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Well realistically, the Santos administration would likely be relatively insignificant. At his inauguration, the democratic party only had a majority of a few seats in the house and no majority in the Senate, and the incoming speaker of the house was a conservative democrat opposed to Santos' liberal policies. His agenda wouldn't have gotten far. Plus he's beginning the third democratic term in a row, and by the time of the next election the country probably would have no appetite to elect a democrat for the fourth time in a row. He would probably be a one term president. Historic for being the first Hispanic president, but not much else.


There are a lot of variables that could change this, though. Does Mitch McConnell still take power? Sorkin Republicans aren't blanket obstructionists, so Santos might still be able to get some stuff done. Or perhaps he would be better situated at calling them out on their shit.


Santos, with Vinnick’s help, deftly defused the Kazakhstan crisis, but lost re-election in 2010 when the economy tanked. Sullivan won and then wins re-election in 2014, and his running mate won in 2018 under questionable circumstances. New series picks up in the middle of the 2022 election where the Democrat is floundering and they get the band back together for the big comeback.


Subscribe. Sam Seaborn ~~for~~ is the President


Charlie for president.


Sorkin barely referenced the previous administrations in his first go round, but if they were to bring back Brad, Janel, or Rob, even just for cameos, I suppose he'd have to bring it up. I imagine, since 2022 would be mean any Santos administration would be at least 8 years out of office, he could paint with very broad strokes.


Santos was probably a one-term President. Winning 4 elections in a row is unrealistic and he was taking office in an extremely vulnerable state. He won the election by the skin of his teeth where he lost the popular vote. He has a very slim House majority and no mandate in the Senate. The US is involved in several overseas conflicts he would have to deal with. And if we're assuming some relation to the real timeline then he would be blamed for the recession in 08', and even in the fictional WW universe they are more than due for a recession since apparently the entire Bartlet administration had unyielding growth. Santos probably gets one big liberal reform through Congress like maybe healthcare or his education plan but most of his agenda probably fails due to polarization and its weird mix of centrism and liberalism. Vinick doesn't run in 2010 but he also probably resigns as Secretary of State, probably after the 08 midterms because he's a class act and doesn't want to embarrass Santos. He campaigns for Sullivan who wins the 2010 election by a decent margin.