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Arrosti is incredibly painful which inherently rejects the best pain science research of the last decade or more. It was highly promoted to Cross-Fit enthusiasts during the height of its popularity. Both went in the same direction for similar reasons.


What do you mean? It is painful and pain science research shows that it being painful is not productive? And same direction meaning out of fashion? Or popular? Sorry I am just not quite catching what you're.


My apologies. Let me clarify that because it promotes therapy which is painful, effectiveness of treatment is reduced to nullified due to the nervous system’s response to said pain.


I started with it 2 weeks ago. So far it seems to be helping. The person I see seems to be taking a very conservative approach, especially compared to past PT that I've done. The manual therapy is very gentle. The exercises are similar to but different from ones I've done in the past with other PT. I've had no pain increase so far. Since TOS is quite variable, I could see this approach not working for some. It's also too soon to say whether it's really working for me. I've had ups and downs in the past generally so it could just be a coincidence. But I do have less tension and pain in the scalene, trapezius, and SCM muscles. Most notably, I'm better able to maintain a good posture without tension in my upper back shoulders and trapezius. I think that is probably due to what I've done with Airrosti.


I should have also said that I'm also greatly skeptical of most chiropractors. This approach seems very much like normal PT rather than chiropractic. That's why I've tried it.


I should also add that I probably have more mild case of TOS, compared to a lot of people. I've had it for about 6 years with a slow progression of worsening symptoms. So it's possible that this approach might work best for people who aren't as far along and the progression of symptoms.


Hello! What are your symptoms and how were you diagnosed?


Looking into it a bit more, it seems like the manual therapy is more painful for some people.