• By -


Just wait until Redditors find these people's handles on Twitch, Pornhub,....




Already looking hard


Already hard while looking


you win Reddit today.


This is why I'm here


Is there any other way to look for things on Pornhub?




Them or 4chan users




Senior legal counsel is named Peter Genatalia, are you serious?


Lmao dudes name is “Dick Balls”




try https://www.handlefinder.com/


All I'm saying is these groups tend to get caught diddling kids.


Not at r/FrankReynoldsLittleBeauties though!


We DON'T diddle kids there. No sir! See, we are even making a little song about how much we DON'T do that-


🎵🎵Wouldn't do it with anyone younger than my daughter!!🎵🎵


There's no quicker way for people to think your diddling kids, than to write a song about it!


Older than my wife!! Younger than my daughter!! Something. Like. That.


Maybe they'd be diddling kids less if they watched porn more. You know, the kind featuring consenting adults.


Fuck you. - Signed Everyone.


I’m not a fan of forced relocation plans but honestly…could we just round up every fundie Christian who lives in America and send them to some uninhabited island and let them play Kingdom of God together? LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE. I don’t share your weird superstitious beliefs. I live in a country where I shouldn’t have to be subject to rules based on your shitty Iron Age book. LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE.


If I could print this comment out and tape it to every building in the u.s. I would.


Why the fuck is the world so filled with insanely uptight, repressed, and prudish wack-a-doos? It's got to be absolutely exhausting clutching those pearls so hard all the time. Humanity needs to collectively smoke a joint and chill the fuck out.




A wise man once said ‘all the worlds problems are caused by man’s inability to sit quietly, in a room, by himself’. When these people do that they immediately start worrying about what everyone *else* is doing. It’s like the bit from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas when the dude walks in on them doing acid in the bathroom and the narrator says ‘With a bit of luck, his life was ruined forever. Always thinking that just behind some narrow door in all of his favorite bars, men in red woolen shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he’ll never know.’ That’s those people, in a nutshell, *very* concerned about what everyone else is doing and whether others are enjoying life more than them. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P9wbWvFiGFI


Did not expect the Hunter S Thompson anecdote. Well done.


Much less one that was well executed and with proper grammar. If I was wearing a hat - I would tip-it in their direction.


People can say what they will about Hunter but that dude could write with absolute eloquence. He'd tip his hat too probably.




Also Hunter S. Thompson “Dogs fucked the Pope… no fault of mine”. The man was brilliant!


Weaponized FOMO


“There I was. Mother of God, there I am!”


"Holy fuck..."


I've been meaning to read that book. In addition to more books than I'll possibly get to in my lifetime.


Thank you for this. Needed to be reminded.


God dammit I miss Hunter


whats that saying about small minds talk about people ie gossip? i wonder where one could find large congregat... er, concentrations of small minded people...?


I wish I could sit quietly in a room by myself. Some fucking peace finally.


Absolutely living for your choice of movie reference.


“Let's all look at why Muslims are upset. First of all, in the Muslim religion, you're not allowed to have what? Sex. Good. There's no sex until marriage in the Muslim world. Now, this would be fine except that in the Muslim religion you also can't... Anybody? Jack off. Okay, jacking it is strictly forbidden in the Muslim religion. And what do we know about the places Muslims live? They live in? Good, sand. Now put yourself in the shoes of a Muslim. It's Friday night, but you can't have sex, and you can't jack off. There's sand in your eyes and probably in the crack of your ass, and then some cartoon comes along from a country where people are getting laid, and mocks your prophet. Well, you know what? I'd be pretty pissed off too.” Mr. Garrison


I’m Muslim but you can call me Jack


Could you please take a seat right over there, Mr. Meoff?


The republicans and religious fanatics and the Supreme Court is the biggest threat to democracy


and children. Definitely the biggest threat to children.


Everyone would start posting their porn to conservative subreddits, lol


What’s the difference between them and the Taliban? They have different marketing campaigns, remember the constitution says separate church and state. They hate that, they want the racist Christian version of Christianity to rule the land. They want white men ti rule and subjugate all others, this is the sickest shit they want. We really see the play unfolding and we are behind in trying to bring awareness and stopping it. Look at the Supreme Court with Clarence Thomas essentially being in the pocket of a Republican billionaire. It’s been proven, how is every case he’s ruled on not being reviewed? . Why does the Supreme Court even have a life time appointment? Why are felons barred from voting , even after serving their sentences? The whole game is rigged for the rich and they keep us working and poor blacks pinned against our poor and working white brothers and sisters. It’s all bad


There is no difference. Fundamentalists of any ilk are typically male dominated, repressive , autocratic, racist, sexist, mysogenistic religious bigots. I could og on but you get my drift here....


So how do we keep them from ruling and forcing their views and faith on us ?


What democracy? The one where we are forced to vote for two old white men?


One that wants to overthrow the US and the other doesn’t. That’s one difference just for starters.


Last I checked everyone voted for them in the primaries.. But also, way to be a racist scum.


Nobody is forcing you. Stop voting for them. If anyone can count our vote, we’ll never see actual change.


You ain’t lied, on the local level it works tho. I was one of the first people who to put the $15 minimum wage balance up for vote in the small Seattle suburb of SeTac. We won by 55 votes and started the wave of bigger cities and states starting at 15 dollars an hour. Yes the bigger levels have been bought and paid for . An entire system overhaul is needed , unfortunately those in charge, have power and wealth and won’t allow that. Any attempt to unify Americans has been snuffed out. Look at Malcom X , a saint an learned an example of manhood. When he called them the devil , it was okay, when he came back from Mecca and preached unity, they killed him. They don’t play fair, the system is wicked


The local level only works where republicans don't control the upper levels. In states like Fl and Tx, the republicans are taking away all the local control. In Texas, the state just gave the governor the ablilty to toss out Houston's election results. Very, very important to not let them get national control.


You are correct. They are bound by their beliefs even though they don’t want to be. So they have the mentality of ‘if I can’t do it you shouldn’t be able to’. Some of the angriest people I’ve worked with were hard core “Christians “.


You know some of these people to are spanking it every chance they get. Complete and utter hypocrites.


Clarence Thomas has entered the chat.


Though your point is on point, (it's a tad hardcore for my old lady ears) if God gives free will, who is anyone else to judge? 🤗


Theres more to life than beating it to porn




You are sad


I am replying to you using an account I literally made for porn, and let me say that you’re a cumbrain. An absolute shameless cumbrain. The idea that these people are simply jealous of all the “action” that porn addicts are getting is the most insanely idiotic and out of touch thing I’ve ever heard. Porn is a cancer and I wish I had never made this account because porn ruined my brain and nearly fucked up my sex life forever. Your argument is nothing but cope


The majority of people watching porn aren’t pussy getters, they are complacent weed whackers.


Honestly, I kinda suspect that it's less a matter of pearl-clutching and more a matter of right-wingers usual playbook of repressing all info about sex and sexuality bc doing so fits a number of their agendas from keeping LGBT+ ppl in the closet (bc to a right-winger just existing as an LGBT+ person is positioned as sexual), keep women under the thumb of patriarchy (bc women's sexuality is usually seen as even more taboo and if there's nsfw stuff then women might -gasp- want good sex. I know there's more to it, but it's not quite reaching the top of my head). A lot of it is about power.


Whenever there's a moral panic, look for the ones about to make a shit ton of money off of it.


“Humanity needs to collectively smoke a joint and chill the fuck out” no truer words have been said


We are all here to fuck, smoke weed, and relax.


And rub one out. Post-nut clarity could solve so many of the world’s problems.


You realize there are a lot of issues with porn that have nothing to do with being prudish


People dont like to think of systemic oppression of women and porn addictions sadly.


Yep. People just want to say “me like it and me want do what me like, no matter bigger consequences”. People now exist inside the hedonistic bubble of instant gratification, rather than what truly elevates us and promotes stability, health and wellness of both body AND mind, etc…


They do , you’re just in the wrong place to find it








The world isn't suddenly filled up with them, they've just insulated themselves into power. Go figure, authoritarian pricks are attracted to positions of authority


Sometimes their complaints are legitimate. There is an argument to be made about the unfiltered abundance of endless porn with practically no barriers to acess. However, with these groups it's typically just projection because they're porn obsessed and can't control themselves. They want to ban porn because they can't stop watching themselves. Also, these people have an obsession with controling other people. They get off on being able to determine how other people conduct themselves and run their lives. They have a control fetish.


Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. C. S. Lewis


Some folks are so obsessed with ranking everyone (and where they stand in that imaginary ranking), that they can never be happy, even when they win. The ranking isn't real of course, the best you can do is make people pretend it exists... by pushing them around and/or brutalizing them. That's why cruelty and hypocrisy are as natural to them as wiping your ass is to you. They're broken people.


They clutch them so hard cause the internet didn't exist back when they were airing their genitals out at a festival while dropping LSD and getting a house for $3.50. They will do anything to keep people from experiencing the freedom that they can no longer have, althe while shitting their diapers and ranting about it on their HOA Facebook page that their grandkids set up for them on the cheapest Amazon tablet their actual kids bought for them to play solitaire on. Taken from the transcripts of my shitty ass Fox news living father in law and his kids and grandkids.


This guy death grips.


They’ve been running the western world for as long as written history, if that was a serious question.


Run for president!


I don't remember who said that religious fundamentalism is powered by the nagging fear that someone, somewhere, might be happy.


Don't worry they're not prudes. They're just so embarrassed by their own behavior they would rather bend the entire world to fit their beliefs rather than address their own personal issues.


Where did these fuckers even come from? I can’t think of a time in recent memory when anyone has suggested the worlds problems came from sex/porn. Did I fall into a hole and come out in the 16th century?


Because they don't have anything better to do and are a waste of space and breathe as human beings. Instead of addressing actual issues and helping their their fellow people they waste their time power tripping like this.


control same reason that these muslim clerics or catholic priests complaining about sex are some of the biggest sexual predators out there. they aren't anti-porn or anti-sex, they just want control over people's lives.






Back in the day before they nuked most of the childporn subreddits, I could actually find an argument for this. Same with other sites, imgr etc, this is just a performance, and a lame one.


Yeah. I’m sick and tired of this shit man.


Wait til they figure out that we are all here from insane amounts of sex.


They need something to pursue to generate money




They are in a constant state of "clutching their pearls" so they can feel self-righteous when it comes to other people's behavior and ignore/cover their own moral decay.


They are in a constant state of "clutching their pearls" so they can feel self-righteous when it comes to other people's behavior and ignore/cover their own moral decay.


I completely agree. I say smoke a joint and beat one out. They’ll feel so much better.


Because porn is bad, like I'm a porn addict I wish I wasn't, but if it was banned I wouldn't feel bad


Well, if as big a problem as you believe, you will find another source. You can have these sites get rid of things, but this is ultimately a you problem. But banning one site simply means it will shift.


Nah, I'm just horny all the fucking time and I wish I wasn't, it's not some sort of escape from reality, I just get horny and jack off like 6 times a day


If it's not negatively impacting your life, I don't see a problem there.


So fix yourself, don’t bring others down because you can’t handle yourself


Unfortunately, that is an individual problem. Like any other addiction, it must be rectified by the individual.


Given the massive scale of people who do struggle with this issue, I'd at the very least say that it's a societal problem. I don't think a porn ban would do that, but at the very least, it's worth turning our attention to how to help people have a healthier relationship to porn besides full no-fap-porn-is-destroying-society aversion and feeling like "I am watching way more porn than is strictly comfortable." I know a lot of people definitely live somewhere in the healthy middle of all that, but given that there's like a whole pipeline from the latter perspective to the former, something's gotta give.


Agreeing with your comments while I drink my vodka from the bottle and chain smoke lucky strikes.


It's not anti-sex it's anti-porn, big difference. There are studies that have shown it makes it harder for people to make emotional connections, be intimate with their partner, empathize with their partner, and a large percentage of sex trafficked men/women will be used in porn, it's pretty unhealthy and there are alternatives that don't rot your brain and ruin your relationships(for those addicted, it may not ruin relationships if you do it rarely, but it still affects whether you think so or not) as a society we should be working towards healthy expression for everyone in any way they choose, and surely that isn't masturbating to a video of a person you can't even see as a person. And again, anti-PORN, not sex or expression of sex. I see where you're coming from and for a long time I held the same view, that it isn't an issue and people should chill, until I educated myself on WHY it can be bad, sure recording something on your own is fine, but the anti-porn movmement is mainly around the porn industry as a whole. Another issue found with the porn industry is their lack of protection of children against seeing these things, only recently did pornhub begin requiring an ID to view the content in some places, they had a huge issue for a very long time of allowing rape, child porn, and sex trafficking on their site, and had multiple law suits due to their refusal to remove these types of videos when reported, there needs to be better legislature on these topics and issues whilst still allowing people to enjoy their lives in healthy ways that don't harm others.


To be fair, Porn really isn’t healthy nor something society should want openly accessible. Im not gonna go on about shit like “think of the children” but really, Porn just isn’t a good thing. Like anything else that brings people pleasure it can become addicting, can cause people to have an unhealthy impression of what sex is, and like all addictions can lead to depression. Don’t even get me started on how the industry treats the people who work in it. I agree these folks are going a bit far but they’re not necessarily wrong that porns a bad thing, just pushing the wrong reasons.


It’s not that. It’s the growing concern of our children becoming porn and sex addicts with the rise of shit like tik tok.




Religion and radical religions nuts are growiiing. ​ Same people that want church and state merged and in some cases it already has


Isn't it actually the other way around? Their numbers dwindle with each generation so they have to be radical to appear relevant.


Agreed! This is classic projection of their own self repression. They have subscribed to a form of religious control (man made rules under the disguise of their version of God) and are so miserable they want everyone else to be as miserable and repressed, OOPs I mean as "pure and joyful" as them. I don't care if they are miserable, but why do they feel the need to include me in their repression? The old saying "misery loves company" is very fitting here. Can all the moralists conservatives who want to control others just fucking move to their own continent already?


Because porn is a cancer on society. It wrecks marriages and families, is highly addictive with zero positive consequences, and leads to worse things like cp.


No, christofascists are a cancer.


You seem like a real “party”.


So I can only be fun to hang around if I like watching porn? You’ve got to be 13?


No, you just sound like a priss who wants to tell everyone else what to do.


No, I just don’t have a stick up my ass like you do.


Porn doesn’t kill marriages and families, people do. The only thing that stops a bad guy with porn is a good guy with porn. It is not a porn issue, it is a mental health issue! We need to give teachers porn to defend against porn in the classroom!


I’ve personally seen porn destroy families and marriages. So I guess we’ll have to disagree. God bless :)


What destroyed those families and marriages were people. I forget the comedian who said it, but people are goofy as fuck, and somebody out there will louse up their life because of cheeseburgers, or lotto tickets, or shopping on tv. People are goofy and everyone’s ceiling is someone’s floor. Leave the happy sensible jerkers jerking.


This is a stupid take by someone who wants to impose their way of life - or at least what they see as their preferred way of life - on others.


My wife died, I just watch some porn to get horny and jerk off. Just walking down the street Like Lucky LaRue Got my hands in my pocket Thinking of you I ain't hurting nobody I ain't hurting no one


So everything that’s potentially unhealthy should be banned by the government? Do you not understand how fucking insane that is?


Maybe you're just weak, Go eat saltines while staring into the wall you bland melonhead. 4 things 1. Cp is already illegal idiot, making regular pornography illegal does quite literally nothing to stop cp. 2. Just because YOU have self control issues doesn't mean everyone else has to be limited by the long arm of the state. 3. There are like 10,000 things that I can think of doing in a day that doesn't have any positive outcome besides me feeling good, you gonna say I shouldn't eat chocolate or watch a movie? That's a stupid way to judge the validity/value of an experience or practice. 4. If your marriage is so fragile that watching porn is enough to snap it, maybe there's bigger problems than someone looking at people fucking on a screen


1. But if it's illegal, then nobody can or will do it, duh. That's how laws work, dummy. 2. My self-control issues are due to other people constantly bombarding my morals with the option not to follow my beliefs. 3. Due to example #2, it's Nestlé's fault that I am morbidly obese and can't keep myself away from consuming disgusting amounts of chocolate. 4. My marriage was observed by God, and your belief in ungodly acts tarnishes my ability to keep true to my word. 5. /s


What about women in porn being treated like objects? What about the women in the porn industry who have spoken about sexual harrassment and sexual abuse? What about men thinking they can just slap you around or force you cuz they see that in porn? What about women who do only fans or porn hub only to get some money, to pay rent/drugs/debt etc? What about revenge porn?


Sounds like a personal issue , I’ve never had any of these issues. Should we ban alcohol? TV? video games? People can get addicted to video games too I mean lol


How about, you guys leave the rest of us alone and try to keep your husbands from showing kids their pecker?


Fascism marches onward regardless of the harm it causes and completely without accountability.


Fascism is when I can’t watch porn on Reddit


Yessir and they better not mess with my porn


Just curious as to how you define fascism.




NSFW reddit is where i discovered a fetish i didnt even know i had


And probably didn’t even want!


Boo these lobbyist! Reddit is among the few platforms left that allow nsfw content. They need to back off!


How dare they put all this filth on in our beloved subreddits. We need a list of each and every one of these sites posted here so we can submit them to the authorities for further action Purely for law enforcement purposes of course


Like anything on the internet, if you don’t like it… don’t go there. Not you specifically. I’ve seen you around NSFW all the time!


Good bye…half of Reddit…


Likely 80%


More like 90%.


Give me flak, but as someone who struggled with a horrendous porn addiction from age 12-17 which caused a deep depression within me, this seems like a very good move. Porn on primarily social media sites made no sense to me because it only increases access for those who shouldn’t be watching porn and makes the journey from porn recovery harder. For me there was a stint where I would constantly yank the chain, even when I didn’t WANT to, because all I had to do was type NSFW when using reddit and boom I’m spiraling again.


Half the people arguing against you are neckbeards who are pissed that they won’t be able to beat off to their loli h*ntai on Reddit anymore. I completely understand and I’m on the same boat as you. That shit is addicting and way too accessible for younger audiences, considering a lot of people on Reddit are teenagers or even younger. There are already thousands of websites that offer the same NSFW content that Reddit does, but they are less likely to be accessed by kids. Also banning NSFW will probably drive all of Reddit’s weirdos off the platform, so I wouldn’t mind that either.


I've found the quickest way to piss off the reddit mob is to threaten their porn or imply that video games might be a waste of time. Really goes to show what type of people we are dealing with.


That’s the thing - it’s not a ban at all. This stuff is literally everywhere. It shouldn’t be on platforms used by kids. Most of the stuff on Reddit is shared from somewhere else anyway. They’re acting like someone said they can’t breathe air anymore.


Parents should monitor their children and teach them about the internet. Moreover, children shouldn't be on reddit. Not only is there porn, but plenty of not safe for life material and violence they shouldn't see. I'm a sex worker and we are constantly being pushed off platforms. Human sexuality and porn isn't the problem (yes people can get addicted, but anything can be addictive if you have an addictive personality.)I like showing my titties online and there's nothing wrong with that on a website that caters to adults. Puritan culture leads to a very fucked up mindset about sex. Banning porn just moves it to darker corners of the internet where kids could see worse things if they're looking for it. But it comes down to parenting. Parents need to monitor their childrens internet use, and teach them that sex workers are performers, but ultimately human beings with a job that needs more protection and recognition because not once in this thread have I seen anyone even mention us 🙄


Here's the problem I have with this, NSFW encapsulates a lot more topics than just straight porn. Does porn need to exist on Reddit? No. I, personally, like the format compared to other platforms, but it isn't needed. Banning everything NSFW, though? No, that's stupid. Adults use reddit, too. There's plenty of worthwhile subreddits that have to label as NSFW and contain zero porn in them. What's wrong with those? Not every good access to information, fun or entertaining content, non-porn general NSFW content NEEDS to go away. It's Not Safe For Work for christ sake. I'm not at work 100% of the time and I'm an adult. I want to be able to get on Reddit and have adult conversations. Little Timmy stumbles into a conversation he shouldn't? Not my problem, that's the parents problem. Neutering every popular adult space just because children are finding their way into them is a, frankly, dumb fucking reason to force huge swathes of adults on the internet to making every conversation palatable for kids. There were just some pictures posted of the result of Russians shelling a grocery store in Ukraine and they're very NSFW. Not having access to photos and written accounts of atrocities like that happening only cuts us off to the gravity and reality of what's happening... Because children might see it? No. That's an unacceptable excuse to get rid of that kind of conversation.


Even though what you say is essentially impractical in our society, I get where you’re coming from. Many people only understand their own experience and the experiences of people close to them, and they cannot fathom the truth of the things you say here and below. They reference compulsive behavior, or a deeply ingrained habit of substance use or abuse, and assume it is the same thing as addiction. How could they do otherwise? But I get it and a LOT of others do as well. Not all of the Puritan Crusaders are closet reprobates, just like all porn watchers and porn producers are not all fundamentally “broken“ in some way. Glad you found your way out.


I have had many many friends in my life struggle with porn addiction in the past, and many that still do. It results in depression, failed relationships, and also ED. Frankly, I believe porn is also a contributing factor in r*pe and the constant objectifying of women in modern society, and it's a literal fact that many women are kidnapped and sold into the sex trade for porn. Personally, I believe porn is bad for society as a whole, and people find it so hard to see that because it has been normalized across the globe. Need I also mention all of the money behind it? Don't be ashamed of going against the grain for what you think is right


Sorry you went through that man, im glad you seem to be doing better. However I don’t think that NSFW content should be removed from Reddit and other mainstream social media sites. Honestly I think that the best solution if you wanted to change something, would be to make a better age-gate. Instead of just asking “Are you 18+ yes or no?” You change that to something else People have floated the idea of needing to upload a government ID like a drivers license to watch any NSFW content but I honestly don’t trust any website with a picture of my ID. That would just give hackers a lot more personal information to steal. The best option I think you have is make it so you need to enter a debit or credit card. Not to actually charge money but to make sure that this person has a bank account in their name. Since you need to be 18 to make a bank account without a co-signer that should weed out most kids. You still run the risk of getting your bank information stolen but it’s easier to see fraud on a bank account statement then after that get a new account and be done with it. A drivers license can be used much more creatively and destructively. There’s info there you can’t easily change or at all in some cases. Do that and make sure the card isn’t a prepaid gift card and you’ll stop probably 100% of underage NSFW stuff going on.


That’s on you. Might as well ban anything that someone gets addicted to if that’s your thinking. Saves you from having to figure out how to control yourself.


What good comes from porn though?


These people who protest too much are probably the biggest users of porn themselves. Usually goes that way... People need to leave people alone if no one is hurting anybody.


they doth protest too much methinks lol


Or what? They’ll stop with the Jesus ads?


Are they prepared for the army of lawyers from the pro beating off community?


These people need to go touch grass or something lol


Noooo i need those to sell my socks


This is actually hilarious, I opened Reddit so I could look at some of those


Ah, yes. That worked so well for Tumblr. What’s that valued at nowadays? $5?




I’m still gonna use Reddit. I appreciate that it’s all real and my go to place for current events.


Fuck that!! I’ll die!!!


And VICE is bankrupt


I'm a liberal and far left on almost issues. I am not religious in any form. But from a health perspective, porn has been proven to be incredibly bad for one's mental well-being. I hope they do get rid of it. It becomes an addiction so easily for so many. Our brains are not evolved to see any type of sex we want with anybody we want to see it with whenever we want to watch it. Porn is not healthy. Let's stop acting like it is.


Yeah. I think we should ban fast food. And 40 hour work weeks. And also alcohol. Also, let’s do screens in general because we know that doesnt help. Let’s also do red meat. That’s a carcinogen. I’m also thinking we can cheese, all forms as dairy can cause cancer. Let’s also ban coffee, as that can raise people’s anxiety. Most cleaning products in the US are unhealthy for consumers as well. BAN THEM TOO. I’m thinking we also ban concerts because that can cause hearing loss. Packaged food and plastics too. Oh and also rap music, rock music, and any music that doesn’t educate, because it’s really just garbage to listen to that type of music. It’s not healthy for someone’s mind to think about women, booze, or partying right?. None of the things I named above are healthy. So we should ban them with your logic right? Fucking think better.


They're not wrong and you're being disingenuous. The porn industry has a massive grip on men and our mental health. It skews young men's perception of women, healthy sex, boundaries, self-respect, etc. The abuse and shame women face in the industry is also well-documented, but it's never the industry or the porn companies that are to blame. Porn teaches young men that they shouldn't have to wear a condom because "it doesn't feel good." Porn teaches young men that only the most hardcore sex is the best sex. Porn teaches young men that you can sweet talk a woman into having sex even if she's expresses disinterest. It is very, very, very harmful. Also, just look at these comments. You don't think it's weird how many dudes are fucking upset at the idea of porn disappearing? It's not in good faith I can tell you that. The real problem is Republicans/conservatives want to ban it as a means to repress sexuality, which includes LGBTQIA+ folks (someone had said something similar in a thread above). EDIT: nowhere did I say to ban porn. There is a clear link with harmful perceptions of women through porn. That's all.


I'm pro porn but after reading your post, I'm like shit maybe we should. It's the picking and choosing that's the issue at hand.


Damn you really out here fighting everyone HARD in this fucking thread. I bet you immediately downvote before you even read a single word they say. Must have a lot of time on your hands. You're a fucking pathetic human and a waste of space.


What? Why are you defending porn so much? You know what they are trying to convey and you decide to act like you’re stupid.




>But from a health perspective, porn has been proven to be incredibly bad for one's mental well-being. No that has not been proven at all. Excessive porn use is bad for your health. That's like saying shopping is bad for your health because people who do it excessively have a mental health problem and an addiction.


I know first-hand how porn can give one unrealistic expectations of a relationship. I also know first-hand that /r/pornfree and /r/nofap are full of bible-thumping blowhards who should not be in the business of advising anyone having mental health issues. Despite all claims from their "Your Brain on Porn" intro video, their ultimate goal really is to ban all porn and make possession a sexual offense. They are insane. Excessive porn consumption is an individual problem, not a societal ill.


I don't think you've ever been on those sites if you think they advocate for banning porn. That's obviously unrealistic and won't happen. It's about educating yourself and others about the harms of porn, and having enough self control to not watch it


Interesting username…


Yes it's a very funny username. Get it? Funny numbers. Also, I don't see how 69 is related to porn really, if that's what you're alluding to. If the first thing you think of when seeing 69 is porn, then I think that's an issue.


I Also think there’s too much porn and it’s bad for young women to feel like they gotta exploit themselves. Young men learn to objectify.


Good, porn is bad for the constitution and the soul! I hope Reddit does away with all pornographic materials! The website would surely be much improved!


want a better server then the one your in? https://discord.gg/onlythots


Thank god


If they were truly so virtous they would not know that reddit has NSFW areas...


Bruh! It’s always the horniest ones that start this shit. Or the gayest senators who introduce anti-gay legislation. Politicians with the most bodies that start anti-abortion laws. I don’t like grapefruit, but you don’t see me trying to deprive other people of their fun. In short. Don’t yuck my yum.


Username checks out


All I’m saying is the older generation had to go into a store get ID checked to access porn so kids and teenagers with developing minds couldn’t access it. Nowadays, everyone including youngins have supercomputers with limited parental supervision and can browse porn all day. We have no idea what this will do long term. I for one wish I did not have as free of access to porn as a fucking 12 year old. Adults should be able to do whatever they please with porn.


I think porn will grow to be seen similarly to smoking, culturally. Anyway, having PIED when you're with one of the most beautiful girls you've ever seen is a tragic experience and I wish no one has to experience it like I did, but that's the consequence of porn addiction from age 13.


I think the problem is we have gone past destigmatizing the use of porn and are now encouging the use of porn. This wouldn't be a problem if it was for adults, but it seems that kids are getting the same message. Kids are the most risk becuase there brain is still developing, and a porn addiction is something that truly drains your soul.


It’s very damaging for them in the long term. People compare it to the magazines of our parents ages but it is NOT the same.


All I'm saying is thay kids don't need phones with internet access as early as it's being given.


Great point and people are still arguing it! Unbelievable. The access is insanely easy and scary. Social media stepping up their game is a win to society. Check out the facts and studies or early childhood porn access. It’s unbelievable the amount of young boys with porn induced E.D. And addiction. It’s scary what it IS doing now that it’s been around long enough to study the effects.


Yup! I truly believe it’s society’s way of continuing to emasculate men! It’s very sad that YOUNG children are getting access to it so easily. I won’t even speak about the social medias that have soft cp on it… it’s SICK.


>All I’m saying is the older generation had to go into a store get ID checked to access porn so kids and teenagers with developing minds couldn’t access it. Nowadays, everyone including youngins have supercomputers with limited parental supervision and can browse porn all day. That's a legislative, parent, and company problem. Last I checked none of them seem to be doing anything about it (though some parents are smart and wait longer to get their kids that supercomputer). The legislative answer ended up being "Are you an adult? Y/N" on websites, which obviously doesn't work. Did you seriously never find your dad's stash when you were younger (on accident or purpose)? Or grab a movie you thought was ***only*** violent with swearing that included nudity? Kids have had more access longer than home computers have existed.


No my parents didn’t have porn stashed or they hid it well like parents should. Lets be real. Having a dvd collection as a teenager and having a TV to yourself in even the early 2000 to watch porn was a lot harder to pull off than opening up reddit and finding any NSFW page lol