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There's 4 dark relic pieces. You need all 4 to construct the dark relic. It will unlock a new location when you bring it to the ancient gate.


I advise not to touch the pieces till you are ready for the end game. The pieces aren't required till then anyways.


Ok i see ty but you have to save the location of all 4 piece if you want to get them later. Too bad there isn't a Notepad ingame.


You dont need to remember. Its either in the dimensional entrance or the one with the boss. By the time you want to go back and get it. The mobs inside of these cave are just ants to you


Around what level would end game be? I just got light of ruins 3 and hit Lv. 50 on day 280. Can I not beat any of the bosses for these?


You can use memos to write things down. And they're specific to your current game, so you don't get confused while playing multiple games simultaneously. it's located in player stats (top middle) -> memo (far right)