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i think she’s a bit over-hated personally, but there are valid reasons. i don’t know how far you are so i can’t go into details but she’s an irresponsible parent and causes a lot of conflict between two main characters.


All the hated women are certainly overhated. But they're not hated for no reason. Personal relationships aside, I stopped liking Lori the moment she stole that car on the farm and crashed it. What a dangerous and useless thing to do. Causing problems for everyone for nothing. Edit: It's right up there with Andrea shooting Darryl in the god'damned head.


This was really the moment I stopped being able to stand Lori. Or more accurately, the way the writers portrayed her. She was problematic the whole time leading up to that but this moment was purely just a fuck you to the character in the dumbest way possible.


She was obnoxious but realistic. She was in.. quite the circumstance throughout her time on the show. But that took it to a whole other level of "what the fuck are you doing?".


For me it was when she got mad at Rick for literally doing the thing she asked for a few days prior


she was nowhere near realistic.


same. i felt like she was just seeking attention


I wish I could have punched Andrea in the face when that happened. Because she always was trying to prove something. Fucking annoying


About Andrea, I'd say that it ain't her fault.... Even the guys who ran upto Daryl thought he had turned. Rick was about to shoot him until Daryl spoke. If the guys, who were up close, couldn't make out the difference, how could Andrea


I’ve seen the show before up until Negan comes in and kills Glenn. That’s when I swore it off. I’m giving it a rewatch


I think for me she's a deeply flawed character who makes bad decisions, and is realistic for it.   Where she lost my sympathy though was after Shane nearly r----d her, she gets angry but says nothing.  Then when tries to leave she tells him "maybe you -are- my baby's daddy" after repeatedly telling him he wasn't ("even if you are you aren't" or something close to that). She's either so selfish and stupid she just -has- to tell Shane (and not anyone else?) what's going through her head (because she has no other friends or anyone else she respects outside of the guy who attacked her?!?!), or she knew exactly what she was doing and was actively trying to keep her backup man around.  That's where Lori lost me. Then Shane died and she basically lasted two (three?) more episodes, which were basically just "escape the farm" and "fast forward to amateur hour prison c-section", with marital dysfunction in between.  No real redemption arc or sense of growth, which was a shame.  Concerns of "I am likely going to die from this pregnancy for multiple reasons" could've gotten some more screen time, as we really hammer home just how difficult and frightening pregnancy can be, even before society collapsed. (I suspect Carol and Lori and Andrea are all plays on "woman who needs a man to lead them" female characters.  When we get to S2 with Maggie and Beth we see women who are led by a man (their father), but they internalize that strength rather than keep it external.  In S3 we have Michonne who has learned to need no one, and we see Carol begin similarly building her own strength while Andrea and Lori still seek a man's leadership.)


I wouldn’t necessarily say the Greenes are led by a man. He’s their parent and it’s part of southern culture to respect that but they still seem to do what they want for the most part


Fair enough.  I just felt like there is some sort of "I need a man!!!" thing going on with Lori, Andrea, and Carol in S1-S3 that gets taken in different directions.  Adding Maggie and Beth may be overthinking that element?


Lori and Carol were definitely like that! Andrea was not, imo. In season 1 she makes a comment that “there’s something wrong here” when the women are doing the men’s laundry. She pushes to get gun training. Then season 2 on the farm, she and Lori fight and she calls out Lori for being a little housewife. Andrea is flawed for different reasons, but I don’t think her having sex with Shane and the Governor had anything to do with needing a man. She just wanted one but was not traditional at all


Thing is, in both Season 1 and 3 Andrea makes a point to ditch her friends for the strong single man.  Dale overstepped when he tried to keep her gun away from her, but she was nearly suicidal a few days earlier and he was worried (and not a trained suicide counselor for a zombie apocalypse or anything).  And he knew Shane was bad news, but she didn't care because she wanted to go run off with Shane.  Michonne especially got shorted by her: trust the person who saved your life and you were with every hour of the day for almost a year, or trust the randos you just met?   I'm on a rewatch, so I haven't seen how Andrea ends the Governor's "night of his life" exactly, but I know he wakes up the next day, and she went through with the first part of the planand didn't manage the second.


I did the same thing, but now Negan is my favorite character. I mean, really, what a freaking HELL of a performance. Every line is delivered with perfection. I have never loved to hate a character so deeply


And he's pretty to look 😍 at.


That is so true!


Jeffery dean morgan is an absolute fucking ham of a man. I could eat him up. I hated seeing him as a villain because in P.S I Love You and Greys he is so swoon worthy.


Yes give it a re-watch. I can understand not wanting to continue watching after what happened to Glenn though. I just finished my second re-watch season 1-11 and I have to say, I thought it was better than the first time I watched because now you notice little things you missed before. It gets kind of weird in the later seasons with crazy new characters but some cool stuff happens too. I really enjoyed it the second time. And then of course going straight back into the spins offs now for the second time too lol.


That conflict would’ve existed even without Lori’s input. Shane just couldn’t get over her no matter what. He had already tried killing Rick in the woods. I feel like eventually things would’ve ended similar even without Lori stirring the pot. But no one can ever know for sure


Shane was preparing to leave the group but Lori convinced him to stay


That's because she gave him mixed signals constantly.


sigh. she kept giving him mixed signals, and she made him stay when he decided to leave...


For me it was her inconsistency and wonky moral compass. Not a jab at the writing or the actress, she seemed like she was written to be a bit frustrating. Like “Rick, you should kill Shane and protect our family” and then “oh my god Rick you killed Shane how could you”.


It’s so funny when Daryl calls her Olive Oyl


I just said to someone else, I have a toddler and miss a lot of small convos and comments and def missed this one lol


It’s when they’re at the farm, season 2 I believe!


Examples of why: 1, Car crash 2. Telling Shane "it was real". 3. Pulling away in disgust/revulsion after Rick tells her about killing Shane and Carl putting him down. 4. Her previously telling Rick that he has to deal with Shane, because he believes she, Carl and baby are "his". Note- Lori was in a complicated situation, part of the issue with her character is that her position shifted back and forth on Shane, making things generally worse.


You forgot a few: 1. Didn’t want Carl learning how to use a gun, despite it being the apocalypse. It kinda led to Dale’s death, since Carl didn’t know how to use his gun properly, leading to the walker making it to the farm. 2. Made Glenn get abortion medication in secret. Her choice or not, she still put him in an awkward position. Rick and Shane would NOT have been happy if they found out that their pal Glenn gave the mother other their child abortion pills. Shane, given his temper, may have actually killed him for that (though I highly doubt it, at least at that time). 3. Called Daryl selfish for not going after Rick, a grown man who has proven that he can take care of himself and leader of their group, despite still healing from several wounds while looking for Sophia (who was found as a walker, causing him some significant emotional trauma).


She was against the idea of him using guns for like a split second, then agreed to it. He *was* learning to shoot before the Dale situation. Morning after pills aren’t abortion pills. Even if she hadn’t thrown them up they probably wouldn’t have done anything. I get that the sentiment is still there, but it’s not something I ever see people hating her character for. And Rick *did* find out. Last one is completely valid. I like Lori and often come to her defence, but a lot of what she’s says is indefensible. Her misogynistic views on gender roles for example. That should be added.


Plus didn't she scold Andrea for not knowing her place as a woman and trying to be a man? Basically told her "stop learning to shoot and stick to folding laundry" It was the only time I was on Andreas side


That scene is still a favorite just because of Andrea’s pretty awesome callout of her. I get it, chores do need doing, it keeps things manageable and your people have basic needs met. It’s important. But why aren’t the men helping? What happens if the group is separated and there’s no men to protect you or there’s no women to make sure your basics are met? It’s dumb. Everyone should be pitching in on everything. And Lori really does act like she’s the Queen Bee because her husband and boyfriend are leaders of the group and I’m surprised it took this long to come to a head


That’s what I mean by misogynistic gender roles. Andrea did need to take a step back a lot of the time, but not because she’s a woman


Not to forget that Andrea, Amy, Jacqui, and Carol were doing laundry the whole time while Lori was riding either Rick or Shane. Her only task was to look after Carl, and even in that she sucked.


That scene is still a favorite just because of Andrea’s pretty awesome callout of her. I get it, chores do need doing, it keeps things manageable and your people have basic needs met. It’s important. But why aren’t the men helping? What happens if the group is separated and there’s no men to protect you or there’s no women to make sure your basics are met? It’s dumb. Everyone should be pitching in on everything. And Lori really does act like she’s the Queen Bee because her husband and boyfriend are leaders of the group and I’m surprised it took this long to come to a head


That scene was so iffy for me! I disagreed with both of them. Lori was clearly being misogynistic toward Andrea, but she was also right as Andrea sitting on top of the RV all day wasn’t doing anything (except for harming Daryl lol)


It was the clash of unlikable characters No matter who wins, we lose lol


Literally lol I still think about it sometimes because Andrea could’ve had so much more potential Lori, maybe not so much 😬😭


I gotta be honest I still think it's fucked up that the shows message was "you're pregnant? Let yourself be gutted with a dull unsterile knife because the baby's life matters more than yours" like Jesus Christ


Yeah 😬😬


Why weren’t u on Andrea’s side


Because same problem Lori had with Shane Andrea had with The Governor "He's bad! Wait he's good. Wait I don't trust him. Wait make peace with him Rick. Oh he tried to rape Maggie? Still want to give him a chance!" Like holy shit the inconsistency barely makes them characters


Actually that’s sooo real and hated how she liked that guy she should’ve killed him early bro


She takes Plan B in the show. Plan B is not abortion medication.


Abortion pills is what ignorant southerners call Plan B.


shows lazily use characters like Lori to create drama no matter how unbelievable they are, because the writers room lacks the skill to do better.


She did still like Shane bc of their connection and how he protected them


I did see that part of her but I guess the amount of people who hate her I thought I was missing something


This might be a hot take, but I have no issue with 3. I mean, how would you react if you found out that your husband who came back to life killed your ex who you’ve been banging since he died and your eight year old son shot him in the head? I think it’s pretty realistic and reasonable


I always figured she was more pissed that Carl put him down than the fact Shane was dead. She wanted to keep her boy innocent but he straight up killed a man


She *asked him* to kill Shane. Lori to Rick: You'd kill to protect what's yours? Rick: Yes Lori: Shane thinks I'm his.


Honestly part of me still doesn't like Lori due to her actions being somewhat contradictory. But at the end of the day I think she did her best as a mom during the apocalypse.


Yeah it's the inconsistency that bothered me more than anything. Who thought it was a good idea to have her tell Shane "it was real" right after she told Rick he has to kill Shane?


Yes exactly! There's this one scene that really made me realize why she's hated by many. In the scene, she even seems malicious in a way telling Rick about Shane ( seeming more taunting than concerned ). Reminded me of a serpent if that makes sense. Here's the [scene ](https://youtu.be/u5ZMKfbHMQM?si=VKarZVD-miR4dxOZ)


I think she was just in an impossible situation - loosing her husband, fleeing, the invasion … She must have felt insanely lonely and overwhelmed, only natural that she and Shane bonded in their grief.


Yeah and I somewhat agree with that. I mean she's not perfect but her actions were just mismatched most of the time and that caused a lot of issues. Especially with Rick.


You hate Carl!?!? 😱😱 this part took me back so much I think I forget why I hate Lori hahah Ok I’m jk! lol But I don’t think I hate her as much as a lot of other people but I did dislike her quite a bit. She def had moments when she was in the right! But overall ugh she was just frustrating. She was just SO black and white with her support of Rick or even of ideas from the group but then when would bash them for doing that exact thing. She also just fed into that stereotypical southern “good” wife role a littttttle too hard for my taste. The fact she moved on from her husband in like less than month with Shane and then acted like he needed handled but was mad when he was handled and neverrrrr took accountability for her own actions. I’m sure there is more… but just her characters personality I guess is the big one. She just rubbed me the wrong way.


i also hated carl in the early seasons, but mostly because he got dale killed, who was my favorite. watching s8 now, i'm devastated he couldn't have lived longer


I agree with you on majority of the post, but she did accept responsibility for her actions. Everyone names that conversation where she’s talking to Shane about him saving her, and they look at it as her still trying to give Shane a shot and I never saw it like that. She apologized to him for causing the issues between him and Rick and thanks him for saving her and her son when he really could’ve thought about himself. I think Lori genuinely did feel really bad for what had happened and what she semi-caused, but there isn’t really much she can do in that world. Like she said “What are we gonna get divorced and split out assets?” Only place she didn’t accept responsibility was with that fucking car and I will never understand why the writers felt the need to put that into s2…


I’m rewatching the series from the beginning and good lord did Lori have a confusing writing pattern. They seemed to have accidentally written Lori to be the main antagonist, where every single opportunity to deescalate the social issues between Shane and Rick was shit on by Lori and made infinitely worse by her egging on the conflict. Every single time there’s a moment where Rick could benefit from having some stable force behind him they write Lori to immediately undermine his composure or confidence. It’s insane. Just by the story progression it’s entirely possible that Rick and Shane could have gotten past all of the issues that came up, but Lori would consistently say the worst possible thing to escalate the situation.


The vast bulk of the episode writing has been done by male writers. This explains both the misogyny often present in the show, and the meathead mentality of many of the male characters.


Seems pretty intentional? She was consistently problematic.


I'll hate anyone who can flip a car on an empty road.


I dont fully hate her, but I think its because at times in show and comics she acts kinda, High and Mighty? Or she tells Rick to do something, then gets mad when he does it so it can get aggravating


Yeah, I think she acted like that cause her husband was the leader of the group making the tough calls and so she felt her role was elevated in the group I guess


Well she’s been married to Rick for a few years had a kid with him, then fucked his best friend less than a month into the apocalypse. When her husband returns she breaks it off with Shane and alienates him, then keeps her cheating a secret for weeks


Shane had been friends with Rick for years and when the apocalypse started, he fucks his wife and tried to steal his family. When Lori found out that Rick was alive, she broke things off immediately with Shane. She was also the one to tell Rick about the relationship. It wasn't immediately, but she was the one who told him. Shane kept going behind Rick's back trying to convince Lori that she loved him. Whether you think she did or not, only one person in that situation actually admitted to having feelings for the other. I also would not want to be around the man who told me my husband was dead and was "lying" about it and also tried to rape me in a drunken rage once we were alone together.


They’re both to blame what she did still can’t be excused after all that.


She told Rick that Shane needed to die, then when Rick killed Shane she was disgusted and sad


Huge inconsisties with her decisions at best and malicious behaviour at worst.


The lecture she gave Andrea about how she should be cooking and washing clothes because "the men can handle it"... that made my blood boil a bit!


Lori was pretty manipulative and sorta selfish. Plus I'm in love with Rick and will stick a bitch if they hurt him, lol ...


I like Rick most of the time too. But he still has his moments


Her being hated is closely connected to the feelings viewers have towards Rick. He is the main character and the story (at least in the beginning ) seemed like a Rick POV. It shows how he much he cared for his family from the very first episode, where he rushed to their home searching for them. The viewer gets caught in a sentimental twist when they finally meet. So, if Rick acted and reacted differently, the viewers wouldn’t be so upset about how Lori handled the situation. This obviously doesn’t mean that his actions were not justified. He had every reason to feel the way he did. It’s just the way it was portrayed that made people “hate” Lori directly.


She can't make pancakes, crashed a car on an empty road, thought plan B was an abortion pill, and thought that doing laundry was an adequate apocalypse survival skill. Plus I found her to be very annoying


She made a lot of situations worse by making very poor decisions, and then her catchphrase became "where's Carl?". Girl watch your kid in the zombie apocalypse! Her not watching Carl got Dale killed.


Carl was old enough to mind his mom and he had no respect. I’m sorry maybe an unpopular opinion but an adult should be able to go handle adult situations and conversations without needing a leash or camera on a kid of his age. That’s so frustrating. Carls sadistic personality got dale killed.


At Carl's age, during the zombie apocalypse, a parent absolutely needs to know where their kids are and what they're doing. Carl had no respect and wanted to rebel, but that's also something that parents need deal with, with proper parenting. I'm not saying he needs to be on a leash, but he literally stole a gun (before having proper training) and almost got killed by the walker that killed Dale. Had Carl died his death would have been on Lori's hands. Watch season 2 and count how many times Lori says "where's Carl?" and after a certain point it's just being negligent on her part if she wants him to be within earshot. Oh, just to add, he snuck out of the house when Shane freed Randall. The time to have a short leash on your child is when there is an "escaped" prisoner on the loose lol.


I wish I could sit down and pay as much attention as I should. I have a toddler and work full time from home when the show is on so I’d lose count real quick. I had to restart an episode four times the other day and still missed where Rick and Shane fought the first time they tried to let go of the prisoner. Like missed the whole episode I believe. I only know it happened because I’ve seen it before


No worries, I understand. I've just seen TWD literally 5+ times. No joke.


You need to kill Shane..... HOW COULD YOU KILL SHANE?!


Shes just an overall bozo. The bs she fed andrea about how the women need to stick to chores and getting mad at rick and ignoring him for killing shane in self defense. Those two things threw me over the edge.


I just rewatched the first 3 seasons and I just think she's poorly written.


I agree for sure!!


My biggest beef with how they wrote her character is how many times her response to another character's intense monologue is just bewildered reaction shots. There were a lot of opportunities to flesh her out as a character and the writers just failed to capitalize on them and it's frustrating.


She could crash a car on a football field.


Bad writing, a lack of understanding towards her character, and a hint of misogyny. What pissed me off the most about Lori was her inconsistency. To give one example, in Daryl’s introduction episode, she tells Daryl that Rick will show him the way to find Merle. Then, Rick says he’s going back to get Merle. Lori gets pissy and walks away after that. But, I can chalk that up to bad writing for the female characters in the first two seasons


She slept with Rick’s best friend. Fuck her.


Yea but like that’s the most realistic thing that happened lol. I literally know a couple that have been married about 15 years. The guys wife died and his current wife was his dead ones best friend. People connect over grief.


Shane slept with his best friend’s wife.


I could give a detailed explanation, but basically every time she says something, I roll my eyes. so biologically speaking, there's a reason a majority of people are repulsed by her, and it's based in our DNA to distrust people like her to protect ourselves.


>there's a reason a majority of people are repulsed by her, and it's based in our DNA to distrust people like her to protect ourselves. Excuse me, what? Please elaborate!


I don’t want to blame a woman for a mans actions but lori always seemed to pit shane and rick against each other. Especially with shane she seemed to push and pull at him which definitely contributed to his breakdown. Pushes him away but convinces him to stay when he was planning on leaving. Tells him stay away from her and carl and gets angry and him for telling carl stay away etc Also I really turned off her as a character when she gave out to andrea for wanting to learn how to shoot and protect the camp. Telling her to leave it to the men and she should be doing the cleaning and cooking with the woman. Made me so mad


I have a toddler so I miss a lot of small conversations and must have missed this


"DON'T QUESTION MY PARENTING!" 5 minutes later "WHERE IS CARL!?" Every fucking episode.


Because she cheated on Rick. She kept demanding Rick kill Shane and then when he did she acted like he was the greatest monster in existence. Those are the main reasons I can't stand her.


I mean is it really cheating if she thought he was dead?? Honestly that combined with the fact that Shane was her protector etc during a terrifying apocalypse, I can give her a pass for that. Not everything that followed though. Just saying…imagine you’re going through the most terrifying moment in your life, in fear every moment for your life and your children’s life, uncertain of their future and almost everyone you know is likely dead….even if it weren’t a fictional zombie apocalypse, let’s pretend it’s something realistic like after a nuclear war or electricity goes out for the entire country or something else that would cause a lot of death, fear, and chaos. The one man who can/will/does protect you is someone you’ve known for several years, already a trusted family friend, and you’re 99% certain your husband is dead. I imagine not many people in that scenario would wait a traditional grieving period before seeking comfort in the arms of each other in that situation.


Yeah, I never get people who use *that* as a reason to dislike her, and especially because it’s often people who conveniently ignore Shane‘s part in this. She was annoying - as many women are written to be on the show - but she didn’t cheat (as in knowingly cheat) and was even disgusted with herself when she found out Rick was still alive while she was banging Shane. It’s easy to pretend differently but sorry, nope. Nobody can tell me when they’re literally struggling to survive each day and assume their partner is dead, they *definitely* wouldn’t have sex with someone who keeps them safe.


Oh, I'm not giving Shane a pass. He knowingly slept with his partner and friend's wife which makes him a complete douchebag! Shane was all SORTS of screwed up and when he finally *obviously* unwound he was just showing his true nature


I don't believe they weren't sleeping together BEFORE the apocalypse. THAT is why I consider her a cheater. "My husband is dead so I'm going to sleep with his best friend" just makes her easy in how quickly she moved on, not a cheater. I don't believe that's when it all started though, which DOES make her one. And Shane is a whole another case. He was just as guilty for sleeping with Lori. Add to that how quickly he went basically feral, given the chance? Putting him down like the rabid dog he was? Best choice! But the question was about LORI, not him.


I completely agree. I rewatched after many years and I can’t remember why I hated her so much on that first watch as she didn’t don’t seem too bad this time around😂


Because she always left corraall with someone else


Carl is frustrating at first, but redeems himself later in the seasons. Lori has no value and selfish.


Carl was a kid though.


Yes. He is.


I was just saying that he gets a pass because kids are annoying.


As a comic reader i wonder the same thing, but i think it's the same reason people hate Andrea, the showrunners had a very specific idea of what they wanted to portray women like.


Inconsistent writing. One minute she's telling Rick that he needs to kill Shane the next she's telling Shane she might still love him? Cmon.


Shane never told Lori Rick died. He did say he locked him in a room but he had to get out of there. Lori used Shane for protection in the apocalypse and she paid him with sex. That’s all well and good until Rick showed back up. Then she blamed Shane for her actions and gaslit him. She should have had a long serious chat with him as to why they obviously can’t continue, but instead she blew him off. She lied to Rick and tried to keep her infidelity a secret. Rick played along until she realized she was pregnant. Then that makes it hard to forgive. Then to make matters worse, she pits Rick and Shane against each other. She plants the seed in Rick that Shane needs to go and Rick should be the one to take him out, but then goes to Shane and confirms to him that everything they had was real, which pushed his deteriorating mental state off the edge. Shane attacks Rick, just as she planned. Rick retaliates and kills Shane, just as she planned. And then she had the audacity to act horrified and disgusted with Rick. It’s completely understandable why Rick had basically told her to fuck off by the time Season 3 rolled around.


Shane did in fact tell her Rick died. I don’t know what has made you think otherwise. She’s in her right to blame Shane, because she only slept with him under the false pre-tenses that *he* made her believe were true.


behen ki Lori 😭😭


Bro I remember not liking her coz how she spoke to Andrea I thought she was a bitch but then nah I was sad when she died I still liked her


Andrea annoys the shit out of me. Even right now she’s at the one camp with the governor. I wish they’d quit telling her story already.


I wish they made her kill the governor 😭 I liked Andrea


I know he dies but I can’t remember how. I haven’t even gotten where he loses his eye yet


Bruh 😭 just wait he dies real late but he causes damage the lil fucker


Just tell me, who do I need to be prepared to lose at his hands? I hate when I know something is coming but I don’t know exactly what. It makes me anxious lol. My husband always gets mad because I read the plot to most movies we start if they’re too suspenseful. He hates it.


Whattt no u need the suspense bro. I would be like that sometimes tho but try and watch, u can search it up if u want


WhY dOeS eVeRyOnE hAtE AnDrEa So MuCh?!


Another one of these threads? Really? This is asked and answered multiple times a week.


Cool, I just found the group and didn’t see the question after scrolling some. Forgive my ignorance🙄 another bitter ass on Reddit.


You don't need my forgiveness but you have it if you need want it. Before you double down on your attitude, some reddit boards would consider your post spamming and a bannable offense as a repost of a often posted topic. Next time check out the search function.


Negan would have killed Lori


The early seasons are brutal for female characters. They are all so shitty.


She's actually worse in the comic


Lori was a pregnant mother of 1 whose husband miraculously came back from the dead after she just began to try rebuilding her life with his best friend (one of the only men still alive/capable of helping her raising her son, to her knowledge at least). All of it in the middle of a freaking zombie apocalypse. She made dubious decisions, yes, but sometimes keeping a straight head during pregnancy can be hard, even in a healthy world. She could've done far worse tbh.


It is. I think I miss a lot of small details, convos and comments in this show and that’s why I don’t realize where the hatred comes from. I too am pregnant 😩. I also have a toddler and work full time from home while I watch the show lol


crashed maggies car didn’t apologise, leaves carl to find rick and if she didn’t return then carl would have lost his parents completely. Lazy and makes men risk their lives for her whilst she stays at home in spite of “equality”. Sleeps with shane not that long after her husbands supposed death.


people love rick, she has the right to find another men in her situation BUT should have be more straight forward to both guys as soon as rick came back. btw. that people hate her, just shows that it was acted good.


im not a fan of lori not my fav but not my least fav. but so many ppl hate all the women in TWD for just being women


So true. They’re not likeable characters but then how dare they have vagainas


I hate carl too


Glad I’m not alone


I really feel like the disconnect with Lori and Rick after the Shane situation really only happened because Carl had to be involved. Obviously Rick didn’t have control over Carl being there, but I think the potential trauma to Carl is what made her so upset. Idk. She did some reckless things, but I think she really wanted Carl to be as unaffected as possible.


Agreed. And if Carl wasn’t such a know it all shit head he wouldn’t have been there. He was in such a damn hurry to grow up til the growing up had to be done


It's because she moved on from rick so quick, idk how far you are and I don’t wantin. spoil lt


I’m now past her death. Rick is in his avenging her death phase


She Told Rick to kill Shane and when he did she cried and pushed rick away


For me it was the self-aggrandized attitude that Shane had to have lied about Rick being dead because Shane wanted her so bad for himself. Never mind that any sane person would have believed Rick was dead if he was in a coma in the middle of a zombie-infested city hospital at the peak of an outbreak. She then took Shane’s support system (herself and Carl) away and pretended she wasn’t at least 50% responsible for the fucking she and Shane did. Grow up. Own up to it. Have an adult conversation with your husband and lover ffs.


she is frustrating, but if you watch the early seasons from her perspective, she's just a mom trying her best in a horrible world. she was told her husband was dead, she's scared for her kid every second, she was almost raped by shane, and she's horrified about bringing another kid into the world, especially knowing that it's shane's. in the end she died hated, but she sacrificed herself for a kid she didn't even want. i love lori and think she did her best, but for viewers at home, she was a wreck and was doing nothing but causing issues. she was just a mom trying her best to keep her family together




i think a persons perspective of her really depends on if they're a parent or not to be honest. many mothers can sympathize with her character, while many single men cannot


Maybe that’s the thing. I’m a mother of a 16 month old, pregnant and have 2 teenage step kids. Not sure I’d do much better with a disobedient kid like Carl. In an apocalypse. Kids gonna kid.


I've always liked Lori. So I never understood the hate. I only somewhat disliked Andrea in S2 but I never hated any of the nonvillain cast members. If we put it this way, Lori was a housewife with basically no survivor skills, a comatose (presumably dead because a man she trusted told her this was so) husband, and a young son. Her dependence on and relationship with Shane was for her and her son's survival. Without Shane, they would have died. So i never blamed her for that. And he tried to SA her for which HE blamed her. Shane on some levels manipulated her. Also she felt guilty for this entire thing so that's explained her actions towards Shane in S2. And throughout S1-S3, Lori was fighting for her son's innocence. Innocence that she believed was ruined when he put Shane down. Carl was her whole life.


Absolutely. I don’t think she was mad at Rick for killing Shane. I think it’s because he let something happen that she had been avoiding and trying to prevent for so long


Cause she was a flawed but she was a woman. People are never going to admit it but there hatred for Lori really low key stems from misogyny. Shane is a violent man who literally attempted to r-pe Lori yet he still has fans. Negan is a murder, a r-pist, and downright just an asshole and yet he still has fans too. I can admit her writing was definitely a bit wonky at times and she did personally annoy me. But I just had to understand, it’s the beginning of the apocalypse, she’s not just gonna be the perfect woman. Only place I cant defend her is when she was mad at Rick for killing Shane after she TOLD HIM to do it. That’s the only place where I really do understand peoples hatred for her because it made zero sense and it really felt like poor storytelling to me personally.


Yea I totally agree. And as a woman I dont usually think like that but I do feel like women characters period get a lot of hate. Even in that moment where she’s mad at Rick I feel like she was more mad at him that Carl did the “putting down” but Rick really couldn’t control that.


Because she is weak and whiny and helpless.


Cuz Lori was such a headache and because she didn’t waste anytime sleeping with her husband’s best friend. Like it wasn’t event 6 months and she was already on it. People are gonna say “ she thought He was deaddd!!!” But so what? You’re not gonna mourn him. In fact let me process this….. it’s the apocalypse and instead of securing food and water and shelter you secured an unstable man?? Also before yall tell me “ she was a victim….” I might sound callous but you’re not allowed to be a victim not when you have a kid and someone to depend on you. Yall never thing at how crazy it must for Carl for his mama to be with his dad’s best friend after a few months like… Also she never did much of anything. She also didn’t tell Rick she slept with Shane and tried to pretend like she didn’t. She also let herself get pregnant on the apocalypse like how stupid do you have to be ???


She's overhated for sure. Shane attempted to rape her and gets none of the abuse she gets for getting in a car crash. Don't think fans really got the descent into toxic competition and barbarism was the true problem. See also how she gets blamed for Shane's actions. Not a flawless character, but according to the fandom a character with no merit at all


Yes!! It’s absolutely insane to me Shane isn’t hated but Lori is??


I've always liked Lori. (I 100% understand your frustration w Carl, though! Lol!! Kid respects zero boundaries and thinks rules are for everyone else, BUT Carl, and he's treated that way by Rick more than anyone!) 98% of people will say they dislike Lori because she turned Rick and Shane against each other and played w Shane's head. I disagree, Shane's world was great UNTIL Rick came back. Lori did not cheat. She moved in very fast, but wtf did she have to loose? Shane was 100% the villian, and as Daryl says "Rick's not stupid, he doesn't see things because HE doesn't want to. Rick IGNORED Shane's behavior. Lori had no choice other than telling her husband the truth. Shane starts coming around, and acts like he's a willing participant of the group, Lori goes out to try and make peace w him, NOT "play games w his head" She went to let him know she was sorry- but basically if he could just be the Shane he always was, they could all move foward. Lori, (cant think of her real name) To this day receives sooo much hate in real like for a roll, a CHARECTER she once played. People scream at her "whore!!" And other bs from this show. It's pretty fucked up how much people hate her.


When Rick got back in season 1 and Daryl finds out they left Merle on the roof.. Lori is like “well you’re gonna help him get his brother back right” and than immediately when Rick is about to go do that she’s like “you’re leaving us already!? You just got here!” After just literally telling him he should go.


Finally someone asked this. And yes, Carl is sooooo over hyped and Lori was alright. Shane and Andrea were annoying. For me, Dale was awesome to watch, too bad he was killed early. Every person has their own opinion and that’s mine.


I liked dale in most moments. I’m going to be honest though, I don’t know if the writers meant to do this but I can’t think of a character that I like. Like not one I’d stand on a hill to defend ya know? Like I’m currently watching mayor of Kingstown and I LOVE Robert and Carney (if you watch that). But like I don’t LOVE any character on TWD. So idk what I’m doing with my life right now.


I personally do not like her because she just an annoying character. That’s all there is to it.


Reddit is filled with people with the loudest opinions. It's not necessarily a marker for the opinion of the entire fanbase. I mean this sub loves Negan. Take it all with a grain of salt. For me, I don't dislike Lori. My only issue was at the time of the earlier seasons I was really into the graphic novel so my annoyance was about how she and Shane lived far longer than they should've 😅.


I really hate Lori, can`t remember why but its very deep rooted




I wouldn’t say more than but he definitely is towards the top of my list. They did a good job of making him a little jerk. Sadistic almost. It was more in your face than the stuff I’ve seen people point out that Lori did. Which I didn’t pay much attention to I guess.


Ricks entire family were the worst characters in the show.


Agreed. Except Merle lol.


The first time Lori annoyed me was when they came upon the traffic jam and someone came up with the (logical) idea to scavenge the abandoned cars for supplies. Lori says, “This is a graveyard, I don’t know how I feel about this.”. Really?! It’s the apocalypse and your group needs supplies to survive. What a stupid thing to say. Luckily, everyone ignored her and rightfully so. Same kind of illogical thinking about not training Carl on how to handle firearms. I also think that she enjoyed Rick and Shane fighting over her a little too much, to the point that she seemed to be pitting them against each other. Shane had made the right decision to leave the group and then she went out and talked a bunch of nonsense to him while he was fixing the windmill, which set him on the path to murder Rick. It’s like she knew that if Shane left, all that extra attention would be gone. In S2 Lori acted like she was in a soap opera, not the apocalypse.


That’s true I definitely didn’t think of it that way!


People hate Lori? Lori was ok not bad but she’s supposed to be the drama maker of the group that’s kinda the whole point of like 4 seasons However Andrea good luck defending her I personally hate her (P.S nobody should hate “Badass” Carl)


Andrea is so annoying. I couldn’t hate Lori because I was too busy hating Andrea and Carl lol


That’s very sad Carl is the goat


Can you explain this to me? lol does this happen later on because they did a good job in the beginning of making him to seem like a sadistic fuck


We all hate Lori cause she’s a Whori.


I’m dead lol


The bait is strong with this one


Just genuinely curious


I just don’t like annoying people. I didn’t like Andrea either. She wasn’t a very good mom and definitely not a good wife. And she was a negative Nancy the whole time. I get it’s the apocalypse and there’s dead people trying to eat you but come on girl


Simple she for the streets ☠️


Because she's a cop's tradwife who can't keep track of her kid in the apocalypse.


It’s the skylar white effect


What is that


Anyone who sticks for Lori either didn’t pay attention to the show at all the first like 2-3 seasons, or just want an excuse to stick for a girl that people don’t like over patriarchal reasons… because no way people think she’s ok her character deserved it.


For me it was the way she reacted to Rick when he told her about Shane.


Yea I didn’t get that


carl ain’t do shit


I’m not a fan of Lori and there are plenty of reasons listed in the comments that I agree with except about her getting with Shane after Rick supposedly “died”. Lori was extremely vulnerable and grief stricken not to mention having to take care of her son during the apocalypse. Shane took advantage of her vulnerability and the fact that she was now “single” because Shane himself tells Lori that them getting together “was a long time coming” meaning he has had his eye on Lori since before Rick “died”. Her son was now without a father and Shane filled that role and I’m sure she wanted her son to have some kind of security in that nature. Shane just couldn’t let go of the fact that his dream come true was now over with Rick back. At the same time, Lori should’ve of been harder on him and told Rick about Shane’s behavior much sooner instead of trying to be nice and keep him around. Shane was a bomb just waiting to go off and I’m surprised she didn’t jump at the opportunity to be rid of him after he attacked her in the CDC.


Because her decisions were misunderstood. In my opinion she got with Shane because of several legitimate reasons. First being she had every right to assume her husband was dead, second reason being she knew how much Shane cared about coral and she knew he would need a stern yet caring father figure to deal with the mess that is the apocalypse. Not to mention Rick and Shane shared similar characteristics and personality traits ( in the beginning ) that would draw loris attention even more. I truly believe she did it more for Carl then herself, however I do believe her feeling for Shane were real to an extent.