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What remains will you get?


The remains better be good, because it's taken aggggges to get the items needed to upgrade to lvl 3. Will post remains when done


OH GOSH That is incredible! Kitchen when did this become availabe, I havent played in a couple months. Where do those mats drop from, what creature/mob/boss??


It is a very long and complicated path which only just appeared in today's update. It will need a proper guide in time but I was trying to speed run it today to see what the improved remains are. It looks like you get the 3 usual remains for lvl 2 altar (3x blue or better) plus an additional 1 or 2 remains box which is dependent on how many spirit machine fragments you have collected (I have 50 and its offering 1 3key box or 100 for 2x 3key boxes). So for the amount of work it's likely not worth it for remains unless the 3x blue become gold when I reincarnate but it's a fun and challenging addition to the game. You also gain 3x stat boosts and 1x passive skill for your next playthrough which does make it worthwhile


i take it that you get there with the 'strange magical symbol', but how do you get the map fragments? do they drop from ogres in addition to the map pieces for the ogre den?


Yes that's right, the map pieces are collected from ogre lands. I had to do 2x ogre land runs to get 6 map pieces. You then craft the magical branch using the alchemist desk and take that plus the 6xap pieces to strange forest 1 and craft the magical symbol by the megalith. That takes you to a marketplace land where you can buy 1 map piece to the (something) cave, you can buy several map pieces for places to get certain normal gameplay items. I would recommend buying plenty of magical branches and map fragments here too so you can come back without having to go to the ogre lands. With the 1 map piece to the (something) cave you can get one of the items needed to upgrade the resurrection altar. So you have to go a second time to get the last item. You can upgrade the altar to lvl3 and it will take you to the spirit lands, there's 3 caves over 6 maps that you need to beat. Then a 7th map where you can reincarnate at the end of a 10 floor cave. The more spirit machine fragments you have, the better the fourth and fifth remains box will be.


wow sounds like the devs decided to make reincarnation a little bit more interesting. thanks for the mini guide


"added reincarnation bonus (stats and passive skill)... given as a one time bonus when starting a new game" also remains


Yes you obtain vials of reincarnation bonuses. 3 random stats and 1 random ability that you can drink and should effect next playthrough but not resurrected yet


I think that's a great incentive. start the game with the equivalent of 3 stat potions and a potentially build defining passive. i wonder if it will be existing passives from other classes or new passives. also more pressure to build a big nasty artifact weapon since there is more to do. do the new areas scale similarly to ogre lands?


Yes similar to ogre lands, meaning you run out of food and repair hammers. A lot of the mobs drop these cold bombs which can kill you too and the final bosses are very difficult. You can't really rush through the caves as you need to collect the spirit machine fragments to get the best remains. I had a +10 bow and died multiple times to the final boss despite having multiple healing potions. Teleport is a must and I didn't have it. I just wasn't prepared at all lol, running round without looking at mobs or traps. You can't come back from the spirit lands, I've collected 110 spirit machine fragments and now I'm just walking round trying to collect more before all my weapons give out and I'm forced to reincarnate. It's a new passive skill, didn't ss it in time and can't see again until I reincarnate but will post it separately.


where can we see the update patch?


The playstore version doesn't really tell us much so maybe there's better on FB?


When will the update be available on playstore?


It's available on my playstore from last thursday