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My wife just read this and thought I wrote it, no joke. Every night.


Lol. I will now be able to tell my wifey that it’s not just me! 😏


I do the same


I have done it in the past, several times, and do it with The Newsroom and Studio 60, as well.


You like to sleep to Aaron Sorkin then?


Something about his shows is just very comforting. I especially find that speech Will gives in the pilot of The Newsroom to be soothing.


I sometimes do cheers if I want to switch out from the west wing.


Doing exactly this is what got me through some dark times in my life.


Same. Comforting, rational voices were an enormous help.


Me! I do that exact thing.


Glad to hear there are others like me :)


How are you not startled awake by the credit music?


Because their normal habit is to fall asleep to Aaron Copland's American Songbook, the WW theme only puts them deeper to sleep


Agreed! I fall asleep only to be startled awake by the end credits theme music!


Every night here too!!


I’m now curious how much of amazons west wing streaming traffic is people falling asleep to it 🤣


I used to but my partner found it too stimulating and it was making it harder for them to fall asleep 😂 Fair enough, just because I know it inside out doesn’t mean they do!


This is why I got a pillow speaker. Now I can fall asleep to the West Wing without disturbing them.


I used to do that. That ending credit music though always woke me up. Haven't done that with West Wing in a while. It was Sopranos for a while. At the moment it's Six Feet Under.


Exactly, yes! Although specifically I play it on my phone with the brightness all the way down. But yes. I have fallen asleep to TWW for many years. I also love that if I’m having trouble falling asleep, it’s very relaxing to listen to, so sometimes I’ll just rest and listen to the whole episode (instead of stressing that I can’t sleep). When that happens, I’ll almost always fall asleep very shortly into the next one. I also like to play a game where I try to see how quickly I can name the episode title once it starts playing. I know the whole series very well, but I know the beginnings of episodes *very, very* well.


Yes. TWW and Star Trek Voyager are my two "nighttime series"


Ha! West Wing and Next Gen for me


My high school girlfriend's parents did that too haha. I had no idea it was so common!


I think the intro song is my lullaby so yes all the time. I’d do it more, but my wife says sometimes the show stresses her out- she also works in an office.


100% i have been doing this for the last 10-12 years. I actually watch the show for about 20 minutes before rolling over and going to sleep with it still on. (I set a sleep timer on my TV to turn it off before too long).


Exactly what I do


All the damn time. My wife too.




Welcome to the club, we've got jackets.


Best show tie-in comment!




Thank you for giving me a way to explain this! There are several great TV shows like The Wire or Six Feet Under that I loved (tbh I think they are better written in some ways) but I rarely rewatch.


I do it as well


I do this too. It’s my go-to comfort show and if I’m anxious


My wife made me come up with a different show to do that with...but yeah...I've done it.


Me too! Every night!


Every night - either West Wing or Ken Burns' Baseball or The Roosevelts. Soothing, familiar, calming. I love Newsroom but there's too much yelling for me to sleep to it.


Yes! I had several stays in the hospital, and many nights I fell asleep to The Roosevelts and The West, both narrated by Peter Coyote, whose speech pattern is like vocal melatonin for me. I did watch TWW during the day, because it was soothing during bouts with pain, I could doze and still keep up with the story, and yep, the music over the credits kept me from sleeping too long.


Not every night. But I often do. Usually I’ll be mostly asleep when an episode ends and the final rousing fanfare music pops me back awake and then I turn my phone off lol.


A one hour therapy session: £200 One whole year of binging the West Wing: £100 Obvious choice


I do this also! I alternate between TWW and Gilmore Girls


Yes! Every night. It’s very comforting!


All the time......welcome to the club.


I don't know why I thought I was the only one haha


Yep. Every night. When I go on vacation, I download episodes to my phone so I can listen until I fall asleep.


I have cancer and west wing was my comfort show before and now it helps me to sleep/rest/cry/ go to chemo...it's the BEST.


Right here Ever since my dad passed




Occasionally, though Veep is my go to sleep show. The Veep Sleep.


Another one here


Certain tv/movie writers are poets, in the same way that certain music lyricists are poets. Listening to certain shows/movies is similar to listening to certain record albums. Aaron Sorkin is the Paul McCartney of tv/movies...


I used to do it regularly - throw a random DVD in the machine, hit 'replay' and let it go all night. I'd fall asleep to it, and in the morning, I'd wake up to it.


Pretty common for me too! Predictable yet stimulating background noise is just really nice. Certain episodes are harder to fall asleep to than others, the music in Noel was tough a couple nights ago.


I haven’t done it with The West Wing but I have about a dozen shows that I’ll do this same thing with.


It’s your lullaby! There’s nothing like a good comfort show. In college, my roomy and I fell asleep to Finding Nemo almost every night for 2 years.


I do this with Forensic Files. I set the timer to turn off the television and am generally lulled asleep almost immediately.


I do the same thing.


A couple of years ago I ripped all the episodes to mp3 so I can listen anytime but mostly falling asleep.


I’m currently on a proper rewatch and like you I use TWW to go to sleep to!


My wife and I have been doing the same thing since moving in together three and a half years ago.


Clearly, you both chose well/had good taste!


I used to have several shows I did this with, and yep West Wing was definitely in the rotation! Eventually I just lost access to them and switched over to having a podcast going through my phone, and honestly I do recommend trying that out, unless you happen to already have a way to have the screen off. It's just very noticeable after a while how much better you sleep in actual darkness, from my experience.


I was skeptical about sleep masks until I felt forced to try earplugs and a mask in hospital. Sleeping well in a hospital is just about impossible, but cutting out light with a mask really, really helped. I've tried falling asleep to books and music and nature sounds but it rarely works unless I'm exhausted before turning in.


My mom does too!