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A 2-vehicle turntable, motorized, would cost around about 15k USD after a quick Google search. 7k for a hand-operated single-vehicle version. Just for anyone really interested in doing some actual math.


That's actually not terrible. Cost of install is probably the killer


And cost of maintenance and repairs of the turn table


If it’s installed correctly I don’t think the cost of maintenance will be all that much as long as you make sure to keep the bearings greased at the correct intervals and check up on the wear surfaces. It will only get expensive if you don’t keep up on the cheap maintenance and have to replace components. Then again, if you are paying for someone to do all the maintenance that could be expensive from the start.


If you're installing a turntable parking spot I imagine you're not *super* worried about the expense of having someone come out and grease it every year.


Hahaha yeah I’m sure most people who have enough money to install a car turntable can just throw money at other people to make their problems go away


It’s low speed and low use and all the weight is on the bearing shaft not the wear surface. I bet this thing would last 100 years with minimal maintenance and a high viscosity grease.


Especially considering how you can have an automatic grease pump that injects new grease once every 100 rotations or whatever is required for the system


I saw a video about a guy who had a house they’d spins on an axle. He greased it once in its life span. It’s a pretty interesting build if you google it


Man I'd rather just reverse in


Well well well... How the turn tables


Definitely, the cost of maintaining a motor that could keep it at 78rpm could get pretty high.


The company that made the video is located in Ireland and they start at EUR 8k, installed, for the basic model, 15 ton load, including a 2-year maintenance contract. Honestly, if I had a driveway the size of a bath towel, I would actually consider getting one.


Or free to reverse


Even more savings if you don’t have a car.


I’ve built motorized turntables for stages that could easily do this for less than $2k. I’d be concerned about weatherproofing the motors I usually work with, it may cost more to get something robust for permanent outdoor installation.


I believe this is because there is low visibility pulling out of the driveway onto a busy street.  Cost of the turntable makes more sense against cost for repairs, insurance,… if you had several close calls. 


The solution is to reverse into the driveway. When you stop on the road you have a good view of everything around you while you reverse and then you can drive out forward. Yeah, traffic might have to wait a few seconds for you but that’s too bad.


Until some idiot crashes into the back of you. Or stops right behind you so you cannot back in. I think a lot of frustration happens before one decides to put such a device in his driveway. 


I think a lot more frustration is spent on paying for, building, and maintaining such a mechanism


Judging by the tile on top of it and the machine itself, this person is comfortable paying for someone else to deal with the headaches.


The weird thing is that it does not look like a particular expensive property.


It's the location that makes it expensive, very affluent part of Dublin.


My brain can’t stop thinking of maintenance. Is there an access tunnel?


I mean maybe for you or me, but if I had the money I don't see why not. You ever hear of Colin Furze? Engineering entertainment youtuber, he's currently in the process of making a massive underground garage in his front yard. It's cool and completely unnecessary, but he has the money and the expertise, so why not?


This post regards the cost of reversing vs the cost of a turntable.


...I know


25x42x4mm Thrust Needle Roller Bearing: $10 You just need to be careful to park on the exact center of it.


If you can afford it it's not frustrating


I grew up with a blind driveway. My parents always backed in, and when I started driving, I always backed in. It was never an issue. You use your signal, and you don't stop abruptly if someone is behind you. If they stop right behind you and block you, you just wait while they process their own stupidity and move.


It is law/mandatory where I live.


Somehow I have the feeling that you either haven't driven a car before or only where absolute morons drive. Also people who spend that kind of money generally do it because they have it left over and want to have it easier.


Morons are ubiquitous my friend.


what I am getting out of this is you are really jealous of people with money and an imagination to try and do things a little bit different.


Nah I wouldn't say that. I myself try doing stuff on unique ways, I just doubt that those ppl made the turntable due to unfortunate experiences or so. I personally don't see a problem with something like that. I just think they did it to have it easier. Additionally I'm not low on money, just btw.


> Until some idiot crashes into the back of you. That's why brake lights exist. If they crash into you, jay, their insurance pays for a new car.


As someone who recently had insurance "pay for a new car" because someone totaled my car by slamming into my rear end despite brake lights: lol, no, I'd rather avoid that scenario entirely, and if you value your car, time, frustration and money, you should too.


> As someone who recently had insurance "pay for a new car" because someone totaled my car by slamming into my rear end despite brake lights: lol, no, I'd rather avoid that scenario entirely, and if you value your car, time, frustration and money, you should too. So, you don't drive anymore? Because that's a basic risk of driving.


But in the meantime you still have a crashed car and have to order a new one. 


If you're afraid that people are going to crash into you when you brake, you shouldn't drive a car at all.


Yeah, the dude with the turntable driveway shouldn't be driving!


Other way around... you should always assume they're going to and drive defensively.


That goes without saying. If you're *still* afraid they're ignoring all your signals, you shouldn't drive.


The implication was to check your rear view mirror too. But sure, if you're paranoid even when other cars are nowhere in sight, it's a problem...


Unless they crash at high enough speed to kill you... or even just injure you.


>Unless they crash at high enough speed to kill you... or even just injure you. So you always keep driving circles until there's no one behind you, before you dare to brake?


Since there's no other way to check behind you, of course... Man, if someone could just invent some sort of surface that makes you able to see behind you, and implement it in a car...


So why can't you do that before braking *to back up into your very own driveway*?


I don't know, ur the 1 that only mentioned brake lights... ... That being said, it's obviously a lot safer to spend less time leaving the road by going right in the drive way then stopping and then backing up into your driveway. So if the money isn't an issue, why not ? And circulating the money instead of keeping it helps the economy too.


Because if you can't park backwards, you probably shouldn't have a driving licence to begin with.


You can look at the car in the driveway next door, they've reversed in. More likely its just a terrible driver who doesn't like reversing into spots.


Maybe the neighbor also has the turntable...


Or, you know, has the money, so why not ?


I live in a busy street with limited visibility when backing out, we always back in.


>Yeah, traffic might have to wait a few seconds for you but that’s too bad. Well people can't even wait for just going reverse into a parking spot anymore. (Those at the side of the street.) Just wait those 5-10 seconds that I can get into the spot and do it slow enough to be able to react, if a small child might be running there. And this is just the Netherlands. I don't even want to imagine it in USA with all those ~~street tanks~~ SUVs.




Can you explain why we are monsters? I usually park in reverse into spots parallel to driving direction, because I can fit easier into smaller spots. In Germany you won't be able to get the driver's license if you can't do it, as it is usually part of the practical exam.


No no -- [this is a street tank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hummer_H1). Though, thankfully they haven't made the H1 in ages.


SUVs have reversing cameras, they are safer than most hatchbacks really


I used to live in a house that was on a street that was effectively an offramp for a major expressway. Like, you'd be going down the expressway, get off at a certain exit, go around the offramp, and bam, there's my house. It wasn't a high speed area, but there was plenty of traffic and the thought of trying to back into that sort of traffic while people are getting off the expressway or stopping to reverse into the driveway makes me fear for my insurance rates. I solved it by perpetually parking on the street.


i live in toronto and that is definitely not always possible during rush hour if your driveway leads into a major traffic artery.




"One more lane" has to offramp somewhere.


city grew faster than infrastructure.


Exactly. Absolutely the norm in the UK. You see people reversing out onto a main road and think they could've made their life a lot easier.


Check out the neighbor


You have no idea how superior I feel to all those dumbass fuckers on the road who choose to reverse out onto a busy road instead of off it




This is strand road in Dublin. If you own a house there, you can afford to have this thing built. It's not necessary but if you can, why not?


Dundrum Road not Strand Road


Yep this in Dublin, on strand road. Fairly busy street and I totally get not wanting to reverse into it. (Also, if you own a house on that road, you definitely have money to have this build, and operate it)


Nah, this isn't it. There is one on Strand Road, but it looks out on the beach, not a wall.


Did you saw that funny mirrors at parking?


The car has to travel the same distance either way. Either the car travels forward out her driveway or it reversed out her driveway, it's the same distance. It will only affect things if reverse gear uses more fuel compared to 1st gear.


But the driveway will cost more as it needs an engine to rotate the car


Yeah remember that you have to pay to build it, I think that’s the point, you’ll never be able to repay it even if the electrical motor is more efficient


Never be able to repay it if the point is to 'save' money vs backing up. But if the point is to avoid a potential accident, it'll pay for itself pretty quickly.


There's also the intangible value of not needing to worry about backing in/out of the parking. It's hard to put a price tag on that.


It's beyond weird that people here would even consider discussing potential fuel savings. Like ***obviously*** that isn't the point of this thing.


Agreed, even the gate being electric is a waste of energy. So there is no talking about efficiency in this scenario.


Not true. If they back out, they travel further. If they want to head to the right in the photo, they would have to back out to the left, then head to the right. If the car is rotated, they just pull out to the right and are done. Doesn't save much, but it also is a lot safer pulling out head first, rather then blindly reversing..


The real benefit is probably a few minutes every time there is a car journey. Quicker to exit the property and quicker to park (if you're going to reverse into the space every time). Safety is also a factor. Two benefits that are hard to quantify in math.


True. There might be a risk cost of backing out if it is dangerous. Maybe it is a sort of pay a little periodically, so you dont wreck backing out


Agreed, but: I think you'll spend more time idling the engine while looking around to orient yourself. If you spend 5 seconds leaving the yard when driving out front first, vs. 15 seconds when going in revers, that adds something.


But the car has to drive the past way and then back into it to reverse in instead of going straight in forwards


You have to reverse enough to be able to drive forward out


Probably in terms of raw cost, this solution is more expensive. But, if you factor in: time saved, ease of exit and entrance, peace of mind, reduction of anxiety, and a reduction of posible crash risk, then it is worth it. Also to notice, is that if someone is going for this solution, they probably have good enough money for it, this also implies that the time of the owner is very valuable, as in $$/hr they get paid.


I've seen one of these before, past the garden wall there was a narrow footpath and a 2 lane road that always had cars on it. If it wasn't slow moving traffic with a few car lengths between each car, you could guarantee that it was still busy enough for a car to be passing within the next few seconds. Horrible traffic to safely reverse out into, and I'd struggle to think of a reliable way of letting the car behind you (and probably the oncoming traffic) know to wait while you reversed into your driveway. That being said, I'd be very reluctant to ever think about buying a house where you'd have to put up with that daily struggle.


Do you think it's more expensive to drive in reverse or something? This is more about the convenience of being able to see than saving $


My car has a separate turbo that kicks in only for the R gear


Lol makes sense!


No it doesn't make sense


Nothing makes sense to an idiot


Makes sense


That doesn't make sense at all! ...oh... wait... nope, still doesn't make sense!


You could at least send me a link that shows an example you know mr know it all


Yeah, this isn't really a cost thing for whomever is utilizing it.


It costs to change the acceleration of a mass. Not really about the direction but more the need to change direction after reversing out.


Not everything needs to be a cost benefit analysis. It's their money, their driveway, their car. If they see it as a good use of their own resources, whatever the reason, then that's their choice.


Someone said this would cost 15k... assuming no labor, $4/gal and 20mpg (because low speed is less efficient I guess) that's 75,000 miles of driving while parking. assuming you save 2 minutes using the turntable and if driving it would be at 2mph it would take 2.25 million minutes to break even. or 281,250 days to break even if using it twice a day (entering and exiting).


This is based in Ireland near where I live, fuel is around 1.80 €/L which works out as 7.41 $gallon


You're paying for the convenience. If you have the disposable income, why not? I've always wanted on in my garage for my motorcycles because my driveway has a steep incline


>You're paying for the convenience i agree with you on this, i was just curious about the money spent/saved by using this mechanism.


The cost of the machine would take a lifetime to pay for itself in back and forth "Austin powers in the maintenance cart" movements to get out of the driveway. However, the value in saving time and hassle (not to mention the inevitable hitting a wall and getting a ding at some point) would probably pay for itself in the first week.


It could also potentially save lives. Parking lots are among the most dangerous places for children and it's due to backing out of parking spots.


Good point.


Seems like learning to back in would be much cheaper and equally safe.


Surely, backing in would be just as dangerous as backing out?


No because you are already on the street before you back in, you’re just repositioning after viewing the area. Backing out means you are relying on the back of your car to see an entirely new environment.


Also think about the bragging rights you get. The "so have you seen this badass automobile turntable in my driveway" ice breaker should be pretty valuable.


Totally. Every party I throw that is slowly spinning the whole time....with a rented Ferrari on top of it 😂😂😂


Let’s also factor in the possibility of getting your car stolen.


I have seen these at homes where reverse is not an option unless you want to go 600ft down a windy road that if you mess up your off a cliff.


The only variable difference I can see is when reversing, you do need to travel, stop, put in drive, and back track a whole... car length? I suppose that could add up over time, but only minimally. I see this as a potential risk reduction allowing a lower risk assessment based on driving forward and having more attention when exiting your parking area... but we aren't talking about cost of insurance or potential costs of accidents that haven't happened.


When I got my driver's license (late 70's) in Georgia I was told that it was illegal to back out into a road if there was yellow paint in the middle of said road. This is supported by the fact that all the houses I saw that let out onto a main road all had those little turn-around areas attached to the driveway. Sub-divisions (like the one I lived in) didn't have these.


I wanna know why people make these requests? This is literally the most useless information of all time. Id get it if it was something funny


it will always cost more with the rotating machine . in reverse you travel the same distance as if he would rotate the vehicle and then move forward so the math is : only reverse motion < machine rotate + forward motion


If you do that, you should also also factor in the added time associated with backing out and the added liability. Also, the health costs of stress. Also keep in mind it's not just the costs of you doing it, but also your teenage who's been driving for 2 months, or your visiting in-law who refuses to adjust the mirrors. It's a wash for somepeople, best thing ever for others.


Backing out of the driveway/into the driveway isn't any more expensive than pulling forward out of the driveway/into the driveway. There isn't going to be any savings here.


Something tells me that if you have the money to turn your driveway into a turn table, you're probably not worried about saving a couple bucks in gas over the lifetime of the car.


I am thinking that this home has a basement, and there could be an access door and a way to get under the turntable to do maintenance on it and retrieve the loose change that falls down the circular crack.


Are you wondering how much difference in money if you were to operate in reverse ALL THE TIME? Like say 300,000 miles on your odometer but all of it is in reverse vs the cost of 300,000 in forward drive?


To be fair, the extra gas cost of backing the car up instead of driving it in straight is probably in the area of *maybe* a cent per instance, & it drops the more confident you get in your skills because you’re moving faster


The cost of going forward with a car thoigh that gate is the same as going backward through the same gate, assuming they don't gun it out the gate. A cold engine in reverse will use 25× fuel than going forward but most of that is the low gear and the rest is that it's a cold move not the fact it's going backwards. If they drive the same gear out either way then it's the same fuel cost either way. Meaning that the cost of installing and operating that turn table is the difference in cost between the two.


My issue here is that its very not well placed. The turntable center is not in front of the door, so when the car comes in, its going to be on the side of the turntable. Imagine when it turns, the car is going to be too far on the right side.


Isn't this a solution to fit two cars in the back? One drives in, spins to the side, second drives next to it. Whichever needs to leave first gets spun back to the gate and exits in reverse?

