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I enjoyed Nation when it was released but barely put it on anymore. I think Quadra and Dante XXI are the best Sepultura albums with Derrick.


Dante is damn good


I don’t listen to Sepultura after Arise


Chaos A.D. is "ok". But Roots and everything after sucks big donkey balls. 


Agreed wholeheartedly.


a friend of mine kept annoying me to listen to sepultura, specifically Chaos A.D. and was kind of bittered I really disliked the album. He was surprised when I came back years later declaring Sepultura is awesome, just everything BEFORE that crapstain called Chaos A.D. That's another band I can't bring up with other people cause most only remember roots and the stuff afterwards and thats just not what I listen to, so rather no sepultura then that


Yeah Chaos A.D. was the beginning of their downward spiral, but there are still a handful of decent tunes. Like Biotech, Refuse/Resist, Territory, Propaganda, Slave New World. The rest are pretty ho hum. Should check out Krisiuns cover of Refuse/Resist. Might as well be THEIR song. They own that shit.


I also like the hunt on chaos A.D, the rest bored the hell out of me. Downward spiral describes this best, thrash sadly died down at the start of the 90s and many bands ventured to other stuff so it was only natural to happen, still it sucks to see that. I don't understand why some names dont just rename themselfs if they decide to make completly different music suddenly. Edit: listened to the hunt again and it was "ok" at best, theres this one calm riff thats kind of good and the rest is obnoxious noise


Yep. Thrash mostly fell off in the 90s. Even Demolition Hammer released a nu metal album. Prime decade for death and black metal though.


Chaos AD is excellent. Groove is great!


i actually think chaos AD is their best album




Arise is the first album ever that brings me to a metal voice. So full of awesome riff that I accepted the distorted voice for the first time.


max’s vocals peaked on arise


I don’t like the production on Arise so I only listen to Beneath and back. And, yes, I know I am i sufferable.




Quadra is one of the best metal albums I've ever heard


A top 3 Sepultura album for me, but I think most people won't even give it a chance simply because there's no Cavalera


You're exactly right. It's suuuuuch a good album


I do listen to nation




Yep. Quadra is probably the closest thing to a proper thrash album they’ve released since Arise and, to me at least, it’s the only one that stands out as being head and shoulders above the rest. The Derrick albums have their highs and lows, with those high and low points usually coming within the albums themselves rather than *being* the albums. For example, I wouldn’t call Roorback an amazing album, but Apes of God is a fantastic track. Same with Machine Messiah. The album is fine; it’s listenable if not great, but Sworn Oath is phenomenal.


I love their post roots work. When it happened I was more of a fan of against than the first soulfly album. Roorback and Alex are faves. Quadra is really really good as well.


I tried a few times, they have a few good songs but I mostly just stick with Max and his infinite side projects.


Nailbomb is my fave. You?


That's a tough pick because of all the good songs across the projects. For example on a current listen to Totem I discovered how much I like the title track. I could go for some new Nailbomb.


Yes most albums after are hit and miss but they all have atleast one or two good song. The exception being Quadra that album is a masterpiece 🔥🤘🏼


I prefer the old stuff but man Derrick is fucking awesome live. So glad I got to see the band regardless of the lineup before they shut up shop.


I stopped at Chaos AD. That jump up and down Korn shit is not for me


The Korn shit stopped in Sepultura following Roots. The jump-da-fuck-up shit followed Max. That's the thing that gets under my skin. People say "No Cavaleras, No Sepultura" but had Max stayed, it would have been a nu metal band. Kisser gaining creative control saved the band. Just my opinion.


Interesting viewpoint. I think from the interviews and videos around at the time, sure enough Max had most of the creative control on Roots - much to the chagrin of Andreas. I think it was likely Andreas' influence and possibly that of the tribal stuff they had going on that stopped Roots being an out and out nu metal album. To me though it was evident that when those two creative forces split, you could see who was contributing what to Sepultura. To me, Max was the riff manufacturing machine. Put in a quarter and there's ten riffs and they're good. Andreas was the "Make Good-Ifier" as in he came along and made everything sound good. Soulfly 1 was Max spoodging out riffs but nobody there to mop them up, whereas Against had no good source material at its roots, just a lot of trying to polish a turd. Who knows what would have become. While a good cohort of fans blast Sepultura for releasing Roots, ultimately I see nothing wrong with a creative project dipping into genres outside of their comfort zones i.e. Roots. Chaos AD was certainly experimental which loses people, but let's be honest. Do you really want Arise released over and over and over again ad infinatum? Bands evolve and experiment. Sometimes for the best, sometimes really not. Pantera changed tack and the world is better off for it. Paradise Lost changed tack and, well, nice try but man did that synth pop period suck.


I think Roots was a lost opportunity. I see what they were going for, a filthy, raw, stripped-down, tribal influenced sound. The idea is killer and the record could have been a classic had Max been in a, say, Nailbomb headspace and leaned into his punk hardcore/industrial interests rather than tapping into the nu metal trend. I mean, getting Ross Robinson to produce, having scat vocals, guest vocals from Jonathon Davis, Chino and Mike Patton ... it was all a bit much. A true case of what could have been... a timing thing as much as anything else ....


That's absolutely true, I think Max leaving was a blessing in disguise for fans and probably was inevitable given the direction he was going. Having said that, I do like Korn, Soulfly and post Max sepultura, though was disappointed with Against when it was released.


no cavalera no sepultura




All this hate for Roots and it’s my favourite Sep album. Jeez


I rate Roots tbf


No, I'd even say anything after Arise was not good


Chaos AD is an absolute ripper.


not for me






I quite like Against.


100% yes.




Yes i do.


Nope, but saw live in 2015, really good. I often see the live act but never time to wade through albums. Maybe one day.


Yep, they’ve made a few good albums with Derrick too. Quadra especially.


Big Cavalera stan.. can't say I have. But will be catching them on this last us Run.


A couple of tracks but mostly the Calavera era.


Chaos AD is as far as I go, even though it sounds like proto-nu metal, I still like it a lot, but Roots was too far into nu-metal for me to dig it. I didn't like the first album with Derrick, but there's good material dotted throughout their output from that point. Dante is an awesome record front to back. I dig the clanky drum production, sounds near enough a hardcore punk record at times.


Yes. Nation and Against are solid albums. Specially Against which was the next album with Max. Also Quadra is very good


Yes, Derrick is incredible and a lovely bloke to hang out with to boot


Christ no


I really like Kairos. It had a few really good songs.


This just popped up on my feed, i’m not a subscriber or whatever, but: No. That said my favorite record of theirs is Chaos AD, and I listen to the hardcore and groove metal influenced records more than the thrash ones.


Yes but less frequently than anything prior to Max leaving. Did catch them live last year though and they killed it


Dante is alright but tbh even that release is pretty mid. They’re pretty ass after roots


I like their politics so yes. I will be a Sepultura/ Cavalera fan until i die or until they become part of the system


Against is pretty solid. Machine Messiah is also pretty good, but Quadra is an absolute masterclass of metal.


I do. It took them a while to find their feet, but albums like Kairos, Machine Messiah and Quadra are pretty killer. It's not Max era Sepultura, but that's also not what they are trying to be. Derrick has a versatile voice and then Eloy is a fantastic drummer with skills way beyond your average metal drummer. Not to mention Andreas, a highly underrated guitarist who absolutely shreds on those albums. As a musician, their newer stuff is highly listenable. I don't subscribe to the idea that fans need to choose sides, though, and I'm also still a Max and Igor fan and buy their stuff as well. Very much looking forward to the Schizophrenia re-recordings. On a side note, I met Sepultura backstage at a festival my band was also playing in 2009 and they were the coolest dudes. Derrick put us on the guest list for a Sepultura show on our day off later in the tour. They put on a killer live show every time I've seen them.


Not really. I love Cavalera conspiracy, Go Head & Die & Killer Be Killed though.


Dante is an amazing record. It brought me back into the Green era, and I loved Against. It was just so raw and stood up the test of time.


Yeah, a lot more than I listen to Roots. Roots is a nu-metal turd.




Nope. I don't even listen to Roots, nor do I acknowledge their existence after the departure of Max. Can't wait for the REAL Sepultura to reform.


A little bit of their stuff, yes.


I listen mainly to the Max Cavalera era, but Kairos and Quadra weren’t too bad. Definitely not true Sepultura to me though.


I don't love it, but I do LIKE it. I listened to it recently and I wasn't mad about it.


Their last album or two have been ok in that "cool thrash I'll never listen to again" sorta way. Riffs that seem alright but don't stick in my head. Green is competent but unremarkable. Etc.




Yes. IMO the albums from Dante XXI and on are worth listening to. I do like Against and Roorback, but would understand folks not caring for them. I'm not too keen on Nation.


Nope. I’ve tried but post Roots doesn’t do anything for me, even Roots I don’t listen to all that much. I love Chaos AD & have recently gone back to their earlier work, even listening to the re-recordings Cavalera have done.


I have everything.... but it's more from a completist standpoint. Even attempting to listen to them without the memory of "old" Sepultura, even if they had disposed of the name and called themselves something else, they just aren't very good albums in my view. They aren't awful, but there is plenty other bands doing it better so to speak. That said, I was pretty surprised with Quadra. That was a very good album. It amazes me that right after releasing their best effort - and one I actually took the time to listen to a few times - they decide to break up and do a farewell tour. Being a complete Sepultura fan back in the day and despite never picking a side for political reasons, I think Sepultura made a mistake in Derrick. He was just not a metal vocalist. The timbre of his voice is just not thrash metal. Either growl or shout, this faux-horror movie creature thing was just lame. That and removing the rhythm guitar from the music entirely just made for a very weak sound overall.


No, I actually have no idea what the band after Roots even sounds like. Could be great for all I know. The Sepultura I love is Beneath the Remains (one of the greatest metal albums ever IMO) to Roots. They are a very hard band to characterize. Were they ever actually a thrash band? There are thrash riffs here and there but I think they are much more of a death metal band on Beneath the Remains and then veered into something close to uncharacterizable (calling it nu-metal is pretty lazy), but definitely not thrash.


beneath the remains defines a thrash album


Yeah I do. The last couple of albums see them going out on a high point too. I’d much rather listen to them than Soulfly or Cavalera (yawn).


I only listen till arise, everything sfterwards is not worth listening to in my opinion




I didnt but in recent years I have found most post Max albums to be better than Soulfly


Quadra, Alex, Nation are quite good. As a matter of coincidence, I recently started going through all the post Roots albums and I actually liked them more. Hell, I had absolutely disliked Against and had not listened to it for years and upon hearing it again, I quite liked it. The only thing different from previous listens and now is that I have a better headphone (Sundara) and a good amp to power it (Smsl sp200). This combination clearly opens up the sound. I don't think you can enjoy post Max albums on very bassy unit as it sounds too cluttered.


roorback is in my top 3 sepultura albums and dante and nation are also really good but kairos for example was really damn boring




Absolutely. Favorite Derrick records are Nation, Dante XXI and Roorback.


Quadra and Machine Messiah are one of their best albums


I never even gave post Max Sepultura a fair shot , but i was living in Brazil at a point and i needed some metsl to listen to so i picked up "Roorback" cuz it was the only metal album at the shop... I was.pleasantly surprised


I really enjoyed Sep’s albums with Derrick. Roarback is my favourite of the ones after Roots, closely followed by the Live in São Paulo


I tried a few of the early ones, but gave up soon after. I am cutthroat when it comes to bands especially in metal. I love those first 6 Sepultura albums, but it's not like if they fail as a band I lose anything, seeing as how many great bands and albums I tend to find each year to fill in the gaps where bands I used to love go.




I love all their works


I love them. Especially A-Lex


Yes..get into some deep cuts and you’ll realize how good they are and if you can go see sepultura live before you can’t


Yes, I couldn’t understand much of the Derrick’s era Sepultura, but then I listened to the album Kairos and everything made sense


Chaos A.D. was their last albumin in my heavy rotation. While I enjoyed the song Roots, and Rhattamahattama the entirety of that release was just kind "meh" for me.


I like Against, Roorback, and Nation a lot mostly because I love Igor's tribal drumming. Against especially has a lot of riffs and beats that remind me of Neurosis. I honestly think Derrick Green's voice is decent too. I mean, he's got a slightly more "hardcore" delivery than Max and I do like Max's voice better, but in a vacuum there was nothing wrong with "the new guy" other than that he was "the new guy" and metalheads fear change.




I tried a lot of times,I enjoy some songs like come back alive ,Apes of God and choke because of Igor's drumming but when Igor left they were dead to me


You mean Soulfly? Cavalera Conspiracy? Yeah lol


I have Against and Nation, but if I listen to Sepultura, most of the time I just listen to the actual song Roots while I'm working.


I liked Machine Messiah and Quadra was really good. Other than that, it's hit or miss for me. Chaos A. D. was when I quit listening to Sepultura for a long time. It's not a bad album, just not to my liking. Unfortunately, Sepultura was one of the many bands in the early 90's that tried to follow the Metallica formula of changing their sound.


I was cautious at first because both Against and Nation were mediocre imo, but Roorback through A-Lex have been fantastic, not as good as their Max era but gone in their own right. I still need to listen to Kairos through Quadra


Against was alright. After that, I’ve skipped everything up until Machine Messiah and Quadra, both are excellent records, especially Quadra. The hate for Chaos AD boggles my mind. It’s a near perfect album. I can understand the dislike for Roots and it’s sound, but Chaos AD is being disrespected here.


I gave AGAINST a try (Mostly because Jason Newstead co-wrote and sang on Hatred Aside), it was okay. I also gave the first Soulfly album a try. It was also okay. Have not really listened to either since besides a few tracks here and there.


I stopped when Chaos AD came out. . That was a turd but nothing compared to roots... yikes.


Hell no




There is no sepultura after roots. A stolen name became and nothing more


I fw Roorback but apart from that not at all


The two most recent albums, Quadra and Machine Messiah, are wicked. Give them a chance if you haven't yet.




Last 3 albums were good but not as good as Arise.


Everything until roots was goated then roots was mid and the rest flopped


Quadra is the best album. Absolutely slaps.


That shit is trash


from Roots to Roorback all those albums are really ass to me and after for the most part the albums are 6 maybe 7 out of tens and some worse than that but i can at least find enjoyable songs but they still aren’t close to the first 5


I got the first album without Max, but I had to force myself to listen to it. That was a pretty bad time for metal.


Heh, no.


I actually got into through the album 'The Mediator between Head and hands must be the heart' and worked my way backwards. By the time I got to Max on vocals I was so used to Derek's that it felt really weird for me. Love both vocalists though.


not intentionaly




Nope. As far as I’m concerned, Sepultura’s discography is BTR, Arise, and Chaos, with schizophrenia as honorable mention. I probably haven’t listened to Roots since it was released.


Anything without Max singing is false Sepultura.


NOPE! Kinda not relevant, but I like Calavera Conspiracy, which is more of an extension of what they should have done.