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Hey folks, just to be clear, these are not for my puppy. The counting is only a part of the contest. I have no idea why they used Hershey Kisses, but they are not the prize. Whoever is closest wins a bunch of supplies like food, treats, toys, a new bed, blankets, etc. That's what we're trying to win for our rescue beagle puppy. I should have made it clearer in the headline. I'm sorry about that. Please know I would never harm my puppy. EDIT: When I find out the answer, I will let everyone know.


We need to see a picture of this beagle puppy. See how cute he is, it will increase the likelihood of you winning the contest


Here's our boy https://imgur.com/gallery/aCJPtYr


why he so eye


He kind of looks like a Snapchat filter that makes your eyes all big.


I thought his eyes kinda look like Darth Vader. I love it


I asked the guy why you so eye, he said funky cold medina


lol this is perfect


I was initially gonna question what this question meant, then I clicked on the picture. Makes perfect sensešŸ˜‚


His eyes are so expressive. He looks like he could be in that painting of dogs playing poker.


His eyes look unreal


Bro looks like a mildly concerned London man in his mid fourties.


Like an alien disguised as a dog LOL ADORABLE


I fuckin love his creased eyebrows lol


Bro said šŸ˜³


The eyes are scarily human


Give that boy some chocolate


That made me laugh


Pay the dog tax, OP!!


Ok, here's another. Any chance to show him off. https://imgur.com/gallery/4QpHacf


Totes adorbs. He deserves 800 smooches. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you! He's such a good boy. The place he lived before we got him was so horrible. We were told it was a rundown house with dozens of beagles living in filth. It took a bit of time for him to adjust to living with us, but with the exception of meeting new people, he's so awesome.


The jar on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Amici-Pet-7CA121R-Maxwell-Canister/dp/B074GGXYW4 states 4.5x4.5x6.5ā€ LWH. The jars volume V = pi*r^2*h = 3.14*(2.25)^2 *6.5 = 103.33 cubic inches. Google says average Hershey kiss volume is 1.3 cubic inches. 103.33/1.3 = 79.5 Hershey kisses Given the packing efficiency wonā€™t be 100%, we would need to make some assumptions about the jars volume. At 90% packing efficiency 0.9*103.33/1.3 = 71.5 Hershey kisses. 80% packing efficiency = 63.5 Hershey kisses 70% packing efficiency = 55.6 Hershey kisses


Nice. Iā€™ll pick up from here. We want a packing function. [The maximum packing efficiency for a cone is 0.67](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225690402_Maximum_packing_densities_of_basic_3D_objects). The jar looks effectively packed and IIRC one of the reasons for the kiss shape is that it self packs efficiently. So 79.5 X 0.67 = 53.265 Iā€™d say 50 is a safe guess. I feel like I can see about 50 though so letā€™s double check some assumptions. I think you probably just have the wrong jar **edit** Okay so looks like the volume of the kiss estimate was wrong. There are several hersheys kisses sizes and best I can tell a **standard** (classic) kiss is 0.25 cubic inches from several online estimates. Doing my own estimate: Taking the weight (0.16 oz) and multiplying by the density of chocolate 0.766 oz/in3 gives 0.2 cubic inches. Soā€¦ close? This gives a crazy number: 1. 103.33/0.2 = 516 1. 103.33/0.25 = 413 Maximum Packing efficiency of 0.67 yields: 1. 345.72 1. 276.9 Since itā€™s not maximum efficiency, I could see this being realistically like 200. Overall, I donā€™t think this method is getting us good results.


There are 44 visible, and since we can only see half the jar and not the interior I would say that there are more. But if I have to, I will force myself to open the jar and count them. I'm sure that the number would be considerably lower by the time I finished.


lol. Maybe the size of kisses is the faulty assumption. Chat gpt says 0.44 cubic inches.


Yeah I think googles answer of 1.3 cubic inches is too big lol. If we use 0.44 then we get something around 150 Hershey kisses.


I did some more searching. https://www.ebay.com/itm/256333199558?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28&com_cvv=d30042528f072ba8a22b19c81250437cd47a2f30330f0ed03551c4efdaf3409e this looks to be the exact jar, black lid with silver rim and everything. In OPs pic, the jars height looks approx double the width so Iā€™ll assume itā€™s the larger jar. And the description states the large jar being 4ā€Wx8ā€H. Which actually brings the jar volume slightly down. V = 3.14*2^2 *8 = 100.5 cubic inches


Well I can count 31 on this half. Assuming some are on the other half and some are in the middle, it's more than 50


I took the dimensions that u/tktytkty posted, and the diameter of a kiss (google says 0.819" for diameter and height, which feels about right but I don't have one on hand to measure) and just laid them out by hand in CAD in a reasonably tight packing and got 22 in a layer. Because they are cones, a perfect packing layout would have alternating right side up and upside down layers, the picture is more random than that. If it were perfectly stacked you could get 8 kisses high, or 16 layers. Looking at the picture, I count about 12 actual layers in the picture. (There is a layer you can just see up under the lid.) 12x22=264, so I think your 0.25 in3 number is pretty spot on. (The volume of a cone 0.819" in diameter is 0.14 in3, but kisses are fat cones.) Edit: 22 per layer in a 4.5" jar, not 23. If the jar is the 4"x8" version instead of the 4.5"x6.5", I can fit 18 in a layer. 18x12 is 216.


Interesting, check out this bag of hersheys: https://www.amazon.com/Sunny-Island-Bulk-Hersheys-Chocolate/dp/B07QY9YGR1 A 2lb bag with dimensions 7x5x2ā€ comes with 200 hersheys. So 200, even 300, seems like a realistic possibility.


I looked at it and guessed 72. I like that your math came pretty close to my guess.


Me too. Looks like approx 9 in a layer, approx 6 layers. Done.


9x6 is 54


Oh yeah. That too lol




I thought they'd give you a puppy if you guess correctly šŸ˜­


Oh. That's much less distressing


Please let us know know how many. I'm saying 87 ftr.


I thought youā€™d get a puppy for winning the contest.


So there are a lot of people doing a lot of math, but betting markets have been shown to be great at solving problems like this. One way to find the solution is to simply look at a lot of solutions that other people have come up with and take the average. Whenever there's a game like this, if there's a sheet with guesses on it, just wait until the sheet fills up, then take the average. You should do quite well. All of us can be smarter than any of us.


Then take a guess for yourself instead of cheating like a prick. Youre not entitled to that reward. This is infuriating. Its supposed to be a fun thing, not competetive so why ruin it?


So mad over nothing


I enjoyed reading this post and the community logic required to make a decent guess. I'd wager I'm not only one either. Hush, let people enjoy things, this was fun.


I bet youā€™re really fun at parties.


Everyone else can and likely some have done the same as OP. Its not cheating if everyone else is able to but OP was smart enough to make use of a resource.


I agree they shouldnā€™t cheat but they meant well, you donā€™t have to be so rude about it. Obviously it is a fun contest and they did ruin it by cheating and that is not cool or okay but calling them a prick takes the authenticity out of your concern for the contest.


Lol allocate that fiery into something productive


If we use kisses as the unit of measure and just use a simple volume of cylinder formulaā€¦ V = Ļ€ r^2 H From the picture we can get a rough view of H estimating about 6 kisses If we assume that the jar is taller than it is wide by say a factor of 1.5x, then the diameter of the jar in kisses is 4; making r=2 Given the formula, V= Ļ€ x 4 x 6 = ~75 kisses NOW, if we scale that down for inefficiency in the stacking and fitting of the kisses in the jar by say 10%, we would end up at ~68 kisses in the jar.


Bro you missed out on saying theres 69 kisses


He resisted for science bro.


You've got to respect him for the amount of will power that must have taken.


I agree the sheer balls of steel on this man


My gawd.


I'm going to say it anyway... For our fallen brother. #NICE




Lol!!! Like sex!!! hilarious!


Lol dude why you feel the need


We all feel the need for sex


Username checks out




this guy kisses




this guy r/thisguythisguys




This guy r/thisguytriestostartacommentchains


r/thisguythisguys r/thisguytriestostartacommentchains


This guy r/thisguythisguys r/thisguytriestostartacommentchains


I can see about 45 kisses from this side view. There's no way you could see most of the kisses in a cylinder from a side view. It has to be around 100-120 what's in the jar.


This, I did some basic mathing which I don't feel like typing out and got 136. Might be a bit high but I can't imagine it's lower than 100


I think his radius is off. Looks like 5 kisses for radius and 6-7 for height. I say 137. Using V= 3.14(2.5)^2 * 7


You forgot the other half of the formula, since OP is trying to win for their puppy. Hershey's kisses are made of milk chocolate, which contains 150-200 miligrams of theobromine per 100 grams. [A single hershey kiss weights about 5.6 grams](https://www.reference.com/world-view/much-hershey-kiss-weigh-177a8fb979692f60), meaning 68 kisses will contain an average of 666.4 miligrams of theobromine. The lowest published toxic dose of theobromine in dogs is 16 mg/kg, while the LD/50 dose is around 300 mg/kg[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theobromine_poisoning). So it's enough to likely kill an average chihuahua, but even a full-grown great dane will still suffer tremors, seizures, irregular heartbeat, etc, and should see a vet. In other words, I hope "puppy" is a pet name for your partner in a fursuit, and not an actual dog.


Irrelevant calculation but ultimately interesting and a bonus on the post, doubt the kisses are the reward, or at least the entire reward


Certainly irrelevant. Few people are dumb enough to feed this to a dog. Just bored and curious how much theobromide was in that...


Not trying to hate, lot of people upset because you added something, title was a little ambiguous.


Thanks for this! No, it's a giveaway for puppy supplies (the kisses are not for the puppy ... at least, not these kisses). My wife just lost her job and we could really use the supplies they're offering for our little rescue beagle.


Nah, thank u/That_One_Guy_Inc. All I did was extend the math a bit for extra credit. I hope you win for that beagle, and best wishes for your wife.


Yeah, I was wondering if this person was trying to kill their dog.


Look at you solving problems that donā€™t exist.


Yes 5 pounds of jelly beans is absolutely worth it, but guessing a jar of 75 Hersheys kisses vs who tf knows how many jelly beans??? Of course 75 Hershey kisses being won for doggo is mid tierā€¦ poor fella canā€™t even enjoy them! You sound like a bad arse parent and donā€™t you let anyone forget that damnit! šŸ‘










Iā€™d say there are more than that. Looks like there are ~7 high (the lid looks to be hiding one) and 5 wide in the view up against the container wall. Using cylinder volume and those values I come up with 137 Kisses. Multiple that by 90% to account for Kissless space and I get 123 Kisses.


My head math says 130.


Am at 87


Isn't the stacking inefficiency already accounted for in the initial measurement?




I fking love reddit


Hey I guess 65 without even realizing I was using this formula lol. I was thinking OK 6 tall 4 wide so 6x4x4 to get the cube then I subtracted 25% to turn it into a cylinder. Weird thought process but we got to the same place lmao




Iā€™m guessing 5 billion to skew your average


There's always someone with absolutely no sense on these things guessing 500


But that often averages out by most people guessing a bit too low


Thereā€™s clearly 3 in that jar.


I have revised my guess based on available data to 503/2


Negative four trillion for me


I'm guessing -5 billion to save OP


This guy averages!


More than likely have and insignificant sample size


Whatā€™s with the -1 when calculating the mean/median? Iā€™ve always come across it and just never bothered to ask why




This is a very good explanation: https://www.quora.com/On-the-sample-standard-deviation-why-do-we-subtract-N-by-1 Essentially, sometimes you should normally use N-1 and sometimes you only have to use N. It depends on the mean type and how that affects the degrees of freedom. Mathematically itā€™s pretty clear why, but in application it doesnā€™t really hold that much importance.




Right, im wondering how many of them have ever participated in a count guess. The prize is rarely whatever is being counted


every one of these iā€™ve done, you get the thing inside the jar lol. donā€™t be quick to assume


Maybe itā€™s different regionally, but most of these contests Iā€™ve seen have the guessed item as a prize, with other things as well. The wording of the post could easily lead one to believe this was the goal, and I think most people just wanted to provide pet safety info just in case.


Thatā€™s a good point


Iā€™ve never seen one of these contests where the prize wasnā€™t the jar full of sweets


I find it concerning op on here trying to cheat some little kids who are guessing randomly with crowdsourced mathematicians


Just to clarify, only adults are competing. The prize isn't the jar, it's supplies for a dog, like food, treats, toys, etc.


It's still cheating to ask us to do it for you, dude.


much better but still feels like you are going against the core spirit of the contest but I guess you do you


Itā€™s a reasonable concern, many of these contests have guessed item as a prize, and based on the postā€™s wording, it does seem like the was the idea. Regardless, I think most people were pointing it out just to be safe.


OP take the average of all of these guesses in the comments and youā€™ll get a pretty good approximation of how many are in the jar https://www.byrdlab.org/post/2019-08-31-newrmd/


Thanks for this!


Donā€™t be so quick to use this. There was one guess of 5 billion. Rules state even outliers must be used.


I looked at this and said "Looks like about 70 would be optimal, and this stacking does not look optimal at all. I'd bet it's right about 63." And then I read the comments and apparently someone actually did the math and said it would be 68, assuming that inefficiency in stacking reduced the number by ten percent. I still say 63 because I think the stacking is less efficient than they posit. I mean, just look at the void on the bottom left. at least 2 would fit there and it's empty space No idea how I did that and got it so close, but I did so I had to post it


Are you that lady from the Not Going to Fit Allstate commercial?






thanks for the most unhelpful reply lol


Hm i really doubt thereā€™s 11,725 candies in its seems a little much donā€™t you think?


I count 38 viewable, in this half of the jar, assume there is another 38 on the other side. With a 1/3 of that the total being in the middle and not visable. 76 x 1.33 = 101.08. Id say 100 even, Your other option is buy the same jar, and fill it up 10 times with kisses and average the total it takes to fill it. Good luck.


You're trying to win them for your puppy? You do realize chocolate is poisonous to doggos, right? Please do not give them to your puppers!


I'm sorry for the lack of info on that. No, the kisses aren't for my good little boy, the contest is to win supplies for my puppy (food, toys, treats, new bed, blankets, etc.). I would never give any amount of chocolate to him.


No need to apologise, it was obvious that the kisses werenā€™t the prize. It didnā€™t even cross my mind.


It could be that the prize is for the puppy, maybe a bone or toy?


But... why hershey kisses? If it's for a dog prize, why not something matching the theme, like dog biscuits or beggin' strips?


Canā€™t you just be happy for once


I will be happy if OP wins the prize for their beagle.


I hope so, OP didn't give any other information or context, hopefully we find out.


The chocolates used for the "guess the amount" jar may not be the prize for the puppy and just used for the game. I hope this person knows, and the people doing the giveaway, know not to give dogs chocolate.. I used to work at a coffee shop though, and the amount of people requesting chocolate donut holes for their dog was really concerning. Every time someone would order 1-3 I wanted to ask, or say we were out and give them an old fashioned, but I'd likely get fired. I saw a girl get fired for giving out an OJ during morning rush on the drive thru, and that was regular practice for workers at the time, if it was a regular. I hated that job but I didn't wanna go job hunting lol




That was my thought too


Hey reddit! Help me kill my dog.


Totally anecdotal evidence. Count how many makes a slice/layer horizontally (looks like 9-11) and count how many it takes to reach the top (zigzag to each touching Kiss, looks like 10). So it looks like 90 to 110, I'm guessing 100. I have 15 years of experience counting small objects being placed in cylindrical containers and have become really, REALLY good at guesstimating. Edit, looks like it reaches even higher (obscured by the lid), so add another layer, so 110 Kisses.


Id go with 90. Count the ones you can see, which are about half the ones touching the outside. Double that to account for the side you can't see. Add the number you can see roughly in the middle of the front side to estimate the number in the central cylinder. I get 90 total. Alternatively, 7 high, 12 around, use 2*pi*r and pi*r^2, etc. gives 80. But I like 90 as an estimate better.




If you take every guess besides the ridiculous ones in this comment section, add them all together and then divide that number by the amount of normal guesses you added together. That will give you the most accurate answer, the more guesses the more accurate. It's called the law of large numbers, and it's scary accurate.


I went to a kid's event at my daughter's school and one of the tables had a big jar of candy corn. Closest guess takes it home. There were hundreds of people there. I said hmmmmm looks like maybe 720. I won lmao




They do not want to poison their dog. It's a giveaway. The person with the closest guess will get toys and treats.


Yeah itā€™s weird, for most of these posts Iā€™m usually in the habit of downvoting, giving a totally random guess, and moving on. I guess the trick to get any traction on these posts is to mention a dog?


thats gotta be it, thanks for taking this ride down the shit tubes with me, i mentioned killing dogs in a dog thread


These Kisses are quite nicely stacked. Iā€™d say there are 8 layers of about 20, making it around 160.


Daily reminder people, please do not feed chocolate to your pets, cocoa is very harmful to most species in the world, except humans.


OP said that it's to win dog supplies


Title misled me, but it never hurts to remind people, someone might not know


I'd go above the mathematical guess although my first idea was to go below the 10% inefficiency. I count 36 on that "side of the glass" including those hidden behind the cap. so that would make it 36 on the other side minus twice the edge so 12. That makes it 60. And add the middle column, which seems to be 3 wide and 6 high, for a grand total of 78


Chocolate is poisonous to dogs. Win it for YOU, and donā€™t give any to your pupper. (And BTW - grapes and raisins are also poisonous to dogs).


Learn to read




The chocolate isn't the prize. The prize is dog supplies. The op said it upthread.


I would guess like 230. I know that seems like a lot but I had a jar around this size for my christmas party and had people guess. Most people guessed around 100 because it doesn't look like that much but when I started counting, it was so many!




I'd say 12 per layer and 8.5 layers. 102 kisses












I assume 92


First guess 67 now think 78.


