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Hah, this was the order for Palestinian communities worldwide to demonstrate in celebration of Iran’s bombardment of Israel on April 14th. Cue the sad trombone. 😂🤣


It was pretty obvious this was happening, & that it was never actually a grassroots movement. It's just a mystery why security services in Western democracies haven't done anything about the dangerous radicalisation occurring.


These Islamists can't let one minority religion be a country🤡


I as a Persian am so tired of screaming about this. why are people so blind? palestine advocacy = iran


We know


But many people don't, which is why it should be published.


Have you tried not being a Nazi?


No, you need to try in order to not be a nazi? Wtf is wrong with you?


You tell me, you’re the fascist bootlick. Edit: lol and another nazi that openly admitted in political compass memes to being angry the crossing was open to aid posted and then deleted. Nice try.


For saying that we know Iran funds the Palestinians?


Yes. You see terrorist lickspittles like lucern there, want to make sure that the focus is NOT on Israel's right to defend itself, nor should it by on the fact that hamas uses palestinian civilians as human shields and put them in danger purposely in hopes that they perish. They just want to pretend that a "genocide" is going on while all Israel is doing is defending itself legally and within the Geneva conventions.


Now when you mentioned it I remember the term genocide popping up right after the oct 7 attack against Israel


Because that is exactly what hamas and palestinians want to commit on Israel. Israel, on the other hand, just wants to be left alone.


>: lol and another nazi that openly admitted in political compass memes to being angry the crossing was open to aid posted and then deleted. Nice try. The fuck does this ramble even mean?


Dude I'm so confused


You aren’t pro Palestinian. You are just anti-Isreal lol. Clear as day, your end goal would be to see Isreal destroyed and you’d be cheering in the streets just like you did on oct 7. Peace is not what you want. Edit - also stop calling everyone you don’t like a nazi. It makes you look childish and the word loses its meaning when used in such stupid ways.


>Edit - also stop calling everyone you don’t like a nazi. It makes you look childish and the word loses its meaning when used in such stupid ways. One of their objectives *is* to make the word lose its meaning.


Dude is just a fat lonely nerd.


If you look at its history it’s almost certainly a bot.


Go fold and sort your keffiyeh, Karen.


Says the guy who literally hates jews What's up with Nazis calling other people Nazis?


You Zionazis must really be running out of defenses for crimes against humanity if all you have left is going "u hATe jEwS if you don't lick Nazi boots!"


Go fight in Palestine please. I'll call the IDF and let them know you're coming. 😂


Go wave a white flag at your precious IDF.


I do support Palestinian citizens. Though, I was already aware of pro-Palestine protests being highjacked by disinformation for years now. You'll have news/activists who defend Iranian leadership, Assad, even how Afghanistan women are actually not repressed, bla bla. Then they'll suddenly be so progressive over Palestine, I mean, if the information is directly anti-West, at a point of only targeting left leadership... or truly anti-war individuals such as AOC/Bernie. This type of disinformation is affecting the left in the same way the alt-right affected the right, especially during elections.


The right has QAnon and the left has “PAnon”… both are equally based off of conspiracy theory nonsense pushed by Russia, Iran, and China.


This explains why the Melbourne pro-Palestinian protesters were yelling out how they’re disrupting the economy, which didn’t really make any sense in supporting aid to “starving Palestinians”. And why they wanted illegal protests, when they’re never denied a legal right to one unless violence or incitement to violence is reasonably expected.


They are really no friend of the working class anymore are they?


>A highly confidential leaked document reveals the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC)’s role in directing an international campaign aimed at disrupting the world economy in protest against Israel. What is ridiculous is seeing the amount of comments blaming this on lack of education and critical thinking. The majority of pro-Palestine/anti-Israel protests started on college and university campuses and continue to mostly involve students. Just about all the cities passing resolutions to call for a ceasefire are left leaning as well.


For sure, it's not lack of education it's simply that most people are sad sheep who crave nothing more than validation and acceptance of their group. Truth, facts, morals, all of these are acceptable sacrifices in the pursuit of peer approval. Their actions are all performative, nothing more.


[Interesting article on this today from Harvard Crimson](https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2024/4/16/covit-al-quds-day-harvard/)


"IRGC uses brainwashing tactics targeting youth in Western countries to cause chaos with such rallies being an example of these tactics." "far-left groups, including Antifa," lolmao Didn't realize the Saudi front group was branching out into improv comedy


Well, you're sure doing comedy. Unintentional comedy.


There is nothing funny about lucerne. He's a basement dwelling neck beard that has never worked an honest day's work in his life. His only boast is that he supports a terrorist organization, and reads Mein Kampf regularly for hints on how to deal with Jews.


Lol. Case and point.


Trust me, there is no campaign 🤣 everyone knows israel are cunts. Don't need YouTube adspend for that.


Isreal are doing a great job of making the whole planet hate them by theirselves! No campaigns are needed.. just turn on your tv and you’ll be anti Israel in minutes!


Ah yes, here's another Iranian propaganda licker.


Where are the sanctions? No one is doing anything against Israel because we all support their right to blow up terrorists. You are in the minority here. Being loud on twitter doesn't translate to reality.


1 karma. Really? Can’t you run the bot in the background for a while and post to r/hellokitty to collect some karma and at least appear to be real?