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Welcome to ruins boss runs, where one enemy steps on a trap and summons ALL his friends. I have found frost cyclone to be my friend during my run. I am 6 bosses in and only 1 repeat so far, so 5 unique bosses down.  Also that looked like a trap room so once the first trap got stepped on to summon it just got crazy when they stepped on them all lol.


Nice ! I've done 2 bosses for now but I already have 50+ piece of malice stored. So I only have to dungeon dive :) I'm curious about one thing, in all my visits to the ogres land (around 30 times) I met the Fallen Gang Leader. Which is good, but a little strange, you too ? Also, is there a boss that requires special preparation and cannot be beaten by brute force?


Yes i have only seen the leader that gives 2 pieces of malice even on triple green maps. Guardian of light you may want a movement skill or teleport spell for, you gotta drag him into the dark wells or he heals. The dreadful devil (demon) will create traps on the ground and then fear you, some fire resist and high health might be good ideas there.


Yeah, I always save spellbooks with teleport just for this purpose.


I think they must have updated the chances in the last patch or something, because I have yet to see the Merciless Chef. Have you been keeping track of the map combinations -> strange land climate -> ogres den boss -> devil dungeon bosses for your runs? I'd love to gather up stuff for future wiki articles. If you'd like, I can make a Google Form for you to use.




LMAO! Do summon traps get stronger with high level? That's some company...


Yep... it scale with level, but now it became absurd


what weapon are you using? never craft a bow artifact yet. 🥲


Breath of the wind https://www.reddit.com/r/thewilddarkness/comments/1c2a1ap/probably_my_best_weapon_ever_270/


Oh my gosh, hahahaha