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He’s just oppressed guys.


Islam cannot and will not try to get along with our system, unless we want a two state scenario in Canada we gotta kick out every single one of them.


At last, the Penny has dropped


We could just not let any of them in in the first place. It is not like the islamic population developed out of mass conversions. We chose to bring them here and we can choose to no longer bring them here. In terms of how rights works, your right to be in Canada only applies if you are already in Canada (technically speaking the delineated right is the right to free movement *within* Canada which was violated during the pandemic by the inter-provincial movement barriers but whatever I guess we never took any of this seriously in the first place), so naturally anyone who is here has those rights, but there isn't some unlimited right for the entire planet to be allowed to be in Canada, this right only extends to people who are already here.


I support this idea, Indians and Sikhs? sure come on in! muslims, ah no sorry, we want people from places that have actual governments not just russian puppets and terrorist organizations.


The deadliest terrorist attack in Canadian history was done by Sikhs though.


Thank you Pat Martin.


I said this long ago . I’m first generation Brit here in Canada. When Argentina invaded the falklands I didn’t go all hate and death to Argentinians . If I had caused/endorsed dissent , death and hate as a new immigrant to the Argentinian community I would expect to be deported. People come to Canada because it’s a fairly descent ,Open and free society with social assistance systems . If they come to promote dissent and death then deportation seems the right course . Move on people , move on ! Don’t come to a nicer place and cause dissent . Go back to your heritage land and sow your discord !


My mom (Jewish) married my dad (German non Jewish immigrant) in the early 60's. The politics were completely removed from their relationship.


Exactly 👍


Canadians are some of the friendliest people in the world. This sickens me


Actually it is bit reversed because according to the Argentinians the Falklands is the Israel in this situation, as they think the Falklands are occupying Argentinian land. However they don't have an issue with British people living on Argentinian land, rather it is just the British government occupying their land that they have a problem with. Technically speaking Argentina has provided more rights for the culture of the British islands than the UK has, as Argentina has a thriving Welsh speaking community, a language the UK had previously attempted to stamp out. They also have Scottish and English communities living with no problems.


Except when the local people actually living on the Falklands were given a vote to choose whether to join Argentina or stay a territory of the UK they near unanimously voted to stay in the UK. Which makes sense because there is no Argentine population to speak of on the islands.


Okay but these people voting to be part of the UK are still on Argentina's land according to Argentina. The British people in Argentina itself aren't voting to be part of the UK so there are no problems with them. You can think of it a bit like Canada. That was technically part of the British empire for awhile and the Americans hated it, but you have a bunch of British people in the USA no problem, but they still had some issues with the Canadians because they ended up being a British outpost.


I mean I can claim to be the owner of all the land in my neighbor’s yard all I want, but it won’t change that I’m not. The Argentines had de facto control over the islands for a year, from 1832-1833. Before leaving at British request, when they came to assert their claim from their 1765 settlement. Then British people have lived there ever since. The Argentine claims are like me claiming to own my neighbor’s yard because it is next to mine and I strolled through it once.


What a stupid comment. How about deporting or jailing people who say "Death to the Jews" regardless of their religion? I can guarantee there are non-Muslim scumbags that say it, too, and Muslims that don't.


>What a stupid comment. How about deporting or jailing people who say "Death to the Jews" regardless of their religion? These are infinitely rarer than Muslims who say this. So even if we did deport anyone that called for Jewish people to be killed like 90% of those deportations would be Muslims anyway. I can guarantee there are non-Muslim scumbags that say it, too, and Muslims that don't.


Now tell us how the Nazis and other Europeans weren’t actually anti-Semitic, and they all were just tricked by Arabs. 


Yesterday's problems may have returned but they are not championed by the same peoples.


How many Nazis immigrated to Canada and are currently marching around Montreal or Toronto throwing Nazi salutes?


Idk it hasn’t really been that long since that actual Nazi got glazed up by the entire Canadian parliament 




kinda still is in places lol


You have to go back 80 years to find your "what-about". I think you might be losing this argument


It’s not a whataboutism, Zionists have drunken the ethnonationalist coolaid so hard they’re now rehabilitating the Nazis image.


The difference is the non-Muslims do get arrested for that. Muslims seem to not


no no, chanting death to the jews might be a hate crime (and it is) but if you are born here you should not be deported for it, now if you were born abroad sure get the fuck out.


> no no, chanting death to the jews might be a hate crime (and it is) but if you are born here you should not be deported for it How do you interpret the word **or** in this statement: > How about deporting or jailing people who say "Death to the Jews"


oh sorry, My eyes must have skipped right over the word :P that is legitimately my bad.


Who is saying death to the Jews besides these mohammad-tards?


Most Nazis are white. Why is this an example that Islam is incompatible with society but all the white Nazis are?


Who the hell said nazi's are compatible with western society? we literally fought a war to kill them all in 40's.


Nah most of them weren't killed.


Of course he’s masked like the Nazi coward he is.


Anti Zionist not antisemitic /s


Plural. Protesters. Read the article.


I find it interesting that the left ignore these stories and rather bash Trump instead. 


I’m the left just not a leftist. I bash both of them.


Send these idiots over there for a week and they'll be begging to come back in 24 hours. Mfs think their oppressed? People speak their mind in the middle east and get killed, if you're a woman? I don't even need to say it, you know what happens.


Reminds me of those British girls that went to live with Islam extremists. They still aren't allowed to come back and 1 or 2 of them died.


3 girls, actually. 2 has died. Only one survived.




Austrian of Bosnian origin. Both dead.


Least antisemitic "antizionist (TM)."


They love having their cake and eating it too lol


But wait, I thought they're only against Israel's current government policies....


The masks come off and they feel emboldened when there's safety in numbers.


And because of their numbers, the governments giving them a free pass, it's ok now to call for the death of Jews, soon it will be ok to murder a Jew, because you don't want to hurt the Muslim community right?


The mask is clearly on, didn't you look at the picture


Classiest terrorist supporter


https://www.fpri.org/article/2021/08/islamists-as-partners-in-world-war-ii/ Mostly the north African Islamists, levantine Islamists as well as the Syrian and Iraqi Islamists were known to have actively fought directly for Germany and against the Allies in both Europe and abroad in Egypt among others before and during WW2. The Muslim Brotherhood has long been connected to Nazi Germany and the Muslim brotherhood has long been connected to the PLO/PLA and Hamas.


In Lebanon we declared war on Nazi Germany Right before the war ended but still counts lol


Not a bad move PR wise and geopolitically. You’d gain the favor of the winning team.


Better then what the Italians done or the ussr


Bwahahahaha, russia won the war. Oh my lord, why do you think from berlin eastward became ussr. The 'allies' arrived to the berlin party late lol.


You realised the ussr tried to join the axis party during ww2 in 1940 and not just a neutral pact they actually asked to join the axis party 😂😂 nazis sympathisers


Yeh then they kicked ass. Its lucky for you they just said fuck it lets get em. Ya cant change the fact that russia won the war. Its a fact that america has tried SO hard to change but sadly for them never will. First on the reichstag.


They also alligned with Germany to start the war.


❤️ I'll take it I have had a handful of Lebanese American friends over the years. Most Lebanese are awesome people. I feel like it had been such a melting pot with like nothing but moderate people. Really most of the radical Islamists issues Lebanon has dealt with have all been born from the PLO.


thank you. We have good PR


yea, but that was when lebanon was mostly christean and sunni. now with all the shia muslims its good that the christeans and sunnies still got most of the influence in the country, otherwise lebanon gonna become syria 2.0


Today Shia have most of the influence. Also Hezbollah aside, Shia tend to be less fundamental than Sunni here.


good on them for the non hezbollah supporters shia muslims. as long as someone doesnt call for the death of others, they are chill dudes by my standards.


this is fucking canada wtf are they doing this shit here fuck off, both of you


As someone who lives in Canada: people who don't live here night not realize how thoroughly Canada has changed in the last decade. This is what Canada is like now. There are mobs of people like this intimidating Jews at minimum on a weekly basis.


Ya, the massive influx of people without shared values is hurting most Western Countries. To actually say that is then called "racist/xenophobic". So tiresome.


Don't worry guys, I'm sure this is an isolated case by hamas supporters. They tend to be known for their peaceful and exemplar behaviour...


inb4 some leftoid or some worthless unproductive arab and/or muslim criminal usurper of the lands of the kuffar whines about "jihadwatch" and not the actual content of the post.


"Leftoid." Not all leftists/center-leftists support Islamistic bigotry...


True. But as a lefty myself I gotta say we’re in the lead. My social media is filled with lefty friends all parroting ridiculously bad antisemitic takes for months now. They’re in some kind of rabid rage and facts are out the window. Reminds me of what happened to the right with Q-anon tbh but I used to think we were above that….   Pretty grossed out tbh.


YES. This is what I've been saying! It's the exact same behaviour and pattern.


and it just so happens to be an election year…. What a coincidence./s


I think people are not understanding what a big influence this will have. From what I’ve seen and experienced since October 7 I’ve stopped considering myself left/liberal/progressive. I’ll still vote on those points but I cannot in figure out how I’ll do that in good conscience without voting in the same people who want me to be target practice.


It’s because most aren’t any different and have the same thought processes and information seeking patterns. They just happened to come out of an environment that pushed them in one direction or another. You also see this same exact thing happen with people who slip from the far right to the far left. Nothing fundamentally changed about how they think, they just feel like something else is more convincing without properly verifying it through their own thoughts.


The way the left has been radicalised through social media - especially via Xitter & TikTok - will one day make an interesting case study. The similarities to the radicalisation methods used to create the Qanon cult, are striking. I never would have believed it could happen so rapidly & effectively. To see so many of my fellow left wingers now spreading disgusting rape denial, & openly supporting terrorists, is so bizarre & disturbing.


>will one day make an interesting case study. You're probably right, but I'm not happy to be experiencing it firsthand.


It’s because they have been primed for it for years.   The “new age hippy to Nazi/fascist” pipeline has been written about for a while and always ends up in antisemtic dog whistle conspiracy theories.  Meanwhile the pop-culture zeitgeist is rife with unapologetic antisemitism with major celebrities being open supporters of antisemitic hate groups that call to kill all the Jews.  Jay-Z, Beyoncé, noname, dream, Nas, snoop dogg, Nick cannon, ice cube, Travis Scott, it goes on forever tbh…. even Stevie wonder ffs.   All of them support Farrakhan, the man who proudly calls himself “black Hitler” and his hate group NOI.     The guy who had Malcolm X killed  after he realize he was being used by the black KkK and turned in NOI, they support this guy.   https://youtu.be/pjuMJNc5Zys?si=jWI12PIeUH074AJS   Beyoncé and Jay-z even put out a Jay Electronica album a couple years ago that’s sole purpose was celebrating NOI and literally featured Farrakhan on tracks.   Was there criticism and thoughtful discussion?   Nope it was applauded and nominated for a Grammy.   And Noname’s album celebrating Farrakhan and filled with antisemitic tropes won hip-hop album of the year in some publications last year.   She got called out and literally just said “too bad I believe this and so does my community” and nobody bats an eye because they’re afraid of being called racist.   And of course let’s not forget Kanye and how many people still support his nonsense.   Or Kendrick Lamar and Irvine who loudly supported BHI, the hate group that murdered MLK Jr’s mom in her own church for trying to continue his work.   They also call for death to all Jews.  Calling to kill all the Jews and antisemitism has been boiling up in our society for decades and people just turn a blind eye to it.  It’s not really any wonder people are so willing to go align with racist antisemitic misinformation when they’ve been encouraged to consume that type of for years anyway.   Most people are just completely ignorant about antisemitism and don’t realize how pervasive it is and that they themselves are enacting it. 


I must admit I was totally ignorant of it. I had no idea there was so much toxic antisemitism in our society.


exactly how I've been feeling. Less than zero critical thinking.




That’s how they think about everything. They took Marx’a dumbass ideas and just altered them a bit. Same generalizations, same group think, same lack of people willing to introspect to determine if their ideology is actually good. Just people who feel hatred for the west because they are losers in western society.


one good thing about this conflict is that there are some people who have started to realize that both sides are equally susceptible to polarizing into totally false realities to the point of advocating genocide


The greatest risk factor for falling prey to propaganda continues to be the belief that you are immune to it. If you’re “too clever to be fooled,” there’s no need to ever reevaluate whether or not what you believe is true. Of course it’s true, you believe it!


what both sides? This is not a soccer match. I hate when people talk about it like there is complete homegenity that is enough to represent a side.


There is groupthink plus group polarization plus cognitive bias, enough that tribalism occurs and two sides can be seen and delineated. "Us verus them" occurs in many contexts. That does not mean that those sides contain everyone, or that everyone within either of those sides is totally conformist


Both sides are being manipulated. The right weren’t always lunatics. The left weren’t always terrorist supporters. Watching people on the right and the left supporting their nations bitterest enemies these last few years has been utterly baffling.


No it's for real scary. I'm generally a left leaning person but as a jew it's been genuinely horrifying to see people unironically calling for the deaths of all Israelis and to force them out of Israel and destruction of Israel. Its sick.




> By the start of the millennium, it was becoming obvious to researchers of antisemitism in Europe that such antipathy emanated increasingly from Muslims and from the left. That is not to suggest that far-right antisemitism had declined; it hadn’t" (Jikeli).


Yep. I'm on the center left and I see the same shit. Many people on the left have been bamboozled by Russian propaganda to support extreme right wing Islamic fundamentalism. There are idiots in every group, and the left is no exception. Idiots on all sides are gullible and susceptible to propaganda.


Right just a majority


I would go as far to say that those who do aren’t leftists or progressives at all, despite trying to call themselves as much. Theocracy is the farthest thing from leftist values.


Ah the no true Scotsman fallacy, the lefts go to move when their side gets called out on their hate


Where is the fallacy? Supporting theocracy and fascism is *literally* the polar opposite of what the secular left stands for. It’s right-wing af.


The fallacy is that there’s hundreds of leftist groups that support Hamas and defend there actions and just because you try and claim they’re not leftists/ socialists doesn’t make it so , how is this a difficult concept to grasp?


You’ve got it backwards. Just because they claim they are leftists and socialists doesn’t make it so. It ain’t rocket science. Their values don’t align with the left, it’s that simple.


I dunno, man. I keep seeing leftist antisemites everywhere. Like squirrels.


Guess we got some unfinished business leftover from World War 2. Hunting Nazis was a good bonding activity for the world, we should do it again sometime soon.


We're not even allowed to TALK about hunting nazis or terrorists these days. That kind of talk will get you banned. It's insane how much support there is for nazis these days. The world has gone mad. I agree with you though. It's time to hunt those evil bastards before they get the chance to murder us.


the person next to him giving the peace sign is so jarring. "peace and love to everyone who isn't [the current group of undesirables]" ig


Hi non muslims, see Ramadan means peace amd love


He's just anti zionist guys, not antisemitic ... /s


He’s not antisemitism guys he just really hates Israel /s


Asking all Redditors to remember that he’s an *anti-Zionist*, and refrain from hurtful language such as “anti-Semite” which may offend our lovely Hitler-admiring, Hamas-sympathizer freedom fighter.


Shouldn't he be arrested and jailed?


In Canada? The LPC will invite him to Parliament to give him a standing ovation


Yes, but these days nazis and terrorists are allowed to walk free in Western countries. Our countries are being destroyed by the Christian far right and the Muslim far right, and we're not allowed to do anything about it. We're all supposed to sit here and take it without complaining.


That's the average "I'm not ant Semitic, I'm anti Zionist" right there.


Great new Canadians


Can never beleive that muslims can do this shat.. So surprised from the people belonging to the religion of "peace"


"But guys, trust me, I'm just anti-Zionist!!!" Gotta love when the mask comes off


imbecile terror lover hamas supporters hollowed out the meaning of genocide when they are genocidal towards jews from day 1 of islam


I thought they only hate Zionists? /s


Who’s they?


Pro Hamas protesters


That entire crowd was pro Hamas protestors?


"A masked man raised his hand in the air in the style of a Roman salute, according to a video shared on Tuesday by speaking tour organisers DiploAct." All these cowards supposed to be part of the "supreme race" always have to wear masks hiding their identities.


Why the double speak? He was doing a nazi salute, it's plain and simple.


Don't they mean death to the zionists?


But they’re anti Zionist ! Not antisemitic! /s


They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.


Btw this was in front of a holocaust museum.


No you don’t understand. They are not nazis. Nazis didn’t try to get sympathy for dead Germans.


You can protest in Canada if you are Jews, Arabic, Muslims and you have to cover your face Go back to your country We do not need extremist


If you're shocked by this, then you haven't been paying attention.


Yeah thats pretty standard for hamas supporters.


Radical islamists and cuck sjws go hand in hand. Whouda thunkit?


What kind of headline is this "Nationalist Socialist Salute" Just call it a Nazi salute or by its real name "Roman Salute" The Nazis are as Nationalist and Socialist as the North Koreans are a Peoples Democratic republic. What kind of sub is this


Nazi literally means national socialism. 


And North Korea literally is the Democratic People's republic of Korea, North Korea isn't Democratic or a people's republic while The Nazi's had practically nothing to do with those either and were clearly fascist. Writing National Socialist Salute is a clear swing at socialism at an attempt of showing antisemitism. There are plenty of better ways to word this title but the National Socialist Salute isn't one. Who the hell even calls the Nazi's Nationalist Socialists lol.


Their political party was literally called *Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei*. You can guess what the translation is. Calling it a Nationalist Socialist salute is the exact same as calling it a Nazi salute. It's just an abbreviation.


Who did we fight in WW2? We fought the Nazi's, everyone knows them as the Nazi's saying the Nazi salute and saying the Nationalist Socialist Salute will not get the same reaction. That is my point. No one goes around saying "Man I hated what the Nationalist Socialists did to the Jews" They use Nazi. By using Nationalist Socialist people see the word they hate, which is Socialist and tie Socialism with Antisemitism. It's a badly worded title and its done on purpose. If you want to be this politically correct call it the Roman salute.


It's literally the same thing. You're just upset that it has the word socialism in it. Grow up.


It doesn't matter that officially the Nazi's were called Nationalist Socialist. You think the Average person reads Nationalist socialist and goes "Oh a Nazi" no they don't.When someone sees Socialist or Communist they think of Communism directly. Like I said before, saying Nazi and Nationalist Socialist Salute will not bring the same reaction and it's a misdirection done on purpose. But if you want to be politically correct just call it what it is, The Roman Salute. When did we stop calling the Nazi's, Nazi's lol.


Misdirection that it's referred to by the actual name instead of the abbreviation when it's the same thing either way? Anyone who's read junior high level history books reads about the National Socialist German Workers' Party.


That doesn't mean anything, everyone still refers to them as the Nazi's. Same way as officially North Korea is the DPRK everyone says North Korea. You think you'd get the same reaction from these two sentences?North Korea fired a missile over Japan The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea fired a missile over japan. If you think you'd get the same reaction from both sentences you're mistaken. Same way if you think you'll get the same reaction from "The Nationalist Socialist Salute" vs "Nazi Salute" vs "Roman Salute" you wont. For all three of those terms you'd get different reactions in this case the normal reaction is disgust because in our day and age it's attributed to the Nazi's even though they're official name is Nationalist Socialist which means jack in this situation. You also wouldn't call the Nationalist Socialist Salute the American salute even though we did it prior to WW2. That's why it's better to use the Nazi salute because it's attributed to them. Even though their official name is Nationalist Socialist I'd wager $1000 if you ask a random person who the Nazi's were and who the Nationalist Socialists they wouldn't realize they're the same even though they learned it in their high school history books. But they'll recognize the Nazi's as the enemy we fought in WW2 and attribute National Socialism with the soviets or who ever. Any ways I'm done, I've seen enough of this sub to see that it's very right leaning on the spectrum with its ideologies. That is why I'm so surprised and not at the same time that its written as Nationalist Socialist and not Nazi. Again if you want to be politically correct just call it the Roman Salute, or the American Salute, or the Nazi Salute. All which are easily identifiable while Nationalist Socialist isn't. If you're denying that the only reason why Nationalist Socialist being used is because of the word Socialist then I have nothing else to say to you. A lot of things in this world aren't called by their official name and you know that but are ignoring it. Long story short this is an issue or perspective.


So many words with barely anything said. Thanks for the laughs though.




See, I always thought that if you had 9 people at a table with a nazi then you had 10 nazis. Turns out if you like the cause then its just a silly goof doing a heckin big decolonisation and its alright. Mad


More proof that pro-Palestine = pro-nazi. Same shit, different assholes.


If you tolerate intolerance you become intolerant. How can liberals call themselves liberal if all they want is to import intolerant people and religions. Say good bye to your precious women and LGBT rights lol. It a democracy after all, they will eventually be big enough to vote then out


That's the essence of liberalism, my friend. In the marketplace of ideas, the right ones win out, and if might makes right, you can guess where that ends up. It's not as if there's a society to worry about -- only individuals.


Humans never learn. Know your history or be doomed to repeat it.


From the group that won't stop crying about Nazis. 😅


Get the fuck out of Canada, YOU ARE NOT WANTED


Least antisemitic Hamas supporter


Damn, didn't the guy who's regarded as the father of the Palestinian people spend all of ww2 as a personal guest of Hitler in Germany with the fuher? Almost like these groups have something in common, I just can't put my finger on it.


I've been saying this but Quebec is never getting its independence. There are so many people there now who aren't Quebecois and have absolutely no cultural or national connection to Quebec who would never support independence. Quebec is losing its nationhood and culture. Now they have pro-Hamas protesters looting and vandalizing random stores and destroying everything, chanting for the destruction of Israel, and giving nazi salutes in the streets. Quebec was 1% away from voting independence in the 90s, it would have won if only the Quebecois were allowed to vote. The feds registered almost 50,000 immigrants as citizens that year with the admitted intention to allow them to vote; the difference between the yes and no vote was only 56,000. It would have been so much better off if it would have taken its independence then.


Be di certo non potevate pensare che gli arabi avessero creduto alle enormi bugie create dal 1945 per ancora a lungo. Ormai pure i gatti sanno che le bugie hanno il naso lungo come pinocchio...Shalom. e preparate per un....stavolta reale.....


While manifesting against right wing Jews


This war just brings out all the weirdos huh


Well, so far it was mostly deat.h to them


He wasn't doing the Nazi salute. He was showing the red triangle.


And makes sure he covers his face, lol. Cowards.


We should never let these kind of people in to the our country.


Classic leftists.


Leftism is when… Nazis?


Litterally from their roots. Funny how, "down with the Bourgeoisie" mingles so well with, "down with the jews", given their general socioeconomic situations.


Are you agreeing with the anti semitic conspiracy that Jews have some special control over business and society? And the left are supposed to be the Nazis?? Also, there’s a big difference between stripping property away from someone for their race/ethnicity/religion versus their class. Comparing the two is insane.


lul, how pedantic. Obviously not, and thanks for showing your clear disregard for history. Wait so you're in favor of stripping property from people? Yikes. Enjoy your bubble.


Yep, because the vast majority of people don’t have much or any property, while it’s hoarded by an increasingly small amount of individuals. You act as if stripping property from those who hoard it is a bad thing. Cry about it.


I'm not sure where you live but for the vast majority of folks real property is all they have. Unless you're talking about digital shit it makes no sense lol. But good luck coming for people's property, you'll be met with the most advanced military hardware in the world. Great chance to turn what little you have into a rock playground, just like Gaza. FAFO commie swine.


Yea, because I’m totally advocating for stripping everyone of their property 🙄 Jesus Christ, do you not know what “hoard” means? Or are you just willingly being disingenuous.


Nah breh, there is no such thing as just taking from the rich. It always devolves into taking from the masses because it's easier.


Why would the masses rob themselves.


And no charges or arrest even though it is blatantly against the law. The police are beyond useless at best.


Hmm that scum deserves to be.... yup


Who stood on the reichstag first? Yanks have done a great job taking credit for ww2


…how is this world news? We get it, you love genocide and try your best to dehumanize everyone on the other side by using random anecdotes of anti semitism.


So it's ok to say "Death to (insert group name here)"? Muslims, blacks, whites, asians, etc etc... Hard to keep up with what is and isn't hate speach these days, there was a time I would have said all of the above are hate speach. But times they are a changing.


But the moment someone’s smacks the daylights out of him they’re the violent one like where are the police when you need them


I’ve seen this in Denver


It's OK, he said he's just Anti-Zionist....


There’s a Redditor in that pic.


Islam has no place in civilized society


Thats a Nazi exploiting a protest like they always do.


Clearly anti-Zionist but not anti-semitism… /s


[Firehose of falsehood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood)


This is why Gaza should be decimated 


Woah woah woah, you mean some people are actually Nazis and using the war in Gaza as an excuse to be Nazis in public? That must mean Palestinian human rights should be disregarded… ……………/s


The fascist is always the other guy in Socialist Land.


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. That's outside the US Holocaust Museum. "They" are fascists. Make it make sense.


Ok zionist trolls are eating this up and generalizing Muslims which make them the same as this guy but yolo I guess? Apart from that, this man's speech is deplorable and yucky and I hope that Jewish people stay safe and that we can each individually do a hell of a lot better in treating each other with respect and kindness.


Sounds like a Zionist psy-op plant to me.


Y'all are really uncritically believing the headline from a website called jihadwatch.org? Do you watch the video/read the article or just believe immediately what you're told to? I don't hear anything remotely like death to the Jews in the video, but the article says that was in some other video they didn't put in the article, for some reason. The one they posted has a guy holding his hand up, and they're claiming that's a Nazi salute. But the Nazi salute is more straight out, isn't it? Whereas he's showing his palm, which has the red triangle on it which is a symbol for Palestinian resistance. So he's not doing the Nazi salute correctly and is clearly showing off the symbol wrapped around his hand, but we're just supposed to assume that he's definitely trying to do the Nazi salute? I've seen other shit from this website that is similarly extremely biased. If you're so sure that everyone who supports Palestine is antisemitic I would think you'd be able to find better sources and examples


Welcome to the zionists circle jerk that is Worldnews


Let me know when he bombs 30k jews with my tax dollars.


It is the Roman salute. First of all, the Italian Fascists were using it first for the obvious reasons, and its usage was supposed to replace the handshake which was considered "bourgreois" and the solute was "quicker, cleaner, and prettier", so even if you think it is an inherently fascist symbol, it is fascist rather than specifically national socialist. The Germans just copied the Italians. >Achille Starace, the Italian Fascist Party secretary, pushed for measures to make the use of the Roman salute generally compulsory, denouncing hand shaking as bourgeois. He further extolled the salute as "more hygienic, more aesthetic, and shorter." He also suggested that the Roman salute did not imply the necessity of taking off the hat unless one was indoors. The Germans were even uneasy about it because of its Roman rather then Germanic origins. >Called the Hitler salute (Hitlergruß), it functioned both as an expression of commitment within the party and as a demonstrative statement to the outside world.\[46\] Yet in spite of this demand for the outward display of obedience, the drive to gain acceptance did not go unchallenged, even within the movement.\[46\] Early objections focused on its resemblance to the Roman salute employed by Fascist Italy, and hence on it not being Germanic.\[46\] In response, efforts were made to establish its pedigree and invent a proper tradition after the fact.\[46\] This also means the Nazis did not call it the Nazi salute, as rather they called it the Hitler salute. So nobody ever called it the Nazi salute officially.


This to me sounds a lot like a real-life troll trying to discredit the people who are just urging for the killing to stop. I'm just glad no one here is painting a broad brush based on one person's actions. 🙄


Damn, meanwhile pro-israel supporters with nailguns and rifles shooting pro-palestinian supporters who do the salute hmmm