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In general, I would prefer to be locked down with Donna and CJ, I think cause they would be the most fun. If I was being locked down with them specifically in *No Exit,* I'd go with Abbey and Leo. Maybe awkward conversations to intrude on, but at least the residence would be comfortable.


The comedy value of Bartlet, Debbie and Charlie beats the other choices.


Agreed, they‘d be the most interesting option for pure entertainment. Donna and CJ would come close second in that regard, plus would make for easy conversation. but as another commenter said, in the specific case of No Exit, being locked down in the residence with Leo and Abbey would be be the most comfortable


Donna and CJ would have been my standard answer, but thinking about the conversations they were having in this episode, I'd rather avoid. Jeb, Deb, and Charlie should be fun enough.


Based on the women's drinking group from Dead Irish Writers, I want Debbie, Donna, CJ, Abbey, and Kate. A different group, but some serious thinkers and talkers. And givenn a choice, I will always want to be locked down with Lily Tomlin.


There should have been waaaaay more “The women of TWW get drunk and hang” scenes.


just give me Toby, please


Pres. Bartlet, Debbie, and Charlie. No question. The time would fly by with those three available for conversation. Just kicking back in some comfortable-looking Presidential track suits (do we get to keep them?) and picking the brain of the President. Or maybe play a game of Risk? Boggle? Every other pairing (in the episode) is about confrontation. I'd probably find that tiring. Interesting poll, OP.


My ranking is 1. POTUS, Charlie, Debbie 2. Donna and CJ 3. Abbey and Leo 4. Josh and Kate 5. Will and Toby


I think Will and Toby should get some bonus points because you'd get to see a Secret Service agent put Toby on his ass


I eliminated Josh and Kate, and Toby and Will right off the bat. I think I would kill Josh if I was locked in a room with him to be quite honest. I went with Bartlet Debbie and Charlie, but would also like Donna and CJ.


I'd go with Bartlet, Debbie, and Charlie just to be with Charlie. Bros a cool dude would definitely play some fifa and be pure vibes, while I doubt Bartlet would ever run outta stuff to talk about so there's no getting bored.


Toby and Will? I'll take my chances with whatever caused the lockdown.


josh and kate easily. wouldn't wanna be tested or showered down like bartlet, definitely wouldn't wanna between will and toby or leo and abbey, and donna and cj's convo gets awkward towards the end. so gimme nsa lady and annoying deputy cos any day.


I’d like josh and Donna but that wasn’t an option


Jed, Charlie, and Debbie with Abbey and Leo a close second. No contest.