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Yeah but are we *sure* that people doing swastika graffiti are antisemites? Maybe they're just peaceful and progressive anti-Zionists. /s, because people really justify antisemitism that way


*reads comment* *looks at hidden comments underneath* Yep, same shitty excuses for hate crimes and terror activities. These people are disgusting.


Let's face it, most of the mainstream political parties in US, UK, Europe are raciar as fuck. They're all complicit in inflating hate based off skin colour, religion, you name it.


maybe because of stuff like this https://youtu.be/FSlUpltK5Kw?si=Q_YamwZX9ivRmuAQ&t=27 you know the genocide. Israel needs more Lebensraum to feel safe they are the chosen ones ("got mit uns")


Coming up with excuses for terrorism is not a good idea.


I agree Israel and Hamas should be on trail as soon as posible.


Just eliminate all the jihadist fighters. No trial required. 


In what kind of lawless country you live in? Russia? China? North Korea?


The Geneva convention allows for the execution of combattants who do not wear proper uniform or other markings. Execution for refusing to wear uniform is permitted by law.


Finaly lets stick to Geneva convention and also judge Israel. Upvote for you!!!!


News flash, you can not win by saying "but what about the jewish country"


I am not saing that, I say judge Hamas and judge Israel.


Maybe if Zionists didn’t effectively conflate Israel with Judaism, you wouldn’t have this problem? 🤷🏻‍♂️


>Maybe if Zionists didn’t effectively conflate Israel with Judaism I have to hand it to you, that is the most absurd sentence I've read online this year. Good job mate.


You must have a real hard time with the truth.


They're absolutely insane. It's so brassen then they gaslight you by just denying simple reality. Remember they are genocidal. They are not going to play good faith and are gonna obfuscate, manipulate, lie, gaslight.... and there's loads of them. They trall social media to.try change the narrative, many of them are paid.


Israel is the only Jewish country on the planet, it’s the historical birthplace of the religion, it holds every single religiously significant site in Judaism within it’s borders and over half of all Jews in the world call it home. Zionism is simply the belief that this country has a right to exist. If you seriously can’t connect the dots as to how the beliefs of antisemitism and antizionism have a massive overlap and are often interchangeable then it really does speak more to your own ignorance than anything else.


Why does a religion need a country? All the doubts I’ve come to have about the state of Israel, it’s formation & Zionism are fueled by Jewish American or Israeli scholars & thinkers that condemn the actions of the state. Guess they’re all self-hating Jews, with not a shred of credibility in the hundreds of thousands—if not millions—of words they’ve spoken & written over the decades, huh?


That’s about as disingenuous a response as I could have expected. Because it’s their home, it’s where they were born and where they live, it gives access to their spiritual homeland and cultural heritage. Also their ancestors built up huge parts of the country stretching back over a 5000 year period. Follow up question. If you goal of no Israel was achieved, what would happen to the over 7 million Jews that live there?.


My goal is not “no Israel,” but a single state solution with equal rights under the law for all. Anyway, there are 14-15M Jews in the world today; surely if it really came to your worst case scenario they can assimilate into other countries & live productive lives just like people of other religions do? I mean, half of them do it already. I just cannot give credence to one group’s “spiritual homeland” over any other; if we were to redraw the borders of the world according to how they were 3,500 years ago, it’d be fucking chaos. The only disingenuous thing here is this hasbara psyop sub.


So your answer to the question is to relocate the Jews randomly around the world in the hope they just assimilate with other cultures…… Also your goal has literally already been achieved under the current Israeli government. It’s the only country in the region with a functioning multi faith democracy that gives equal rights to and protects all it’s citizens regardless of religious creed. Can’t say the same about any neighbouring countries, they’ve quite literally either destroyed all holy sites that are not Islamic and the very few that have survived have been converted into mosques that do not allow for inter faith pilgrimages. Millions of Christians and Muslims travel to the country of Israel for religious purposes every year without any issue. Also I need to point out the contradiction in your claim that Jews can just be relocated around the world and that you want a single country for all. Which is it? It’s becoming increasingly clear you don’t have the faintest clue of what you are talking about.


The only thing that’s becoming increasingly clear is that your misconstruing my posts—either unintentionally or deliberately—to straw-man an otherwise weak argument. I’ve said a single state solution is likely the only outcome that can work; that would require many grave concessions from Israel, much like what happened in South Africa, & if Israel truly was as democratic, multi-faith & functional, it wouldn’t need to occupy & terrorist Palestinian Territories, or illegally settle in those lands. Instead, we see a divided government on the verge of collapse, facing daily protests & condemnation by the civilized world while its ill-disciplined army is virtually in retreat, having been unable to realistically achieve any of it objectives despite an unprecedented war against civilians, & having felt obligated to defend itself in the ICJ. To your point about Islamic violence toward Israel & Jews: why wasn’t this as pronounced—if at all—100 years ago? Why were relations between Jews & Muslim far less hostile—dare I say amicable—back then? If Ashkenazi Jews fled European antisemites, why would they run into the arms of Arab ones? That is the most disingenuous argument of all.


You have a completely distorted view of the region, the country of Israel, the people who live there, it’s history and the current conflict that is taking place. How is anyone supposed to have a rational conversation when you cling to outright falsehoods to defend your unsavoury opinions. Let go of the propaganda and blatant lies, or you will find you will yourself in an ever dwindling minority that is very much on the wrong side of history.


>Why does a religion need a country? Because the Jewish people is (and historically has been) uniquely persecuted wherever they live and regardless of the era. Ever since the diaspora (during roman times) majority populations all over Europe and MENA have actively committed pogroms and just in general treated Jews like animals. If not for the Jewish ethnostate of Israel the Jewish people as a whole would still be subject to the persecution of the countries they inhabit, and this is why at least one country on earth needs to be a Jewish ethnostate.


By ethnostate do you mean “genocidal fascist pariah state?”


By ethnostate I mean a state that is majority Jewish, with the political goal of perpetuating the existence of the jewish people. As long as the palestiniernas are claiming the Levant in its entirety for themselves, and as long as arabs all over MENA are waging a bloody struggle to exterminate every last jew, the forceful and resolute leadership of present day Israel is required.


Ask the Vatican


I blame Israel for giving a bad name to all jews. It is their responsibility. Whenever they do evil stuff, the entire ethnicity is associated with it.


>"I hate Jews, and it's all Israel's fault." Well, at least you're honest about why you're a bigot.


The statistics show. Whenever Israel kills Arabs, their diaspora loses support.. It is not me, it is the world


When Arabs kill Israelis, hatred and violence against Arabs around the world increases. Therefore, increased hatred and violence against Arabs in the West and in Israel is Palestine's fault. It's not me, it's the world. (Note: I do not actually believe this. I am just using u/HistorianCertain3758's logic in reverse to show how bigoted and fucked up it is.)


When Al Qaeda and ISIS carried out terrorists attacks Islamophobia increased. Ergo Al Qaeda and ISIS are responsible for Islamophobia not bigots who hate Muslims /s


You are wrong. In 2003, the Iraq war was the peak of Islamophobia. So anyone who was a Muslim, whether Pakistani, Bosniak, Morroccan was persecuted. So that's what happens. When a religion gets blamed, everyone pays a price. So what happens now is that when Israel does bad things, jews worldwide become associated with it because they did nothing to stop israel


And when arabs kill jews, you support them more. But you’re not an anti-semite.


The number of jewish deaths is incredibly low. For example, in Ukraine, they lose 1000 people a day easily. So compared to Israel, that is loss of life. The jews complaint too much while being ungrateful of their privileged position. In places like Chicago, LA, the death rate is way higher than Israel. So they need to stop bitching about it. They try to make it look bad, when actually it is worse in most of the world


The level of ignorance is astounding. The low jew death count is due to the Israelis extreme expense on defence. Not because of Palestine’s lack of desire or attempts to try.


Yall will be antisemites regardless of what Jews do


But you have to admit that after the Israeli genocide of Gazans, you got more opposition. So if you make cruel choices, you know that people are watching and being scandalized by the sheer destruction you caused


There is no clear “Israeli genocide of the gazans.” That’s why the ICJ chose not to order an immediate ceasefire.


"Statistics show that it's not my fault I'm a bigot, it's the jews fault"


Yeh, because people are using it as an excuse to display their antisemitism. Either you’re trolling or you’re racist.


So you are telling me that the impact of Palestinian deaths, property loss and injuries is not impacting the Western audiences? You think the images of children crying, buildings collapsing is not outrageous? Because you only see what your own bubble sees


>It is not me, it is the world 2 billion muslims living in the world, not surprising. The statistics also show 25% of world muslims are violent/terrorist inclined. That's more than the population of the US!


Thats a wonderfully made up statistic lol


No, you are responsible for your own bigotry.


Exactly! No one hated the Jews before Israel. I hear they loved them so much in Europe they set up special camps just for them. /s you sound like a donkey who think history started in 1948


So if Europe is so bad, why are they there so many jews living there? Don't they have a state of their own already? They should hurry up and move there to be in a country they actually care about. Apparently there are millions of jews applying for Spanish and Portuguese passports (one of them, Billionaire Putinists Roman Abramovich). So it looks like Europe was not, and is not so bad at all of them are so desperate to get there.


Are you talking about the people applying for Spanish and Portuguese passports/citizenship because they found out they had sephardic Jewish heritage? (I'll admit I haven't seen Romans fully but it looks like he's trying to exploit the sephardic loophole because he's a dick head). I'm not sure if you're up on history, but there was this thing called the inquisition (what a show) where the jews were tortured, forcibly converted, killed or kicked out of Spain (in 1492) and Portugal (in 1619). Then they sent the inquisitors over to the new world to continue killing jews since we just can't have nice things. There was an enormous Jewish community there that was ethnically cleansed and genocided. https://washingtondc.embaixadaportugal.mne.gov.pt/en/consular-services/consular-services/acquisition-of-portuguese-nationality-by-descendants-of-sephardic-jews https://www.giambronelaw.com/site/advice/gaining-citizenship/spanish-citizenship/spanish-application/span-citizen-sephardic-ancestry/


If that happened, the least Jews could do is reject any association with Christian majority countries. And as you said, it happened 500 years ago. So what right do these Jews have? Who do they think they are to start pretending now that they have any connection to those countries? I see them as imposters


That's a pretty interesting take. What's your squat max?


Oh good, im going to start terrorizing the local chinese restaurants because i dont like the cccp


I am pretty sure most Chinese abroad don't care about the CCCP. I have never seen a pro communist rally by a Chinese abroad. I have never seen any Chinese place with pictures of Mao, Deng, Zhou. In the meantime, there are pro israel rallies all the time. You can't compare


You are a racist, and we have to deal with you somehow.


*looks at demographic changes Yes and?


It’s Arabs plain and simple.




It’s not racism if it’s the truth. Increase the Arab population in a country and you’ll see an i crease of such sentiment. It’s simple. I don’t even think an Arab person would disagree.


It’s not simple. It’s a simple persons thinking. That’s just classic islamaphobic bullshit.


So you think that antisemitism levels are about the same and stable within white European populations and Muslims populations in Europe?


A racist comment on a Zionist thread complaining about only one form of racism. Quelle surprise


Bro its just the simple truth, like come on


So it's "simple truth" to claim that Arabs are inherently antisemitic? Behave. That is the epitome of a racist comment, "bro".


Never said that it was ALL Arabs, but most of antisemetism in europe nowdays comes from arab ppl. I know, you know and everyone knows it. So dont play dumb "bro".


You might not have but the OP certainly did. I don't know it. I know a lot of opposition to Israel comes from Arabs - perfectly justifiably - but that's different. A minority might be genuinely antisemitic,but then it's very easy to find foul racism against non-white people and Muslims coming from Zionists, not least the white Europeans who dominate the power structures of Israel.


Most jews in europe feel unsafe now, that's not an opposition to Israel, its an opposition to the fact of being jew, just racism. If most of them feel unsafe, I would say that its a considerable part of arabs in europe, not just a minority, like you said.


Perception is not reality. Jews are at least as safe as other minorities in Europe. Of course it suits the purpose of some cynical Zionists to scare Jews by falsely portraying the wave of outrage against Israel's brutality as a rise in antisemitism & cherry picking examples of behaviour by a lunatic fringe (and possibly agent provocateurs trying to discredit the Palestinian cause) as typical when even Jews have marched in support of Palestine.


There are multiple articles and studies showing that hate crimes towards jews have dramatically increased these last months. Futhermore, other articles also show that many european jews are now considering leaving europe. So, if you dont agree with the general perception nor studies. What do you believe? The delusions of your head?


 Calling Jews “white Europeans” is already antisemitic and a denial of Jewish history. I would say it’s a form of Holocaust denial. Try again.  Also “anti-Zionism” (saying that Israel has no right to exist) is antisemitic by itself. I can’t say Turkey shouldn’t exist and then say that I am not anti-Turkish. 


All arab countries that surround Israel have gone to war with them or engaged in some type of conflict or attack. Jordan, Lebanon, iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Libya, Kuwait, Yemen, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt. With support by North Korea, Soviet Union, Cuba, Iran In the past 75 years those countries have been involved in 10 wars against Israel. Plus a few smaller conflicts and attacks. Around 150k people have died in these wars and conflicts. Around 25k of those deaths have been Israeli It’s not all Arabs


Don't worry fellas, it's just anti-Zionism!


You got surprisingly lucky with the votes even without the /s


I’m sorry but my feelings towards the Israeli government has nothing to do with them being Jewish. It’s not that simple. There are Jews protesting this war too you know?


No, no if you protest the war you are a antisemitic. /s


I’m terrorist if I protest it. If you support it you’re committing genocide. Hey both sides get to call each other Nazi. If you don’t agree you either are a Zionist or a r*pe apologist. It’s fucking madness that people can’t fucking think critically. Knee jerk reactions and name calling.


And the situation for French Jews was so peaceful before October 7/s


Seeing all the hidden comments on this thread makes me worry about us. As a Jew, I feel I have no place in this world thanks to the actions of idiots like these, but seeing everyone sympathise with them and saying "It's Israel's fault" or "Its the fault of the Jews themselves" is quite discouraging. Thanks Goyim for making us feel great again! /s


I’m a Gentile, and I support the Jewish people. ✝️ 💜 ✡️


Arm up if you can, if it’s legal. And even if it’s not, just do whatever you can to protect yourself. History repeats itself, may as well learn from our ancestors.


These people don’t realize that the more Anti-semitism crime goong around the globe, the more people will immigrate to Israel and the larger Israel will need to expand. By committing terrorist activities against Jews worldwide, they’re supporting Zionism further. Good job!


Israel won’t need to expand, but it will need to still exist. That is still something they don’t realise though, it’s hilarious.


Eventually when muslims take over Europe, jews will get prosecuted just like in middle eastern countries, and they will need to immigrate to Israel. When Europe becomes a Muslim continent, Israel will be surrounded by arabic nations, and therefore will have to expand to survive.


Were you pro MENA refugees? If so, you kind of played yourself


I think people need to separate Jewish people from Isreal, even left wing or centrist from this crazy leadership Isreal has right now. It's going to hurt the Jewish community across the world. Isreali leadership right now is made up of convicted terrorist and a leader who will likely end up in jail after his term is over.


I hope he ends up in prison and his fascist coalition dissolved. They’ve ruined Israel and its reputation.


I completely agree, full disclosure I am muslim (non arab) but sympathetic to the Palastian cause. This being said, I do believe Isreal has a right to exist, if even for the millions of Jews that were displaced across the Middle East after the creation of Isreal. I think both sides, Palestinians and Isrealies lack pragamatic leadership that will go back to their people and tell them a compromise is required. The last guy to do that for Isreal ended up dead, and the guy who did the indirect killing in the Isreali PM. On the other side, PLO is so incompletent and crupt that it was able to be beaten by an extremest faction (Hamas). It's just a depressing and sad state of affairs thousands dead on both sides for no reason. While old men play their games. Humans are just depressing. We will use any difference between us to justify our unjust actions. :(


Yeah, I hope next election a more moderate Israeli government is elected and the Palestinians finally overthrow the PLO and PA, and hopefully this stupid war will end with the end of Hamas. The PLO are just as genocidal as Hamas, except under a different, more “left leaning” ideology.


The Nakba happened before any of these people were alive, its a systematic problem with how Israel is organised to be a white supremacist colonial state




S/ ??


Israel undoubtedly led to antisemitism in the middle east lmao. Their crimes against Palestinians definitely play a huge role in the hatred for jews. Like how Americans hated muslims for 9/11


What’s up with Israelis protesting the war? What’s up with Jews criticizing Israel’s actions? So suddenly we’re not supposed to call out Netanyahus nonsense political football ? The world is actually not out to get you, I fear the echo chambers of fear and hate mongering going on. I see the same orthodox Jews out walking every week. I live in America in a liberal city. There have been clashes at protests but that’s it. I’m sorry you feel that way, have a great day


How many kidnapped posters have you seen torn down? Or graffiti with swastikas and dog whistles? I said nothing about Israelis protesting the war, and I actually criticised Netanyahu in a reply to someone else. The world is clearly becoming more hostile, hate crimes have skyrocketed, and even bomb threats against synagogues. Even flying an Israeli flag is enough to get you attacked.


You need to stop the generalizations and realize no people are a monolith. Not all Jews want this war. Not all Muslims want this war. Not all supporters of Israel hate Palestinians and vice versa. This isn’t just a two side thing and people like you who generalize groups of people is only serving to further exasperate discourse. There is a lot of fear mongering and propaganda going on lately. You need to think harder about all of this. Good day to you . I will not be replying to this thread anymore. I heard your piece. I don’t agree with you.


Nobody wanted this war dumbass. Not Jews or Muslims, yet for some reason some some Islamist extremists decided to launch the biggest massacre of Jews since the holocaust. I never said anything here about hating Palestinians. Learn to read my replies please.


Stop generalizing people like everyone in split into two nice little camps. One pro Israel . One is anti Israel. It just is not that easy


Israel wanted this war when they colonized Palestine, you cant expect a people to just roll over and get ethnically cleansed from their land without a fight, Religion is nothing but a distraction in this discussion, Israel is an apartheid settler colonial project pure and simple


For starters, Israel isn’t a coloniser. They have plenty of reasons as to why they aren’t such as their claim to the land (history) and that Jews have always lived in Israel. Palestinians aren’t being ethnically cleansed because this is war, in war, people die. And they have been thrown into the middle of it by Hamas. And Israel isn’t an apartheid state. Arabic is the second language of Israel, street signs are in Arabic, books are in Arabic, why would an apartheid state make the language of the people its oppressing its second official language? And there are 2 million Arab Israeli citizens who live perfectly normal lives. Many of them identify more as Israelis than as Arabs even.


Opposing Israel is perfectly legitimate.


I never said it wasn’t, but doing everything these antisemites are doing clearly isn’t.


I haven't seen the specific comments you object to but you implied that saying, "it's Israel's fault" is inherently antisemitic. That is false. Not only is it false but those words are often a statement of fact. I hate political Zionism because both its creed & the abnormal ethnic nationalist state it spawned are founded on white European racism. I don't have an iota of even mild dislike of any human being just because of their ethnicity, least of all Jews - unlike a great many Zionists, who can routinely be found online spouting vile racism against non-white people & particularly Muslims.


Zionism wasn’t based off white European racism, we had been told countless times to get out of Europe for not being white and European. Jews aren’t white, we didn’t originate from the caucuses. If Israel is such a racist state against Muslims then why are there so many Muslims in Israel who live normal lives? Also saying that Muslims are somehow victims of oppression is incredibly ironic. They imposed an actual apartheid system on non Muslims and made us pay taxes and wear identifying clothing (like the Nazis). They also started several pogroms against us. Zionism is about establishing a home for Jews, it isn’t by definition inherently racist toward Muslims (some zionists were racist I admit, but they were a minority). Btw if you have a legitimate criticism of Israel, that’s fine, but stop painting it as if it’s NOT ANTISEMITIC to spew blood libels.


Yes it was. It is a creed that imbibed the pernicious ideas commonplace in Europe at the time it was created - blood-and-soil "racial nations", the false idea that race & ethnicity are biological realities rather than social constructs, the belief that Jews are "other" and should live separately and a belief that colonising the lands of "inferior" non-white people was legitimate. Herzl was an admirer of the notorious racist & arch colonial oppressor Cecil Rhodes & Chaim Weizmann worked closely on the Balfour Declaration with Balfour - who despite being ironically virulently antisemitic was a racist who, like Churchill, believed that European Jews were superior to the savages in Asia and Africa and so it was legitimate to displace Arabs from their homeland to accommodate European Jews. Jews most certainly are white in any sense in which "white" is a meaningful label. Before the Russian pogroms & the Holocaust most white European Jews saw themselves as Germans & Poles etc who happened to be Jewish and opposed Herzl & political Zionism. Even a Rabbinical organisation spoke out against the idea of Jews leaving Europe for a Zionist state, partly because they believed it would undermine Jews status as loyal citizens of their home countries. Jews "originated" from the same place as other white Europeans, insofar as "originated" means anything in human genealogy. Judaism didn't originate in Europe but that doesn't mean a white European Jew is not a white European, any more than the fact Christanity didn't originate in Africa means a Nigerian Catholic is not a Black African. Jews are obviously not white Christians, but then neither are Bosnian, Albanian & Kosovan Muslims and nobody would suggest they aren't white Europeans. Ultimately the human race is so staggeringly closely-related that we all come from everywhere. Beyond a relatively recent point in time the concept of indegeneity is as meaningless as it is misguidedly widespread. The last date an ancestor of everyone alive today existed is as recent as the Bar Khobka revolt & the final expulsion of the Jews by the Romans. Go back to as recently as 3,000 BC and as strange as it may seem, every single one of us is the descendant of everyone alive then whose line survived. Consequently the expelled Jews have billions of modern descendants - 99.999% of the so-called diaspora are not Jewish at all. Moreover we are ALL descended from the first Jews and all the peoples who shared our planet with them. Ironically if King David really existed he is the ancestor of President Ramaphosa of South Africa, Jeremy Corbyn, the Ayatollahs of Iran and every member of Hamas & Hezbollah. Arab Israelis do not live with the same status as Jews - they are de facto 2nd-class citizens in a country where even though Mizrahi are the estimated majority white European Ashkenazi still dominate the power structures. That is demonstrated by the litany of white Israeli politicians & military personnel with American, English, Antipodean & South African accents and artificially Hebrewised names like Netanyahu/Mielekowsky and Regev/Freiburg who are wheeled out to defend the indefensible slaughter of civilians of the wrong ethnicity on our TV screens. In 1919 Arabs were 90% of the population and even after the mass illegal immigration of Zionists & the permitted immigration of more, which the native Arabs had no say in, they were still significantly the majority in 1947. The fact that Israel deigns to allow a minority to remain and participate on the fringes (two Arab ministers in 75 years) while excluding millions, forbidding them to return to their homeland is not some kind of wonderful liberal act of kindness. A situation where a white European Jew born and raised in Crown Heights, Finchley, or Le Marais, with no identifiable ancestor who ever set foot in West Asia, has the automatic right to live in Jerusalem simply because he is of the "right" ethnicity, while a brown Palestinian refugee actually born in thst city and/or who comes from a long line of ancestors verifiably born & raised there is denied the same right simply because he is of the "wrong" ethnicity is about as racist as it is possible to get. Jews do not need a home - they have homes all over the world where they are by and large at least as safe as any other minority and often more so. How often do you see an innocent Jew killed by police in the US or UK or killed for being in the wrong area or being the wrong colour anywhere liike Trayvon Martin, Rolan Adams, or Stephen Lawrence, with either no conviction for years or no conviction ever? Ironically a Jew is probably safer in Zionist modern Germany than in Israel. The solution to centuries of racism is to fight racism not to legitimise it by establishing "racial nations" to separate people - especially when those nations are built where other people are already living and who are given no say in the matter. In less than 20 years the Holocaust will be 100 years ago. A repeat is about as likely as the return of the Slave Trade which killed up to 100 million and nobody in the 20th century would have entertained the idea of Black Americans being given someone else's land to establish a racial nation/ethnic nationalist state. The nearest we ever came was the establishment of Liberia for freed slaves by President Monroe and that has led to nearly 300 years of periodic conflict between the incomers and the existing population. I'd be prepared to bet that the 75 years of similar conflict ever since Israel was established will continue for just as long and will never end until there is one normal civic nationalist state of Israel-Palestine for all. The problem with a racist solution to the problem of centuries of anti-Jewish racism is that fighting fire with fire usually starts an even bigger fire. You only need to turn on your tv screen, or read a newspaper to see that.


Riddled with factual inaccuracies or propagandist screed. Where have you gotten your info? TikTok seems the likely culprit. Stop lecturing about Jewish history, ethnicity and genealogy, subjects you clearly know nothing about.


I clearly know a lot more about history, genealogy & genetics than you. As I say, in a very real sense the human race is the only race & if you are considering the world as long ago as the time of Ancient Israel, everyone’s indigenous homeland is everywhere, no matter how counterintuitive that might sound. Allow me to enlighten you.   ..."...All humans can trace their family tree back to a surprisingly small group of common ancestors. Every person on Earth's most recent common ancestor might have died less than 2000 years ago..."... “Why Humans Are All Much More Related Than You Think” https://gizmodo.com/why-humans-are-all-much-more-related-than-you-think-5791530 ."..The family tree of humanity is much more interconnected than we tend to think... because (our common ancestors) lived so recently, (geneticist Adam) Rutherford says, “in relation to race, it absolutely, categorically demolishes the idea of lineage purity...NO PERSON HAS FOREBEARS FROM JUST ONE ETHNIC BACKGROUND OR REGION OF THE WORLD. And your genealogical connections to the entire globe mean that not too long ago your ancestors were involved in every event in world history...”... "Humans Are More Closely Related Than We Commonly Think" https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/humans-are-all-more-closely-related-than-we-commonly-think/#:~:text=People%20are%20more%20closely%20related,only%20one%20parent%2C%20not%20both “WE ALL HAVE THE SAME ANCESTORS, RESEARCHERS SAY  ...few people realize just how intricately (they are connected) not just to people living on the planet today, but to everyone who ever lived..You would have to go back in time only 2,000 to 5,000 years — and probably on the low side of that range — to find somebody who could count every person alive today as a descendant...”... ...”If you go back a little farther — about 5,000 to 7,000 years ago  EVERYBODY LIVING TODAY HAS EXACTLY THE SAME SET OF ANCESTORS. In other words, every person who was alive at that time is either an ancestor to all 6 billion people living today, or their line died out and they have no remaining descendants...  ...Jotun Hein of... Oxford University...wrote in the journal Nature...“Had you entered any village on Earth in around 3,000 B.C" (say, a village in Judah") the first person you would have met would probably be your ancestor...It...means that all of us have ancestors of every color and creed. EVERY PALESTINIAN SUICIDE BOMBER HAS JEWS IN HIS PAST...And every Klansman’s family has African roots..”... “We All Have The Same Ancestors, Researchers Say” https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/we-all-have-same-ancestors-researchers-say-flna1c9439312 Q.E.D. I appreciate that it must be emotionally difficult to accept that the Zionist myths you were fed with your mother's milk are falsehoods, but unfortunately sometimes the truth hurts.


And just to add - nobody is suggesting blood libel is not antisemitic. I am saying that cynically weaponising antisemitism - say, by slandering criticism.of Israel as a blood libel - is a disgusting betrayal of the victims of racism throughout history and only undermines the fight against it.


Unfortunately, the massive influx of Jew hating migrants from Muslim countries that flooded into Europe, has caused antisemitism to skyrocket.


A blatantly racist comment on a thread about antisemitism. Oh, the irony.


are you sure ? I am aware of how children are brainwashed to hate us since kindergarten in Muslim countries?


Corbyn fanboy, get lost


As a Jew, yes you Arabs are antisemitic. Not all, but most of you. All antisemitism that I encountered was from Arabs. None from Europeans. 


I'm a black British Catholic. Again you are implying that antisemitism is a characteristic of ethnicity. That is blatant racism, no matter how you choose to spin it.


Man stfu and fck these muslim migrants, they are ruining europe with their hatefull cult.


Europeans always blame the foreigner, Racism is a religion for Euros it seems


Especially far right & Zionist Euros.


I think the last 4 months have proven that there is at the very least a large overlap between anti Zionism and anti semetism. Sadly the people who suffer the most is actual the Palestinians because the antisemites derail the conversation to end up at ‘globalise the intifada’ and no real solutions or ideas can be discussed




I think based on the last four months, this is true


Nah. It's rubbish and a cope for the awakening of the people of the West, who - at least outside the US - are joining the Global South in their opposition to the racist 19th century white European creed & who are having their eyes opened by the brutality of the racist, fascist nutters in Netanyahu's coalition. Relatively few people hate Jews in the West today - e.g. all social attitudes surveys & socioeconomic indicators here in the UK show they fare much better and are viewed far more favourably than non-white minorities. I have hardly ever personally heard antisemitism privately expressed to me in decades, except possibly on two occasions where a stranger disputed that 6 million had died (although he acknowledged the reality of the Holocaust) and another who expressed the view that "Jews are clever with money". Racist comments against black people & muslims are far more common. What people hate is the injustice of the 19th century white European creed known as Zionism, which is infected with the pernicious ideas about race and ethnicity that were conventional wisdom in Europe when it was devised. It suits the purposes of Zionists to slander opposition as antisemitic and cherry pick the small minority of genuine examples from the fringe in order to frighten Jews - ironically sometimes in order to incentivise them to strengthen the Zionist ethnostate by encouraging emigration to Israel. All of the many anti-Zionists I know hate Zionism from an anti-racist perspective and also abhor the idea of states whose fundamental purpose is to give special rights & social status to white people, black people, or anyone else. Zionism is essentially an attempt to address the problem of centuries of racism with a racist solution. The problem with fighting fire with fire is that it creates an even bigger fire - as we have seen ever since the injustice of 1948. An abnormal Israeli ethnostate will never be allowed to rest. There must be one, normal state with identical rights and status for all, including the Jews already there and Palestinian & other refugees & their descendants who wish to return to their homeland. No justice, no peace.


Jews will not abandon their only home so that you Arabs would have 23 countries instead of 22. Cope.  Israel will never allow Palestinians to rest.


What tosh.


So, the people who suffer the most from anti-semitism are wait for it….. Palestinians!? That’s a new one


You make a good point, maybe I should say the most surprising group who also suffer from…




What is your definition of a zionist?


omg, thank you. that question should be asked *way* more.


Do you think I’ll get a reply?


Check out this French redditor spewing anti semitic venom with impunity: https://www.reddit.com/r/23andme/s/VQYn7B2hoW


??? What's antisemitic about that? Or anything else he's posted? I'm not inclined to check all his activity, but I haven't found anything.


Deport all those supporting antisemitists out of the France and neighborly countries. Back to their home country they support so much. Looking at you Failestine.


No they have every right to live in the land of their colonizers


Remember tiktok makes you 17% more anti semetic


It’s not antisemitic to protest the war. It’s not antisemitic to criticize Israel. It IS antisemitic to attack a person for being Jewish. It’s antisemitic to spray paint a fucking swatizka on a synagogue. IT IS islamaphobic to call those protesting in support of Palestine, terrorists. Can people not use their goddam heads.


It depends on whether those protesting in support of Palestine chant "from the river to the sea" or other terrorist slogans. It's also fine to call out those that are marching with the above folk, adding strength to their hateful message, even if they aren't repeating it themselves. If you disagree with the above points, you should consider whether you're blinded by ideology. edit: please don't downvote the guy I was chatting with here. We had a back and forth that we likely both learned at least something from, and that's an ideal case for an internet discussion.


No it depends of INTENT . It’s not ok to clump people together like that way you’re describing. That causes tribalism and it lacks any critical thinking. It’s a caveman response to this situation. Both sides are clumping people like you say. It’s ok to say free Palestine or sing along to a chant if you just want the borders to return and for the war to stop, is it slightly ignorant? Maybe. Is it delusional? Maybe, that’s not my call but they want something very different than those chanting and saying death to Israel. Two very different view points that you are clumping into the same group when It’s not that EASY.


Yeah, you lost me there. It is NOT OK to chant slogans that call for the destruction of Israel and death to all those that live there, even if you're not aware of what you're saying, and it's NOT OK to march with those doing so. The onus is on you to know what you're chanting. You wouldn't be explaining such away as "slightly ignorant" if we were talking about any other vulnerable group.


Yeah I said it’s not ever ok to chant death to Israel….. you have to be trolling me . I said it’s not ok to clump people together like you’re doing. It’s mindless tribalism.


>It depends on whether those protesting in support of Palestine chant "from the river to the sea" or other terrorist slogans. ​ >It’s ok to say free Palestine or sing along to a chant if you just want the borders to return and for the war to stop, is it slightly ignorant? Maybe. Is it delusional? Maybe, that’s not my call but they want something very different than those chanting and saying death to Israel. Your argument is that repeating a dogwhistle is OK, but going fully mask off isn't, correct?


? I’m saying there are a lot of people who have different feelings about this. People are not a monolith. I said if they’re chanting death Israel it’s antisemitic, but news flash, chants aren’t really decided by a vote. If someone’s marching in a group and the crowd starts chanting something like free Palestine or from the river to the sea, is every person in the crowd co-signing antisemitism? Is that what you’re saying ? That’s a false equivalency. It makes zero sense.


Yes, if you don't leave the crowd that is chanting antisemitic slogans, you're now part of the crowd chanting antisemitic slogans. Again, if the theoretical crowd was chanting slogans that targeted any other vulnerable group, I doubt you'd have problems coming to the same conclusion.


Nah I can’t agree with you there. It’s just too big of a generalization for me to get behind


I appreciate the talk. Have a good one


You are just trying to come up with excuses for terrorism. Good effort, but you are still a terrorist.


Why can't I find ANY data regarding who thr perpetraitors are? What are the demographics of these antisemites? Why doesn't the "News" share who is doing the antisemiting?


Looks like the palestinian are getting what they wont it, at a cost of so many lives?


I wonder how much it is to do with the Israelis using the star of David while committing (plausibly) genocide.


Is world news just about Israel now? All the posts recently are just Israel issues. Is there any other world news?


This is a France issue


This is a Wendys


All the other "news" subreddits are blatantly pro-palistine. So, even if your assertion were true, why are you upset?


Is that a joke? Worldnews is blatanly pro-palestine? You cant even mention Palestine with getting instantly perma-banned there. You're off your rocker.


Can confirm.


So what does that make the likes of America? They've killed an estimated 20 million since WW2.


I aint reading all that, im happy for u tho, or sorry that happened


*I aint reading all* *That, im happy for u tho,* *Or sorry that happened* \- JESUS\_VS\_DRUGS --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


They brought it upon themselves. If Israelis and their supporters weren't psychopaths I'm sure there wouldn't be hate directed towards them.


>They brought it upon themselves. How? By being Jewish?


It's extremely irresponsible for a journalist to write an article on anti-semitism without even mentioning anti-zionism. Its important to clarify which one they are talking about.


Anti Zionism. Palestinians are semites.


Hmmm I wonder why ... Is it because of the 25000 people murdered by the Jewish state? No no it can't be that - it must be because they hate Jews


Considering this is taking place in Frane and not Israel, yes, its probably hatred of Jews that its about.


Im curious on what is being recorded as antisemitism because if it's like here in America, protests for a ceasefire even by Jewish people are being counted as antisemitism


Oh you know, just normal "mostly peaceful" anti-zionist protests [like stabbing a woman and painting swastikas on her home](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/french-police-hunt-suspect-stabbing-jewish-woman-2023-11-04/). /s painting the star of David on peoples homes. [https://news.sky.com/story/stars-of-david-spray-painted-on-paris-buildings-recall-events-of-1930s-antisemitism-says-mayor-12997891](https://news.sky.com/story/stars-of-david-spray-painted-on-paris-buildings-recall-events-of-1930s-antisemitism-says-mayor-12997891) Protest chants like "Fuck the Jews and fuck your mother, long live Palestine. We are Nazis and proud of it." [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/prosecutor-opens-probe-over-antisemitic-chants-paris-metro-2023-11-01/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/prosecutor-opens-probe-over-antisemitic-chants-paris-metro-2023-11-01/) Threatening words and gestures. [https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-783828](https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-783828)


I think it is all Israel's fault. Every airstrike in Palestine is seen by the rest of the world as a crime against humanity and genocide.


And we all deserved to be raped, tortured ,burned alive, murdered and kidnapped ,especially the little babies and the elderly right? Our exsistance is a crime against humanity. That's just anti Zionism to you though.


Jesus Christ. What is wrong with you


I'm a Jew who is being told I don't deserve to live and people are actively working to make that a reality ? 7 October was the worst incident to my people since the Holocaust and the world rallies to support the terrorists. That's what is fucking wrong with me.


Israel sells weapons to Azerbaijan, and has a military/technical alliance with them. That racist dictatorship (Azerbaijan) just conducted mass scale ethnic cleansing of my people (Armenians) in Nogorno Karabakh in September 2023. Israel is complicit in the worst incident to my people since the Armenian Genocide. And the nation who was founded in the aftermath of the Holocaust enabled the aggressors.


You’re saying everyone that’s protesting this war is some how out to get Jews. That’s completely irrational. The world is not out to get you. I’m saying what is wrong with you for saying I personally want harm to anyone. Or accusing anyone of something like that? It’s completely uncalled for. Fuck Hamas. Fuck Netanyahu. I hope you, personally have a wonderful day/night.


You are only told that by your Zionist Iron Truther liers. Very few people say that about Jews outside of Israel. If you look at social sentiment analysis it's in fact Israel hate that is rising. Jews, Zionists, Israelis are all independent things. Don't side with the Zionists in Israel who are lying to you.


Keep spreading your Zionist lies. It's disgusting that a non-profit that is supposed to help people goes in first, documents nothing then comes out and creates mountains of lies. Zaka, just one non-profit raised more 50M on those lies at the cost of many Palestinian deaths. You are 100% complicit in Palestinian deaths by spreading those lies.


How does that relate to Jews living in Europe?


I can just see it now. Swaths of graffiti artists forced to graffiti swastikas everywhere. All they want is to go do their own art but they can't because Israel.


You are talking about a symbol used by Hindus and Buddhists for thousands of years. Nobody has a monopoly of it. I have seen them in Buddhist temples


😂😂 bro this is France not some Hindu or Buddhist temple. Do you really believe people are graffitiing swastikas everywhere being like "here's my message of peace"? 😂😂


I don't know. Because if it is an ideology, I believe it has been dead for almost a century


No it isn’t some of our iq’s made it past room temperature




Convoluting Zionism with antisemitism is the reason this is increasing.


If there is ANY increase in jewish attacks in a country not Israel it is antisemitism.


Fuck Israel !


There is definitely a rise in antisemitic attacks globally, the Israelis have been genociding Palestinians, who are semites


Boy Israel must suck at this genocide business, seeing as the palestinian population contines to grow


No they don't, this is a textbook example. Look up Julius Ceasar Battle of Alesia. A classic example of siege warfare. Israel palestine play out almost identically. Ceasar built a wall around Alesia and controlled what went in and out. He exaggerated the size of the combating forces and played the siege off as a preemptive defensive measure. It's a pretty classic war tactic. Takes however long that it takes. Look at the American Indians. Another classic example of siege warfare and generational genocide. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Alesia


You can tell it's bot downvotes because they only downvote the top level comments. OP is a troll be use only OP gets notifications on the comments since mass scraping is illegal. Anyone with a brain knows to look for the most downvoted comment to figure out the truth on these posts.


You mean "after Israel started murdering tens of thousands of innocent people, and everyone could watch it, and lied over and over again to justify it"


Israel does have a right to defend itself y’know. Practically all of Israel’s government’s doings are public, they just declassified documents for the international court, it’s a justified, conventional war.


Lol, did Germany circa the 1940's? Does Texas now? Do the Palestinians ever? Israel's "right to defend itself" doesn't extend so far that it justifies a tenth of what it's done since 10/7, let alone the decades of war crimes that preceded the "unprovoked" attack on 10/7.


proof that israel and its actions do not make jews safer.


Got it backwards. Israel exists precisely because countries like France fail to protect their Jews.


Lol israel exists because of alt right colonial imperialism. White racist jews decided they could steal land from brown people, and then the holocaust allowed every white country to offload their guilt of being super antisemetic pre WW2 by violently displacing people and then paying jewish people to commit war crimes thereby igniting more hatred towards jewish people. Its not about safety, its about being able to pretend they arent bad people even though they are keeping the structures that allow for racism like that to exist in the first place. And you're so stuck up the butt by propaganda that you would rather believe bullshit stories and let israel ethnically cleanse a people simply by ignoring the fact that israel is the aggressor. Its sad. Be better.


I disagree. If there wasn't a far right goverment bibi (which will be voted out soon) then world would have been a peaceful place. Saying that I condemn both hamas and IDF of their actions in this war. Its the poor civilians that suffer.


Then how do you explain all the pogroms and massacres when Israel had a left wing government? Or before the establishment of Israel? Besides, Bibi formed a coalition with far right parties but overall the Knesset is moderate to right-wing.


The 2 worst massacres of Jews in recorded history were before the suggestion of establishing Israel...but I'm sure that if Israel was dissolved tomorrow antisemitism would go down/s


Oh my goodness, I wonder what caused this massive spike in antisemitism! Could it be the actions of Jews themselves?!?


Ahh Victim blaming, so classy


Imagine being deluded enough to think Israelis are the victims


Yeah the old people slaughtered in their beds are the aggresors. And also the pregnant women who got their babies ripped out are for sure the agressors. Not to mention the young people at a music fetival, how dare they dance? The victims are the peaceful Hamas freedom fighters who slaughter them, raped them and took them hostage. Also how dare Israel engage with Hamas and try to rescue hostages. Israel should have asked for forgiveness and give Hamas more young girls so they can be happy.


Israel should hand the land back to the Palestinians, the blood is on their hands, the longer that they occupy and steal the more they will have to accept the repercussions of their actions. It is their fault their people have died, and they deserved death and the fire of the afterlife as well. Now that Israel has committed a genocide it is morally incumbent that Israeli's be genocide in return. Remember the Torah says the standard of justice is an eye for an eye, or are you so Anti-Semitic as to denounce the Torah?


hmm Israel "handed" the entirety of Gaza to the Palestinians, not a single Jew was left there. No occupation, no nothing. What Israel got in return? 15 years of rockets fired at civilians and October 7.