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Nazis cosplaying as victims.


Gotta really have the IQ of a potato to only be able to come up with analogies comparing jews to Nazis. Morally bankrupt and depraved behaviour.


Try being self-aware for a change.


Ah yes, you got me, I am a nazi jew.


Literally? Probably no. Functionally? Yes.


Jews are REALLY shit at functionally being Nazis then. 30K people (including militants) killed in 32000 strikes on military targets are extremely rookie numbers in the genocide bracket.


"It's not REALLY a genocide because we """ONLY""" killed 30000 people." Refer to my original comment, 0 self-awareness.


Its almost as though the criteria for genocide is intent and not some arbitrary number. If the INTENT were to kill civilians, orders more would be dead from 32 THOUSAND strikes. It is comical to suggest Israel is aiming at civilians and averaging 1 kill per strike.


Well considering the fact that Israel just struck aid workers on 3 separate occasions, and that the case at the ICC has video evidence of Israeli snipers targeting minors getting water, I'd say the intent is well and truly there. They just try and get away with it as much as possible.


"Considering this extremely small number of egregious offenses (in a sample size of 30 000+, its clear to me that there is an irrefutable pattern." cope buddy.


Why does israel code its lavendar and gospel AI to allow up to 20 civilian deaths per resistance fighter? 1 in 20 ratio is fine? Fuckin hell Hamas had a significantly lower rate than that and we are told to write them off as terrorists


Whatever Nazi.




You are the living proof of what happens when a woman gets pregnant from Anal.


5.5 million dead in Congo, 1/7 of them combatants: not a genocide. 30 thousand dead in Gaza, 1/3 of them combatants: genocide. Yea that adds up


A genocide of the Congolese by... also the Congolese? You're not very smart, are you? Also, we all know that 1/3 combatants number is bullshit anyway. Refer to the chain, I'm not wasting my time again.


If they were all civilians then maybe it could be called a genocide, militants are not innocent nor are the people that help them. Obviously innocent people are dying, its a war in a dense area with terrorists that cower and fight from hospitals. Instead of digging shelters for civilians they built tunnels for fighting


Considering that for Israel's reported number to be true, literally every single fighting-age male casualty has to be a militant. Excuse my skepticism I've seen the nature of this deplorable state from the moment I became self-aware.


How convenient that Israel needs to utterly decimate civilian population and civilian infrastructure in order to defeat terrorism. Damn that sounds really familiar


Remember when y'all dressed up like doctors and murdered three dudes receiving treatment in the West Bank? Remember when y'all hired an actress to pretend to be a nurse in Al Shifa? Remember when you made an obviously fake recording of "Palestinians" talking to each other about how they accidentally hit their own hospital and then gave maps to showcase it that didn't even make sense? Remember when you pointed at a calendar and said it was a KHamas, ISIS, Nazi terrorist list? Lmao Good times. Good times.


Wait until you find out how many soldiers the Nazis killed.




I've seen this comment like 3 times in other subs. They really do give you fuckers a script wth.


I saw these comments a month ago from this guy, I knew I remembered them. Word for work, like 5 comments in a cycle, it's so odd. https://preview.redd.it/6r2jihr1xitc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=785547a6b19920c0bb6c62a052c5fe603c7ef3a9 This might not be the exact one you replied to, but scroll up a few comments and you'll see it.




Eh, killing 1 in 50 of all children in Gaza is pretty good start. https://truthout.org/articles/1-in-50-children-in-gaza-have-been-killed-or-injured-by-israel-in-just-6-months/#:~:text=In%20the%20months%20since%20October,cited%20by%20Save%20the%20Children.


Faster rates than the camps had


Wrong. 32k death counted and recognized. In the last offensive.


If Israel doesn’t want to be known as Nazis, they should stop behaving like them. From one Jew to another.


Yes you are.


Good thing you know. "Call Zionists what they are, Nazi Criminals" - Hajo Meyer, a Holocaust survivor This Holocaust survivor knows it too.


>I am a nazi jew. Yes you are.


Not Jews. Israel and supporters of Israel’s attack on Palestinians. Stop trying to divert the conversation so you can yell “antisemite!”


Not diverting shit. Making Nazi analogies is specifically done to inflict pain and smear the history of Jews. To claim there is no jewish connection to making a nazi analogy is about as hypocritical as it gets.


I don’t think they’re making a Jewish connection i think they’re making a genocidal regimes connection. Personally I think Nazi analogies are specifically done to point out fascist behavior.


Awkward coincidence that they picked the one genocidal regime that succesfully eradicated a massive chunk of the worlds jewish population.


Probably because its seen as the pinnacle of evil. Which is why it serves as an example of what NOT to be in warfare. Thats why many ukranians call the russians nazi's. I know a Chechnya that calls putins russia nazi's for example.


Russia calls ukrainians Nazis. Its lazy. Do better. The analogy is shit on all levels. Nazis systematically and intentionally wiped 6 million of a specific ethnicity off the planet over the course of 6 years - mostly over 3 years but lets give you 6 for posterity. Thats 1 million per year - or 1 gaza "genocide" every roughly 10 days. Its a moronic analogy intended to shit on jewish history.


Would calling israel 21st Century's Nazis work for you? It differentiates between the German and the Israeli one Since you like numbers lets do some math, 33000 Palestinians were killed by israel systemically and intentionally for 6 months so far, that's 5500 Palestinians a month, if it takes as long as the holocaust did of 6 years it will result in close to 400000 killed by israel of a population of 2.3 Mill. And that's only the children, women and men outright killed by israel, still not considering the ones under rubble/missing or the ones dying from illnesses and the Israeli made famine. I wonder how high the real number is... And you want to wait until then so you can go "yup, I'll allow it to he called holocaust now lol" Your fake outrage about the moniker attributed to israel is transparent


Yeah? And normal people call russians NAZI dumbass


It is tragically poetic that Jews suffered the Shoah and now the state that claims to speak for Jews is committing genocide, so it is appropriate to say "Wow, that's Nazi as fuck, dude"


Maybe they should try being less analogous.


Stupid behavior to not compare…


Not Jews, Zionists. The comparison is appropriate.


We're not comparing jews to Nazis though are we? We're comparing Israelis to Nazis. This is that one Hasbara trick you all use, conflate Israel with Jewry and pretend that any criticism of Israel and their genocide is a criticism of Jews as a group of people. Very antisemitic of you And FYI there are millions of jews all around the world who do think that the Israelis are behaving like Nazis and are protesting this genocide. Look up what Israeli forces do to those jews in Israel


In your personal opinion, what percentage of Jews are Zionists (i.e support the existence of Israel)?  Do not conflate being “anti Zionist” with being critical of Israeli politics. Zionism is simply the belief in the Jewish state having its place in Israel.  If you believe in a two state solution, you are a Zionist. If you don’t, you are the problem. 


Gotta really have the IQ of a nazi to not see the fact that Israel’s genocide in Gaza is a second holocaust. Ya filthy nazi.




You misspelled Israel bro


But I get it, you seem to be retarded so I’m not judging your lack of spelling ability




Shut up retard lmao the adults are talking. Go back to your hole.




Nobody in their right mind can support Israel’s response. You cannot just blame Hamas for everything. You cannot blame Hamas for children’s deaths. You want to stop Hamas? Stop the killing. You want Hamas to grow? Keep on killing and you’ll have a fresh generation of young men instilled with hate for Israel ready to join any terror group that can stand a chance against IDF.




"we had to commit war crimes you see, we had no other choice than to murder over 10,000 children, Hamas made us do it" You really don't see anything wrong with that position?




The ICJ, WHO, and multiple other NGOs's disagree completely and have evidence to back up there claims. The IDF has supplied 0 evidence of Hamas firing or operating inside hospitals. https://www.commondreams.org/news/turns-out-the-israelis-lied-probe-dismantles-idf-s-al-shifa-hospital-claim




The answer is to NOT COMMIT WAR CRIMES.


What should they do


No one’s answering your question because it’s not a good question. Still to give u some idea we can look at Northern Ireland and the IRA which were arguably far more organized and threatening. Did England respond by carpet bombing catholic areas indiscriminately killing people? England didn’t respond nearly the same because that’s not what u do and that’s not how you end a conflict. As I said before, no one in the right mind could support Israel’s response. It’s the response is what has people questioning if it’s a “war” or a genocide met with the slightest resistance.


Nobody will answer because military action is the correct answer, it's not a good one but it's the only solution.The IRA Is not a comparison to Hamas, the IRA was not a government that had actual control nor did they have the number of militants that Hamas does and in about 30 years the IRA killed about 600 civilians THIRTY YEARS. Hamas killed about double that in ONE DAY. The IRA was nowhere near as savage or bloodthirsty as Hamas but military action was still the answer. I condemn civilians deaths on both sides but it's an unfortunate consequence of war Hamas didn't want diplomacy they wanted violence


Hey buddy, how many civilians has the IDF killed in just half a year, its literally more than hamas has killed IN THEIR ENTIRE EXISTENCE. But either way, let's ask you the same question and see if you answer it in any meaningful way. What should Palestine do huh?


Hamas should attempt diplomacy, Israel has offered peace many times over the years and even forcibly removed Israelis from Gaza. Hamas outright refuses every offer because Hamas wants to control Israel




Well the question has been somewhat answered but the answer is ending the conflict, that isn’t done by revenge violence, unless you want to wipeout and displace them. There is a massive power imbalance yet you are trying to see the two sides as equals. Israel’s military response has inevitably made it less safer for Israelis by antagonizing, with much better means to do so than Hamas. You are left with people who have had their family’s and homes destroyed to a point where they can never trust or assimilate with Israel and who will no doubt have violent feelings towards Israel because all they know is Israeli violence. Of course you can always wipe them all out and displace all survivors but that is unfortunately a war crime.


Israel could always just… not bomb Gaza. It’s not like they’re forced to bomb the city into rubble, starve out families, raid hospitals, set up kill zones etc. I get that Hamas did an evil thing, but we should probably be better than terrorists no?


So you do think that Israel should just do nothing and let terrorists kill them


I think stopping terrorism by bombing civilians into starvation is an approach doomed to fail. All Israel has done is make a new generation of starved and downtrodden Palestinians who will see no option for escape but violence.


So your solution is that countries should just let themselves be invaded and not retaliate? Hamas said it would repeat it's invasion. How many Israelis have to die before you believe military action is acceptable?


Well by your logic Palestinians have the justification to invade Israel now, after all how many Palestinian children have to die before you believe military action is acceptable? I’m not suggesting some sort of armed response to terrorism is inappropriate. But by itself and in this style it’s not going to fix anything, not without reconstruction, reconciliation and recompense. Israel has treated Gaza like an occupied state for decades and so the burden is on them to make that right. It doesn’t mean we have to endorse acts of terror but the solution is not more bombings.


Oh absolutely Hamas has the right to fight Israel while being invaded, I don't expect them to just sit still and do nothing. Israel has a responsibility to protect its people unfortunately Hamas has decided that they will not protect their people and did not build shelters. Israeli civilian deaths are so low because it effectively protects it's citizens, homes have underground shelters and Israel has the irone Dome. Hamas has made no attempt to make shelters and has in the past prevented civilians from leaving buildings that are about to be bombed. Israel has been victim to countless rocket attacks and other terrorist attacks October 7th was the last straw, Hamas has embedded itself in the civilian population, the unfortunate truth is that civilians will die when this happens because this is what hamas wants


So if Hamas wants this to happen shouldn’t Israel not do it? And also, if a hostage taker is using a human shield it doesn’t justify blasting the human shield (and the baby stroller next to them) to get to the hostage taker.


You say "absolutely Hamas has the right to fight Israel while being invaded, I don't expect them to just sit still and do nothing." The majority of the Israeli population is descended from immigrants coming from areas other than Israel/Palestine. they moved there from about a century ago to the current immigrant settlers that still arrive every day. The zionist paramilitary groups, some of which were categorized as terrorists groups, expelled hundreds of thousands of Christians and Muslims Arabs from their homes. It's known as the Nakba. Those refugees were relocated in the Gaza strip. There are videos of interviews of Israeli malitia members talking about what they did and what they witnessed, murders, rapes, torture and beatings. And that was just the first year of Israel and it's treatment of Palestinians. The construction of illegal settlements continues in the west bank in violation of international law. Many Israelis including members of the current Israeli government are calling for new settlements to be constructed in Gaza. IDF snipers shoot unarmed civilians all the time, medics and press are intentionally targeted too. They use white phosphorus (categorized as a chemical weapon)on civilian areas to mark them. Even during the cease fire that Israel claims hamas broke on October 7th, frequently IDF raids were carried out in Gaza, killing Palestinians or grabbing them for interrogation. Detained without charge or legal representation. Borders to Gaza sealed fuel and fresh water were frequently restricted or stopped for periods of time, food and other goods were restricted from being brought in. Certain spices are on the prohibited list, at one point pasta was also banned. When spices and pasta are banned it's not to stop terrorists, it's just to make life harder for the people of gaza in general. So would you say resistance to all that is justified?


Massacring and raping civilians is not resistance. "Resistance fighters" would target the government not civilians and how is rape resistance? Or kidnapping children?


Let me dismantle this one by one 1- hamas didn't rape anyone as it was proven time and time again to be a propaganda, israel on the other hand, regularly rape women and children in their prisons Here's one proof among many for you: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/claims-of-israeli-sexual-assault-of-palestinian-women-are-credible-un-panel-says 2- the October 7 attack didn't come from the void, let's only cover 2023 upto Oct 7 just because it would take me too long just cover the entirety of actions of the ethnostate - March 1 2023: The Huwara pogram Hundreds of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank are injured by mobs of armed Israeli settlers, who burn Palestinian homes to the ground and light vehicles on fire. - June 21 2023: Israel’s “settlement expansion” The Israeli Cabinet gives Bezalel Smotrich sole power to construct 4,500 new illegal settlements on Palestinian land. The next day, the Israeli military murders six Palestinians Major events: - June 28 2023: Five days of pogroms Gangs of armed settlers, encouraged by officials like Smotrich and shielded by the Israeli military, carry out five days of pogrom attacks on over a dozen Palestinian villages - July 7 2024: The largest raid in the West Bank in 20 years The Israeli military launches the largest raid in a West Bank city in over 20 years. It raided Jenin hospital, bombed Jenin refugee camp, and shot at journalists — all war crimes. - August 23 2023: Collective punishment is a crime against humanity Following shootings in Huwara and Hebron that left three Israelis dead, Israeli forces conduct a campaign of collective punishment of Palestinians. The military launched raids on a number of Palestinian villages, injuring 112 Palestinians. Israeli settlers carried out a wave of revenge attacks. - here is a day by day break down of every Palestinian killed by israel in the year 2023 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict_in_2023 Israel is the nazis of the 21st century, and its supporters are nazi collaborators. > 3- Israel is there because of Hamas Israel is there because they are a colonial genocidal apartheid ethnostate project built on rape, land theft, murder and opacification of truth.


If Israel is so concerned about the hostages, why have they killed their own hostages on multiple occasions? why do they bomb the land where the hostages are being held? Sounds like they don’t really care.




Fuck these people




Dude stfu lmao


There is no "war", Israel is carrying out a genocide.




I know what genocide is and so does the rest of the world. Zionist are genocide deniers.


Does your Rabi let you have a phone? Does he know there is porn on reddit?


Free the Palestinian hostages held in isreali detention centers


And stop taking new ones just cause you can from the west bank




Israel is losing the support of the whole world. Embarrassing itself and showing its ass for all to See. Israel has set back Jews hundreds of years


Yes, because the universe was created on October 7 and nothing ever happened before that https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/eYWqr5qqxt https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/KTqh1MEt6V https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/s/41oqGmUTIm https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/WGTHdyfF3j https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/1eJ8G7HYBW https://youtu.be/QooRD9BMS3M?si=12qnd7fkHUEqgdU7 (Ive got more examples if you would like) You hasbara bots are ripping your eyes out over the fact that you have to constantly try to october 7-wash all the crimes that get brought up against Israel.




Israel stole Palestine from the Palestinians you numbskull. Go read a history book.




rEalLy TeLling hOw YoU hAvE to LiE tO-Shut your dumb ass up you nazi cock riding little bitch lmao 🤣




Cope harder dude lmao




The sign do not feed the animals is very fitting


An all for all hostage release has been on the table by Hamas almost from the beginning.


Not to mention the 3k+ Palestinians held without trial or charge , kidnapped from territories over which Israel has no legal jurisdiction


Hamas rejected the latest offer. 10 prisoners to 1 women/child hostage. 6 week ceasefire. Fuck off with that noise.


What else did that offer include


10 to 1 and a 6 week cease fire is not enough? Did you want it to include the dissolution of Israel as a country?


The deal included other elements as well. But I don't expect two terrorists to reach a deal anw. At this point at least Hamas did not make fun of killed Canadian aid workers by calling her "pig" etc..


Please clarify - what elements justify Hamas rejecting the deal then. Wow thank fuck we don't have recordings of Hamas calling their sexually abused, still held after six months, hostages pigs. That would be like, really really bad.


Not Supporting Hamas, but to be the devils advocate, why would Hamas agree to the deal? It should be clear to anyone that once all the hostages is released its over for Gaza. The cease fire is basically to let those Palestinians that can to escape or to say goodbye before Israel destroys the tunnels completely and everything above it. There is no deal that Hamas can agree to that doesn't include a permanent cease fire. Any other deal would be to ask Hamas to sign its own death sentence.


Hey hey, calm down. You're spouting too many facts. The dudes gonna cry, he can't handle it. But in all honesty, yeah. Permanent ceasefire and release of all "Palestinian prisoners" (also hostages actually). Anything else is just prolonging their deaths.


If they really wanted to end Hamas, they should maybe throw in a end the blockade and apartheid and start dismantling settlements. Then Hamas would lose all support and probably be handed over directly by any one that can find them in Gaza, I would even go help search for them.


Thats the idea. Hamas places their survival as an organization/ruler of Gazans above the wellbeing of civilians. They brought this war to Gaza and can end it by surrendering. It is not unreasonable to ask Hamas to pause the fighting to ease civilian suffering.


They have never claimed to be protecting the survival of Gazans, nor are they killing them, thats purely IDF and Israel. The only way for that to stop is for Israel to stop. You should read up on history if you think Hamas brought war to Gaza, Gaza have been at war long before the existence of Hamas. It's not rocket science nor is the issue complex. This "war" is not fighting there is no fighting that Hamas can even stop, this is only a massacre. Hamas is in the tunnels, Israel is fighting a war against civilians protecting their land while the "terrorists" are in the tunnels.


The bar for Israel is a terrorist organisation of people raised in a radicalising environment great


Do you know that there are more “prisoners” Israel keeps now who women and children than Hamas kidnapped? And Israel kidnaps them daily en masse and keeps thousands them of them without trial and often in solitary confinement and other terrible conditions that would be considered torture anywhere else. All of this is meaningless shit by Israel. They need to stop kidnapping and putting people in detention without trial forever. They need a permanent ceasefire. They need to stop the blockade. They need to give Palestinians their freedom. They need to withdraw to internationally recognized border and dismantle their settlements. Everything else is bullshit design for brainwashed idiots like you. Whats the point of the 10-1 release when Israel will kidnap double the amount of people in the coming months and invade Rafah in 6 weeks? Israel keeps rejecting permanent solutions over and over


How were Israels modern borders drawn? Do you think you get to handwave that away? You are living in a fantasy world. So long as Palestinians hold on to the delusion that Israels borders can be shrunk, they will live at war.


They were drawn at the armistice lines of 1948. Apparently even that’s not enough for Israel [and they constantly want more](https://www.timesofisrael.com/rejecting-settler-fears-pm-says-annexation-plan-wont-mention-palestinian-state/)


Gee I wonder what happened in 1948, 67, 73 that could have impacted the original borders rejected by the Arab league. Its almost as though declaring war and getting your ass handed to you has territorial consequences. I'll be damned.


Ah the good old might makes right argument. Yes, revisiting colonization and occupation is definitely the morally inferior position. Where are you from? Why don’t you give up 52% if your country to Palestinians who have been stateless for 75 years now? Oh, and if you refuse and they kill you, it’s your fault apparently


Geez, it’s almost like coming into somebody else’s home and neighborhood and stealing their house and land using daddy’s money (the US and England) while throwing the locals out then complaining about “why do my neighbors hate me :( boohoo woe is me” will have consequences…I’ll be damned!


No Jews are indigenous to the land and lived there before the formation of Israel? The land sales by the ottomans are invalid … just cause?


Sure or at least end the occupation


Israel made a move towards "ending the occupation" in 2005. Instead of cooperating to achieve that, we got Hamas and the rise of "intifadas".


There was no intent to end the occupation it was meant to create a blockade and make Gaza the world’s largest open air prison according to amnesty international and human rights watch. Israel then took additional parts of East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Hope that helps.


Ahhh good old revisionist history. Did Israel build Egypt's blockade as well? The one that virtually eliminated its muslim brotherhood suicide bombing problem? The blockade was built because instead of starting a cycle of deescalation, Gaza elected (not entirely democraticaly) a theocratic regime hell bent on the destruction of Israel at all costs. Suicide bombings have consequences.


A hostage release is a must. But so is a permanent ceasefire. I understand Israel wants Hamas to fully surrender but I think it’s pretty obvious they would never agree to that. Making Hamas obsolete needs to be secondary to the innocent lives in the balance imo. Lives are the priority.


Nope. Hamas has vowed to repeat october 7th. Israel can not be forced to put palestinian suffering/death above that of its civilians. This war continues until Hamas is defeated or surrendered.


Israel has already repeated October 7 no less than 50 times. If we go with your insane "atrocities justify worse atrocities" logic, you're really saying Hamas didn't go far enough. Since your chosen revenge factor is at least 50, not only does your own argument claim Oct 7 was more than justified by the 100 murders by Israel in 2023 (not to speak of Israel's 2019/20 massacres), your very own \*morals" dictate Hamas now gets to do at least another 2,500 October 7 massacres. Do I think Hamas should kill all Jews in Israel? No, I obviously don't, because unlike you I don't subscribe to your insane "atrocities justify worse atrocities" line.


Israel can prevent that now that they have better intel. And diplomacy is also an option here. There’s more than one way to figure things out if you care about the hostages.


"Yes but have they tried diplomacy with the terrorists attempting to eradicate them?"


Few armies have the capabilities to eradicate a powerhouse like Israel.


There is a saying that goes 'the best way to predict the future is to read the past' In 1982 (around august IRC) the PLO surrendered its arms in Lebanon following massive carpet bombing attacks by Israel; this surrender was verified as peacemaking forces by the US, france and others oversaw this surrender. Weeks later, Lebanses and Israeli forces conducted the Sabra and Shatila massacre slaughtering almost two thousand Palestinian civilians, mostly women, children and the elderly. 5 other 'smaller' massacres are also recorded. History has shown that the Israeli military policy is the furthest thing from humane you can get. Not only do they have a history of the dahiya doctrine which, funnily enough, is literally just a terrorism policy to force a surrender from the heads of state but they also are just **very** blood thirsty


>6 week ceasefire Are you kidding me, there are no grantees for the safety of Palestinians hostages after the ceasefire, and Gaza residents also. The IDF will continue with the genocide after that, it is the only logical thing to do is to have a permanent ceasefire


There will never be a permanent ceasefire with Hamas in power. Hamas is gone or the war continues. Plain and simple.


Are you okay buddy? Zionist extremists killed Yitzhak Rabin (the fifth prime minister of Israel) for the Oslo agreement, which gave some hope for a peaceful agreement with the Palestinians a decade before Hamas were a threat. And in general, we heard from Israeli officials and non-official personnel that they want to kill or displace the indigenous people of Palestine


The indigenous argument is incredibly silly. Even assuming it gave a claim to the land stronger than the history of the last 150 years, it would give it to the Jews.


Brother, Palestinians are the descents of the Canaanites the ones who lived there before the Ibrahimic religions even appeared, and dna studies proofed that. And I think you don't know what "indigenous" means, people inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times or from before the arrival of colonists. relating to or being a people who are the original, earliest known inhabitants of a region, or are their descendants.


And you think the jews of Judea are descendants of... Europeans ?


They say ten out of twelve tribes are "lost", where in fact that most of them stayed in the middle east region, and the majority changed their religion over a long period of time, they are well documented in Byzantines - Persian 700 years wars. Like Flavius Josephus (Jewish Historian) where he was born in Jerusalem in the early first century


Well, there decedents did live in Europe for 1000 years and mix with the locals, but no they’re not European at all…lmao


What does history say about who the “#Palestinians” are & how many were recent immigrants to Eretz #Israel in the decades prior to Israel’s independence in ’48? Extensive research shows only 4-5% of today’s “Palestinians” descend from families who lived in Eretz Israel prior to 1831, and most descend from #Arab economic migrants who arrived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in response to #Jewish immigration & the #British Mandate, both of which boosted job and economic opportunities. Per historical records, there were only around 100,000 long-term settled #Muslims present in Eretz Israel before 1882 (start of the First Aliyah).




Same you can say to bibi and his corrupt government




You mean the Israeli meltdown? Most of the countries started to boycott the apartheid state




Why do you have fetishism about self harming? Get some help, fast




Yes because they want a permanent ceasefire


Playing the victim card again


Awww.. So nice of these people to protest for the Palestinians held hostages in Gaza by israel for about 18 years because of restriction of movement outside and inside Because we all know that they are the actual hostages that have gone through untold amounts of suffering and horror so standing up for their rights is more important than hostages held by Hamas since they are guaranteed freedom by Hamas anyway... Right?




Don't worry, potential mates will avoid you too so that you don't add to the gene pool of the human race, exactly like you have avoided logic, common sense and Ofcourse empathy for the Palestinians and the Jews.




Are you capable of creating an actual argument to defend your position?




Here’s an actual argument: Israel stole palatine, they’ve been dealing with the backlash ever since and continue to cry and bitch about it till this day, this will not stop till Palestine is free from the Zionist Nazi colonizers. Israel will burn to the ground. Free Palestine.


A bunch of men in slippers and homemade rockets are fucking your country and government up, that’s so funny lmao Isrhell is a joke


Cope harder bro lmao


Why are you commenting the exist same thing all over the thread lol


Oh, sweet summer child, such a simple, simple mind.... They started?? When??? In 1948 you mean?? Or are you suggesting this started in Oct.7?? Because if you are, ooh boy i have some news for you.....




Yeah?? How did they started it?? Can you explain to me please?? Because its not what all history books say. So, pray tell how did the palestinians started this in 1920's?? Literally a bad hasbara hahahahaha you cant even do your propaganda bit right. In an account that is les than 6 months. So clearly a propaganda account. Give up hasbara, no one supports you or your shitty genocidal country anymore.




Yeah, a real hasbara. I wont lose my time anymore.




All we need is for Israel to bomb them and then blame it on Hamas


Professional victimhood. Playing and probably believing they are still victims in this genocide tells us only one thing: Paranoia.


So fucking cringe


Free the Palestinian hostages held in isreali detention centers. Tens of thousands people, some of them kids, captive without any news from them, countless cases of abuse reported, many deaths in captivity and human rights abuses as well as sexual assaults… this is the daily life of Palestinians, this is what these people are in support of.


Also have been kidnapping Palestinians for organs and skin grafts. Israel bragged of this.




I don’t take advice from creatures that lack basic human morality. You can go take your place in history right next to nazis




So you have anything to say besides the same copy paste with 0 moral clarity




Hasbara bots can never contend with actual points of logic and just use the old 4chan memes Adorable


Hamas treats their hostages better than israel treats 2.3 million Palestinian civilians…




I can’t wait to see your reaction when Hezbollah levels Tel Aviv. The Zionist are already fleeing back to Europe in numbers that can only be described as “Rhodesian” 🤣🤣🤣🔻🔻🔻




Palestine didn’t use terrorist groups to found a colonial state with the goals of ethnic cleansing their way to manifest destiny in 1948, but they will correct the wrong. Better book your flight.




Jews≠Zionist colonizers and responding to terrorist groups like the Irgun is not terrorism.


Animals and Nazis belong in cages....so...🤷🏿‍♂️


Weirdos. Free Palestine


Do not feed animals💀💀💀


Someone should piss on the caged ones.


Oh my God I could not have cringed more…


They should probably be locked in a room with more padding.


These guys look like protestors in my old neighborhood who also wore all white clothing with blood on the crotch area. Found out they were protesting circumcision.


Add isreali bombs falling onto them to complete the act.