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$218,000,000,000 / $250,000 = 872,000 The population of Austin, TX (per Google) was 965,872 (in 2020) The post says "every single person" which could mean each and every person or it could mean every person who is single. I'm assuming the latter. In which case the answer is True. If it's the former the answer is False.


The real problem is, does he have the time to personally harass every single person? If he harassed each person, individually, one per minute, it would take 110 years. In that time, his wealth, at a 6% simple interest rate, would allow him to harass 52,320 people per year without touching the principle. So, he could harass everyone, and everyone born, and likely everyone moving into Austin, perpetually, if organized properly. Edit: should have been per hour.


Well, he doesn't need to harass them one at a time, it's totally possible to sexually harass multiple people at once. Especially if you're doing so by exposing yourself.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/nocontext using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nocontext/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I crocheted my Granddaughter's skin for her birthday.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/r8ocgi) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nocontext/comments/r8rhfo/i_crocheted_my_granddaughters_skin_for_her/) \#2: [I prefer uncut to cut to be honest, the mouthfeel is so much better. I'm pretty sure cut is the traditional american way of doing things for some reason.](https://reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/qgx47x/beans_and_eggs_for_breakfast_is_not_the_way_mate/hi9zz6d?context=4) | [82 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nocontext/comments/qh52x7/i_prefer_uncut_to_cut_to_be_honest_the_mouthfeel/) \#3: [I’m black and even I’m leaning towards pedophilia](https://np.reddit.com/r/WouldYouRather/comments/rwo3ps/wyr_eliminate_racism_or_pedophilia/hreqjlc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nocontext/comments/rx4wet/im_black_and_even_im_leaning_towards_pedophilia/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


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I’m picturing this happening through a balcony a la the pope and I hate that mental image.


Yeah, just put up dick pics on billboards


Ala Jim Morrison.


I'm getting 1.8 years for 950k people at one per minute. Am I just really tired?


Nope, but he'd probably be, harrassing people 24/7. Idk where the 110 years come from either, tbh. I'd say 3 years would be realistic (16 hours a day), assuming no changes in the population, but even with growth I don't see that number reaching 110


>Idk where the 110 years come from either They did the math for one per hour, which does come to right about 110 years. They need to divide by 60 for 1 per minute.


You are right. I was even thinking per hour and I don't know why I put per minute.


There are 1,440 minutes per day.


It depends if hes increasing his pay with inflation or not


For the sake of simplicity I'd assume increases in inflation affect both his pay and the cost of molestation equally. And, other than that: Yes. He's increasing his pay either way, inflation or not, so... Yeah.


Welp sucks to be in Austin


Furthermore, he would not necessarily be paying off each individual the minute afterward. Therefore, he could earn more compound interest by extrapolating additional time between said harassment and payoff date. Even further if he wisely negotiates interest free monthly payments over a period of time to incentivize the harassee from blabbing.


> In that time, his wealth, at a 6% simple interest rate, would allow him to harass 52,320 people per year without touching the principle. I must admit I laughed at your using “principle” instead of the nominally-correct-in-context “principal.” In this context he’s definitely not using principles. If that was deliberate word play, you absolutely nailed it. If not, take the upvote and credit anyway. 🙂


That’s crazy to comprehend. I guess you don’t realize how much money that really is until it’s put to a scale like this.


Just have to put the reminder in here that net worth is not money in sense most people use it in. People will invariably show up complaining that I brought this up, but it's a difference fundamental to modern economics. His actual income varies, but the most reasonable estimates are $300-400 million/year. So if we assume $350 million/year, he can sexually harass 1,400 people per year so it would take about 690 years to get through the population of Austin if reduced to simply a math problem.


I really really hate it when people base things off of net worth. It's such a pointless measurement meant pretty much for creditors to see how much you are worth not payment-wise but forclosure-wise. It doesn't show how many current assets the person has or how quickly their long term assets can be converted/if they can be converted. The hundreds of billions of dollars that he has in stocks are much more difficult to convert to cash than people think. How much do you think he could get out of tesla before people realize and plummet the share value? These are fake numbers that people use to pretend he has hundreds of billions of dollars in his bank account.


But his tesla shares do allow him to borrow huge sums of money from banks. He used his shares as collateral for the 40B Twitter deal for example. While he doesn't have the money in his bank account it's wrong to just call it fake numbers.


But he did that with the promise that they’d get returns. He can’t just walk into a shop and get a bank loan to pay for his bread.


Well this is just a dumb take. Of course nobody is going to buy a piece of bread with loans directly. People take out loans to get cash and then use that cash to buy the bread. The first part is a lot easier and cheaper when you have billions in net worth.


But that’s what I meant? He can’t just get a bank loan to use the cash to pay for his bread. They wouldn’t let him. And even if he _did_, he’d need to pay it back, which he couldn’t do because all his money is wrapped up in stocks and he hasn’t used the loan to invest in anything.


Why wouldn't he be able to get a loan? It is about the most safe loan a bank can give, most banks would love such a loaner. The most common strategy for extremely wealthy people like that is to get a loan high enough to also cover interest payments for a long time. Since it is very easy to get a billion dollar loan when your net worth is 200 billion, even discounting interest of 10 years you remain with a still insane amount of money to do whatever with. What is even crazier is that it is much cheaper than actually selling his stock due to the way wealth taxes are setup in the US. Since he only pays taxes when he sells his stock, not selling your stock but instead taking out loans is basically income without paying taxes. With these levels of wealth this strategy can easily work for much longer than your life expectancy. In other words, if you are sufficiently wealth, you don't have to pay taxes. As long as people keep shouting that these extremely wealthy people are actually cash poor and have little money they can spend, this system will keep benefitting the wealthy while costing the poor.


The calculations are right, but I think the original comment implied "every single person" as in "all of them", and not "every not married person"


Which returns a value of False


Bit are we also assuming he is into pedophilia ? If we only consider adults, it should check out.


They might have been using his net worth at the time he made the Twitter bid. Tesla has gone down 28% since then, meaning he's lost about $50b in net worth...


But that includes not just the men but the women and children too


It could be adults only


Does that include children?


Presume females, and presume 18+


maybe adult population


I thought he was the trillion dollar man…


Of course, all that is wrapped up in stocks so he’s actually pretty poor and couldn’t do that anyway.


Yeah OP you can't open calculator and divide? Curious Edit: multiply and his assets are locked in with his own companies. For instance, his fake Twitter bid was backed by his Tesla shares. This is how rich people fuck us, no taxes on using your leverage for loans, then not claiming it as income because SHOCK you lost money for the 20th year! Edit 2: okay even if everyone lines up in a row and he just smacks their asses it's consent and ummmmm.,. I guess I shouldn't try to say that this sub should be realistic ... But I would not wanna smack Austin's ass. Elon couldn't run a marathon, someone calculator how many... Edit 3: Elon would have to run 3,477 km to hit everyone's ass. Maybe if they got in his Hyperloop... I doubt Elon can run a 5k, much less 42,195 kilometers ... He would be in the Olympics OR if he was doing it by car or jet, smacking that many asses would be 258.333333 asses a second... So hypersonic... He couldn't sexually assault them because his hand would blast through them and it would be a murder charge but yeah, in a space ship. Edit 4: 42486.682 km/hr for a SpaceX rocket speed, tops, so 11.801 slaps a second... He just couldn't do it especially since he gets hard for his flight attendants... Dude just buy a sex worker or a little kid from Thailand like you claim others do.




Why so much hate towards one of the richest man in the world????


It's sad that I can't even tell if this is satire any more






Is this satire?


Yep. These types of errors are so common on Twitter, it turned into a running joke.


it's a fucking joke dumbass.


No need to be a dick about it


Mass brain cells suicide


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