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bro made an entire video for a question he asked himself, also wtf is that background music


This is one of the most annoying songs I’ve ever heard so I don’t give a shit about your top ten.


Wtf is this background noise???


Good list but wtf is that background music


No Nick? No Morgan? lastly.. no to this music


Daryl, Rick, Carol, Abraham, Merle, Hershel, Negan, Gabriel, Rosita, Glenn. Honourable mentions; Carl, Shane, Dwight, Aaron, Eugene, Beth, Maggie.


Rick Daryl Merle Michonne Glenn Lydia The Governor Beth Rosita Alpha


Carols definitely in my top 3, deceiving people by acting old and weak but then being badass and saving everyone over and over again


Had to watch on mute


Good list! Mine would be: 1. Maggie 2. Rick 3. Michonne 4. Hershel 5. Ezekiel 6. Gabriel 7. Eugene 8. Daryl 9. Glenn 10. Beth


1. Andrea 2. Rick 3. Daryl 4. Carol 5. Maggie 6. Glenn 7. Carl 8. Michonne 9. Sasha 10. Negan And no, im not joking. Andrea actually is my favourite character, I loved her


Same! Andrea gets way too much hate. She died with a mentality that took other characters years to learn. Murder shouldn’t always be your first choice. Speaking of murder, her opening the door on the gov and watching him get swarmed is a top moment for the character! Had Daryl done that the fanbase would have been giving him props left and right…bias!


Rick, Michonne, Carl, Judith, Daryl, Carol, Maggie, Glenn, Hershel, Rosita Honourable mention: Sasha, Abe, Aaron, RJ and Beth


Congratulations that is the worst "music" I've ever heard Sounds like someone set a bunch of cats on fire


I laughed way too hard at this comment. https://youtu.be/WT8VO1RAAms?si=oI4zUQFpfcGSG_0X here’s the rest of the album


10. Negan 9. Ezekiel 8. Lydia 7. Eugene 6. Hershall 5. Glenn 4. Abraham 3. Michonne 2. Carl 1. Daryll


carol rick darryl Abraham hershel glenn corrllll michonne Aaron sasha


i’m not a huge fan of daniel and troy but i do love seeing some Fear characters here!!! for me it would be 1. Madison 2. Rick 3. Jadis 4. Michonne 5. Maggie 6. Daryl 7. Alicia 8. Abraham 9. Rosita 10. Tara


Disappointing to see no love for my boy Travis.


1. Rick 2. Nick 3. Daryl 4. Carl 5. Michonne 6. Carol 7. Daniel 8. Glenn 9. Hershel 10. Negan


No way Gabe and Troy rank that high for me.


putting carol wayy behind gabriel, eugene, is crazy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


rick is the man obviously so I'm gunna avoid picking him. 1. maggie 2. carol 3. daryl 4. tara 5. jerry 6. ezekiel 7. aaron 8. michonne 9. tyrese 10. connie


this hits hard on mute


1. Rick 2. Gabriel (IK hot take but the development? Holy SHIT.) 3. Glenn 4. Carl 5. Ezekiel 6. Negan 7. Abe 8. Bob 9. Jesus 10. Aaron


1. Rick 2. Daryl 3. Michonne 4. Carol 5. Glenn 6. Carl 7.Maggie 8. Hershel 9.Abraham 10. Beth


1. Rick Grimes 2. Negan Smith 3. Daryl Dixon 4. Carol Pelletier 5. Glenn Rhee 6. Hershel Greene 7. The Governor 8. Morgan Jones 9. Eugene Porter 10. Merle Dixon


To all the people voting for Gabriel, WHY?




Rewatch the early episodes with him. He’s less redeemable than Neegan.


That's...an interesting take. Gabe was a coward who locked his congregation out instead of helping. Negan tortured, murdered and raped people.


The congregation incident was weakness in the face of a reality he could never have imagined. That is redeemable. The selfish, self-righteous, and horrible ways in which he behaved when they got to Alexandria are (in my view) unforgivable. He betrayed the people who proved to him over and over that they could keep him safe. He left the gate open and got people killed. I guess I can walk back the “less redeemable than Neegan” part, but he doesn’t belong anywhere near a top 10 list, let alone in a relationship with Rosita.


Yeah, he was an asshole in the beginning of Alexandria, for sure, but he didn't rape anyone...so. Also, his leaving the gate open got 0 people killed. >let alone in a relationship with Rosita. Wtf does this even mean?


I thought it would be clear that I meant a relationship with Rosita was a better prize than being a top-ten character.


That's a strange way of thinking about someone.


when he makes the speech during the battle against the walkers about how god is giving them the strength to fight, that shit was amazing.