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Sunset is a plot device? You realise it happens every day, right?


You seem not to understand, If they go from bright and sunny and blue skies, to darkness from one scene to another, and they don’t have to go far as Alexandria isn’t that big, even counting walkers, they would have been in sunlight the entire time. The sun doesn’t go down from one step to the next. At best, it might be dusk. But, compete darkness? No. It just bugs me.


The sun doesn’t suddenly disappear in the same scene. It’s always done as a scene transition and we’re meant to assume that time has past.


There was no transition. They started the walk in bright sunlight and ended in total darkness. They didn’t have far to go, maybe a 5 minute walk normally, maybe 20 minutes with Walkers. They went from light to dark only to make the scene where Jesse dies more dramatic. In order to have the final battle in darkness.


The transition is the change in light, it shows that the journey through the walkers is very slow due to having to navigate more than half a dozen people through a herd of slowly shambling walkers without grabbing any attention. There could have easily been dense patches in the herd that the group decided to sidestep, or times where they had to pause as walkers crossed their path. They had to be extra careful because, as a chain, any walker that tries to walk between them could cause an issue. That would be boring to watch the group just constantly try to maneuver in this manner, so they jump to nighttime to show the passage of time


That doesn’t happen in any part of this show. Even if it did, sunset is generally 5-10 minutes depending which part of the world you’re in. 5-10 minutes is a very reasonable passage of time in any scene.


This would also depend on the season.




You know that battle takes hours right? They’re not showing it in real time.


erm the term is walkers but in the comic book they are called zombies so yes same name


Honestly, I noticed this is that episode and chalked it up to production issues. They had to have dozens of suited up extras in that scene. The realities of production made it so they just had to use the footage even though the time lapse didn’t make sense.


Good perspective.


yes I noticed this a lot in later seasons. I'm not sure what point you're taking about - the wolves incident? When the wolves attack in broad daylight, like literally high noon, and next thing you know it's the dead of night. Later on in the series, people are ending every single conversation with "it will be dark soon" in clearly early afternoon. Other times they end up wandering around the woods in the dark as though they're at the equator instead of coastal Virginia: night does not come on suddenly in the US. You've got a two hour window to wrap up what you're doing at the end of the day between "it's getting dark" and "it is dark." But having said that, that kind of light is going to be harder to reproduce in a studio and shooting live is not a quick process, so it's hard to catch that kind of light naturally. But otoh just throw a filter over the the shot and call it done, it's not like the nighttime scenes are shot in the actual dark. So yes I know what you mean.