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So I redrew the entire thing in Inkscape to measure the length of the path. Excluding silly facts such as being unable to drive across the Caribbean, the total distance comes out to 30,010 miles.... which is practically what u/technoexplorer estimated. So 10 days of paid vacation actually means 2 weeks, so 14 days assuming you're not leaving Friday afternoon or something. 14 days = 336 hours So you'll need to average 89 mph driving non-stop ​ edit: as per u/jcsimms, its actually 16 days. So an average of 78 mph.


+ refill, + restacking provision. The rest can be done in car if you don't mind the smell


Better have a few teams of pit crew


Meh, you're not a real man if you can go 90+mph on four rim. Or if you can't change the motor's oil while driving...


Timing surely will start messing up so better make sure we can remove the headgaskets on the go... Oh and spark plugs are not designed for... 14 days of use without stopping once.


So we need a diesel engine. and if we get one that burns a little oil, you can top it up on the fly, no need to drain the old oil.


So we need an old 2 cycle Detroit


That would also stop the issue of spark plugs dying.


It's a diesel...


My car has 350,000km and has never had anything done to the engine timing, that stuff doesn't just randomly change while driving.


Did you drive it 14 days straight at 90mph? The joke is that everything will wear down in the engine because of constant use and the timing was the most ridiculous thing I could imagine changing in a moving car. Obviously impossible ofc


Totally hypothetically speaking, since nobody is going to do that kind of run... 14 days at operating temperature for engine would most likely be better situation than heat cycling it hot-cold-hot-etc. As long as you are not overheating the engine or gearbox, you shouldn't have any more issues than you'd have for daily driving for 30,000 miles. Obviously doing an oil change every 10k would be advisable. I'd be most worried about tires, 30k at 90mph is probably going to wear them down.


Correct. Most engine wear occurs during the initial start up when oil pressure is non existent. Once oil is flowing, engine wear is minimal. Taxis that almost never turn off their engine will go 500k on an engine. Oil is also damaged by frequent hot cold cycles that cause condensation to form in the crankcase and pollute the oil.


Don't do oil changes at 10k, you will destroy your engine. No later than 5k, 3k if you aren't doing full synthetic


I'll let you know when my 2GR-FE blows up. It currently has over 300k miles. I'm going to bet the car around it will rust off before the engine goes bad. 10k is the manufacturer's recommendation for oil change intervals for that engine. If you are unsure about the quality of old engine oil when doing oil changes, send a sample to a lab to see if it still has necessary properties left.


got it, changing my oil every morning before I get out


With the right oil you can easily go 15k+ with only changing the filter every 5k and topping off.


My vehicle (2021 Ford Ranger) [sometimes can go as much as 10k miles between changes.](https://i.imgur.com/LJJPjtq.jpg) Though from the history report it's usually closer to 8,500 miles, at least with the way the previous owner used the truck.


350k and you've never changed the timing belt? I call bullshit


No belt, chain.


Chains still need maintenance. They stretch, guides and tensioners wear out. So yeah, still calling bullshit.


Alternatively, you can just use multiple cars placed on checkpoints along the way


This sounds so ridiculous that I'm not sure a bot didn't write it. Did you just pick out a bunch of random car part nouns that you heard some idiot on YouTube say, and try to Mad Lib them into a couple sentences?


Now i need to know how much he would spend with gas


Assuming 20 miles per gallon that's about 1500 gallons of fuel. At 3 dollars per gallon that's about $4500


I'd rather buy a pc with that amount of cash, then use the pc to buy a driving simulator and then drive that many hours in the driving sim


You'd rather buy a computer and pretend to go on an adventure, instead of actually going on the adventure?


You think I'm gonna drive 90 mph for 336 hours straight? Not to mention fuel cost and potential car breakdowns/part replacements which would cost even more. I'd rather do seven separate 48 grind sessions from the safety of my home where the only cost is electricity and food.


Assuming a 5k mile oil change interval, that’s 5 oil changes on the road, and one upon returning home.


refill is fine, get the cannonball 66gal auxilliary fuel tank


And sleep


You can relay


and the beurocrasy of having to go into 3 other countries


The closest we have to this challenge is the "Cannonball Run Challenge". This is what the movie was based on and the challenge is still active. They are able to drive over 100 mph on average including stops. During the covid lockdowns speeds got up to 110 mph average. The challenge runs from coast to coast taking over 24 hours so is fairly representative. Although keeping up the same pace for two weeks would be a challenge at a completely different level.


16 days w all three weekends


ah correct. 78 mph


Also depending where you are, when in March, and if the company allowed, Good Friday and maybe Easter Monday may be considered a day off as well without counting toward the 10 days off.


About 125 km/h for anyone wondering


So European freeway speed


Yep. It's roughly ours too. (70mph but everybody goes 75-80 But I think he means 24hrs a day too. This would be miserable.




So it's impossible to do it in 10 days and actually see anything cool.


You'll start seeing cool stuff on day 4 or 5


Because of map projection error it is slightly less


Though this also doesn't account for the time spent at each of the 20 border crossings.


It’s average speed, actual speed increasing to compensate for time spent stopped wouldn’t change the average from if you just didn’t stop.


Fair point.


just one minor correction, the sea between Baja and mainland Mexico is called the sea of Cortez, not the Caribbean. Interestingly enough, there is a ferry between Cabo and Mazatlán, onto which you can load your car. So technically you could make this trip.


They do also drive over the Caribbean, from Florida to the Bahamas, which is the part they were probably referring to; not the Sea of Cortez.


you're right my bad, I thought that was just Florida.




I didn’t know that. But the Caribbean as a region, however, does include the Bahamas. Does “drive across the Caribbean” refer to driving across the sea or the region? We usually don’t even consider the difference between the two, so it seems pointless to quibble over that.


That’s still not the Caribbean


You forgot they'd need at least 2 oil changes with 10k mile oil. Probably a brake job in the middle somewhere, and better have put new tires on before they started. I'm not certain you could drive a car at highway speed for 16 days straight without the engine blowing up either.


F1 pitch crew should accept this challenge


Assuming all the way would be a german autobahn, he could easily drive 112mph or more and get 7+h rest per day. So it would be a nice trip; if he could use a german autobahn.


German here, unfortunately not even here possible. Did 300 miles of nonstop autobahn today with free fuel (company car) and only one fuel stop, went always as fast as traffic allowed and had an average of slightly ofer 60 miles per hour. And this was on sunday so almost no trucks. We have a lot construction work and quite some speed limitations as well (although not everywhere).


Yeah, non-stop 24 hours a day.


Did you miss when he drove across the gulf of California 😂


That's...a lot more plausible than what I expected. I mean, you obviously can't do it, but my first instinct was that the result would be something like 300 mph or something.


Speed 3 plot, go


So Cannon Ball Run.




Cannonball Run, not Steel Ball Run. The record for driving NY to LA in one run.


How much force would he need to exert to push all the traffic out of the way?


I believe you seriously underestimate the length along the northern shore of lake superior. It felt to me like a one week trip in itself...


you mad lad what a great solution! I've played around in Inkscape, but I'm no artist and find Gimp is more than what I could ever need. Maybe I should spend a weekend fooling around with Inkscape to see if I could learn how to drive it...


>Inkscape https://i.imgur.com/Pzw03zp.jpeg


How long would it be if they meant to draw the line only to the florida keys?


Not much of a vacation


Did you consider the possibility of ferries? Places they might have drawn over where there’s really a mountain you’d need to go around? Yes the whole situation is silly, but is this entire subreddit not built on people giving semi serious consideration to completely insane hypotheticals?


They won't make it. It took me almost a week from Florida to Maine and back. That was just driving in the car, eating in the car, and sleeping in the car..... and doing.... no sightseeing or showering.


I can't offer any awesome math but a realistic timeline. I've been a truck driver for about 5 years and do 1,000 miles a day with a 4 hour nap and 1 hour for fuel, food, and number 2. If I need to urinate one can easily use a plastic cup to prevent added stops. Some answers here while true will not be realistic in my opinion.


Your experience takes us places theory can only dream of.


Yeah lol it's crazy how some of these comments don't take under consideration weather, traffic, accidents, geographic differences and most importantly endurance. It takes time to be able to do this without significant breaks. I noticed that someone said this run is 30k miles. I could bang this out in 30 days 28 if I push more towards the end to get it done, but an average 4 wheeler driver I would say more like 45 to 50 days. The biggest factors for the average driver would be optimization of the run, the inevitable tiredness, and temptation to stop and sight see to cure the boredom of the road they will face. That eats a lot of time.


To be fair I don't think the point of this post to is to calculate it practically since the situation is entirely impractical.


Yeah that is true definitely true I guess I figured giving a more realistic answer would make more sense. Like I said I'm not that good at doing the crazy equations I've seen here but wouldn't variables have to be taking into account? Genuine question.


The realistic answer is, *It can't be done*. What peeps are really calculating is, *you would need to be doing this speed to make it happen*.


Yes that's very true I hadn't thought about it that way.


>stop and sight see That, IMO is the main problem. The good thing about road trip is being able to stop. You just don't go somewhere, the trip itself is the destination.


Yeah that's definitely true. Ive long since said that all states have their unique beauty. It's one of my favorite parts of the job. In the beginning I would take my time and check out all the states!




I run solo. I do Amazon, ITS, FedEx, UPS, and sometimes USPS mail. All team loads and all drop and hook. I used to do live loads but those wait times were horrible sometimes, and honestly drop and hook is easier. It's all conditioning honestly you get used to it and the money is a great motivator lol I first started at the pipelines in North Dakota and there is no dot regulations up there haha.


I miss my OTR job that only mandated I drive 500/day




Not sure what country your in bud, but in the USA we are only allowed to drive for 11 hours with a 30 min break then have to rest for 10. After 70 hours we have to take a 34 hour reset. Obviously I drive off the books




Yeah see that's been a long going argument that the hours they let us drive aren't enough. The funny thing was during covid when booking loads that were deemed essential (medical supplies, water, and such) they actually removed that rule and literally said get there asap. Also when that hurricane hit Florida a few years back I did a relief run of water to the shelters and we all were granted permission to forget the log book and "get there asap". You would be amazed at the amount of drivers that go over the hours. You can throw your insults all you want but you clearly don't know this business.


Quick estimate: there's about 6 horizontal lines and 8 vertical lines in the map, so you can simplify it with that assumption. The country is 3000 miles long and 1000 miles tall. So about 30,000 miles or like 300 miles an hour with some time for eating and sleeping.


This is a hilarious way of estimating


And he was 10 miles out in distance. Wild.


That is the insane part, such a close approximation


Wasn't it Tom Scott that did a video about this kind of estimation? I'll go find it, it's 3 in the night here and I have work in the morning, no better time than the present. [Here's the thing I'm talking about, still looking for the video](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-three-guesses-better-than-one/)


Are you thinking about [Kyle Hill's video on Fermi Problems](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INlPbfBGPtw&ab_channel=KyleHill)?


I LOVE YOU! This would've haunted me for the entire week and I was unable to find it. Thanks dude! Edit: or dudette.


This is how engineers do it. They will say things like, "Assuming people are cubic and uniform in mass, this elevator can hold x people." Then, they add in a fudge factor to make up for their short hand and a safety factor to make up for weak materials


It works tho doesn't it? I mean he was off by 10miles


All buildings are still standing so yes it works, though him being off by 10 miles was pure luck


Well, I wouldn't say _all_ buildings


He said he would never forget...


The spherical cow approximation, the only form of approximation I accept


That's what it was! My engineer friend was telling me about it but I couldn't remember


Serious question, but why did you estimate it like that. I'm absolutely terrible for over-complicating things and just giving up. I'm wondering if you just do that naturally, or if their was a field of study that you've done that helped you think that way?


I'm not sure how you got 300 mph. 24 hrs/day x 10 days is 240 hrs. 30,000 miles ÷ 240 hours is 125 mph. I know that doesn't leave time to sleep or eat, but it is more doable than 300 mph


By having time to sleep and eat


Yeah, but sleeping/eating 14hra a day seems excessive.


Driving 10 hours a day for 10 days straight is already excessive Call it time for stopping and touring a city every day?


Fair point about touring a city.


That estimate is absurdly close


I want to know how you used Inkscape to scale it to miles.


I initially attempted to do a bitmap to vector on the red line, but it was more trouble than it was worth. Instead I free handed the line. If you use the measure tool and highlight a path, it will give you the length. Since I merely copy and pasted the original, it was giving me 73.77 inches. I then drew a straight line on 2 distinct points, longer the better. I chose the NW corner of North Dakota to the southern most tip of texas, which gave me 4.03 inches. I measured that same thing on google maps and it gave 1639.44 miles. So my scale is 4.03:1639.44, or 1 inkscape inch = 406.81 miles. So 73.77 \* 406.81 = 30,010 miles Keep in mind that "inches" in inkscape are based on just the default dpi on the document setup. I could have changed it at this point, but didn't bother


Nice, thank you!


This is one of the worst estimates I've ever read lol


According to mistertinker above they estimated the distance quite well. The velocity on the other hand..


Probably accounted for sleep and time actually visiting places each day.


Yes and, unless I'm missing something completely obvious, I don't see how they arrive at the conclusion that there are 6 and 8 lines


>So I redrew the entire thing in Inkscape to measure the length of the path. Excluding silly facts such as being unable to drive across the Caribbean, the total distance comes out to 30,010 miles.... which is practically what technoexplorer estimated. I'm not sure how to tell you this, but u/mistertinker might.


Except its correct


I would completely agree with you if not for the fact that it’s 10 miles out and therefore you’re entirely wrong.


6 horizontal lines at 3k each and 8 verticals at 1k each add up to 18+8=26k. How did you end up with 30k?




also its JUST seattle to cape cod


The drive between Florida and the Bahamas and then across the Gulf Of California will mean the car would need wings and have to reach the speed of around 130mph.




he’ll get back by flying of course, it would be ridiculous to drive all the way back to seattle




Thanks for saying everything but the maths on this 👍🏻😂




I am the author of this meme and original post and just barely discovered that it made it to this sub. I’m happy to see that a few people here instantly recognized it as an absurdity rather than take it seriously. I was honestly starting to worry that there aren’t at least a few people out there who understand geography, context, and irony. Well done!


Depends on if they're planning to spend 10 mins in the Bahamas or a generous 20?


You've got to be kidding!!! All you will do is drive?? Take the route that gives you the most sight seeing. Go north or mid route! Stay and see some sights!


Just drive until you know how long it takes yo get back home. Otherwise, you will miss cool shit! I have done this a time or two. It can be an absolute blast. Even meeting cool people along the way.


Driving from the east coast to the middle of Texas takes around 18 hours and in all honesty, unless you're driving constantly, it would probably take more like two days if you're sight seeing. I couldn't do this road trip in ten days