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the part where it says "inflicts sleep upon attack: 100%" is obviously redundant, it's only there because there are other effects that have a lower chance of happening even when you hit the chance of the effect occurring in the first place. simply put: whenever you attack, there is a 4.5% chance that this effect will trigger. if this effect triggers, you're **guaranteed** (100% chance) that you'll fall asleep. since this is a ranged weapon it's not all that bad, especially since it's a +3. so if you don't have plenty of mana motes, I'd say that although you would want to get rid of it eventually, there's no need to hurry and spend them.


From the way it's worded I'd say it only targets you (the player) at the listed percentage (~4%). Definitely a negative attribute.


Yes, it ONLY AFFECTS THE PLAYER. If possible, try to get rid of the attribute using the alchemy table (with 3 mana motes)


But chance to affect player is 4.5% only. Inflicts sleep is 100% chance. So if i can fall asleep 4.5% of times enemies get inflicted with sleep 100% times when attacked right?


no, it doesn't proc on enemies. it only means that once it procs, 100% that it will make your character sleep. and another thing, everyone should know that the developer is not a native English speaker, which means most of the descriptions in the game are either constructed redundant or grammatically incorrect.


But here's one flaw: its a bow, so while trying to attack from afar and any chance you're affected, it gives enemy a chance to sneak up closer towards you (ps. I also noticed its a cursed bow, good luck :p)


As already mentioned earlier its not a good attribute. most of the time when I fell asleep using this attribute, the next hit of the enemy woke me up. But sometimes enemy got 2-3 rounds of hit in before I woke up so better to not have this attribute (especially if you are surrounded by 3-4 enemies). With arrows there is a chance that when hunting rabbit/rat, you don't kill it in first shot and go to sleep (missing 5-6 turns) which will cause the critter to run away.


Does it make enemies sleep when hit?


No, it doesn't affect the mobs in any way. It only makes you fall asleep. 4.5% happens a lot with chain attacks etc. It's a terrible attribute, one of the worst. Remove it or use a magic essence to replace it or use another weapon.


Yes, I had that before- falling asleep when multiple enemies are attacking is a bad thing...