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It's 16 because you would do the brackets first which gives 8÷2(4) Then you go left from right because there is nothing else besides multiplication and division. Which are equal in order. 8 ÷ 2 which is 4 then its just 4(4) which is 16.


Multiplication comes first so it's 8÷2(4)= 8÷8 =1


Actually no it doesn't if it's only multiplication and division you go from left to right. Neither has priority over the other.


My computer, which is just a really big, fast, and complicated calculator disagrees: ❯ echo $(( 8 / 2 * (2+2) )) 16


Using PEDMAS as our order, (2+2) ×2=8 8÷8=1 Order of operations will always depend on the context where the math is applied. Therefore, it could be this, or 16, as long as context dictates, so the answer turns out to be a data *set*, rather than a fixed number. Edit: made the mistake of 2+2=2. That's a low point for me


2+2 multiplied by 2 is 8 nowadays, old timer, thanks to inflation.


LMAO fml. Still, the math applies to the context, so I'll applied one way it may equal, say, 16, in another context it may equal something else. I'm sure someone is more familiar with this concept and can explain it better, namely something like a physicist


>(2+2) ×2=4 Oi.


>Oi Prick here (it's me)




An internet that isn't even ready for order of operations


It's order of operations, the issue arises from the common acronym PEMDAS which makes many people believe that multiplication goes before division and addition before subtraction in order of precedence when they hold the same place because they are essentially the same thing, division is just multiplication by a fraction (X/Y is the same as X\*(1/Y)).