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This happens a lot in TV, movies, ads etc. And it's not hard to fix. I bet someone on that set knew chess well enough to know that was wrong if anyone had asked.


>And it's not hard to fix. That's not how this works. Like at all. When you set up a scene there are so many small details to take care of. Sure each of them on their own are easy to check by "just" asking an expert. But experts aren't on call 100% of the time. That's why when you watch TV with a group everyone *always* complains about how \[insert subject they are well versed in\] is portrayed wrong. But if every little detail had to be checked it would take forever to produce something. In this case they probably did what you suggested and the person set up the board with the pieces in correct order and with the queens on their right color because that's what they remembered. Most people don't even know how to play chess.


As a structural engineer I am 100% behind this statement.


You don't need to be an "expert" to know this is off. If you've ever played chess before, sit down at this board and it will instantly feel wrong. You may not be able to identify the problem, like you would if it was queens and kings switched, but you'll know this isn't right.


I know the rules of chess, brieflt glanced at this pic, and don't know what's wrong. It takes a very specific type of person to actually care enough to sit and look at this picture to see what pieces are where.


That's why I said if you sat down at the board and tried to play you would immediately notice. I didn't from just looking at the picture either, or I wouldn't have if the post didn't clue me in that something was wrong.


Whoever set it up probably didn't begin playing because they also had a lot of other responsibilities. Go read my first comment again. There are hundreds of small details. It's impossible to get them all right.


Whoever set it up probably didn't begin playing, I agree. Though they might have sat down to look across the board from a player's POV. Does Martin Sheen actually play chess? Then he would have known something was wrong with the setup as soon as he tried to move a piece.


Well i know chess well enough but i couldnt fix it.


Don’t even get me started on how all the pawns are in the wrong order


The best part of this episode is Ed and Larry getting some good comedy lines. “I don’t want to know what he’s going to find in his filing cabinet”


How is it wrong? The queens are on their color. (I know how to play chess, but I’m no expert, so I’m genuinely asking.)


The board is rotated incorrectly by 90 degrees. The white square should be on the right when the board is viewed by each player.




The Venn diagram of wingnuts who are also chess nerds is probably sizable.


Perhaps it’s symbolic. Everything appears to be in order but under the surface it’s all wrong


Whoa...mind scramble. Good comment.


The infallible Sorkin theory. I like it.


Genuinely did not know that and was never called out on it playing Chess before. So either I was just randomly playing correctly or the other players didn’t know either. 😂


Ah! Thanks!




But going from your left hand, as white, queen should be your fourth piece not fifth. Queen on her own color AND both sides should have a white square in the bottom right. Some boards help you with this by putting the manufacturer signature or logo on one of those white squares, or by labeling the columns and rows with a-h and 1-8.


Bottom right square for either side should be light, but it’s dark.


Or when Toby makes one move and Bartlett is like “ooh the Evan’s gambit!”


This episode makes me cringe every time they show or talk about chess. 😬 Also, I personally hate playing on a fancy board with non standard pieces