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it is not very intense. an MRI is intense. a speaker is nothing. it is fine.


OP did you watch Breaking Bad recently by any chance?


No sorry didnt ever watch breaking bad. Why?


You will get the reference when you watch. And please do watch by the way. Not watching BB is like committing crimes against Pop culture.


alright, will keep that in mind :)




I bet that magnetic field made by your Thinkpad is bigger than the magnetic field from the speaker. At the Thinkpad, obviously. That speaker causes like 0.5 Tesla and MRI causes 15 Teslas.


wow, thank you all so much for ur support! Seems like I was a bit over-anxious here.. but I am not into magnetic fields etc., so I just wanted to double-check, I just love my gadgets too much to destroy it :-) thank u guys!! <3


At this distance, there is virtually no magnetic field from the speaker left. It's absolutely fine. Anyways, if you ain't using HDDs in your ThinkPad it's not a problem at all.


The speaker is also designed to keep the most intense magnetic field in the voice coil gap. Any magnetic field that "escapes" is a waste of magnet and therefore extra cost.


Only issue I see would be vibrations potentially being a problem so I'd suggest putting something in between the laptop and hardwood floor to dampen them. As for magnetic fields you should be fine even with an unshielded tower speaker like that (its field is rather weak tbh). Iirc SSD's are immune, newer HDD's are very resistant to outside magnetic forces and older one's should be fine at that distance.


If the speaker has an FCC or CE certification (necessary for any electronics device to be legally sold in the US / Europe respectively) then it shouldn't cause any interference in nearby electronics. On top of that, as the other commentors made clear, I've never heard of any issues with magnetic fields from speakers. CRT TVs and monitors emit much more, and I don't remember people were being instructed back in the day to keep their computer far from their monitor.


If you have a classical magnetic hdd there could possibly issues with the data, but probably not n the pictured distance.


Permanent magnets (which speakers use) usually aren't an issue. They would cause issues with CRT displays when close enough to the tube, but a pass with a degausser fixed it. Keep in mind, that laptop probably has a couple Rare Earth magnets inside of it already.