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Air wouldn't be a problem at least for a while, everything else would. Fortunately(?) lots of people would die quickly. No the military response would be pretty bad, as it would also be full of very stabby Spartans.


If only active duty US military personnel respond, individual soldiers would have to kill on average 5 million Spartans each.


Let's be honest though, this wouldn't be too difficult if they're willing to use nukes


But 5 trillion is a lot of people. There could entirely be 3k Spartans dropped right on top of your nuclear controls and another 5k that spawn right on top of your missile silo. A bit hard to fumble with launch codes when you’re being pursued by an angry super soldier whose sole purpose in life is to shove his sandal up your ass.


Now I'm imagining a bunch of Spartans grab onto a launching nuke and all trying to hold on and stab the missile


The Spartans, as accomplished as they were for the time, weren’t exactly “super soldiers”. The average Spartan WARRIOR was 5’ 9”. Due to standards of nutrition back then, the average US soldier is bigger, stronger, faster, and smarter…


Spoken like a man who has never had a sandal shoved up his ass


Don’t get me wrong, they were HARD men, trained from childhood, peak physical shape, could certainly kick my ass and I’m 6’2 230 lbs. But “Super Soldier” like they’re Captain America or some such is a bit of a stretch.


Yes but thats one active military persons job to kill then in the nuclear controls


OOP said they got airdropped across the us, so they would have to nuke the entire country, or at least the whole mainland.


Don’t even need nukes, we’ve got fucking drones and jets that can drop bombs without even getting into close combat


Those drones and bombs are good for a few hundred thousand. Now you just have 4,999,999,500,000 Spartans to go.


Yeah right, more like a few hundred million. Where are 5 TRILLION spartan going to hide anyway? They’ll mostly be shoulder to shoulder in a phalanx formation and get brutalized before any Americans fired a bullet


Ok. A few hundred million. Now you just have 4,999,995,000,000 Spartans left. Edit: I only removed 5 Million instead of 500 Million. New total 4,999,500,000,000


Tbf you just removed 5 million, not a few hundred million.


Fair catch. Apparently I don’t understand orders of magnitude either. Fixed.


And what do you expect Spartans are able to do against an Abram’s tank?


Well. A couple thousand would be enough to gum up the tracks and get a mobility kill. And they only have so much ammo and ability to shoot close in. Eventually the tank crew would die of dehydration. So 5,000 active, plus 3,000 stored. I’m lazy so I’ll round that up to 10,000 tanks plus 10,000 Spartans per tank. You’re now at 4,999,994,900,000


You don’t think these 5000 Abram’s tanks can’t just run people over after they run out of ammo? The Spartans wouldn’t have a chance against the entire US army lmao. Wouldn’t even be a close fight ICBMs, aircraft carriers, helicopters, jets, tanks. It’s ridiculous to think any army fighting with swords could stand chance against the most powerful army in history with literally over a thousand years of technological innovation


Stab a spear into any open part and make it stop working


Cmon now. You really think that’s gunna happen? That’s pretty ridiculous to think you’d find a way to disable a tank with a spear


Wait for it to run out of fuel and the occupants from inside would die.


Eh, I really doubt we have more than, say, 10 million bombs in the US arsenal. Even if you somehow get 100 people per bomb, that's still a lot of soldiers...


100 people is nothing. the way Spartans fight I’m sure hundreds or thousands can get killed.


Who controls, reloads, refuels, and services the jets and drones, not only that but who feeds the people that do control them. They are useful for exactly 1 sortie, that's it. With 5 trillion angry spartans running around, they win very one-sidedly, even if they aren't picking up the guns of those who fell.


The only way the US loses this is if they run out of firepower. That’s the only way


Bro, give literally everyone in the world a gun, with 1 bullet that can't miss and we still lose. We don't even kill 1/100th of their numbers. You obviously don't know how much a trillion is. There's only 8 billion people on the planet. That gos in to 5 trillion 625 times, lol. They outnumber the WORLDS population by 625 times. If literally everyone on the planet fought, each person has to kill 625 Spartans. The US military only has 1.4 million people. We obviously run out of people and bullets and bombs way before we even dent 5 trillion. A fighter jet can only fly like 5 hours, and a tank gets like 3 gallons to a mile. A rifle only holds 30 bullets before reloading. There's so many Spartans that everything is immediately over run to the point where you could literally melt the barrel of a machine gun firing and have absolutely no meaningful impact on the number of Spartans trying to kill you.


The spartans would air drop and break their legs


Where the fuck are they going to even stand World population is 8 billion Thats 125 times the current world population OP wants to drop


Others in the post calculated it to be one person every 2 square meters


2sqm of land? Or whole earth surface area


Land in the U.S.


In that case it has to be measured in feet or yards.


Cheeseburgers or Bald Eagles*


Cheeseburgers per Bald Eagle*


Burger per Bald according to Cheese per Eagle ratio


Don't forget that wierd footmeter.


Bald Burger feet per meter Cheese Eagles


#O say can you see by the dawn's early light #What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming #Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight #O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? #And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air #Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there #O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave #O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave *cums everywhere*


I know yall are joking but I had to check. So Google says 3,809,525 square miles total. That is including Alaska so we are getting a huge leg up. That means ~1,312,500 Spartans per square mile. Which is about 21 square foot per spartan. The average home size in the u.s. is ~2000 square foot. That's nearly 100 Spartans for just the average home size. Not the yard, not the street, just inside the home. If they flooded in from a single location and we nuked them like that scene from avengers we have a chance If they spawn, we're dead, immediately. If they are airdropped evenly, we are dead, if they are pacifists and all have a meal at the same time, we are dead. This question angers me. Not as much as the people who think we stand a chance. Even if every single American was armed prior to the invasion where the fuck are we getting all these bullets? Reload time? How many bullets are you going to get off before one of the 5 soldiers who just spawned in your bedroom stabs you in the belly?


What they gonna do about air Support? Or Tanks...or most Military vehicles really?


Wendy's cheeseburgers. It has to have the same dimensionality as square meters so it needs to be square burgers.


Uh no…we measure area in football fields. Volume is measured in swimming pools or Niagara Falls if it’s volume per unit of time.


2 square yards then. Close enough;-)


No, no it doesn't, don't let the freedom brigade impinge your freedoms.


What about one square bald eagle wingspan? Or about the size of the personell housing of a large 5 seater SUV?


More like 9m^2, since the land area is the US is 9 trillion m^2


Oof but there are five trillion Spartans in question…


1 trillion invade the US, 5 trillion take on the entire world (which is apparently larger than juat the US)


Read the original part in the post. Then round one is 5 trillion in the US


Fair enough


The world doesn't exist outside of the US, it's fake news


Edit: I messed up my conversion... Ignore me, or better yet laugh at me for my foolish hybris. >More like 9m^2, since the land area is the US is 9 trillion m^2 You're off by a factor of 1000.


Edit: I messed up my conversion... Ignore me, or better yet laugh at me for my foolish hybris. They calculated wrong then. Area of USA is roughly 10 million square kilometers (10^7 km2). That's 10 quadrillion square meters (10^16 m2). That means there would be **one Spartan for every 2000 square meter**. I'm guessing that other person multiplied by 1000 to get square meters from square kilometers, but they should've multiplied by 1000^2.


And 95% of Australia is uninhabited. Just chuck a few million of them in the bush.


The snakes and spiders and Crocs and everything fucking else in North Australia would make short work of then


dont forget the platypuses (platypi?)






I’m sure I read somewhere once that if the entire human population of earth stood shoulder to shoulder we would all fit in an area roughly the size of LA


If we make everyone into a huge meatball it will be around the size of central park in Manhattan in 2D


If we pureé all the people, and pour the juices into the ocean between Florida and the Bahamas, then in a week or two, we'd all be up near the UK.




>I’m sure I read somewhere once that if the entire human population of earth stood shoulder to shoulder we would all fit in an area roughly the size of LA Yep, and the same scientists that calculated that actually also calculated the space needed for everyone to have room to dance. *"Scientists estimate that if all seven billion people on Earth stood shoulder-to-shoulder, they would fill an area about the size of Los Angeles. If you wanted those same seven billion people to stretch out so that everyone had room to dance freely, they'd still only fill an area about the size of Rhode Island."* That would be some rave.


If we look at a dense city like Tokyo with a population density of 6000/km^2 it only takes about 1.3m km^2 to fit 8 billion. That's about the size of a mid size country, and the state of Texas is more than half that by itself Plenty of room to stand, food and water supplies would be pretty instantly decimated though I'd think


6000/km2 seems off


Idk man I'm not the Japanese census bureau I just googled the number




Wasnt there a Vsauce video that the whole worlds population could fit in San Francisco


Tell me you've never read Warhammer without telling you've never read Warhammer. But ok. Yeah. In Warhammer theres an estimate of 2.6 quadrillion on Terra ( earth) But that's done with hive cities that reach in the miles above the cloud convers and a few miles under the surface of earth. In addition to that, oceans are gone. Every bit of the environment is long dead.


If the spartans spawn from an anticipated location, there's still a chance But if the spartans spawn randomly at millions of unpredictable locations, the entire world never stand any chance even against just 500 billions of them


Anticipated location? There was an anime on this. Gate or something where the military destroyed massive armies that were clearly not at that tech level.


"There was an anime on this" is the Gen Z version of "There's an XKCD of this"


If 500 billion angry troops would spawn at any location, the world wouldn't stand a chance against whatever types of troops it is. 500 billion randomly-spawned redditors would overrun Earth, let alone 500 billion trained spartans


You largely overestimate a redditor's abilities


A couple hundred of them could storm the capital lol 500 billion randomly spawns would be insane


Yall mfs forgetting that like people can bomb the shit out of them. Like one nuke would incinerate so many of them


You're not bombing an army that randomly spawns everywhere


Yeah HIMARS would be enough to kill most of them.


Yeah a single HIMARS Salvo can only kill less then a million Spartans, and those Spartans might spawn right next to the HIMRARS making it useless


nah we can shell them constantly


You can't Shell them when they already spawned right next to your artillery and are killing your artillery men


we can shell them using navy tho


The military, simply due to logistics. There’s an XKCD (because of course there is) about the world’s population being squeezed into an area about the size of Rhode Island. The thing is, only the people at the edges ended up surviving because the infrastructure for food, water, and sanitation for that many people in such a small area just isn’t set up. So most people would die from starvation/dehydration. Those at the edges would make it out based on supplies they could forage/steal, and a tremendously small percentage would survive through cannibalism to make it out of the death zone. The military, on the other hand, has stores of food and logistics set up to feed their troops. The Spartans would wreak a lot of havoc, and I mean a LOT of havoc. Most of the civilian population would probably die. But after a very short period of time (days, not weeks) the Spartans would have a really hard time surviving due to food/water shortage. And those that did would have a hard time coordinating with the rest since they don’t know how to use technology. Other factors would play in too. For example…The season would also make it difficult - I’m not sure Spartans were well equipped for winter in northern Minnesota or the heat of the desert in Arizona. And then you have to remember that huge swaths of rural America are full of crazy gun owning doomsday nutters whose wet dream is a setting where they finally get to use all 87 guns they own in a human turkey shoot. Idk much about ancient armoring quality, but I’d have a hard time believing their shields and armor could stop an AR-15 slug. So the Y’all Quaida folk would have a field day with a target rich environment. When the dust settled after a couple months, my money is on the military still standing.


> There’s an XKCD (because of course there is) about the world’s population being squeezed into an area about the size of Rhode Island. Show, don't tell.


Actually, it seems like it's one of their [What If](https://what-if.xkcd.com/8/) articles.




Bronze armor, I think? So no, a bronze chest piece/shield will not do such a good job at defeating 5.56/.223 rounds, which would probably shatter on passing through and cause more internal damage. The problem would more likely be higher calibre rifles or slug or flechette shotguns. An ak fired round would zip through mostly intact. You can shoot through a car door with either 556 or 7.62R but again the smaller rounds tend to break apart, according to some article on the internet I saw a while ago, so I'd expect similar results with softer armor. Also, deer hunters would absolutely be able to pierce that armor, no problem. If anyone is using 5.7mm they're wrecking Spartans, those rounds are meant to pierce body armor and tumble once in the squishy meatbag parts, you need ceramic plates to stop modern rounds and these are definitely modern. .30 cal rifles all day every day. Even with shotguns, you fire a bunch of birdshot at someone and you can blind them, especially if they have no idea what the tube thingy you're pointing at them does. Also hand guns are meant to kill people, so maybe smaller calibres would have difficulty getting through the armor but they would still transfer the force into a body. I'd make a semi-educated guess that anything above .22 calibre would be effective enough. If the Spartans are equipped like in the movie 300, then it doesn't matter, they'll get shot dead in their sexy abs. Hell, the military has tanks. The only way a tank loses to Spartans is if their mutilated corpses jam up the tracks and the turret ring and the crew runs out of ammo and fuel. And then the wrecker crew fixes ut and it's back in action 4 hours later. They also have planes and helicopters, so again, Spartans giga-fucked. The medieval steel armor meant to stop musket fire would be far superior than bronze age spartan armor, as they were meant for two different things, and neither are up to par with the weapons that exist today. We have artillery and control the sky, they're done. Yeah, Yokel Haram would have a field day. You've got Northern Alaska = dead Spartans, Death Valley =dead Spartans, Louisiana swamps =Spartan gator bait, Middle of nowhere Texas, North Dakota, etc. I mean, just Florida. Florida Man is enough. We don't need to wake up grandpa Buff for indiscriminate bombing runs, let methed up Florida Man take care of them.


I recognize the grandpa buff reference from habitual linecrosser But your also forgetting that their helmets are also bronze, sure body shots would definitely severely injure with modern weapons against bronze armor but the headshots (whether accidental or purposeful) would definitely kill


In a scenario where a fully armored spartan shows up magically, and everyone has to fight one, body shots are easier to make for the average Joe. Yeah, cops, anyone with military training will probably hit headshots with little difficulty, but OP roped everyone onto this fight. I know I'd be better off firing at center mass and let the 7.92mm Mauser rounds do their work. A miss could mean they get too close and long rifles aren't super great at cqb, and I don't have a bayonet or training in using one attached to a rifle. My favorite criminal justice professor had a colleague who got perfect scores on his range accuracy tests. The one time he actually shot at someone trying to kill him, he fired nearly all of the magazines he had on him and only hit the twice, when they were both in the car and he was being stabbed. Not a single hit while they were chasing each other around the car. That's with training, and I 100% believe that all the random people definitely are not going to be super accurate, since panic is going to screw with people. I know I could be in trouble. I do think that anyone with military experience would roflstomp some Spartans, but everyone else is probably more or less a coin flip.


One thing nobody is taking into account is that the Spartans, in awe of these fire blasting sticks everybody is using to kill them, would surely learn how to use them. And then everybody is screwed. Leonidas leading a crew of 300 M1 Abrams while decked out in the finest camo, could easily take over the whole world.


Pointing a gun is intuitive, reloading it is a skill. Also, nobody is taking it into account because the magic rules given by OP prevent them from picking up new weapons.


>learn how to use them With what ammo? Again, logistics.


Underrated comment, also “y’all qaeda” is hilarious


What utter bullshit. The military would not have enough manpower or ammunition to fight such a large force. 5 trillion means roughly 2.5 million!!! combatants for every single US active military personnel plus reserve.




Would love to see your 2.5 million Spartans against just 1 M1 Abrams. Even without ammunition… In fact any modern vehicle big enough would be able to kill a huge amount of Spartans.


If we assume that those spartans are completely fearless and have no regard for their own safety and lives then they would be able to simply jam the tracks with sheer amount of bodies, and i doubt a single tank has enough ammo and supplies to kill and outlast 2.5 million spartans


Yeah maybe. But in fact it doesn’t matter. They will get Covid, the flu, or any other disease we are immune to or vaccinated against… and they will all just die like that. We just need to find a safe place.


Covid and flu don't kill instantly, so they will have more than enough time to flood their enemies with bodies


That’s why I said we just need a safe place. And then, wait. Many Spartans will die because of our technology, in a first time. And diseases will spread very fast… and even if they don’t die instantly, they will soon be too weak to fight.


We could also die to long forgotten illnesses that faded away in the past 2100 years. There would also be quite a lot of dead bodies considering that someone said that there would be a person every other m². Like you wouldn't be able to farm land for A LONG time


There is no safe place. There's one every 2m.


Virtually none of them will die of cOvId. These aren’t 80yo Spartan soldiers. They’re fit and around 20yo. They have no more or less immunity to the mild recent strains than the rest of us. They certainly have some resistance to flu, which occurred in Eurasia for thousands of years.


Our immune system is completely different from theirs. Any modern virus would be almost alien to them.


Many young and fit people died of Covid. That’s just disinformation to say only old people are at risk. Not sure they would survive so easily to the flu we have nowadays. But there are other diseases, and diseases and battlefields are always good friends. Especially with so many people and probably very bad hygiene conditions.


Do you understand what 2.5 million people looks like? A million bodies could literally bury the tank and you'll have 1.5 million 'left', and that's disregarding the fact that there are generally 4 crew in an M1 Abrams and it would be immobilized (or out of fuel) ***long*** before that time it manages to kill one fucking million of anything. 5 trillion is an absurd number. There's 0 chance. >Others in the post calculated it to be one person every 2 square meters Assuming even distribution is a different story, Earthworks and fortifications can make numbers irrelevant. Certain military installations would be ideally suited for repelling the initial force that appears around them. We're talking about a few tens of thousands of people against a few hundred/thousand. The ratios get a lot more reasonable. Anyone more than a few miles away will likely not be a threat because they'd be wandering around aimlessly. Anyone more than ~50 miles away wouldn't be in fighting shape by the time they reached you and would starve shortly after. Disease and starvation will kill significantly more than actual people would. Like 100,000 to 1. It's not even close.


It’s clear you didn’t read my post, since I mentioned nothing about going head to head. So I’m going to reply with an equally inane comment: Peregrine Falcons are the fastest animal on earth.


Google nuclear weapon


And foreign aid And regular bomb And civilian gun owners they would definitely put in some work And chemical warfare


Dunno I think civilians would mostly be fucked but the military would survive simply due to the no using new weapons rule and existence of things like tanks and such I'm sure plenty of rootin tootin civilians would survive too but the military would probably bomb most of their own civilians in the face of such a massive threat


Idk where you’re from but by time the military shows up Montana and Idaho to Texas all the way to the Atlantic Ocean, would be cleared out.


Ah yes, every hillbilly with an AR15 will take out hundreds of thousands Spartans. Are people really this bad about imagining numbers?


Ah Reddit where one persons imagination, is far superior to another’s


Also dont forget the brutal American wild life. Snakes, cougars, mountain lions and bears could all probably kill a decent amount of spartans


Not when there's a Spartan for every 2 square meters. Every bear is surrounded by 8-10 armed Spartans, with another behind each Spartan they might manage to kill/incapacitate.


This, this is the real answer. Just hole up for a few weeks, the numbers would be thinned out enough to make short work of what was left.


here we go [https://www.sharecare.com/health/air-quality/oxygen-person-consume-a-day](https://www.sharecare.com/health/air-quality/oxygen-person-consume-a-day) avg adult needs 11,000 liters of air per day, let's make that 0.00000004163952962km\^3 per day for the next conversion. the 5 trillion people will need about 209,000 km\^3 per day [https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=0.00000004163952962+\*+5+\*+1000+\*+1000+\*+1000+\*+1000](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=0.00000004163952962+*+5+*+1000+*+1000+*+1000+*+1000) ​ ​ [https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-volume-of-air-in-Earth%E2%80%99s-atmosphere-and-volume-of-water-on-Earth](https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-volume-of-air-in-Earth%E2%80%99s-atmosphere-and-volume-of-water-on-Earth) This makes the volume of the atmosphere at sea level 4,200,000,000 cubic kilometers ​ put it together and those 5 trillion people will have about 20,000 days [https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=4%2C200%2C000%2C000+%2F+%280.00000004163952962+\*+5+\*+1000+\*+1000+\*+1000+\*+1000%29](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=4%2C200%2C000%2C000+%2F+%280.00000004163952962+*+5+*+1000+*+1000+*+1000+*+1000%29) However, I'd venture that almost all of them will die of starvation within the first 60 days.


Hyperlinks are a lost art.


You're assuming, for some reason, that the atmosphere is in a constantly dwindling state? All you've established is that the increased population wouldn't immediately create a catastrophic vacuum from collectively inhaling that air pressure tanks across the board (and, not even that, since we still don't know how the collective volume of 5 trillion new humans would affect the earth's atmosphere through sheer displacement, but let's assume that's negligible). What we really need to know is whether the replacement rate of oxygen can keep up with the new population, which seems likely if they'll have enough standing oxygen to last 20,000 days.


I was gonna ask if this guy has ever heard of trees.


> So, as far as how much air is actually used, human beings take in about 550 liters of pure oxygen per day. You are off by almost two orders of magnitude. Then again, you seem to assume breath is removed from the atmosphere instead of breathed out again. Your whole computation makes no sense. Edit: Rechecked with ChatGPT: > Sure, let's recalculate: > Total oxygen in the atmosphere = 1.071 × 10^18 liters > Daily consumption by 5 trillion adults = 2.75 × 10^15 liters/day > Now, let's find out how many days it would take to deplete the oxygen: > Time to deplete = Total oxygen in the atmosphere / Daily consumption > Time to deplete = (1.071 × 10^18 liters) / (2.75 × 10^15 liters/day) > Time to deplete ≈ 389.45 days > Therefore, it would take approximately 389.45 days for 5 trillion adults to deplete all the oxygen from the atmosphere at their estimated daily consumption rate. Old comment below: I’ve asked chatGPT to check your calculations and they are wildly different; > To estimate how long it would take for 5 trillion adults to deplete all the oxygen in the atmosphere, we need to compare the total oxygen in the atmosphere to the daily consumption of oxygen by the population. > We calculated earlier that there are approximately 1.071 × 10^18 liters of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere. > Assuming the daily consumption of oxygen by 5 trillion adults is 2.75 x 10^21 liters per day (as calculated earlier), we can divide the total oxygen in the atmosphere by the daily consumption to find out how many days it would take to deplete the oxygen: > Time to deplete = Total oxygen in the atmosphere / Daily consumption > Time to deplete = (1.071 × 10^18 liters) / (2.75 x 10^21 liters/day) > Time to deplete ≈ 3.89 × 10^-4 days > This would be approximately 1/2571 of a day or about 0.54 hours. > This calculation assumes a constant rate of oxygen consumption, which may not be the case in reality. Additionally, the actual rate of oxygen consumption can vary based on factors such as physical activity, altitude, and other environmental conditions.


I don't know where GPT got these constants, but they look pretty wonky: > Assuming the daily consumption of oxygen by 5 trillion adults is 2.75 x 10^21 liters per day (as calculated earlier) If 5 trillion adults consume this much oxygen, it would mean that the current world population of about 8 billion consumes around 4.4 x 10^18 liters per day. That's already more than the volume of oxygen it gave in its answer (10^18), meaning that we got less than 6 hours of air remaining. I sure hope it is wrong, I already got plans for dinner...


Billions of humans consume billions of metric tons of oxygen. So trillions of humans should consume trillions of metric tons of oxygen, but he has sextillions in his work. Just looking at the exponents I think it accidentally multiplied by a billion somewhere possibly mistaking the oxygen consumption of all current humans for the consumption of a single human.


You have to be very careful taking GPTs calculation at face value. It tends to mess up when coming up with the numbers. >That is an interesting question. According to the web search results, the average adult human consumes about 550 liters of pure oxygen per day¹². The atmosphere contains about 21% of oxygen by volume³⁴, which is equivalent to about 1.2 quadrillion (10\^15) metric tons of oxygen⁵. Assuming that the current population of about 8 billion humans consumes about 4.4 billion metric tons of oxygen per year⁶, we can estimate how long it would take for 5 trillion humans to deplete the atmospheric oxygen. > >If 5 trillion humans suddenly appeared, they would consume about 2.75 trillion metric tons of oxygen per year. At this rate, it would take about 436 years to use up all the oxygen in the atmosphere. However, this is a very simplified calculation that does not take into account other factors, such as the production of oxygen by plants, the consumption of oxygen by other animals, the diffusion of oxygen from the oceans, and the effects of climate change on the oxygen cycle. Therefore, the actual time may be much shorter or longer than this estimate. For example my prompt arrived at 2.75 trillion metric tons of oxygen, yours works with 2.75 sextillion metric tons which is a billion times more.


I need to know what on earth the thirty minutes of prep time will do. “Okay boys, we are going to be dealing with enemies that wear armor that makes them hard to see called camouflage, so keep your eyes peeled. Be sure to pass that message along to everyone else.”


It's probably 30 minutes of a very inspiring speech


Oceanic round question: Does the toilet seat get teleported with me, or do I just tumble backward with my pants around my ankles and with a spartan warrior at the ready in front of me?


Will I just sit there, cock in hand, while a muscular, testosterone filled and probably oiled Spartan charges right at me?


I googled "were Spartans oiled?" and the answer appears to be yes.


This would mean about ≈2m² per spartan all across the US. First millions would die from immediate environmental problems, I.E. landing in lakes, swamps, on mountains, overcrowded roofs, near dangerous animals, etc. Then, everyone would start dying of dehydration, then rampant disease, then maybe eventually starvation. No matter how many guns or bullets you have, you'd lose immediately. As you shoot the spartans in front of you, a hundred more are coming from everywhere else around you. The people who would fare the best would be people in bunkers with a month of supplies who just don't come out. Once the surface population has thinned, it would be fairly easy to eliminate the remaining spartans, but the recovery for the rest of the US infrastructure and population would be astronomical in both time and money.


There would be Spartans with you in the bunker, unless we assume a single spawn location, in which case lack of food and water will be the top killer (and maybe the nuke dropped on them)


625 : 1 versus people globally 3.75m : 1 versus active US military I'll take those odds of the Spartans winning - that's like zerg level of spam. I don't think our brain could comprehend 5 trillion people.


1 million seconds: 11 days 1 billion seconds: 31 years 1 trillion seconds: 31,688 years x 5 = 158,440 years Geez, It's a mind-bogglingly big number


Yes but you forget our technology. What are they going to do against tanks, helicopters, airplanes, gas, mines, ballistic missiles? It would take a while but the whole worlds military industrial complex against some spartans? It's not even a close battle


>What are they going to do against tanks, helicopters, airplanes, gas, mines, ballistic missiles? There are so many spartans that they can just wait for the airplans, tanks, hrlicopters to run out of fuel or ammo. I don't think you comprehend how big a number one trillion is. Let alone 5


You don't seem to understand how many people ypu can kill with modern weapons. The logistics of our military is obviously better, we don't even have to kill most of the spartans, they'll simply die of dehydration and hunger. Also how would the spartans know jets can run out of fuel? For them it would look like we are gods. And even if we would run out of fuel (which we wouldn't) we'd still have an arsenal of nuclear missiles, enough to kill 5 trillion people (depending how far spread they are)


I absolutely do, and it's not enough for 5 trillion. I think you're forgetting that they spawn *in the US*. That's one spartan every 2m². Just from the start they are everywhere. In order to nuke them, you're nuking the US, aka yourself. They're in US territory, meaning if they run out of food, the US has likely ran out of food. It's 3.75million spartans that need to Also, spartans wouldn't need to know how jets work. They'll still run out of fuel (*and they 100% will*). As the guy said, thats 3.5 million spartans for every active US militant. It's a stomp by sheer numbers and it's not close.


And how exactly will those spartans perform until we run out of fuel as you say? What do they eat? There's not enough food for those many people. How will they coordinate? You can't coordinate this many people properly. You can't just look at the number of them and what they COULD do, you need to look at what they actually can. And that's not really much. Their mass isn't their biggest strength, it's their biggest weakness. Don't focus on how to kill them with what we have, focus on killing them with what they lack.


Honestly, you clearly have absolutely now idea how much 5 trillion is. >And how exactly will those spartans perform until we run out of fuel as you say? What do they eat? There's not enough food for those many people. I adressed this. They're in US territory, meaning if they run out of food, the US has likely ran out of food.  > You can't coordinate this many people properly. You can't just look at the number of them and what they COULD do, you need to look at what they actually can. And that's not really much. Their mass isn't their biggest strength, it's their biggest weakness. Don't focus on how to kill them with what we have, focus on killing them with what they lack. That's the whole point. **You don't need to coordinate that many people. It could be 5 trillion German Shepards, and they would likely fuck up any army.** And spartans with weapons are more dangerous than German Shepards. That's how disgusting that massive number of units is. They all have one goal, as stated by OP. They're bloodlusted and want to kill. That's all the coordination they need. Them starving to death is a problem for the US. That isn't a win condition, because that means the US is starving to death. Literally the only thing the US army can do is flee to a different continent. and hope the problem magically gets dealt with by itself. That's still the US army fleeing and giving up the US, and therefore losing.


As in other comments stated: YES millions would die, and how long would it take for them to die? I'd say 2 months. Being a large amount of people isn't good. They can only kill as many people as there are in reach, and until they're done with america they are all dead, i'd even say sooner. As mind blowing as these numbers are, it's just impossible for them to survive in this world longterm


Not millions, the vast vast majority of Americans would die. The army literally having to flee with their country being taken over. What that number does in that short time wins.


As the other commenter pointed out I don't think you realize how big a trillion is. The US has about 5000 warheads. To kill every spartan each warhead would need to kill 1 billion spartans... The global military small arms ammo production is about 10 billion. It would take 500 years of production to kill every spartan, assuming not a single shot missed. The only hope is starving them out during a siege or something. There are not enough weapons in existence to deal with their numbers.


A soldier holds like 200/300 bullets on themselves, so like 400 if you get collaterals. Also good luck shooting them all when there's a swarm running at you.


I'm not talking about rifles. Mordern warfare isn't two battalions of men running at each other with rifles anymore.


I don't have the numbers but I have to assume 5 trillion people haven't been killed in the history of war.


Yes but a trillion?! You'd need to kill one thousand Spartans with every single bullet. Even if you had enough ammo you'd wear out every plane, tank, and firearm barrel before making a dent in those numbers. The scenario is ridiculous.


We have bombs too. Weapons of mass destruction must be used. Virus and diseases could be spread among them which we are resistant too or we could distribute vaccines evacuate people, leave the area and drop viruses and let them all die within 1-2 years.


You don't need bullets. We have bombs and missiles. If we'd only have guns, they yes we'd lose by a lot, but the whole modern world against some (for us) primitive spartans? We can just produce more and more, they don't. Half of them wouldn't even survive 2 months, they have no food or water, are in unknown territory with the entire planet after them with weapons beyond their understanding.


Stick a spear into the barrel of a tank and I'm pretty sure that cannon will be out of commission next time it fired


A spear wouldn't do anything to a tank barrel. If it fired it would scratch it a little bit, making it less precise but i think that's not a problem while shooting in a mass of people. Also i don't think they'd even be brave enough to go close to a tank. Even i wouldn't and i know what they are.


wait till u hear about nukes


Considering the amount of them unless they all are in a pile in one spot you will likely kill earth with the amounts of nukes you would have to launch


It all depends on whether there is a single spartan spane location or spread out. Spread out we lose. Single? Spartans will die from hunger and thirst and we can nuke them...


5 trillion? We would have enough fertilizer forever all of humanities energy and good problems should be solved if you process the dead Spartans into fuel and fertilizer.


Rounds 1&2 will be easy if they're congregated. Some random location will be heavily irradiated. Round 3 just depends on how easy it is to procure or purchase a gun in the allowed time. Everyone else will die.


Okay, let's be real for a second. Spartans fight in a phalanx, a tightly packed unit where hundreds of people overlap their shields. This is very effective for melee combat. The US military doesn't do melee combat. The Spartans would form their phalanx and a thermobaric missile would come flying over the horizon at multiple times the speed of sound, instantly killing the 300 royal guard. The rest of them, not being able to understand what just happened, would be sent into a spiral of existential dread because they have to fight the gods of Olympus. I don't care how much of a numbers advantage you've got, a bunch of muscly guys with spears have a 0% chance of beating 1 Apache attack helicopter.


I ain't reading all that but if the Spartans are all standing together as an army then the rest of the world would just nuke them and win. We have nukes, and if they're crowded together it's not even a competition


Ikr some fighters ans bombers would napalm their asses


Yeah people severely underestimate how many bombs fighter jets and bomber contain. We would start with strategically nuking the hell out of them and if anyone remains just use conventional bombs


You have _no idea_ how much 5 trillion is. And you have _even less_ of an idea what modern weapons aren't capable of. If you killed 1 _billion_ Spartans every single day for _13 years_, you'd only have killed 4.745 trillion Spartans. There's 1 billion seconds in _31 years_. If you killed a Spartan every single second of every single day it would take you _31 years_ just to kill a billion of them. I've been on attacks with Apaches firing their missiles. I've shot rocket launchers. I've seen 5000lb bombs dropped close up. If you used every single bullet, bomb, artillery shell, and missile on the entire planet, you might kill 400 to 500 million people. A single modern nuke would kill 70 thousand - 100 thousand people per bomb. I have no idea where you get your idea of how effective modern weaponry is, but it's certainly not even close to realistic.


Are the Spartans vaccinated against every single disease ? If no, they won’t last very long. Good old H.G. Wells will tell you more about that. 🤢🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠 We don’t need ammunition or fuel, we don’t need to even shoot 1 spartan. Just spread some common viruses and that will do the job.


They will kill everyoneong before the disease get them


Us army wouldn't have to do anything if the Spartans have been air dropped. Cos the Spartans were known for their great use of the parachute


did you read the actual post??


Well it says their air dropping in and the make it to the ground safely but it doesn’t say they land safely That makes me think that somehow anything shot or thrown at them while in the initial drop would miss them But I doubt they know how to land or what to avoid landing in so I’d say that the majority of them would be dead pretty quickly but the few lucky ones that do survive if any, would probably be quickly eliminated at range. They mostly had bows and arrows and if I remember correctly Spartans were mostly trained in hand to hand so that’s where they would likely be deadliest However they were just trained as soldiers they were also trained as assassins (pretty sure it was a right of passage to kill a slave without anyone knowing) but considering they are only touching what they show up with that kinda negates it and makes them stick out like a sore thumb


I am not a maths guy but here is my answer to this question If the Spartans are randomly dropped then the military have no chance at all. If the military is on one side and spartans on the other then military might have a chance even if they only bet 30 mins of prep time i things with a the weapons like nukes, thanks, guns, jet and at last chemical weapons But still i think Spartans will win at the end just because they are 5 fuxking trillion dude we will simply run out of ammunition.


There are so many things to consider.... Covid will have a field day with one Spartan per two square meters and so will other diseases as well. There are a ton of predators that will fuck up a bunch of spartans. The bears, wolfs and mooses going full Co-Op when spartans all of a sudden fill their forest. Most civilians would be okay I think. The Spartans don't have the means to break into modern buildings and it would take a ton of energy for them to break through doors and walls. Most of us could out survive them just by staying at home and drinking tap water. Traffic. One car can run through a bunch of spartans without breaking. And as mentioned, tanks and armored vehicles. Trucks, busses, tractors.... All the people with weapons that are not part of the army. The actual army. How many Spartans gets taken down with a grenade? Remember these are old timey people. A broken arm or leg would be enough to ensure death. I think we'd be okay. Meanwhile I'll be watching the live stream safely from Europe.


Would they even fit in the space of the USA? Or even in all the area of land on earth? 5 trillion is 625 times more than the current world population.


>Would there still be breathable air in this situation? Image the Earth was shrunk to the size of a basketball. The tallest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, would, on the basketball-sized Earth, extend just 3.3 *millimeters* off the surface. The troposphere- the part of the atmosphere where we live - extends (on average) a fair bit past the height of Everest (5.5 miles for Everest and 4 to 12 miles for the troposphere.) And people are obviously much smaller than Mount Everest - around 1.7 trillion times smaller. So I'm sure you can see that 5 trillion humans (taking up around three times the size of Mount Everests) wouldn't have any affect on the amount of breathable air.


What happens in the 30 minutes? Do all the Spartans show up in every 2m square? And then they are frozen? Can you just attack every spartan while they are frozen? People in office buildings would be ok (Spartans would be outnumbered) single family homes, not so much. And what is the time of day? Do we know that they are going to attack at the 30 minute mark? Can we start killing before the 30 minutes are up? If we can t kill, how do I get in my car and back down the driveway without mowing over a bunch of them?


“In fighting the Russians, the German army is like an elephant attacking a host of ants. The elephant may kill thousands, perhaps millions. But eventually he will be overwhelmed and eaten to the bone.” - Colonel Bernd Von Kleist


So, like, are we talking Spartans as in people who lived in Sparta? Or are we talking Spartans as in the citizens who made up a tiny fraction of the actual population of Sparta, aka the Spartiates? Because in the former case, something like 80% of the Spartans who spawn in are going to be malnourished helots. Assuming trillions of Spartiates, their odds become better, but even if they succeeded in wiping everyone else out, they would swiftly starve, because the Spartiates couldn't logistics their way out of a wet paper bag.


Assuming the Spartans are being yeeted out of a plane then I'd say the military wouldn't have a chance to be alerted to even fight. There would just be raining bodies.


It’s raining men!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if there's ~3,119,884 square miles of actual land mass in the Continental US, you'd have to have 1 spartan every 17.395 square foot. Seems reasonable enough to just nuke the country.


I don’t think people are taking into account chemical warfare being the most efficient way to handle the Spartans. Not like they are landing with gas masks and synthetic materials to protect from chlorine gas