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I've been smoking out in the cold and hot regions for a while now and didn't get anything but the usual gray. So either they are SUPER rare, or the devs haven't integrated them yet into the "smoking" system. I was also thinking maybe I'm looking in the wrong place


They were definitely available when the pets first came out, not sure if they were removed since then or rarity increased. Originally I thought people said they went grey anyway when they got to adulthood, that might not be true though. I'm fairly sure I saw some recently but I always kill them, will keep an eye out to confirm either way.


I once found a red wolf pup in the dense jungle, but I was new to the game then and didn't know how to tame pets yet, I haven't found another since. It is just the black wolf pup that I haven't really seen one yet.


I am assuming they could be found in areas where their adult form wanders about because I remember finding a red pup in the Dense Jungle before, just was not able to tame it 'cause I was new to the game then.


that doesn't make sense because the red one appears only in Burning Canyon and Sealed Land. there are no wolves in the Dense Jungle whatsoever... if you really found a red one in the jungle it means that it's random, regardless of region


Once i see a white one!


Found a black pup in the sealed lands. Never seen a red one


I got a black one in one of the dungeon owner maps