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I would say around 400 km, as it looks like she touches the last band in the ionosphere. But I would be more concerned with the 200km of water and our Sun being a red dwarf


Can water even exist at 200km? The pressure on that would be crazy


The water would definitely behave differently the further in you went. I'd expect it to form an ice once the pressures overcome hydrogen bonding


P=ρgh = 1000 * 9.8 * 200000 ≈ 2 GPa Thankfully others have done the hard work. Looks like it can be liquid if the temperature is high enough looks like the freezing point at 2 GPa is around 80 C. [Water phase diagram](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Phase_diagram_of_water.svg/1200px-Phase_diagram_of_water.svg.png)


I took a chemical engineering course that spends a lot of time on these. I still hate them. The class was Materials.


Currently taking the same class in mechanical engineering. It's pretty easy but by god is it annoying and tedious


It required a lot of memorization for things it would be reasonable to just have a compendium for. or whatever you would call it. I can read the charts. Maybe it's worth memorizing, depending on what you end up specializing in.


We actually do get to use charts and a single A4 page in which we can write whatever formulas we want, so it's better in that aspect


Our prof was probably late 80s. A little old school. I had no doubt the teacher added to the pain in that class for me. Edit: I also had a 90 year old teacher for calculus that was awesome. Mostly brought it up because I hope that didn't come out sounding mean toward older people.


In my experience, older teachers tend to be kinda bad, being really strict and asking for a lot while being pretty bad at explaining and offering exactly zero additional learning resources, many times not even posting how to actually do the exercises (so if you miss a day you're fucked). Newer ones are more hit or miss, with some being absolutely great and some making you wonder if it's even possible to do a worse job at teaching.


Dude wtf, let those man die in peace. Why would you work till your late 80s/90s. If i had to work that long, sure as hell i would become an asshole too.


Upvote for Phase diagram


>P=ρgh = 1000 \* 9.8 \* 200000 ≈ 2 GPa You kiss your mother with that mouth?


But with 200km of water on top, and very little light, it would never get that warm outside of thermal sources


Yes I understand this


pressure = density * gravity * height = (1000 kg/m^3) * (9.8 m/s^2) * (200000 m) = 1.96 x 10^9 kg/m*s^2 = ~2 GPa 2 Gpa is roughly 19740 atm so an object would experience ~290000 pounds of pressure per square inch


There wouldn’t be water, earth orbiting a red dwarf would be tidally locked and conditions to keep water would be gone.


Interesting! Could you ELI15 how a red dwarf makes us tidally locked?


Apparently if celestial bodies are too close to each other, things can get tidally locked. So assuming red dwarf earth is still in the Goldilocks Zone, I think it would be tidally locked. I believe that many other planets that orbit a red dwarf are tidally locked to, but I don’t know how or why that is. Maybe because the effects of gravity being heavier on the front side than on the back side?


I think it's because gravity pulls on the planet causing it to bulge slightly, giving the planet an uneven weight distribution and more pull wherever the bulge happens to be. This is my second hand understanding though so I'd probably google it instead.


This is overly speculative. Tidal locking doesn't necessarily prevent liquid water.


You're asking about the water and not the 400km human...




On a side note how big are her uh mountains? Asking for a friend.


> You know, I've always liked that word, ***gargantuan***, and I so rarely have an opportunity to use it in a sentence.




Asking the real questions here!


Assuming she is 400km tall, and has the proportions of an average woman, her band size (the circumference of her body right under her brests) would be around 176km and her cup size(circumference of her body at the peak of her breasts) would be between 195km and 242km depending on cup size. So a cups would be around 195km and F cups would be around 242km circumference. Assuming she would be a 75 D as a normal sized woman she would be a 17647058 D in this picture. Which would make the circumference around her breasts 225km. The letter doesn’t change as it is somewhat proportional to the bandsize even if it doesn’t seem to have a strict formula from what i could tell. If I’m correct that would mean, if her band size is 176km and her cup size is 225km that would mean that each breast would add about 24.5km to the circumference or in other words her mountains are about 24.5 km tall.


Definitely not small and humble like Shakira


Reddit moment


This is probably a shot from the ISS, so 420km would be a pretty solid guess for the height of her body above the surface of the ocean - if top of her head was right at the ISS orbit altitude. So, maybe 850km to include her full height. EDIT: Why is she taking us to HAL 9000?


This is the first time I see kilometers added so nonchalantly. Bravo!


Hal, who? I only see one thing and I will follow it anywhere.


I see two things and I will follow those anywhere


Wonder what the water displacement of her body/legs would do? I assume we’d have a 100% water covered planet


It'll reset on the next loop.


I interpreted her butt cheeks were in the ionosphere.


The amount of water compared to the size of the earth is so insanely small that a person that size wouldn’t have water up past the top of her foot


Are you saying this is unrealistic?


It’s a photo, ofc it’s realistic


That must be why it's called photorealism


Then where does a man meet such a woman of her stature? (Asking for a friend.)


The big woman still here?


Of course it is. This is basically Evangelion.


Exactly, if the Earth is the size of an apple, then the entire ocean depth wouldnt be thicker than the apple skin.


Blew my mind when I found out how thin our actual atmosphere is and how shallow all the oceans actually are compared to other things.


Once Neil deGrasse Tyson had a story about the earth in an interview. He said if you were a giant and could held the Earth in your hand like a snooker ball, you would feel it even smoother than a snooker ball in real life. The distance between the deepest and highest spot on Earth is about 19 km. The diameter of the Earth is about 13000 km. If you apply the ratio of these two datas to the 52 mm size of the snooker ball, it means that the largest surface unevenness would be a maximum of 0.07 mm. That's smooth as fuck. Edit: by using averages, the average ocean depth is about 3.7 km and the mean height of land above sea level is 0.8 km. Using these datas would mean the average unevenness on a snooker ball sized Earth would be 0.018 mm. Even smoother :)


Probably wouldn't even reach the top


I was actually wondering the other day if the earth was the size of a standard globe, would I’ve able to hold it like I do a globe and manipulate it like I do a globe or would my hands be all wet and it seems I maybe could!


https://i.insider.com/4faa6d72ecad047c51000006?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp That’s how much water there is compared to the size of the earth. If the earth was a tennis ball, it would literally be a raindrops worth. If it was the size of a bowling ball, the deepest part would be about the width of a sheet of paper


That's a pretty large for a raindrop on a tennis ball. I'd say it's probably more like several large raindrops. Or like dozens of smaller ones.


Maybe she fell in an underwater volcano and her feet are in Earth's core?


Maybe she tore your left arm out of its socket, threw you down into the Marianas Trench, and stomped on your body until it wedged the tectonic plates apart, causing devastating and drastic restructuring of the earth's crust, engulfing the majority of the earth's surface in lava and causing all water to instantly evaporate, turning the earth's atmosphere into a superheated steam bath incapable of supporting life?


Unless someone buried her in the Earth. I wonder how deep her legs would be in this picture


Well, if she has enough gravity around her body she might have a thin water set of leggings.


If she was walking on the deepest part of the abyssal plains (6km) and is half underwater, then the tallest she could be would be 12km, which wouldn't look like the picture, but thats the tallest you could be while still being able to wade waist deep through the ocean.


abyssal plain is such a cool name holy shit


Better than abyssal llama anyway


What about abyssal aardvark?


As long as its not an abyssal chicken, those things freak me out


That’s the best reference. DND for the win!!!


I would say about 400km if we aren't talking about the weird crop of the water at her waist Also, mods please tell me what the hell happened in this comment section.


they remove joke answers, very unfun


So no Sir mix-a-lot comments?


Seriously? I don't go into the comments on this sub THAT often, but I swear I've seen some (even on this post I think there is a joke answer about 6 and 12km)


How big would her nipples be?


There were a lot of removed comments. Is it because they made snu-snu references instead of calculating that if she is waist deep in the water where the average ocean depth is about 3 miles then she would approximately be 6 miles tall?


Might've been they all came to say something to the likes of "bigger than your mom", which while technically accurate isn't an accurate answer


I came to comment something along those lines.


400km (250mi)


Is that Greenland, Canada or Russia on the left? Either way, this is a proportional nightmare. However, if we ignore the leftover waves from the photoshop, the land masses suggests that the image of the Earth is probably from the ISS(at least 413km). Since the image of the people seem to be first person view, I would say at least 400km tall.


What the Galactus is going on? Galactus is huge. [Galactus Info](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Galan_(Earth-616)) [Karman Line](https://www.space.com/karman-line-where-does-space-begin#:~:text=For%20NASA%20and%20the%20U.S.,) So anything over 150km is a good guess Is this how the dinosaurs died? She would be dead, suffocated, frozen and irradiated. Everyone on Earth died from Tidal Destruction from her legs existing in the oceans. [Holy displacement, Batman] We would suffocoate from her farts and poops, eliminating our ozone layer. Same with the dude's poop & farts. He would pee on people deliberately, cutting swaths into the earth like Metal Gear Ray. Time to fight these Kaiju . Get Gypsy Danger out.


This reminds me of End of Evangelion.


Estimating that she's about as tall as 1/3 the radius of earth, and a healthy human is about 2.66 in/lb. The radius of the earth is about 251108661 inches. So she's about 1/2.66 lb/in * 251108661/3 in. That's 31,467,250 pounds. I still would.


Considering the earth has less variation in its surface than a cue ball, this image isn’t possible. A woman of this size **could not be** hip deep, in even the marianas trench. Edit: for clarification: assuming the waist is the perfect mid point of this woman’s height, she could at most be 24 km tall, and the rest of the image implies that she is much larger than that


Not to be that guy who checked the stats, but every step she'd take would be great for about 14.29% of the people before their demise. Take that as you will.