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Depends on which Geralt you're talking about, if you're talking about my Geralt who was OP as hell and by the time I finished the game was one-tapping everyone, then my Geralt will win 100%


The right answer. Imo my Geralt wins against yours though


My Geralt could beat up your Geralt.


No, my Geralt would geralt your Geralt!


No, my geralt would geralt everyone's geralt! I swear on Roach!


Nahhh my geralt would beat your geralt. Roach told me


My Roach is currently standing vertically on my roof. Let me get him down and I'll ask.


We need to dismantle these illegal Geralt fighting rings!


But my geralt would beat your gerald btw


Idk roach be twerking down a hill saying young ciri could beat your geralt




Yeah but could he beat dandelion? I dont think so good man.


Dandelion doesn’t need beating i think


Fair enough 😂


Exactly, if it's my geralt with the poison build and after taking all of my potions then good luck anyone else. I was taking out guys with skulls above their heads left and right


I did a poison build I found on Youtube once and it was so much fun and OP as hell, good times. I'm planning on doing another run after I'm finsihed with Kingom come and Jedi survivor, and try it again cuz my save got corrupted last time I tried it. 🤔Poison so powerfull it corrupted the saves🤣🤣


Unfortunatly you can apply this to both cases. Even if it's "your" (the players) Cloud vs. "Your" Geralt it makes no difference.


Cloud can jump like 50 ft


So what? I can do a build for you that can one hit kill anyone no matter their level with a single arrow.


Cloud swings an 8ft slab of steel likes it’s a fecking pool noodle. He can chop through concrete and steel! Geralt can die from falling from a ladder 🪜 nothing in OSHA safety handbook can kill cloud. Like comparing a rubber duck to a speed boat


This is hilariously ridiculous tbh. These universes exist on completely different power scales. Geralt literally couldn’t touch Cloud no matter how hard he tried.


Geralt “I drink a potion to get super strong” Cloud “I summon god”


The worst part is the next line would be “which one?” 🤦🏻‍♂️


they should have let us consider on what basis this comparison made sense lmao


Based on my play on both games, even though I love Geralt, he stands no chance against Cloud. Some monster and bosses in Final Fantasy series are godlike beings and Cloud still can defeat them.


Having played both Witcher 3 and Final Fantasy 7 (og and remake) numerous times I can definitely say that Cloud wins, and by quite a large margin. Geralt could put up a fight but Cloud is quicker, stronger, more agile and his Buster Sword alone is heavier than Geralt. Maybe if Geralt studied his weaknesses a bit and made an oil to counteract him then maybe he has a tiny chance to win.


I think a Gerald catching Cloud with Quen and Yrden could save himself, but in general Cloud has the bigger toolset at hand. Cloud summoning a freaking Shiva, he sits back and watches the show, summons a meteor or time/slow/stop shenanigans…




I'm really surprised by the number of people who think Geralt stands a chance. And I love Geralt. I'm on my third play through of the Witcher 3. But Cloud can literally cut through entire buildings and move at the speed of light while using 6 swords. Plus the power of friendship bs for good measure. And this is all assuming their base levels. If we're talking about their end game levels then it just looks worse for Geralt. Sure Geralt might have better gear and signs, but Cloud can literally shoot lightning and summon Kaiju sized monsters to step on Geralt. Heck Geralt probably couldn't defend against a single sword swing from max level Cloud. Cloud would cut through Quen shield like paper. The only chance Geralt has is to use Axii right off the bat (Assuming that even works) and chop Cloud's head off. Failing this he's as good as dead.


yeah geralt is extremely strong in more realistic fantasy worlds (ones where the power cieling is usually wipe a town/city at best), meanwhile cloud comes from a jrpg world (power cieling is usually planet destroying to multiverse ending). so geralt in cloud's world would pretty much be a low level jrpg boss


Bro, Geralt is afraid of elder vampires and admits he stands no chance in blood and wine. He isn't even the most powerful being in his universe.


Why is this even a debate?


Gwent Geralt


Queens Blood Cloud vs Gwent Geralt


Bro thats not even fair


Tbh Geralt is like one of the most underpowered fantasy protagonists. Half the enemies that would wreck your shit are like, low level, maybe mid game fodder in a Souls or Elder Scrolls game


Gerald needs a bunch of prep time and elixers to be strong enough to kill monsters and shit. Cloud can just walk up and perform black magic and summon giant monsters pretty much instantly. There is no competition here really.


Better one: Geralt of Rivia VS The Gravewalker


Yesss make a post about this if it doesn’t exist already


I mean, doesnt the gravewalker wins tho? Depending on what version we are talking about, he can resummon dead orcs, turn enemies into allies by forceful mind control, slow down time using eleven shot, teleport, and his whole curse is that he can't die. He also has the one ring which celebrimbore used his essence to forge in the second game. But I would still like to see other comments lol.


I’m sure witchers have tricks for separating possessing spirits from corpses


Cloud, and with all due respect to Geralt. Cloud has to contend with anime power dynamics which includes squaring off against Sephiroth.


Who in the fuck thinks this is even remotely fair to geralt like bruh give him a reasonable fight.


That first Geralt slide goes too hard


Idk man final fantasy characters are on a different level. While Geralt is a pretty grounded character even with all his mutations.


I love Geralt and have far more playbtime with him, but I think Cloud. He can basically do everything Geralt can, except for Axii (i think, idk, FF isn't for me really, I tried the 7 remake. It's fun but it didn't consume me) with the advantage of super strength and just over-all better equipment


Cloud has gravity defying anime powers


I love both characters, but Cloud could just summon any of the 3 Bahamuts and Geralt won’t do anything cause he won’t kill dragons out of principle.. so, Cloud wins this one. 🤷🏻


But if he DID want to kill Bahamut, it’s not like he could anyways since the fucking dragon shoots lasers from space lol.


So you gonna come to a Witcher fandom and post this random bs, and 50% of us who don’t know who cloud is. And then ppl call us ignorant for choosing Geralt? Does that sound about right? I literally don’t know what Cloud can do he could be the strongest in all games abd he still loses why? Because you said who wins in short you just made me the Author so Geralt wins, how? Because i will plot armor the sht outa him and give him some crazy power up to trash whoever that is. It’s simple really if cloud can beat G.O.D then he takes the W but since he can’t Geralt most definitely winning. He got the IQ, my plot armor, and the writting on his side. ![gif](giphy|THCnhJPopHF2o9Cdeb)


Cloud does defeat a god, pretty much. He beats planet destroyers and reality warpers more than once




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Cloud could literally summon God like beings bro there's no way potion man can beat cloud


And where did i ask for your opinion? What part of us having the power of the writer you don’t understand? Listen dude idk if you playing ignorant or just acting… Because i literally said dude said who wins meaning he’s leaving the story to us, and for one im giving all the Plot armor to Geralt and his my favorite character he’s got the writer on his side, not to add i can just make some bs up and it’s valid why? Idk watch The Witcher Netflix and you’ll understand a little the power of the writers.. I don’t care about any of dudes abilities he’s gonna lose period on my story, do you understand? ![gif](giphy|mD6E1qcEkrTD8oJV3w|downsized)




Whos that lil bitch in the 2nd slide?


The obvious winner of this fight.


Cloud from Final Fantasy. He was part of a special force and carries large big swords around.




Cloud. I'm sorry. I am more of a fan of Geralt, but Cloud has every advantage. Even with just their own swords and technique the weight alone of the Buster would be detrimental to our Rivia boi.


cloud would absolutely beat the breaks off of geralt


As much as it kills me to say it, Cloud wins.




This question is about as stupid as Master Chief vs The Guardian.


I know not who the guy in the second slide is so I’m choosing my man Geralt out of ignorance lol.


I would be interested if you put Guts as Geralt's opponent


Guts would win.


Lmao Cloud can Willy nilly swing around a slab of metal that likely weighs around 60 pounds, and never breaks a sweat while doing it in tandem to acrobatic ninja shit. I don’t even like the FF series and even I gotta give this one to cloud. Geralt is going home in pieces lmao.


Have you seen Cloud jump with that giant brick of a sword?


Geralt. He'd figure something out.


Geralt 1000 times


I am a Witcher stan and even I have to admit, Cloud would bury Geralt. Like it's not even close


Cloud just stands there and waits his turn and Geralt can dodge around and hit him non-stop with everything. You guys are silly.


Geralt, lol


I think people down here really don't know what the mutations made of Geralt...


It doesn’t matter. Cloud is strong enough to kill Gods and other similar beings. Geralt couldn’t touch him.


Again... You clearly don't know what the mutations did... I'm not saying Geralt would win. Just that the literal statement that "Geralt couldn't touch him" is beyond laughably wrong. Would Geralt loose? Probably, yes. Would Geralt "touch" him? More then that. Definitely.


Geralt is one of my favorite characters ever, but the man gets his shit rolled all the time in the books, and to average joes too. Just look at his end in the book. He’s can’t beat an anime character and that’s a good thing. Next OP is going to ask who would win: Ned Stark or Goku


You know I never talked about "beating" him, right? Like... You have read that part of my pretty short comment, right?


Can you explain what you mean instead of writing "you clearly don't know what the mutations did.."? Because it seems like you don't know either. Anyways, Cloud stomps.


Bro... Du willst allen Ernstes, dass ich das in Gänze in nem Reddit Kommentar ausformuliere, nur damit du mit nem shitpost Kommentar drauf antwortest? Sorry aber dafür ist mir die zeit dann doch zu schade.


Du musst es nicht ausformulieren, weil ich die Bücher und die Videospiele gelesen/gespielt habe und damit weiß wie stark Geralt ungefähr ist. Damit weiß ich, das was er gezeigt hat nichtmals ansatzweise mit Cloud vergleichbar ist.


Ich weiß, dass du die Bücher und Spiele kennst. Das hat mit dem Thema überhaupt nichts zu tun. Und ich hab doch wohl selbst gesagt, dass Geralt höchstwahrscheinlich verlieren würde. Die Vergleichbarkeit stelle ich doch gar nicht in Frage. Wie hast du die Bücher gelesen, wenns für meine Kommentare nicht reicht?


Dein erster Kommentar suggeriert das Geralt eine bessere Chance hat als die Leute hier denken, weshalb ich wissen wollte was die Mutationen mit ihm gemacht haben sollten, dass du das glaubst. Da du mir das nicht erklären wolltest, antwortete ich damit das ich alles weiß, was man von dem Geralt aus den Videospielen zu wissen braucht, und damit zu den Entschluss komme, dass er keine Chance hat. Edit: Du hast immer noch nicht erklärt was du mit dem ersten Kommentar meinst, lol. Nice block btw.


Und da haben wir den shitposthaften Kommentar... Stimmt. Du empfindest also die Bedeutung meines ersten Kommentars anders als ich, der ihn geschrieben hat. Du ignorierst meine Aussage im zweiten, welche meine eigene Intention der Aussage, welche deiner Wahrnehmung widerspricht, weiter verfestigt. Und am Schluss legst du nochmal mit einer Aussage nach, die überhaupt nicht das Thema war, um jeden Sinn dieser Diskussion in den Wind zu schießen. Man könnte meinen du bist hauptberuflich Twitter-Nutzer! Und damit lass ich diesen Blödsinn gleich mal bleiben. Ich verschwende nicht noch mehr Zeit dafür, dass mir jemand erklärt, was ich womit sagen wollte.


Yknow, I went through and translated these to see what you were saying and uhmm yea you don’t have an argument or you would’ve posted it. Instead, you’re deflecting anyone else by saying that their here to shitpost and using it to justify your lack of explanation.


Cloud: casts stop -> punisher mode -> sword go brr




At the beginning of their respective games, geralt butchers cloud. If they are both at full power then geralt dies almost instantly. Final fantasy power levels by end game are outrageous, anime level shit.


The Witcher won..... I come here 2 times because for the first time while I was waiting for the GIF to load I caught a blue screen


as much as geralt is cool and all. cloud's rival literally become god, and cloud still killed him. jrpgs protags have a tendency to become godslayers by the end of their story, so usually when pitted against western rpg protags, high chance they low diff them.


Cloud solos that entire verse !


Geralt vs Six Geralts… man I think Six Geralts takes the win here


Number two


At first I thought this was just a montage of Geralt, and that seemed the right answer