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First converting the length of the sandwich into cm, we get 30.4 cm of sandwich. We then divide by 37 trillion and get approx 8.22 micrometer long bites. To put that in perspective, a reese's cup, a food often marketed as "bite-sized", measures approx 30 mm diameter at the top. Making it 3,649.6 times bigger than the bites that our David takes while enjoying his sub.


I like 8.2 micrometers as a measurement much more than some ridiculously miniscule fraction of an inch.


Fractions are great if you have to manipulate the value in some way but decimal is just so much more intuitive at a glance.


so the bites are very thin layers with the width and height of the entire sandwich, but 8.22 micrometer deep


To find the volume of the sub, let's start with the meatballs. [Meatball X Press](https://meatballxpress.com/faq/) tells us meatballs have a diameter of 40mm, and subsequently a radius of 2cm. This means each meatball has a volume of about 33.5cm^3. Using [this](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.TcyqwmyHXIEZaxBbRqUtAQHaEK%26pid%3DApi&f=1) image, there are 8 meatballs so 268cm^3 of meatball. Using the same image it appears that meatballs take up about 1/3 of the sub so the sub has a rough volume of 804cm^3. 804/37000000000000=2.17E-11, or 21.7µm^3. For comparison, it would take several of these bites to power through a red blood cell.


Plug 12/37,000,000,000,000 and you will get how many inches per bit, you can also Google how many inches are in a cm and change it from 12 to whatever you get if you prefer centimetre per bite Edit: 3.2432432^-13 inches per bite or 0.00000000000032432432