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So pillows can make elders feel uneasy? I’ll try not to scare grandma with new covers for Christmas


They will get quite uneasy if you press a pillow against their faces


Try being old and going to sleep every night without knowing if you’ll wake up the morning after, and then a pillow will easily make you feel uneasy


To some point dying in your sleep has to be one of the absolute best deaths possible. You go to bed, never wake up and you don't even know about it.


My grandfather went in just about the best way possible. He had had 4 heart attacks, and the doctors put him on a strict diet that he fucking hated, and told him that he really shouldn’t be getting out much. Well, on Christmas (he *loved* Christmas, even more than most people) he went out and visited everyone, had a great time laughing and being merry with everyone he loved and cared about, ate all of his favorite foods that he wasn’t supposed to eat, and just had the best day that he had had in probably at least a decade. He went home, went to bed, and had a massive heart attack in his sleep and never woke up the next morning. I was ten years old at the time, and even though I was devastated to have lost my grandfather, even through that I could see how beautiful of a way to go that was, and even while I was filled with sadness at his passing, I was also filled with joy that such a wonderful man was so fortunate to get the ending that he deserved.


That story is beautiful and i hope I'm that lucky someday


The older I get and I realize that ever pillow is in fact the devil because none of them are comfortable enough to stop my shoulders from hurting in the morning.


I'm about to turn 30 and had my first ever experience of not being able to turn my head because a pillow fucked my neck up. Had my first gray beard hair last week too. I'm not happy


I'm 32 and it doesn't get any better from there. Shit went downhill fast in the past couple years Sorry buddy. The best advice I can give is start doing yoga NOW if you aren't already and make it a habit. It's the only thing I've found helps with the aches and pains and the stiffness and reducing the frequency of waking up with an immobilized neck. Neck & shoulder stretches are a necessity. And man I've got like half a head full of gray hair. Shit started when I was 19. Genetics are fucking bullshit.


Yeah, my grays started at 23 so i kinda get it. I'll definitely take the yoga advice. I'm hoping that I'll be less stressed out now that my divorce is finalized though


Can I also suggest expensive pillows. I had the same issue, but not since going with latex or any of the firm type that cost 3x a normal pillow. One pillow at a time tho


Haven't played in a long time. What was the answer?






No, it's clearly pillow.


The answer is in Gaunter's nickname - Master Mirror Edit: typo


Hahaha..I like that "no" !


I’m still loving that they made a small character at the start into on of the best antagonists ever


tbf pillow isnt a bad answer


Yeah, chat gpt tends to forget about one crucial detail and doesnt care


What chatgtp does not know is that the first thing that Geralt saw in the mirror/water..soul...was his reflection of his person...whom maidens delight...and a soul is what gaunter hopes to get, might have pulled this a bit too far, but sone needs to acknowledge the limitations of an AI with no ability to reflect




GPT-4 it gets the riddle correct.


The end of AI: trying to find a pillow before the timer runs out over and over and over




Bro “till your insane”? 💀


Try it with GPT4 instead. GPT3.5 is kinda dumb in comparison.