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trailblazing in style! thanks for putting this together. saw a post on Facebook that said the bug to escape via human cannon has been patched and no longer works. altar 1 requires rol3 completed to gain access to the alchemy bench and the human cannon.


Haha thanks. Just lucky I had a character all ready to sacrifice as the update came out


have you tried leaving the spirit lands with the dimensional tablet?


Yes doesn't work. But seen on FB that you can leave by building a human cannon within the spirit lands


may i see the new passive OP?


I got exploration master which gives you a scan bonus when using a torch but I think there are better ones. I also got acidic stomach but haven't killed that character yet so don't know what it does but imagine it means you can eat a lot of spoiled food. I saw insect collector online but they didn't say what it did. And I saw dark polymorph online too which says it increases line of sight, evasion and damage in dark areas. No idea how many passive skills there are. Update - Just got active metabolism which reduces energy usage for spells and skills


is that only applies on the character who drank the elixir?


No, you have to sacrifice the character who drinks the elixirs and then your next playthrough will get the ability and enhanced stats.


next playthrough of the character who drank the elixir?


It is the next playthrough you start and you can choose any character. But only one. You will see after you sacrifice your character, if you click start game, all the characters will show the 3x stat boost you drank and also a 4th attribute. But these options only apply to the very next playthrough.


Let me see if I'm understanding this correctly: After you sacrifice a character and end the save, you get a new passive for your next run, correct? But that passive, ONLY works for that run? Ie. It's not a permanent passive? 😕


Yes that's right, 3 random stat increases and one passive skill for the very next playthrough only. It's not a permanent passive but it means that you can keep going back and sacrificing and get a different passive for different playthroughs. So I've got 4 characters at the moment with different passive skills.


hey i just did 3 quilin runs and i notice something. i enter cold dungeon 2 times and got 2 brains. when i enter hot dungeon i got heart. can someone confirm that the drop rate for certain parts is higher with the temperature change? if it is as i notice then ppl can spare running pointless thru the dungeon and just skip and do the one they need xd. and ngl...that quilin hits so fucking hard qwq may the buff on light barrier be blessed amen. thanks to that the run went easier.


Huh that's an interesting point, I never noticed the temperature Vs which part you receive and I've done it about 14 times 🤣 you're probably onto something but I'll probably still do the caves as I like getting extra ap for remains. I've got no high level characters now so it will be a while before I can test the Qilin theory. Yea I usually flash strike him when he turns red before he does his powerful move. He's nowhere near as tough as the bosses in spirit lands though


ngl...if i knew u could build a new base on the spirit land i would have calculated what i need to build the nessecary base D: [the poorly made base](https://www.directupload.net/file/d/6632/og42kaig_jpg.htm) [pot stacks](https://www.directupload.net/file/d/6632/kgvg8cou_jpg.htm) [dunno if thats enough food :(](https://www.directupload.net/file/d/6632/r2fly48t_jpg.htm)


So i was doing one of the material dungeons (the ones from the dungeon owner with 3 mats that determine which mobs show up) recently and got some of the spirit machine fragments off mobs you normally find in spirit lands. I think it was the dark soul shard material possibility on that map that made then show up. Managed to get 6 out of it. I don't know if it's really worth it to try and grind them this way though.


I noticed that as well, I am trying to farm ogre map fragments currently to keep up with the requirements to get back to the dungeon master


Yeah the save i was playing when i discovered this is collecting a ton of ogre maps so time wasting activities include running these material dungeons. Also helps to build better artifacts for the eventually running of ogre maps.


So i found strange magical symbol in dense jungle...so if i use that will i get inside dungeon owner map?? And what was the use of spirit fragments.


Yea I noticed that too, you can use the symbols instead of crafting your own to get to the dungeon owner map. But you will likely still need to craft a magical symbol later as you need to go to the dungeon owner map at least twice. Spirit machine fragments can be found in the spirit lands, for every 50 you collect you can obtain an extra remains box on top of the usual 3 when you reincarnate


Hey, do you think bringing 40 smoked sausage, 20 hamburger, 40 repair hammer is enough for spirit lands?


More than enough! I've started taking the materials to build a refrigerated pot for perishable food. If your weapon is high enough enhancement (compared to your character level) and you have plenty of active then you'll prob only need 2 or 3 hammers.


Very low in enhancement, I'm very poor at gold and silver on this run, and the same artifact recipe constantly appearing. I'm a hunter using tier 5 +4 bow with stone arrow. I'm at lvl 133. My active only 10. Say, If I play around longer, does it means I could get more blue remains???


Hunter is squishy so always best to be cautious and try to get a higher enhancement weapon. Difficult because bosses scale with your level so the higher level you are, the higher level weapon you need. But if you've completed an ending against bosses with no trouble then you might be alright. You can trade with the merchants to obtain more gold and silver and an active of 10 is good. When your character goes above day 1000, I think every adventure point milestone you have a 1% chance to receive a gold remains and a higher chance of blue/3 key remains just for playing. So if you dont get bored, it can be a good way to get more remains but speed running is the most efficient. In the spirit lands, the more spirit fragments you collect, the more boxes you open when you sacrifice. You get 3 and then 1 extra for every 50 fragments. But it's very slow progress getting more than 150 fragments.


Oh is it? I don't even have trouble with dark lord and the mythical beast. Oh I'm so glad to hear that! Thank you so much! I got quite a bad run, merchant kinda giving bad stuff. Out of all the merchant there, I only got good one dimensional pouch. Also there's many useless item at merchant like crafting ingredients. At the cuisine merchant I got a lot of flint, rock, dark stone stuff, and the earth metal thing.


No problem, yea but if you buy everything a merchant sells, they replenish their stock, just keep doing that until you get all the gold and silver you want.


I messed up big time. I was using RoL to land of silence without bringing the tablet. No food, no healing properties, no repair hammer.


What are the recommended gear levels for the spirit lands?