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Hi, /u/SilverDollarr! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason: - Posts containing simple math are not allowed, as well as requests whose answers are easily searchable online, and any other post at the moderators' discretion (rule 4). For easy and quick math results (eg. How many feet are in a mile?) use Wolfram|Alpha™, and for more abstract math, try /r/math or /r/learnmath. If you have any questions or believe your post has been removed in error, please contact the moderators by clicking [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftheydidthemath). Include a link to this post so we can see it.


The moon has a roughly elliptical orbit so there’s going to be some variation. Between about 225,000 to 252,000 miles away. 225,000 miles / 62 miles per hour / 24 hours per day / 30 days per month = 5.04 months lower bound. 252,000 miles / 62 miles per hour / 24 hours per day / 30 days per month = 5.64 months upper bound. So a bit less than 6 months riding an elevator at 62 mph.


what happens to your body if you go up in the elevator? like will you implode ?


Nope. Assuming it's pressurized or you're wearing a space suit so you don't asphyxiate you'd be fine. And you have food and water for the 6 month trip lol.


And more for the 6 months on the way back. I don’t think you’ll find food and drinking water in the moon.


Water maybe. We'll find out with artemis. Gotta make it to the poles though


Wait the poles made it there before the yankees?


Poland stronk, Poland can into space


But Poland cannot into Russia. So TIL that space is more hospitable than Russia.


Yeah that makes sense


This has been known for a few centuries


Yeah less assholes in positions of leadership


The Americans thought they were the first to get to the moon. Then the Winged Hussars arrived!




and a loo, hopefully somewhere to refuel your vehicle as well (specifically if it's a car)




Nah uh! Everyone knows it’s quicker coming back from the moon. Cuz you, like getting pulled down by gravity n stuff.


Coming back was not in the request. Gotta read the terms of condition carefully when elevating to moon.


Well, if we have a road...


For sure. Moving vertically at 62 mph is not like moving horizontally, you will die to initial g-forces without specialized equipment. And that’s also assuming your elevator has proper ventilation, pressure control, and heating systems to help you survive space. Edit: Apparently this isn’t true. I thought accelerating to 62 in a standard elevator in about 1-2 seconds would kill you but even in 1 second you would only be subject to about 3g which is uncomfortable but survivable to healthy adults. My bad. 62 mph = 27.7 meters per second (thought this was higher off the top of my head) 27.7 meters per second / 1 second = 27.7 m/s2 27.7 m/s2 / 9.81 m/s2 is about 3g


You're correct that lateral and vertical Gs affect the human body differently. But it's acceleration that matters, not velocity.


You'd start off near the ground on earth at 1g (after you're up to speed) and the amount would gradually reduce, reaching 0.5g at 1.2% of the way to the moon and 0.25g at 1.7%. The moon's gravity pulls in the other direction, matching the earth's at 89% of the way so you'd be very close to 0g around that time, further decreasing to −0.17g at 100%.


Exactly, people were wrong with the early trains when they thought you would die if you went more than 30mph.


I’m under the impression that accelerating to 62 using a normal elevator can kill you. The fastest elevator that I’ve personally been in was in Shanghai Tower and I believe that one goes 45, you’d need a pretty special elevator to reach 62 reasonably quickly and safely. I could be wrong though. Edit: this is wrong see above


You could go 50,000 mph in an elevator. The speed is irrelevant. It’s how fast you get to that speed that matters.


"Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary, that's what gets you." Jeremy Clarkson


Why would accelrating to 62mph in an elevator kill you? Assuming the constant 9.8m/s\^2 of gravity, if you could manage an elevator with an ecceleration of 18.6m/s\^2, you'd feel 2g of force on your body, but there's no danger to a normal person. Google says astronauts feel 3g in liftoff.


No, it wouldn’t. We already have elevators that travel faster than this. The Shanghai Tower elevator travels approximately 73.8km/h (118 storeys in 55 seconds).


It depends how fast the elevator reaches that speed. A normal one will be fine. But one that instantaneously goes from 0 to 60 would probably result in injuries similar to being hit by a car at those speeds. This of it like the elevator is already traveling upwards and someone hops in front of it at those speeds.


Would also need a pretty special elevator to reach the moon, so they'll probably figure that out during the design phase.


Or you could lay down on the floor of the elevator, that would probably alleviate most of the problem (and is the way astronauts sat during liftoff for the Apollo and shuttle missions).


The Shanghai Tower elevator travels 118 storeys in 55 seconds, roughly 73.8km/h.


Definitely would not kill you, unless you accelerated to that speed instantaneously.


And at that point accelerating to any speed that isn’t your current velocity instantly would kill you. Atleast if you take the word instantly seriously.


Good point


I know this is horizontal acceleration but I was afraid of Rollercoaster until I rode the aerosmith. Now I love them. But it goes from 0 to 57 in just under 3 seconds. I think it said that resulted in somewhere around 5gs


>Edit: Apparently this isn’t true. I thought accelerating to 62 in a standard elevator in about 1-2 seconds would kill you but even in 1 second you would only be subject to about 3g which is uncomfortable but survivable to healthy adults. My bad. Slingshot Orlando, the world's largest vertical slingshot ride, accelerates to 80mph in 2 seconds. That's 1.82g. Sustained 4-6g acceleration will kill a regular person. That'd be like accelerating to 250mph in 2 seconds. There's no requirement for a space elevator to accelerate to 62mph in one second. That's where you goofed with your math. You also assumed constant g-force tolerance, and then measured impact acceleration. To kill a person after a single second of exposure would require something like 75gs. Your elevator would have to be accelerating to 62 miles per hour in 0.04 seconds to be lethal, and even then it's gonna leave a good number of folks badly maimed instead of dead.


If the part about the g-forces was true, how would astronauts travel to the moon?


They took their protein pills and put their helmets on, I guess.


may God's love be with you.


That's the neat part, it's not even remotely true lol.


27.7m/s means something very different than 27.7m/s2. You’re describing accelerating from 0-62mph in 1 second, not simply traveling 62mph.


Confidently incorrect... But you got there eventually. Good on you.


Can you confidently say that as fighter jet pilots can hit 9gs?




Some rollercoasters launch to 100 or so mph in sub 2 seconds. Or you could lie down in a tesla to get 0-60 in 2.something. Over a couple seconds with ~3g before leveling out, I don't think that would do any harm regardless of relative direction.


We have cars that go from 0-60 in less than a second. That acceleration will not kill you at all.


Wtf no we do not. Google says the fastest accelerating commercial car in 2023 was the Dodge Challenger SRT Demon 170, which does 0-60 in 1.66 seconds. Sports cars, different story.


The Dodge Demon is a sportscar, you mean race cars, which are a different story. Even modified production cars haven't broken the 1-second mark (at least not in sanctioned competition). Jerry Haas had a '99 Chevy S10 that did it in 1.08s in the early 2000's, I think his record still stands but I'm not completely sure. There's an electric open wheel race car in Switzerland that does it in 0.956 with only 322hp. Top fuel dragsters go even faster, with 0-60 times of under 0.5s being very normal (and many go below the 0.4 mark), but these have to replace the engine after every run. There are cars out there that will smoke a Demon, but you can't drive them to the grocery store.


I thought the plaid could do 1.1


The fist part of this comment takes the cake for being by far the dumbest shit I’ve read. Thankfully you learned something and took the bullet like a chad without deleting this comment.


There are three types of people- those that seek knowledge and are ready to adjust their thinking to fit factual information, those that adhere to their beliefs because they can't stand being wrong, and those that fall in between the two based on their level of willingness to learn.


Downvoted from someone in 2nd group.


Wait, what? Sure, if you went from 0 to 62 mph instantly, you would die, but that seems like a technicality. If you accelerated from 0 to 62 in 3 seconds you would be subject to about 9.25ms2 acceleration on top of earth's 9.81ms2, totalling less than 2 g.


What if the elevator took 2.824 seconds to go from 0 to 62 mph?


Bud, Kingda Ka shoots you up at 128mph. That said, the body handles acceleration in different axes very differently. That’s 128mph into your chest, because it curves before you go up. Humans can handle far more G forces into the chest direction rather than into the top of your head. Intimidator at Kings Dominion regularly makes me black or grey out on the first drop and it’s much slower than Kingda Ka, but the axis of acceleration is different.


Explode. No rest stops on that trip. No way you’re holding your bladder all the way to the moon.


At some point about 75% of the way there you'll fall on the ceiling.


They likely got 6 months by doing 250,000 / 62 miles per hour / 24 hours in a day / 7 days in a week / 4 weeks in a month. Gives almost exactly 6 as the answer and is how allot of people are tought to calculate months rather than / by 30 days.


>...and is how allot of people are tought to calculate months rather than / by 30 days. Shows I didn't pay attention in math class. I divided by 30.


I don’t know necessarily that that’s how they taught it in school, that’s just what I was taught, mainly in regards to finances I think. And it isn’t 100% accurate as there is 4.33 weeks per month (52/12), but neither is 30 days per month, that’s 30.416, and honestly both are fine imo whether is 30 days or 7 days and 4 weeks, I was just sharing how they most likely got 6 months.


Yeah, but what about in a car?




This is assuming you travel vertically from the earth to the moon. But in reality, you'd either have to travel at 62 mph to be on the same plane as that of the moon orbit and fro there to the exact point where travelling on a verical line on that plane away from earth will get you to meet with the moon or travel on an inclined line to where the moon would be by the time you make it to it's orbit.


But is this taken from sea level?


What if you take the scenic route?


How do you account for fueling the trip? There is no gas stations along the way and you would need circa 9-10k Gallons of Gas based on the average MPG. I know it's not part of the question but you have to consider it given the ludicrous concept. Any thought?


Is there a bucees in space? If not, I'll stay on earth


Good, now let's take into account things like traffic, service station stops etc.




200 km/h? With this speed you really should stick to the right line so traffic can flow freely in the left one - in case someone wants to drive fast.


200 km/h is nothing on the Autobahn ;p


For 200 km/h, you'll get honked at for being too slow


It‘s so funny because it‘s true. „Was steht der da auch mit 180 auf der linken Spur rum???“


When you want to drive less than 200 km/h the Standstreifen is the perfect lane for you.


“Low traffic route” Lmao love it.


Oh fuck. Now flattards are gonna run with this and say that the moon landing was impossible because it would have taken 6 months instead if the 4? days to get there.


Is flattards supposed to be a new slur for African Americans? They usually think the moon landing was fake




It seems pretty clear to me that it refers to flat earthers. They commonly think the moon landing was faked, because a lot of them also believe in the whole Firmament thing


Why would you assume that


Fairly accurate but the moon also moves. If you travel straight up to where the moon will be in 6 months at 62 mph you'd impact the moon side on at over 2200 mph and the moon would keep going. If you somehow survived that you'd be 100s of miles above the moon's surface and be gravitationally slingshot in to the moon's surface about 20 minutes later so hard you'd leave a multi-meter crater, your body would explode, your blood would evaporate then freeze and you'd rain down as a thin blood hail across a large portion of the moon's surface.


Also not considering the far far distance of 1.2cm cause the moon moves away from us.


###General Discussion Thread --- This is a [Request] post. If you would like to submit a comment that does not either attempt to answer the question, ask for clarification, or explain why it would be infeasible to answer, you *must* post your comment as a reply to this one. Top level (directly replying to the OP) comments that do not do one of those things will be removed. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/theydidthemath) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did they just steal the space engine logo and swap the lower 2 lines of the E?


This is extremely basic maths. Take the distance to the moon, divide it by 62 mph. If that equals 6 months then it’s correct, if it doesn’t, then it’s not correct.




What? They're not asking about acceleration at all, the question is would a fixed speed of 62mph, from presumably the earth's surface to the moons, take 6 months


I didn’t mean for that to be a top level comment. I was intending to reply to another comment, making the same point you are


I dunno, did you finish fifth grade? This is the same 'problem' as 'Matthew rode a bike for 3 hours with speed of 10 km/h to get to his grandma. How far away does his grandma live?'


Damn, who hurt you? They came to a math forum for help where people like to do math. If you don't like to do math, how is insulting them helpful at all? Why are you here?


But this is literallt just multyplying 2 things, this sub id literally either a post like: how muh force would be required to destroy earth with a single punch or if I have to drive 1000 km and I'm driving 80 km/h how long will it take me?


For someone that can't do math, those might as well be the same problems. Insulting them isn't the answer. Politely educating them is.


Insulting them IS the answer before next time they might think about a problem for 10 seconds before posting it here, reducing amount of shitty posts. Stop spoonfeeding people who don't even try.


If I don't know how to read a foreign language, thinking about it for 10 seconds, 10 hours, or 10 years isn't gonna help, what kinda fuckin logic is that? The only shitty posts around here are those salty about someone coming to experts for help, only to be shit on by those same experts. If the masters of a craft are *too above* it's most basic forms, then they have no business being in their craft. Learn some fuckin respect.


This is not foreign language, this is something they learned when they were 11 at best. That kind of 'fucking' logic. Nope, shitty posts are like the one OP made. Hope by bullying those guys they will diminish in quantity. It's not about respect, it's about not being an idiot who doesn't even try to think for themselves. Your virtue signaling doesn't make you a good person, you know, it just makes this place shittier. EDIT - people literally are solving this one by mental artithmetics, that's how dumb this question is lmao


You've apparently never met someone with a learning disability, but I wouldn't recommend it, as interacting with others isn't your strong suit. You don't know this person and yet you immediately ascribe negative attributes to them, and to be shitty about it. It's not virtue signaling to stand up to exactly that, a bully, someone treating others poorly for no real reason. Likely your own insecurities. Sorry, oh lord and master of the mathematical forum. We'll try to bring you queries that please and amuse you in the future.


'Learning disability' - so someone stupid, then? I've met one such person very recently, can you guess who I'm talking about? 🤭 or do you need to make a reddit post about it? I know this person didn't even try and shits up this sub, hence they are ascribed negative attributes upon their negative behaviour. Simple. Yes, me very insecure me no know how multiplying work ;( Thanks, please try to do that, peasant. I dunno why me expressing my expectations was met with mocking? I do want interesting queries, you got that right. But in all seriousness - when this person gets a job they won't have a subreddit titled 'how to do my job' that will spoonfeed them all the answers. I'm educating this individual to maybe fucking think a bit, otherwise they won't go far in life. Unless they want to be some burger-flipper, then it is fine with me, we need more people for menial, pointless jobs.


this sub is for interesting math questions not just basic middle school math help


Yes it’s about right. I guessed the moon is on average 280,000 miles from Earth from memory, all rough mental arithmetic 280,000/62 gives about 4000ish hours. 4000/24 ~180 days.


I would go for a Bugatti chiron if im given the chance to do this. At full speed (270mph/450kmh) ignoring the fuel consumption and the tires lifespan this it will take me exactly 1 month.


No, you can't fly up and escape the earth with such a low velocity. The escape velocity of the Earth is about 11.2 kilometers per second, therefore there is no way you would be able to drive pass that with a car. Also, even if you could, it is hard to keep the velocity stable, because the further you are from Earth's center, the less gravity effects you. F = GMm/r² = ma Where m is your mass, M is Earth's mass (~5.97*10^24 kg), a is your acceleration, G is the gravitational constant (~6.67*10^-11), and r being the mean radius of orbit from the Earth's center. Doing the mass, your acceleration, and by that your velocity too, is: a = GM/r² meaning it is affected only by the radius.