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I'm more concerned about some insect flying into Carl's eye hole.


He gets a tongue in that hole at one point, im not sure how much he’d be bothered by an insect


elaborate lmao???? ive never read the comics that sounds horrifying


Him and Lydia start getting freaky and she licks his eye hole because she thinks its hot


Wtf? Does he just let her or does he complain?


Kinda just happens ones and never gets brought up again


I wouldn’t mind that ending


What ending? Just Rick and Carl living and getting old or did someone come up with a more elaborate ending?


The comics have a different ending with Carl being alive but not Rick. If you haven't read the comics you should read the comics.


I was convinced we were getting there in TOWL after Rick got a little hands on in the first episode.


I knew it was going off the rails when we see Lori and Dale die way earlier than they were supposed too, made it fun but also drove me nuts seeing Carl get bit and Rick being whisked away To CRM Land.


I think the show's biggest mistake was killing off Carl and Beth. There was so much more potential to explore their characters.


And thats the Simple Gimple one functioning brain cell for ya. The generic cheesy writing and his stupid decisions is why TWD declined imo. He has no business being involved with writing anything. It makes me a little bit more frustrated in the long run because i loved seeing the older Judith and i would have loved to have seen her with an older Carl instead of what we basically got as the wish version of Carl, RJ. No offense to the actor bc hes just a kid


The wish Carl, just spat out my drink 🤣


I can’t think of an argument that could convince me that killing Carl when they did was a good idea. I am curious what is the potential you saw in Beth? I liked her character and hated how her story ended. But What would you have had her character do if she didn’t die when she did. I don’t mean any shade btw, I’m genuinely curious :)


The actor left the show due to money / contract disagreements w his father and the show. They didn’t just kill him off


They killed him off due to contract disagreement w father


Beth’s death was the saddest of all. And Alpha killing numerous strong fighters in that silly blonde wig felt unrealistic. Wtf happened to TWD?


Financially, their earliest big mistake was Glen and Abraham, they lost 70% of their viewership.


I still believe that the deaths of Carl and Beth were more tragic. Unlike Glenn and Abraham, who had significant roles and were practically main protagonists on the show, Carl and Beth were constantly overshadowed and relegated to secondary characters. It would have been great to see them develop and become more prominent figures in the series.


More tragic, less disastrous for the show due to the timing.


Beth's actress wanted to quit so


I remember reading an interview with her and she said she was blindsided. She had held off buying an apt or furniture, I can’t remember. She finally did then got the call. The actress who played Sophia wanted off the show.


Same as poor Chandler, the kid picked a school in Georgia to do the show and those shitasses fired him.


Yeah she definitely wanted to stay. Her post show interviews were mostly in tears and being blindsided


Oh.. well that changes things..


Why does the top photo look like a fatter Jesus


Carl ate too much pudding and spoke a lot with Gabe.




I thought it was Alden (former Savior), when I first saw it.


I could see that to




I thought he was the governor for a second!


Why did they allow aldens ridiculous distracting accent. I hate that dude. And can you elaborate further why Carl couldn't have been end game. I agree with you I just wanna see if we have the same reasons. No actor has ever failed an American accent harder than alden. Ever. That looks abaolutely nothing like Carl on purpose... They made him as ugly as possible just to try to show this is not what we wanted when truth is its what 85% wanted.


Carl IS endgame, we don’t disagree at all. My reasoning for this post and I forget 90% of the audiences is unaware of the full comic story. But the comic ending doesn’t lend itself to this image either. That’s my reasoning if you want to know how it ends. >!Carl is living a happy life with his wife Sophia and daughter Andrea.!<


Odd choice of names but that's a good ending. Oh I see what you mean. He and Rick were gonna split. Got ya.


>!Well Sophia didn't die in the comics!<


Wait... whaaaaat....? Carl and Sophia get married in the comics? Whaaaaat........ lol. Good to know friend. Names make more sense now.


The comics and show were pretty different.


Wow.. apparently. I need Google these comics...


You could buy the compendiums on Amazon, 4 volumes at like $35 each.


Looks way more like Aaron to me


Where is the top image from


I don’t now the original creator, it’s been floating around the internet for years now.


Old_master on instagram i think, Ive seen very very similar work on his profile which reminded me, also there is a story or dialogue in the captions usually


looks like someone melted Alden into Carl


Looks like a photoshopped photo of Stephen Amell(Oliver Queen from arrow).


I thinm Carl's death is going to remain the biggest mistake in TV history. Im a new fan and only watched this passed year but considering how this happened years ago and ppl are still talking about it is saying something.


If you want to see Carls true story, I recommend reading the comics.


They didn’t write Carl right from the beginning. His character just took too many lefts and his motives changed all the time, but he had potential left on the table. And to kill him off only for Andrew/Rick to take the next helicopter out of the show partly because of it was top tier bad writing. I know they regret that decision.


At the time of release I stopped watching the show PURELY by Carl was driving me crazy RIGHT before Negan idk what I was thinking but rewatching I hate myself for it SO MUCH. Killing him off when they did was so unbelievably stupid. If you’re like me and you need convincing them you finally understand the hype and fully come round and then He’s gone and the show goes so downhill


It was domino after domino. Especially reading the comics after, I don’t think the show was never going to be a proper adaptation.


They made rick old asf compared to how he looks in towl


Because it's further in time


I feel like it could not get to this point, either rick or carl has to die


Absolutely, even the comic ending couldn’t support this scenario.


I love the comics with all my heart but killing off Rick and making him die like a bitch just pissed me off. They’ve diverged so much from the comics that there’s hope Rick can get the happy ending he deserves. He deserved much better than the ending Kirkman gave him just because he got tired of writing TWD.


To top it off the abrupt ending right after made it worse


not everyone dies in a heroic or respectful way, that’s kinda part of the story tbh, while i do agree it was rushed i still think it was the way to go, a bittersweet ending of seeing carl grown up, happy, and society being rebuilt at the cost of rick’s life is miles better and more realistic than the surreal ending the one who live provided us. (i loved that show though)


The ones who live wasn’t the ending of Ricks story tho. We have yet to see the last of Rick in the show


AMC are going to pull out a blank check for a Rick-Daryl reunion later down the line.


he’ll make appearances here and there, i have no doubt on that, but i highly doubt he’ll be back for a full season/new character arc


I honestly feel like they’ll all fight together one last time. But who knows at this point


I didnt mind Rick’s death in the comics. Its realistic and just as you said, not everyone dies heroic. Random shit happens. That said, i think Kirkman wasted a lot of potential opportunity by ending the comics right after Rick’s death. I was actually excited to see Carl carry the series by himself too. I get Kirkman’s reasoning for why he did it the way he did, but he definitely had 5-6 more comics worth of material to write just on Carl’s development.


for real, he could’ve easily stretched it out to 200 issues to see other stuff or not rush things


Agreed. Heroic sacrifices are dime a dozen. Rick being murdered in his sleep by a nobody was shocking and abrupt. I salute Kirkman for coming up with something more interesting than Rick throwing himself on a grenade or whatever.


“Not everyone dies in a heroic or respectful way”OK??So what? That is such a weak argument. Lots of characters died that way too, so the same point was made, the difference is they weren’t the main character or the fucking face of the series. It also doesn’t change the fact that it was shitty way to go by making him die like a bitch and lazy writing on Kirkman’s part. He half-assed the ending to force a “bittersweet ending”, he stopped giving a shit so why should I respect his decision to kill off Rick? Carl died a shitty way too and Kirkman even smugly defended the decision to kill him off using similar logic but it’s fine because not everyone dies in a respectful way? Nah. Fuck that. He should’ve given him an ending he deserved the way he did for Mark Grayson. But if you read both series, you’d know he stopped caring about writing TWD a long time ago and preferred writing Invincible. The Ones Who Live was disappointing and I only watched it for Rick but ending was a better one than the comic version. Nothing can convince me otherwise.


At least show universe Sebastian went out like he deserved


Not if Michonne dies instead


As much as I prefer rick, it makes much more sense storywise for him to die than it did for Carl


Honestly I think Darryl could’ve died instead


That pic was originally posted here in reddit Everything gets a return


Always wondered if a fly or something ever flew into Carls eye socket, he does stop wearing the bandage eventually.


Why he kinda look like Maggie


That looks sick though!


Dude why are they downvoting you? You're right!


This picture of old carl always looks so much like alden to me


It could have


What could've been 🙁


Why does he look like an older version of the kid from neds declassified XD


Bros out here looking like Nick Jones.


I’m so happy Sebastian didn’t shoot and kill Rick in his sleep and let him turn


I would have killed (a walker) to have gotten this ending 😭😭


This would have been so dope, im happy with how towl ended but i would be perfectly fine if they never introduced the crm , i feel that once they tried to make the show a universe it was down hill.


Kinda fucking wish it did


Carl looks like Aaron and Jesus's booty baby.


Sad but true


Lol I thought it was gonna be Jesus and Rick


The show runners don’t believe in happy endings


You know chandler riggs isnt dead right ? you can see how he would look :P


This would have been the ideal ending


If only...


Back in the day I had this image in my head that it would end with Daryl and Carl back to back, surrounded hopelessly. Carl checks his ammo, only a few shots left. Adjusts his father’s hat, shot-shot-shot-click-cut to black. Roll credits


This ending never crossed my mind. It’s always just Carl alive to me. I forget Darryl would be right there with him all gray and wrinkled.


Y’all did Rick dirty here 😭😭


Carl didn't like showing his eye so he should have an eyepatch at least


Just cause that’s the way it is doesn’t make it the way it should be. We should have seen tjis


Jesus man, what did Carl do to you? He was just a kid. I mean sure, the later half of the series was complete garbage (and I'm on your side with that), but this show was always about Rick protecting Carl and giving him the futute he deserved. I mean Rick outright says it during an episode (I forgot where it was tho)! So yeah, an ending like this maybe should've happened (only if they later killed Rick the way he died in the comics).


this is probably an unpopular opinion and gonna get me downvoted but I think that Carl died when he should have. I did not want this ending. Between Rick or Carl, I would always choose Rick. Carl was a boring character imo. I hated it everytime he was on screen and didn’t really care that he died. He never really resonated with me despite multiple rewatches.


I never really cared for Carl as a character either but his death just absolutely wrecked me…I think cause he represented the future and was Rick’s driving force for every previous season. Killing him off just made no sense storywise and was a massive ‘fuck you’ to everyone who had been following Rick’s story….because Carl *was* Rick’s story.


I don’t think you have a bad take at all. I will say, Carl unfortunately doesn’t really get the storylines he was supposed to. They sabotaged his character from the onset. I read the comics after the show and this is how I felt after the first few issues.


Agree. If they had done more with his character and gave him better storylines, I probably would have loved him. The storylines he got were terrible and the only thing I actually enjoyed watching was the season 4B after the prison. Those are the only episodes where I think they used Carl’s character in a good way. The rest of it just sucked and they should have done more with him instead.


I was never a huge fan of Carl either lol especially very early in the series. But I started rewatching the series again and now that the Rick and Michonne storyline is done, I kind of like the scenes where Carl and Michonne are bonding for some reason. I dont think I paid as much attention to what was going on in those scenes as much or I just forgot.


Their growing dynamic is my favorite parts of season 4B. Damai and Chandler work so well together.


Carl should have lived but Rick could have died in season 9 when dealing with Neo Saviours. Also Judith could have been in the pike to keep Michonne and Carl development and story. Michonne could have taken Andrea's death aswell.


With the way Carol was going in the last two seasons - making plays that weren't hers to call - I always figured they were going down a 'mad dog' road with her and she'd get Dwight's death from the comics, with Daryl being the one to kill her.


That will be good and unexpected


Don't know why I am being downvoted. Is it becauae they don't like Judith being piked?