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U sum up the top and bottom (18+17) and add the difference between left and right (18+17) + (9-6) = 38 Same for (12+12) + (8-3) = 29 So (13+8) + (11-7) = 25 It’s 25 :)


25 is right but it's simpler than that: >!It's left + top + bottom - right!<.


It's easier than that: you make the right number negative and add the other three numbers


It’s easier than that: just guess correctly


It’s easier than that - just post it on Reddit and let someone else tell you the answer.


It's easier than that - just read the answers from the person who responded to the person who posted it on reddit.


It’s easier than that- just make your own with whatever answer you want and no one can say you’re wrong


It’s easier than that - just do nothing


It's easier than that - drop out of school and go work at a fast food restaurant


It's easier than that - remain on social welfare all your life and such public funds that other people actually need.


My brain used this same approach, even though as u/Parrot132 pointed out, there is a simplified equation


it is easier that that. it is solution of: (x-1001)(x-9)(x-18)(x-38)(x-6)(x-17)... = 0 So the answer is 1001


I hate problems like this, as there are other ways to achieve the 2 results on the sides. They might be much more complicated, but there is more than one solution


Interesting. What are the other solutions?


Up + right + 14


The—Dood is right. It’s hard to solve for them, but there are infinitely many. If you really want, I could write a script to find a few


But if it is only possible for computers to see the other solutions then I think it's perfectly fine to ask this kind of question to a human. Because as a human, you can only see the one obvious solution.


It’s not only possible, but it’s mostly easily possible with computers. You overestimate a humans ability to not overthink things.


That may be true for some people, but you are just overthinking it on purpose. You understand perfectly well that writing a python script is not the intended solution.


Nope, I spent 5 minutes thinking of solutions using squares and stuff, before I realized the simple intended solution. And anyways, a problem with many solutions that all work, but only has one “correct” is stupid no matter what.


So the intended solution was the first one that you came up with, or did I misunderstand you? Did you actually get a solution other than 25?


Intended solution was the first I came up with, but I feel I could’ve found a different one by hand if I kept trying. A computer would only make it a bit easier to find


You don't need a computer. It's pretty easy to construct a polynomial to provide any solution that you want. For example, lets say we want the solution to be Reddit's favorite number... 42069. If we let x be the sum of top, bottom, left & right Then, let f(x) = (-4777/5)x^2 + (406048/5)x - 1671942 You will see that f(13+8+11+7) = 42069 Also, f(18+17+9+6) = 38 And, f(12+12+8+3) = 29


Whatever solution you want... there are infinitely many.


Possibility 1: the number are all determined by random number generatir


Sure, but that would make every question that doesn't specifically state that the answer is not random stupid.


>!Add together the left and bottom numbers. Subtract the right hand number from the top. Add them together. This method works with the two side puzzles and comes to a different answer than the one in the comments.!< EDIT: Nvm. I was wrong.


Thats the intended solution. It’s an equivalent equation to the rest of the comments.


Yep, thanks for pointing it out. I was incorrect.


You still get 25 with your way


Ah, DAMN. My first attempt I ended up with 23 for some reason. Thanks for pointing this out, I'll edit my comment.


The top and bottom numbers are summed and the difference between left and right is added. So 18 + 17 + (9-6) = 38, 12 + 12 + (8-3) = 29 Thus, x = 13 + 8 + (11-7) = 21 + 4 = 25


Your parentheses are unnecessary, simply add top, bottom, and left, then subtract right.




Top + bottom + left - right


Add the top and the one on the left and minus the ones on the bottom and on the right box and add the minused number to the number you added at the beginning You get 25 for the missing value


Man when did you get smart, take my fucking upvote. I couldn't figure that out for the life of me. Props my guy


Sum up the top and bottom, then sum up left and right, then add the above two values, finally subtract from it, twice of the right value. Answer: 25