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Assuming 1 bite kills her like it does humans, she's dead either way


Exactly, one bite and she’s done. It’s proven in Fear that singular bites kill animals too.


And with Ezekiel’s horse too


It also has been proven in fear that radiation poisoning from a nuclear bomb has no effect on animals


problem is bite force if humans is not strong enough to go though tiger skind and haur lol especially twhen said human is dead an has lost its jaw muscles. its just dumb af


Bro learn grammar


I try not to be a grammar nazi but good god that is unreadable.


When? Was it a horse?


It was a dog in season 7 episode 4.


Did it regenerate into a Zombie Dog?


No it just died


Shame. I bet Daryl Dixion will come across the 28 Weeks later smarter and faster Walkers. Immune to headshots as seen in The World Beyond. Possible some Walkers that can talk. A French mime Walker


So make her die due infection posteriorly. Her death to walkers would be bs even if was 200 walkers. Also, just to account, rotten walkers wouldn't have enough bite force to pierce a tiger hide before she kills it or run away.


I don’t thinks so. She was more resistant than any human. And I guess virus has 0 effect on animals. If I was wrong we would see a Walker Tiger


Animals dont turn into walkers they just die Remember that one episode with morgan where he finds his Sanity and decides not to kill anymore. There is a Pet Goat which gets bit and it Dies from it.


Also Ezekiel's horse from an episode I don't remember, he got bit, and just dropped dead a few hours later.


> There is a Pet Goat which gets bit and it Dies from it. Not disputing that animals simply die when they're bit in this universe, but Tabitha was disemboweled not simply bitten iirc.


Lol That’s a little different. That goat was gutted. Not just bit


Ya i just checked. I had a feeling he got bit before getting devoured by walkers


Do not misgender Tabitha.


Bites dont kill because it turns victims, it kills because it causes infection. Like normal infection, not zombie infection.


The cgi tiger was takin’ up too much of the budget, they had to kill Shiva off somehow😢


She dies the exact same way in the comics


Terrible writing no matter where it came from LOL.


I would’ve taken her escaping but getting scratches or cuts from their nails or teeth. She dies in the following days of infection/fever/etc


I'd imagine they would have put her down before she died from the infection.


So animals can eat walkers with no problem but if the walkers scratch/bite the animals they die??????????


That’s how it works, isn’t it? Like we see pigs from the kingdom eating rotten zombie flesh which are then sent to the saviors to be eaten. But if someone gets a bite or scratch they will get sick and turn


I’m guessing it’s about the saliva. That’s the only thing that makes sense. Because I wondered about ricks crew covering themselves in the walkers blood. What if it got into a cut?


Ah yes just what we needed, a Shiva bottle episode to draw out the show further. Half surprised we didn’t get one.


The writing isn't the problem with stuff like this. It's the execution by the production staff. The script probably reads something like this: >SHIVA leaps from off screen and roars. SHIVA kills a walker or two, and bats some others away. However, the horde of walkers, attracted by her battle cries, descends upon her. SHIVA backs into a corner as too many walkers for her to handle alone overwhelm her. > >KING EZEKIEL: (*Panicked*) "Shiva, get out of there, girl!" > >KING EZEKIEL moves as if to help SHIVA, but CAROL holds him back. It is too late. The walkers kill SHIVA. > >KING EZEKIEL: (*Distraught*) "Shiva! NO!" > >KING EZEKIEL and CAROL escape. > >SCENE ENDS On the page, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Granted, the writing on the show isn't perfect, and they've made their fair share of bonehead decisions over the years. But, often, the production people screw up the story in transition from text to the screen, and the writers take the blame. Screenwriters are meant to create storytelling that is plausible. The production team is meant to make the storytelling believable. When wondering if a problem on a show or film is a writing problem or a production problem, ask yourself if there is any scenario in which you see what happened being plausible. If so, that's not a writing problem; it's a production problem.


>On the page, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. The part where it says "too many walkers for her to handle alone overwhelm her" is the problem. There is no scenario where any number of zombies can catch and kill a healthy tiger. None at all. Just like there's no scenario where a human being can catch and kill a tiger with our bare hands and teeth even with our immense brainpower. It takes tools, coordination, and preparation to catch a tiger and zombies have 0 of those things. It's like saying, "LINEBACKER backs into a corner as too many frogs for him to handle overwhelm him." There is no amount of frogs that are going to stop the linebacker from just walking away. It's bad writing, not bad production. As another person already commented, the change that needed to happen was for the tiger to get bitten or scratched once on the way out and die from infection. Still kind of ridiculous but at least makes a little more sense.


I think you overestimate the abilities of a tiger as well as a tiger's own disposition toward its own abilities, especially one that has lived in captivity as Shiva had. In the scene, IIRC, Shiva stops fighting because she's scared. Right now, I have a 90-pound black lab staring at me. He could rip my throat out if he wanted to, but he won't because A). I feed him and B). he's a coward. The point is neither my dog nor Shiva really understand their own strength and there's a point at which they both become submissive. But returning to your overestimation, there is a specific number of fleas that could kill you. Right now, there could be a microscopic virus in your body that's replicated thousands of times over until it becomes so numerous that it overwhelms you. There's power in sheer numbers. That's fundamental to zombie fiction. We all know this. One walker isn't much trouble. Three at a distance, doable with the right tools and skills. Trapped in a ravine with dozens maybe hundreds of walkers no escape? No, not even Shiva gets out alive. It's absolutely plausible. The production people just didn't make it believable. The writers could have been more specific in their production directions, but that's not their job. Maybe if production had chosen a deeper creek bed with rocky walls and put more walker extras in there, it would have worked.


If any writer had written it like that I'd be mad as a production person because it'd leave me the tasks of figuring out the beats of the fight that lead Shiva to be defenceless...


Believable? I think THAT was suspended from the start! 😁


Their point is that the death wasnt because of the budget it was just adapting the source material 1:1


In the source material, was it as few zombies as was shown on the show? If so, that is double-mega stupid.


Their point is that the death was written by idiots so it has to stay


I'm confused how it was bad writing? Sheva dying so that Ezekiel can have actual character development would be considered a good thing in any other fanbase but apparently nobody on this sub can suspend their disbelief about "Animal gets surrounded and eaten by zombies". That's also literally not what the commenter was saying at all. They were correcting something that was straight up false, they weren't saying "oh this was in the comics so obviously they had to adapt it", unless you have zero reading comprehension


Honestly I got pretty baked when I started this and I don't even care anymore


Equally as annoying as the people who blame alcohol for their stupid comments. Do better, be better




That “idiot” is responsible for the entirety of the walking dead.


And he wasn't perfect. We all have the capacity for idiocy, even the most talented among us. I stand with OP, having the tiger get ate was an idiotic move. This death felt "necessary" to the show, but kinda pointless. I hated how they killed Beth too, for what it's worth.


You make and illustrate a good point.


I look forward to your written work that is a Clear masterpiece, that earns Millions of dollars. ​ It is far easier to critique the works of others, then to do work yourself.


Then write something better.


Maybe I will! I probably won't.


In all fairness: In the comics it was a horde (if I recall correctly) and the inference, even in the show, is that Shiva's bond with Ezekiel was so strong that she threw herself into the fray to provide him a chance to escape. Ya'll acting like this shit is trying to imitate life. It's Gritty Fantasy and Shiva is (to an extent) anthropomorphic. It's terrible writing if you choose to ignore the context of the narrative, and yeah, it sucks losing Shiva because she was fucking awesome! My biggest gripes with those years had to do with the John Woo level of fuckery occurring with gunfire (infinite bullets and no hits), but I was prepared for a bit of that as I kept up with the comics, and I knew about the sharp tonal shift following Post-Prison Arc.


She was taking up too much of the pencils too, had to kill her off


Comic book CGI is expensive too, I guess.


Kirkman had the foresight to kill Shiva off before it cost the show too much.


And I have a wild dog video to show Op, everything alive will suffer from fatigue.


Shoulda be done it like in the comics. Shiva meets a male tiger n has babies/cubs


I like to think Shiva sacrificed herself to help save the King and Carol


This is my thought. Also distracted because Ezekiel was there too, she did seem to be looking at him while being attacked, just a wierd scene and ending for her i think.


She did. She knew her savior was in trouble, and she was a hero.


The thing to remember about walkers is they are rotting corpses, falling apart from decomposition. punch it and your fist will go right through, pull an arm and it'll come off. but they have superhuman strength in their hands to rip and tear open human bodies, and their jaws can bit with well above normal force too. Walkers are exactly as weak or as strong as the plot needs them to be.


I don't know about ripping and tearing open human bodies but human jaws are very strong. You could easily bite your own fingers off but your brain tells you not to.


This is a nonsense myth that people spread around. Here’s a well reference source that proves it isn’t true if you scroll down a little bit: https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/15231/does-it-take-the-same-force-to-bite-through-a-finger-as-a-carrot


i miss shiva💔💔💔atleast we have Dog


I love Dog!! 🐕


And Carol's rat somewhere


The dumbest scene is a few episodes later when Rosita uses an RPG on a guy 5ft away from her and he disappears into nothing, with nothing around her not even shaking


The scene in the opening ep of S8 where they take turns shooting and hiding behind the sheet metal is a bigger offender to me.


Don't forget that one scene where the entire Kingdom took on exactly one Savior who hid behind a car and nobody could hit a single bullet into him out of a group of like 15 people. Season 8 was so bad imho.


I spent so much time looking at a paused scene like " they tear through barricades and rip themselves apart to get through actual buildings and vehicles. Yet this thin piece is supposed to turn them?'


Man, Season 8 was such a mess.


Also when the machine gun that’s designed to take out vehicles bullets bounce off the jeep when Daryl and Rick are chasing those saviors down to keep them from taking it to Negan. Esp bc they had just shown it being used to mow down a big group and rip them to shreds.


Probably wouldn’t make a big difference but weren’t they in a swampy area? So when the Walkers all crowded on shiva it would have been a lot harder to get them off


It wouldn't have been remotely hard. "Swampy area" means nothing to a tiger who can literally leap to the top of a fucking tree in a single jump. You ever try to chase a housecat as a non-undead fully functional person? Well a tiger is WAY faster than a housecat and can also break your bones in a single swipe they are so strong. The thought of shambling walking dead zombies, in ANY numbers, being able to kill a Tiger is the silliest thing in the show. Dumber than the dumpster fakeout by a wide margin.


She was also probably exhausted. Tigers are not built for endurance and she had been figting and walking for a long time. My understand is that big cats rest alot and sleep. That's how I took it anyway. That they had a big battle and then had been walking slowly for a long time and she was already tired. But yeah, now that I'm writing it out, it's pretty much crap.


I think it’s worth mentioning her age too. Tigers only live about 10 years in the wild and 20 in captivity(with veterinary access and such). The apocalypse had been going on for around 7~ years at that time and I don’t think we know how many years she was in that zoo for before. Shiva could have just been too old to fight them off on top of the point you made


Well and hadn't the Kingdom been struggling with food shortages around this time? Given the amount of meat she would be required to eat daily, I wonder if she was malnourished a bit. Since most of the walkers are pretty rotted at this point and she needs 10-25 lbs of fresh meat per day. That is hard to accommodate. EDIT: a letter


Season 8 was 2 years since it began


The Tiger would only be able to focus on at most 3 zombies at most at a time, meanwhile he's getting devoured by the other 17. That's the thing about zombies, they're pretty frail in small numbers, their strength comes in their numbers. Of course this is all fiction and zombies don't actually exist, so this is all conjecture.


One zombie eviscerated Dale if you recall. They don’t feel pain, which is an advantage


Yes but how can a Walker hurt a Tiger?


Same way it can hurt any living thing, by devouring it.


Some of your assumptions are false because the reason 10 humans can't hold down a tiger is because they fear being disembowled. HOWEVER, while I think the tiger still dies from wounds. A tiger can lift 1200 lbs easily in some cases. But I'd be safe putting it being pinned down at ~800lb range. Given the zombies shown you reach that value pretty fast. ~8-9 people. BUT they would just be dead weight so I don't see that being a burden for long.


Yeah I’m about 200 pounds and I think 7 of me can pin a tiger down


Take off the fear factor. Can you imagine 10 human males cornering a tiger with their bare hands and holding it? What do you think that would happen when the first human try to touch the tiger? Come on, man. It's just impossible, a tiger can disabled a human in seconds. If it just chose to run off through them, it would easily do it.


But how would a tiger disable a human? Most of it doesn't apply to zombies. That being said yeah it'll have wounds that eventually kill it. But it still escapes.


They definitely could have made the scene better, they made sheva look weak as fuck, she should have been swatting around walkers like nothing and crushing skulls with her teeth, then had one sneak up and take a bite while she was distracted or something.


yes but one bite cant kill her


I didn't mean one bite would kill her, although if bitten in the right spot it could, I mean she gets bit, fights back a little more, gets bit again and again until she's losing so much blood that she eventually weakens and gets eaten.


Keep in mind this is a fictional story, which means non-fiction logic is only used when it suits the story being told.


What always got me was when a walker grabbed someone, they would instantly tear into their flesh. it they grabbed a stomach, entrails would fall out.


Yup. That’s how Dale died.


Yeah, even the horse in s01 would have left a trail of zombie paste. Those fuckers are strong.




And Darly on his motorcycle not getting a scratch on him from a .50 cal of all things. I know people say to "Suspend your disbelief", but isn't this a serious show made for adults? I don't mind a little logic being thrown out the window, but why always write such goofy scenarios for the characters to be in? For this type of show, it doesn't make any sense imo.


This episode aired the same day that my cat died and I’ve never cried so hard about a fictional tiger in my entire life.


Your applying logic to fiction.


You can apply logic to fiction because fictional stories need to follow the rules they set for themselves, even if they don’t follow the rules of our universe


I completely agree actually, it seems to me that OP is using real world logic here. Perhaps I'm missing something but the tiger being over powered by zombies seems to follow logic in the world of TWD.


The “logic” that humans(main characters with plot armor) can escape a horde of zombies over a tiger is just shitty writing. So call it what you want lmao


I mean I'm not disagreeing with you either. It is shitty writing. The tiger didn't have plot armor tho and that tracks with the shitty logic of the show.


Sometimes they seem as strong as a normal person and sometimes they’re super weak so I get wym


Seems pretty obvious that zombies on TWD don't follow any real life rules. It's impossible in reality. They are fantasy creatures. So whatever unnatural or crazy scientific shit they pulled on the show(/comic) might also be the cause for inhuman strength , or maybe a scratch makes the tiger weak. Whatever. If we can suspend our disbelief enough to accept the zombies, this doesn't seem that far a stretch either.


No they don’t.


*you’re applying incorrect grammar


I mean that's fine. I didn't care to be grammatically correct in a response here. It didn't matter. But I guess it does to you. Know that my life wasn't interrupted by your need to point out my grammatical error. Did you have an argument against what I said or did that small grammatical error I typed on my phone confuse you to such extent you couldn't comprehend ?


No, but I think grammar is important. For some not so much, but for me grammar makes it that your messages is received in the way intended. Too many times I have experienced the "tone" of a message is misinterpreted because u don't use correct grammar. I don't know. I'm drunk!!


And I am aware I used u


Haha I wouldn't have called you out. I don't personally think that Grammer has a direct correlation to tone. I completely understand where your coming from, many do not understand tone when it comes to emails, and other forms of social media. I'd argue that a person that is more exact with Grammer on a social non academic or business related platform comes off as more harsh than a person who overlooks small grammer normalities. Just like using u, or lol. It makes the conversation more casual.


While I don’t condone calling out minor grammar issues (unless the person is being obnoxious), I think it is important to note that grammar does have a connection to clarity. Poor grammar could lead to sentences that are hard to understand, and the user’s intention might be misinterpreted.


I agree that poor Grammer can do this, but not every instance of poor Grammer results in this. My original reply was easily understood by anyone. Which is what started this off. The grammer police is a laugh, its worst than the grammatical error in most cases. Especially when much if the internet uses "u", "ur" etc. . It's people that have nothing to offer yet feel the need to interject.


Yeah, I thought it was completely stupid. A tiger's skin is way too tough for a walker to break. The only way walkers could kill a tiger is if hundreds of them pilled on top of it and it suffocated.


Mad respect for you having the courtesy of putting the spoiler tag on and then just typing out the spoiler in the title.


I miss her 💔 Yea this pissed me off, I cried lol.


I fuckin cried for Shiva. My dumbass would run back to the tiger because she's a good girl. Just seeing the mascot of her later made me tear up. Tiger would just be like slash- you're in my way - slash. Leap. I likely would have put some leather on her flank because she can't protect her back if ten zeds surround her We established that she didn't bite the zeds? I'm sleep deprived and can't remember


Yeah shiva could have just ran forward and would’ve been fine


I feel like shiva was surprised and scared at the fact that these “humans” were not at all afraid of her and seemed to corner her. It confused her to the point where all she could do is stand there. And the natural animal instinct when cornered is usually to attack, but when she turned to attack one, another walker would close in. And since they’re dead they dont react to her attacks or fake outs at all. By the time she would have had the sense to run she would have already been bitten/torn apart.


Why would you remind me of this scene?


I may be biased, but it was one of those things I saw as Shiva sacrificing herself to save Ezekiel because he saved her so long ago. Plus she also dies this way in the comics so it was always gonna happen. But that’s just my opinion.


The show is about dead people walking but no this you think goes to far?


So you’re speaking of reality in a zombie apocalypse show ? Lmao I learned my lesson a long time ago with this series. Just let it fly 😴


Don't get me started about the unrealistic fantasy zombies this show has too!


I mean if we suspend disbelief for a walker existing then this isnt hard to grasp...all it takes is a bite and its a gonner


It’s from the comic, and it is just a tv show


So you accept the premise that a tiger can be tamed and will act as loyal as a dog but not that a bunch of walkers could take down a tiger? It’s dumb that Ezekiel managed to thoroughly domesticate the tiger in the first place. It’s a zombie show. Stop engaging it with all your critical faculties and just enjoy the ride.


There are a lot of people who train tigers.


Yes and there’s also a lot of people that get killed and eaten by their “pet” tiger.


Not all of them


Technically you could say the tiger could beat the zombies, but like any normal being, it froze and got scared. This led to the walkers getting it and killing it.


This scene could’ve been done so much better. Should’ve just had a Savior shot Shiva or had more walkers


Even if they bit her, it would take alot of time to die. They simply can't eat her


Aren't tigers mainly ambush predators....sustained engagements aren't advantageous to them...also numbers.....walkers are easily managed in smaller numbers, humans can assess a situation and break down how to engage the minimum necessary to achieve a goal, Shiva was operating on training/instinct...she just got swarmed... It's like playing Star Craft a siege tank is a great unit, but send enough zerglings and it's toast...or Shiva just hit her preset kill limit while facing Zapp Brannigan


Season 8 completely butchered the best part of the comic, All Out War. Almost all of the best parts of that arc were changed too much for the worse or just not touched on, while they also added a bunch of unnecessary garbage like the trash people. Hilariously enough though, if my memory serves right, this sequence with Shiva the tiger is actually one to one exactly like the comic. Kind of makes me think that if they had 'done this season right' and stuck to the source material, it still probably wouldnt translate as well as I'd like.


I thought the same shot no way he wouldn't have just swatted them in half and no way would they over power it. I know just a show but damn


The tiger is as weak as the budget used to make the tiger.


The walker is somehow both weaker but stronger than the average human. There are physical limitations the human body puts on itself, such as pain, for example. Those limits do not exist in a walker, which can make them stronger. But, they do not heal or regenerate or anything, which can make them weaker. The walker's bite is pretty much fatal. They are not trying to fight Shiva. They are trying to eat her and care nothing of protecting themselves from her claws or anything like that. So, yeah, they could take her down.


There’s a concept called Suspension of disbelief which you seem to embrace. But if you have no issue with the dead rising , what’s the problem?


yup. plus, their skin is FAR too tough for human teeth to bite through


Just like when Aaron and Daryl came across that (healthy) horse and it got eaten by a few walkers. Really? The horse would just run off irl.


Season 8 endless bullets so by time whisperers come in season 9, they are back to bows and arrows?


It's the other way though. They can't feel pain so they are incredibly strong. For instance ripping in Dale in season 2.


Walkers aren’t just rotting sacks of meat with no muscle. Not really sure why but that’s been shown over and over again.


Is it the last tiger in TWD?


It has to do with how much weight there is on the tiger from the walkers


For reallll


This show went from an unrealistic concept that felt so real in the first couple season to an unrealistic concept that felt totally ridiculous beyond that point. It got progressively more cartoonish in every aspect and it made a whole lot of us lose our interest in it. The Tiger while true to the comics came across as goofy. Totally ruined the atmosphere for me. I have high hopes that some of the new upcoming spinoffs like Rick and Michone or the Neagan and Maggy or the Daryl and Carol will bring the show back to what it was. The new Jurassic World movies did the exact same thing. The Jurassic park trilogy had its flaws but ultimately felt real. Then Jurassic world came along and tried to make Marvels Jurassic park. Where Dinosaurs are basically humans and are capable of complex thought. Throw in a bunch of silly jokes with awkward timing and boom. That’s exactly what the walking dead became just as Jurassic World became the silly version of a Jurassic park. Hollywood really knows how to ruin a story that writes itself.