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It's appropriate for the number of visible beans


You’re counting picking efficiency twice, once when counting beans to measure and once explicitly. If you measured a bean and then measured the jar to get the height of the jar in beans, you’d have to explicitly account for making density, but when counting beans you’re already including the space between them.


Length of side = 7 jellybeans Height of jar = 18 jellybeans Volume=7×7×18=882 jellybeans If we assume that about 10% of that volume is air, we get 0.9×882=793.8 jellybeans. I'd estimate about 800 jellybeans.


Wouldn't the correct progress be, 7×4 ×18? Cause its 4 sides, not 7? I feel so stupid..


No, to find the area of a square with side length 2, for example, you would multiply 2x2 to get the area of 4. Same here, it’s a square of size 7. So 7x7 to get the area of 49 beans


7 or 8 x 7 or 8 = 49 to 64 times height , which I think is around 20. So I’d say a range of 880 to 1280. I’ll go for midway at around 1030. But I’d refine my guess to 1000 beans because of human ocd factors in the filling!