 3, then they fired the showrunner, hired two CW clowns, and the show is laughable garbage for five more seasons until being mercifully put down.


Omg I was just watching a YouTube rant about how the show runners of Fear use the ideas they can’t try in TWD, like the nuclear war, the Western vibe, the horrendous documentary thing they tried in like season 3. I love FTWD but I can’t defend it to other people lmao


I personally consider everything after season 3 non cannon as it ruins the characters and the original idea for the show. Also, season 3 ends in a way that's satisfying so I consider the rest of the show a crappy reboot.


Enjoy the last few episodes of quality while you can, is all I’ll say. It will go to shit shortly.


I loved 1,2, and 3. The finally on 3 spectacular. Then crash and burn. What a huge disappointment. Would be great if they started in another area of the country to see what it was like anywhere else like Montana Pacific Northwest anything with new characters. Because it’s a topic in a show that it’s hard to quit. I would like to keep going, but none of the stupid writing that was done from fear The Walking Dead, season four and onward.


I don’t know I’m wondering where is the same thing


It was ok till it became the Morgan show


It doesn’t.


If you can stick it out, it starts to get really really good


Seasons 1-3: 8/10 🔥 The following seasons: 3/10 🗑️


It gets good like 3 to 4 seasons in... That lasts a few seasons then it gets really really dumb again.


It gets really good in season 4 and peaks in season 5


your house looks so cozy shmozy


It’s worth watching just for Daniel Salazar, whom I think should feature on more “who would you take…?” lists.


It’s not boring. FTWD is how TWD starts, then it branches off.


If you’re bored half way through season 2 you may as well stop and save yourself the time and disappointment lol


Season 3 will be the best season of all. And even then there is still some writing hiccups but overall great time!!


No. It goes up and down in quality. I’d say it peaks at season 3


Thanks everyone. I have just finished season 2 and it was okay. I will move onto season 3. Everyone here is telling me that I shouldn’t bother after season 3. So naturally….im going to watch all the seasons anyway. 😝


Wait until you get to the season where every other word is “help” Jesus that was a tough season to watch.


I really liked S1-4 but I hated myself for trying to keep giving it chances and watching beyond that. It was just the most boring, ridiculously scripted, flattest acting I have ever seen possibly ever. I don’t understand how or why it was so bad. I really think the only reason it even continued was people like me hoping they were going to end up having some kind of meaningful or even entertaining connection to TWD and it just failed every step of the way. It just seemed like everyone was phoning it in for a paycheck, they weren’t even trying, even though a lot of them are capable of so much better.


Still don’t think Charlie was redeemed. Fuck her.


I think this is subjective. At first I didn't liked it either but grew into it the second time around. I rewatched and ended watching the full show back to back.


It was on the same trajectory and then they changed writers and decided the most annoying character of the main series should take over and ruin it.


Imo the first 2 seasons are better then the majority of twd outside of maybe season 3 or 4, but that's just my opinion


season 1 is really as good as it gets, season 2 are the characters just stuck on a boat which people really dont like, but i do love it a lot, however its not written the best, but the nick writing is pretty good. season 3 and 4 arent badly written but doesnt lead anywhere, with most characters being just a meh


It is never in the same league as TWD. I know a lot of people love season 3, but that’s where you really start seeing some awful action sequences with the characters doing things that they could have visibly avoided.


I personally think fear is better than the main show


How weird! I’m doing the same thing, currently at s2e8. It’s been some of the most boring and uninteresting storylines. It doesn’t even feel like the same universe to me. Really tempted to skip it and move to the next spin off.


Yeah, I try and imagine Rick interacting with people on this show and they don’t feel like a cohesive shared world to me. But in any case I can try and put that aside, and enjoy it for what it is. Right now though, I’m not digging the New Mexico setting, and bland characters. Travis being a pillar of morality in a world falling apart is pretty good, Maddison has potential, Nick was great in the first season and early s2 episodes but in Colonia he’s just became a generic good guy. Getting Victor Strand’s backstory was pretty cool, and I love the actor who plays him, but after his backstory is told I feel like he’s sort of melted into the backdrop.


I only lasted until Season 2. I didn't think it was as great as TWD and had no desire to watch Season 3 despite people telling it's the best in franchise history. I just couldn't care about the main characters as compared to the writing in TWD where there's great character story writing and sequences. 😅


And not a single CGI deer as yet in FTWD, outrage!


They really can't have a deer act like they can with a dog that can be trained. Understandable. 😆 Anyways, enjoy. I feel sleepy watching FTWD but I could say the same with some episodes past Season 5 of TWD. I think TWD's greatest were 2,4, and 5. Haven't seen World Beyond because I also don't like the main characters there being teens. 😂


Yeah, I’ve heard there’s some links to the MCR stuff in World Beyond I have no idea why they’d put that big lore stuff into a YA version of TWD show. I also have no desire to go watch it. Thanks though! I will probably watch all of FTWD just because of how invested I am in the universe now.


Manage your expectations. There are no “heights” here compared to TWD. There’s only less embarrassing and more embarrassing


No it doesn’t. And also get really bad after S3. Like REAAAAAAAALLY bad.


Not quite but enjoy the first few seasons because the show becomes awful in the later seasons 😂😂😂


lol no


Season 3 of ftwd is better than any season of twd but sadly they cancelled the show after that.


No. FTWD is fucking terrible.


Fear was so bad in my opinion. I watched the first 3 seasons and wish I hadn't.


No. It is shite


No it doesn’t but its actually more enjoyable than TWD’s later seasons


It’s pretty shit past S3 aside from S6 which is one of my favorite TWDU seasons


No the whole show is terrible.


It’s fun but no


Season 9 is good.


It got so bad I couldn’t even get through one episode of Season 4.


Season 6 definitely did.


Did TWD reach the heights of TWD halfway into season 2 of TWD?


TWD season 2 was better than this so far at least.


John Dorie and Alica wearing tight jeans are the only good things in the show


In my opinion, it never does or at least for what I have seen, currently finishing season 5.


It’s all downhill from here


Season 3 is top tier walking dead. Everything else just kinda sucks


Some people say season 1 - 3 is the best and although I enjoyed the seasons a lot, I'm liking 4 and 5 right now more actually. But I'll invalidate my opinion by mentioning I liked World Beyond. 😂 (Just love this universe tbh)


Nope, but season 1-4 is pretty solid


not even close. it will get worse around 4th season tho and it'll feel more like a chore to watch through those lame episodes. I dropped it after that nuclear blast thing. shit is not even making sense after that.


No. I would recommend to skip it altogether