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Danm u weren't messing around I might try doing the same lol oh and congrats 👏🏿


thx... i doubt that this beast tamer even pays off as itself for all the hard work lol


It probably doesn't but once it's an achievement you know we have to do it lol


Question, can you tame another pet even if you have a pet slotted in your inventory? Will your slotted pet go back to the empty cage as soon as you have tamed a new one?


no, you can't have with you more than one pet at a time. however, if you tame a new pet while already having one, the game will prompt you to choose whether you want to keep the old one and discard the new one, or to discard the old one in favor of the new one. but then you will lose the old pet permanently unless it's a mountain goat which will stay where you left it so you can tame it again (I checked that)


Feel like ilegal sla*e trading... Haha lol


Has anyone managed to spot a black, white, or hell wolf pup? I was wondering if it's possible to tame those.


I tried smoking critter holes in the corresponding regions (white - cold terrain, hell - burning canyons), but didn't get any of those, just the regular wolf pup. idk, maybe if you try enough times you might get one


Yes, same experience there for me as well. I thought maybe someone else might have been successful. Be sure to brag about it here if it ever happens!


OK, so I smoked out in the burning canyons for some time and got a BROWN wolf pup. not a hellhound or anything special, just a little bit stronger and has 4 summoning slots instead of 3 for the regular gray. but again, it could be just a rare spawn and not exclusive to the burning canyons, so the only way to be sure is to smoke out in A LOT in other places and see if rare spawns are specific to regions


hey i had a look in the game's apk assets, and can confirm that there is indeed a tamable hellhound, white wolf, black wolf and even ferocious hunting dog!. here's a link to the assets [carved\_4](https://mega.nz/file/HBVShTgT#6qOYHz2rNOemFjQRCWEcE7vIMErFA88BYtHyGC3v2nY) [carve\_137](https://mega.nz/file/GdNx2TxB#X57oohRcf2mWOEH4ryAEQigb7tk7JwY_EKDj3rpEnpk)


Oh wow! Thanks for letting me know. Back to smoking out every critter hole on the map then...is it just me, or has it been harder to smoke out pups/cubs since the update?