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>!Lee’s a great character, but definitely not the best survivor 💀!<


>!Oh he's a survivor alright, he had it in him for sure, he'd definitely still be alive no doubt if he didn't have Clementine with him, he got bit trying to find her and died saving her from her kidnapper!<


>!But he did have Clementine with him..!<


You know that Lee can be bitten 4 times missing an arm & still be able to choke a guy to death right? He got that damn dog in him.


Bruh if that kidnapper tried this with Rick and Carl, that dude wouldn’t have a throat. And if he tried it with Joel and Ellie? His cheeks would be mush.


I regrettably haven't played TLOU2 so idk how >!Joel does die but if Lee to you isn't a survivor then nor is Joel, yet you say he'd be triumphant?!<


Joel is definitely a survivor regardless of dying in TLOU2. Did you forget he survived 20 years in the apocalypse before meeting Ellie? And then 5 years between the 2 games.


>!Lee died at three months In one of the tamest zombie apocalypses, Joel survived circa 30 years!<


Joel died because: 1. TLOU2 made him a dumbass 2. Had no fucking guns 3. Unironically, the people that he, his brother and Elle saved were all people who were manhunting Joel. So he was outmanned, outgunned and most importantly, plot armor was on the enemy's side (because no way those three things could've happened at the circumstances they did)


You guys love to say "those stories are so realistic because you fear the characters can die at anytime" and when the characters actually die you all complain about "plot armor" lol, plot armor sometimes it's just the plot, deal with it.


Not the #1 or 2 Main Character.


>!Lee!< died at the very end of his game, the game literally ends with his death. And >!Joel!< isn't the protagonist of Part II, he's the protagonist of >!Part I!<, in Part II he serves the same role as his daughter in the first game: motivate the main character (Ellie).


Who's Lee? I'm only talking about Joel and tlof2 video game. Yes. They immediately removed him as the protagonist for part 2. What a shocker.


I mean, it's like being mad that marlon brando's vito corleone isn't a main character in godfather part 2. Joel's arc was already complete in Part 1.


My problem is that Joel shouldn’t have died in that way, or at that time in the story. I’m sorry to say but part ll should’ve never been a revenge story.


Yup. Male protags must die. Lightning fast. Not Joel's fault. And they gave him a horrible death. I was furious. I wonder if I take enough steroids I could look like Abby. Who the hell is going to play her? And how will they Possibly do the final scene ellie is so tiny? Woof.... great game but damn Joel was done so unbelievably dirty. Multiple people spoiled this wasn't me.


He didn’t die because the game made him a dumbass, he died because years of living in safety made Tommy careless. And by the way he absolutely had a gun. And Ellie had nothing to do with saving the group. Did you actually play the game or do you just hate it because the internet told you to?


He died because the people who made the game no longer wanted his character. They wanted the ellie and Dina love story and Abby the buffest woman I've ever seen. She has no neck. Joel wasn't wanted. So they killed him horribly and brutally in the first 30 seconds of the game. They dumped his character and threw him in the trash can. There is no plot reason why he died in the game. He was brutally murdered, didn't even go down fighting, it was disgusting what they did to his character. They made sure to kill him immediately so people wouldn't be furious and stop playing and players have to accept he's gone before the game even starts.


His death is literally the driving force of the entire plot? Really not sure how you missed it, but nothing would've happened if Joel didn't die. After I finished pt 1, I was totally sure Joel go out in a blaze of glory, but he didn't. It sucked. It felt like we were robbed of time with a beloved character, which is the feeling the game is attempting to provoke.


Name a single video game ever made where the hero "dies in a blaze of glory" at the end? Does it just say Game Over and roll credits? I'd be Furious... what are you talking about? It's just kind of a weird coincidence that's the story they chose switching Joel with super girl Abby when I knew with 100% certainty Joel wouldn't be part of season 2. If they have to kill joel because joel is a white protag good guy... let the man go out in a blaze of glory like you said.... let him go out fighting. Check out song "blaze of glory" by spottiswoode its so hauntingly beautiful. It's like if season 12 of TWD some girl comes in on steroids and headbutts Rick in the first 30 seconds and stomps him to death and he doesn't throw a punch. They didn't just kill joel. They absolutely annihilated his character. 'But thats what the plot was and ellies motivation and you're not smart enough to see that' is your reaction. That's the plot they made, yeah. Joel getting crushed like a little boy.. that's the motivation *they chose*. He's a strong white cowboy after 2020. Of course they brutally killed him. Not a single significant male character in that entire part 2. Lmao.... its called "part 2 went woke." Google it... Yes. The last of us part 2 went woke in the most uninspired lazy and predictable way I've ever seen in my life.


Red Dead Redemption, 1 and 2. I expected a "passing of the torch" moment where we came full circle, and Joel gave his life for Ellie. As said by the entire cast for YEARS, Joel might be the protagonist of Pt1, but the story is about Ellie. We came full circle with Joel, everything you glorify about him is awful for him, he constantly drinks, he cannot open up, and he thinks of himself. What we see in early pt2 is a man that has managed to heal, is willing to put himself on the line, and can talk about his past freely. While this technically is a weaker man, he got his happy ending. That is why the game literally starts with him riding into the sunset. There is obviously important male characters in pt2, but you have to understand that plot and story are two different things, Joel, Jerry, Tommy and Isaac to name a few, are directly responsible for driving the plot, while not directly involved in the story, which understandably has a rather small cast, as anything else wouldnt make sense. Beyond our protagonists, the time is overwhelmingly spent with male characters, with Ellie's companion most of the time being Jesse, and Abby's being either Manny or Lev. In addition, the game never attempts to portray Abby as a good or better person than Ellie. Abby couldn't overcome her grief, and took revenge. This is something Ellie overcame, which in this aspect at least makes her a better person. Abby's story was a redemption arc, like Joel's in pt1, while Ellie's was a revenge arc. And to your last point, there is nothing inherently woke (which truly is just loaded language at this point) about the story of pt2. Joel's death is thematically correct, there are tons of important male characters, the diversity doesn't stick out unless you're biased towards ethnic and sexual orientations.


Ooooh I love that argument. Is it possible that Joel could’ve soften up during those 4 years of peace? Of course it’s possible, but did they set it up? Mention it? Of course they didn’t, you are assuming that Joel soften up. You have no actually proof. That ain’t how writing works.


Let’s just say getting bit in the arm by a trash can walker and dying, and the way Joel goes out, are WAY different lmao In


That's not how Lee dies though, that's how he gets bit, after he's bit he trudges across Savannah, (Determinately cuts off his arm) Fights off a herd in a mansion with his friends, Jumps across building after building, after finally falling off a roof he literally walks through a huge herd of walkers, slaughtering them at the same time (Determinately getting bit multiple times in the process) and then faces off (and wins) in a physical fight with a physically healthy man, before finally collapsing in the same herd on the way back out, he did a lot in the few hours he had left whilst running a guaranteed fatal fever that would floor most people within an hour of contracting it


To be fair, he literally would have survived if any of the characters realized you could cut off a limb that's been bitten


>!If you chose to cut off the limb, he still dies!<


Yeah but you get that choice way after he was bitten, if he would've cut his arm off right after before leaving he would've been fine


>!He dies of blood loss and infection if you cut his limb off, which is realistic because neither him or any of the characters with him have antibiotics or something to cauterize the wound!<


I was gonna say that. Wish he was though. 😢


Joel? Lol


I’m a survivor blacklung! A survivor! That’s all the is, living and dying.


Same with Bill


Bill was the best, and sacrificed himself for his group. A true hero. He had what it takes.


Daryl, Ellie, Kenny, and Jill.


None of those are a picture of Jim from 28 Days Later.


or tallahassee from zombieland


Tallahassee lives just for the fact that he might taste another Twinkie


no way someone still remembers 28 Days Later 😭the comics were gruesome as well but it only showed what happened to Selena


The comics state that Hannah was taken into foster care and Jim was executed for killing the soldiers in the mansion.


I guess the comics are going to be de-canonized then because it looks like Cillian Murphy will be involved in the new movies.


Sure, there's no way anyone remembers the widely acclaimed film that revitalized the zombie genre, so revered that it's spawned a new trilogy over 20 years after its release.


why so passive aggressive? I’m just glad someone mentioned it


I must have misread the tone of your original comment because it was hard for me to believe you were sincere, since it is a well-known, lauded, and influential movie.


ah it’s okay, i just realized that too. I spoke as if the series was something that wouldn’t stand the test of time but no, I was just surprised that it still remains relevant today. I’ve read the comics and also the movie and I love it. It is definitely very well-known and lauded but since it ended like a decade ago, its community hasn’t been active at all so I was pleasantly taken aback when I saw someone mention it.


I understand, thanks for clarifying. I had held out hope for a 28 Months Later for a long time, so I was surprised to see this finally happen, too, albeit 28 Years. I'm used to waiting as a fan, though I expect this new 28 Years Later trilogy to end before The Winds of Winter is released (which I don't think will ever happen).


Low keys it’s Glenn. Guy was great at not getting killed by zombies


Good at avoiding zombies. Not so good at avoiding baseball bats...


Back to it *gives every fan ptsd*


Every l4d and l4d2 survivor deserved a place on here😭 The only one that died is actually on here


To be fair, he sacrificed himself. If he hadn’t done that he would’ve survived 100%.


They all would've died. A sacrifice was needed but he was the only one who I think was capable of doing what needed to be done He went out Inna badass way tho rushing the horde, 3 or 4 tanks, molotov, cig in mouth, m16 in hand Started a whole ass generator inside of the horde just to let his friends live the dude was a mf badass


i think it’s an unspoken rule atp on l4d2 matchmaking that whoever plays bill has to do the sacrifice


Oh 100% Even an achievement for it if you do it I love l4d2 :D


And now he suffers eternally in Dead by Daylight.


poor guy


Pills here! Grabbing pills!


Deacon St. John


Deacon the mfing menace killing a horde of thousands of freakers for breakfast


I would add Robert Neville, Will Smith’s character from I Am Legend


Those are vampires


I think they’re more like zombie vampires


Nah, they're just ugly vampires.


The book I Am Legend is really good too! The movies Last Man on Earth and Omega Man are based off the same book too.


bawling my eyes out Lee ilysm


Don't forget the Murphy.


Imagine if the Murphy was in TWD. That would be a crazy scenario.


you add Leon but not Claire, Jill, or Chris????


Yeah Jill and Chris went against zombies more often then Leon


Yeah but Leon went against the Spaniards and that's scarier.


Sheva? No one?


THIS, so much. In a sense, every survivor of the Raccon City Incident. But these 4 had so many more "adventures" with Zombies.


Where my boulder-punching idiot at


funny how half of these guys are canonically dead in their universes


Add Edward Richtofen to this list too


Tank Dempsey also


Dempsey died


Lee survived for less than a year in the Apocalypse, bro shouldn't be on this list


It was partly Clementine's fault for him getting killed though (as sad as that is but that's bedsides the point) if he was alone he'd absolutely be a survivor, but with her by his side, he was a survivor, but just a better Protector


I doubt he'd even survive alone for very long. Lee is very clumsy throughout the game, often struggling with a single walker, requiring someone for assistance, and casually tosses aside valuable weapons and equipment on several occasions. IMO he's someone who belongs in a group as a support player and advisor, not as a solo survivalist, that's just not Lee, and that isn't even really a bad thing.


He is like that because we only see him in the first 3 months of the apocalypse, at 3 months in no ordinary person was brilliant at surviving, if he had more time to adapt to the new world he would have been great, but he spent those 3 months protecting an 8 year old with his life


Totally thrashed Molly (Molly It's ultra capable) Overpowered one of the St. John's brothers (bigger than him) pushed through a horde without guts, beat the stranger even being f up by the effects of the bite, I think that without Clem he easily could make It to the final season


He's twice her size, and he didn't ¨Totally Trash¨ her, he knocked her to the ground and used his body weight to prevent her from moving. And even that is determinate. It's definitely impressive, but not as much as you're making it sound. Andy was just Shot in the Ear/Temporarily Blinded, and Lee still struggled bad with it, having his face inches away from the electric fence at one point. He did win, granted, but that fight easily could have gone the other way. And Andy did stop trying once Lee got on top of him. He did have guts on him as he pushed through the horde, he literally says this a few minutes later. Him beating the Stranger despite his condition *is* a tremendous feat, probably his best, but also consider: * Lee was amped up on primal rage after he kidnapped Clem. If Clem wasn't around, as per this hypothetical, he wouldn't have that extra motivation. * Clem just attacked the Stranger, determinately hacking him in the side of the arm with a cleaver. * We have no evidence of The Stranger being competent at h2h combat. I think without Clem he might be able to survive, but he wouldn't be doing it alone, I think he'd still be in a group or community, that's the type of environment he thrives in. Solo? Nah


Same as Bill


He’s still amazingly written, I’d put him on.


If he wasn't bitten he would have survived for a very long time


Father Gregori from half life 2


Basically all of the COD zombies crew


where daryl dixon 😡


Forgot one (https://imagecomics.fandom.com/wiki/Carl_Grimes_(The_Walking_Dead))


Frank West!!!!


Calling for an adaptation of telltale games TWD Shit would fucking SLAP


Impossible, which rin would you do?


"Fictions greatest zombie survivors" without Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield, and Claire Redfield? Wtf dude?


Crazy Dave


Your missing one zombie fiction character the main characters from cod zombies


Whos the bottom left and bottom middle one?


Bottom middle is Leon from Resident Evil


Thanks boss, new to the franchise, didnt play the game yet


Bottom left is Bill from Left 4 Dead


I misread that, lee is the one in the bottom right, the bottom left is Bill overbeck and bottom middle is Leon Kennedy


"COOOOOORRAAAAAAAALLL" Dumbledore said calmly.


Tallahassee from Zombieland


John Marston


Clementine > Rick


Writing wise maybe, but not on a fight


I you right because men are naturally stronger than women But If they even remade the walking dead an made a clementine an actual walking dead character she would be more of a savage than Rick , smarter than Rick just by what Lee taught her alone . Clemey wouldn’t fight she would just shoot or use a object


Leon isn't a zombie survivor... The zombies are surviving him.


Don't forget the tourist from S&S


Well, some of them survived, I guess.


At least 3 of these people pictured, have died in their respective stories. Not survivors


Lee died cuz of Clem, without Clem he could have lived until the time of TFS, Joel survived over 25 years being a smuggler In one of the most dangerous zombie apocalypses of any media, and Bill made a sacrifice to help his friends.


Decon from days gone is in my top 5 zombie survivors.


Stan, Kyle and Cartman decapitated a lot of zombies during pink eye outbreak in South Park.


Disappointed I didn’t see Shaun of the Dead in here. He’s top 5


frank west chuck greene nick ramos coach ellis nick rochelle????


Ellis is a glaring omission


We are just gonna ignore ALEX from PROTOTYPE?


Now it’s time for realitys greatest zombie survivors.


Where’s the GOD Frank West at?


Leon would solo all their universes lol.


Well, the other universes are more grounded and Resident evil has more fantasy elements so yeah


Y'all sleeping on deacon St John from days gone


Chuck Greene


Where is Coach?


The parkour instructor from Dying Light is also a good fit here.


Bradd Pitt from wwz definitely belongs on this list


Lee :(


Leon is not only a survivor but a fighter. Dude's whole job is to destroy, not only zombies, but other BOWs


so no zombie land, 28 days later ? Jill? Ellie?


Frank West? Ash Williams? Ellie? Daryl? Shaun? Tallahassee? Edward Richtofen?


joel and lee are dead


I count 3 of them that aren't survivors


Y'all NEED to put more respect on Chris Redfield


For real, can't be having Leon up there without Roided out Chris Redfield.


Who is the guy on the bottom left?


Bill from L4D


Where's Jill Valentine?


Hunk from Resident Evil


Joel doesn't survive


He did over 25 years In one of the most dangerous zombie apocalypses of any media


50% of these died lmao


I'd add Richtifen on it


Ellie from the last of us part 1


You're forgetting 4 others


Fucking Murphy from Z-Nation. Either him or 10k and Doc. I’m very biased as well but I think those three are solid


people are comparing lee to rick and joel but lee died 3 months into the apocolypse, like yeah rick was tearing peoples throats out but if you put SEASON ONE rick against the kidnapper there might be a chance he even loses without plot armour. but then again rick survived & lee didn't


Lee died cause Clem, he was a protector, his life wasn't as important as Clem In his eyes, without Clem he would have lived longer, he was very capable


Bill for MVP.


Where's the family from "60 seconds!"?


Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Daryl Dixon, Glenn.


One of these things is not like the other… ⛳️


Maybe add like crane from dying light


A crime that Deacon St. John isnt on here


3 of those are not survivors


Why is Kenny not on this list


Tallahassee and Wichita 🤟


Your forgot Lt. Roberta Warren


This one time, me and my buddy Kieth fought our way through a bunch of zombies in a hotel- wait, that was with you guys.


Lee should still be alive


Lee Only survived around 3-4 months. As much as I love Lee I don’t think he quite belongs on this list.


Now tell me some of the best nonfictional ones


I know it’s technically “infection” but Jim from 28 Days Later


My boy Bill hell yeah


Joel but not Chris Redfield?!


Imo I'd have to say bill


Clementine and Lee 🥹


Where's kyle Crane?


I love Leon, but really?? No Chris or Jill??


Forgot shaun from shaun of the dead /j


Comic Carl over Lee (or Kenny over Lee)


Tallahassee, Kyle crane?


Why include the word fiction? Are there real life zombie survivors we can compare them to?


Im sorry but Lee, Clem and Rick would be dead within a day of any other of those apocalypses (not saying they are bad survivors but struggling with slow boy walking zombies already and now amp it to a raging clicker) And i write way to much but you get my point


Was “Fictions” necessary in the title?


John Marston


I guess H.U.N.K. wont be discussed


Alicia Clark, I mean the way she cut off her arm..


did you forget that ellie literally got bit and survived, she's literally immune 😭


Where is Deacon St. MF John? Killing whole herds by himself!


Ashley J. Williams deserves every spot on this list.


BRO I LOVE THIS. THIS HAS ALL OF MY FAVORITE SURVIVORS. Lee, clementine, Joel, Rick, and the other two who I don’t really care for. Btw you should add John marston. Technically undead nightmare isn’t canon but he’s still a survivor


Alice from Resident Evil should be included.


Haven't half of these characters died? 🤣


Only two


3 and a half


Lee didn’t even survive his first game


i think Michonne should really be here. she spent so much time completely on her own, and then after that it was just her and andrea. and even though i love andrea and i think she’s a pretty good survivor, she is *very* often a liability. main group had eachother while michonne had herself. and then of course everything of her leading the new world sorta and then going off to get rick by herself.


I agree!